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Just Alice Jun 2012
I see the lights in the distance of the ocean
                                                       All I can think is if I can reach them
                                                                  maybe I'll be at peace
                                                   But that would also mean I would drown
                                                         Fully clothed and scared of water
                                                                  I would never make it
                                                           But would that be a bad thing?
                                                                  To die reaching peace?
I think that would be good
The black inkiness of the water
The solitude taking me away from
   a problem I have always faced
To die with the quiet peace of reaching
I do not think that that would be awful
                                                                   It doesn't look that far
                                                                 But I know logically it is
                                                            Everything in life looks like that
                                                       I stand at the verge of the great abyss
                                                               Just as I do with everything
                                                                              With life
                                                                             With love
                                                                        With everything
And yet I walked away
Is that a sign?
Will I give up for the fear of death or failure?
Will I give up yet again?
Will I quite because I fear being lost and alone?
All I am is afraid
All I have are dreams
Yet I fear the unknown, the chance of death,
the possibility of failing
                                                              I can't walking into the water
                                                        Just as I can never follow my dreams
                                                                    This life is impossible
                                                               Of course I can never go far
                                                          I dream but that is all it will ever be
Just Alice Jun 2012
I have aged
Not my body
But my eyes
my mind
my heart

I have gone beyond wrinkles
and arthritis
My time is that of an old woman
With experiences that can only haunt
those who have lived way too long
Just Alice Jun 2012
Oh sleep
That which most desire
As blissful peace
Whereas I look upon it with complete loathing

Oh the things that creep upon your sleep
The most terrifying of times
The irrevocable consolidation of your darkest desires
   and deepest fears

Where past ghosts and future demons
Lurk in the shadows
Ready to devour
Every hope
Every dream
As you slumber

Unaware of the pretense that this is all but make believe
All is but a dream
From the deepest recesses of your mind

I never wish to slumber
To sleep,
   but never dream
For in those dreams
We can never forget
The damages and harm
Forced upon our person
By trusted souls
Who still roam
Who still roam
Freer than we will ever be
Just Alice Jun 2012
I see it in him
I see the pain
And I see the desire for some unknown
I see it in him too

What has occurred to put such depths into his haunted eyes?
What emotional trauma or physical dilemma
has created the man I see before me now?

Matching haunted spirits
Troubled minds
Searching for hidden answers
to unknown questions

Is this combination of two unnerving bodies wise?
Is it a volatile danger that is ready to break apart?
Could this be the cautionary tales once whispered
by our loving parents
as we were safely tucking away at night?

I don't know
I honestly do not know
He will be leaving soon anyway
So what's the point?
Another person
Another life that touches mine
Another life that disappears

Just the same old sad song
Stuck on repeat
Just Alice Jun 2012
It seems to me that everyday
We spend it running from something
Running from nightmares rather than chasing dreams
Desperately trying to find someone or something
That can turn us away from this hideous race

Where is everybody?
It seems as if they live their lives in isolation
Surrounded by their perfectly manicured lawns
And their extravagant cars
All these tragic lost souls trapped by their own greed

We contain the seed of our own destruction
Always running, rarely chasing
Where nothing is true and everything seems limited
This seductive dream of perfection is chasing us all
The nightmare of not being exceptional

We would **** our way to perfection
Or at least society's perfection
Just Alice Jun 2012
Walking around I feel the darkness upon me
I'm ****** into a room
No one can hear me scream
Breathing becomes different
Each breath labored out of dry lungs

The walls move in
Suffocating me
Forcing me down

I press against the walls
Push with whatever strength I have
Not enough
They continue to move in

"No, please don't!"

But no one can hear me
I can see the shadows of others move past my box
But no one cares
They just walk by

Some stay and watch
Maybe for a second
Maybe for a minute
They tug at at the box
But than they give up
and they walk away

"Please, come back!"
"You were so close!"
But no one stays forever
They all give up on a lost cause

And that box continues to move in
I'm crouching now
Trying to preserve what little space I have left
Tick tock
Tick tock

My time is dwindling
Few precious seconds are left
Will someone come?
Who will be the light?
What person will stay long enough to save me?
Who will care enough?
Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock
Just Alice Jun 2012
Walking around I lose myself
I don't think, I can't feel
I just walk
I walk until I wake up
I move till I get to the point that I wonder
Where am I?
Who am I?

I am searching
For what?
I don't know
Maybe I am looking for excitement
or happiness
or fear
or maybe I'm just looking for life
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