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Oct 2018 · 79
So tender is the night
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
Tenderness falls from the summer night skies
Filling our room with gentle soft sighs
Feel me my lover Hold onto me tight
Shelter us both all through the night.

Tenderness overflows all through the heart
Etching a promise we two will not part
Hold me forever with your glitter ball eyes
For love like ours only grows never dies
Ahh gentle contentment
Oct 2018 · 679
Touch me in the night
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
Touch me. In the night
Like starlight lights the room.
Softly as their light
Falls upon us in its bloom

Touch me in the night
As the starlight sparkles
the darkened hours
Softly with its breath as
it submits to its gentle powers.

Touch me in the night
As a spark lights raging fires
Burning tender in passions bright
Smolder me in sweet desires.

Hold me close so all is right
Touch me in the night
We are not made to sleep alone
Oct 2018 · 163
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
There's a time of reflection of memories that hide.
We were drenched in youth and passion back then.
She was all the poems that ever were scribed
her steel grey eyes show  all the love that has died

We were drenched in youth and passion back then.
In time all raging fires will smolder and glow
her steel grey eyes show all the love that has died
nights are a place where lost  hours go

In time all raging fires will smolder and glow
Ghost haunt the soul that's as cold as the snow
nights are a place where lost hours go
There's a time when you learn all that you know

Ghost haunt the soul that's as cold as the snow
Are shadows just memories that won't go away?
.There's a time when you learn all that you know
Regrets are a meal that is  eaten so slow

Are shadows just memories that won't go away
Loves now a poet that loses all rhyme
Regrets are a meal that is eaten so slow
memories leave scars that can't fade with time
Not a form poet
but I had a go
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
at the edge of the ocean,
evening breezes.
cool the  memory of your love
I still see it
burning in its early passions.

The night breeze
softly sings love song's
As the wavelets
break over my bare feet
In the distance in the night
Someone is playing Bolero on a flute.

I can feel their fingers on my heart
The salty air purifying my senses
breaking into old lost memories
of lovers past..

In the distance in the night
Someone is playing Bolero on a flute.
Note by note touching my soul
I feel my passions
Smoldering red and on fire.

I need the sultry air
to drown my needs.
to bring solace to my heart
Reflections of moon and starlight
dance upon on the waves.
In the distance
Someone is playing bolero on a flute.
And tears are forming in my eyes.

Now uneasy at this intrusion
but spellbound
It is so beautiful deep and passionate.
In the distance on this summer night
Someone is playing Bolero on a flute
And my soul is aching
Music and passionate
Oct 2018 · 94
Color Me
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
Color me in hues of loneliness
as the tangled clematis vine
withers and dies
from the autumn shine.

Color me in the sound of emptiness
wishing to hear the night birds song
and the rustling of falling leaves
in a night that is too long

Color me in a haunting sea mist with the cry
of the gull over silvered waves.
and whispers of lovers
on forgotten graves.

Color me in burning fires that smolder
as cruel desires once again call her near
Echoing her tiny moaning passions
whispering in my ear
Oct 2018 · 81
Going Home
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
The ghost are everywhere.
I see them under the trees.
In gardens and ice cream parlors.
Standing by market stalls
In the village square.
Going home
to England
after all the passing years.
It is a haunted place

Yet it will always  be home.
The small English town
Lichen covered
sandstone everywhere.

Even the cobbled streets remain.
Shining wet in the ever present rain.
Between the faded
Old fashioned shops
lost in time.
On either side
Of the unchanged street.

A church clock strikes three.
As children jump from
The school steps
Like  souls joyfully
returning to heaven.

I see a boy with his scruffy dog.
They are happier than billionaires.
The dog reminds me of my boyhood pet.
A scruffy mongrel running happily
with an even scruffier boy.

It is only another ghost.
But I think it is me.
Lived in Canada
For so many years now.
Going back to England
is so bittersweet
Oct 2018 · 127
Sepia Memories
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
A broken soul in your eyes I see
A caged bird weeping to be free
Falsehoods smiling upon thin lips
Hiding sorrow inside a hearts eclipse
A beauty that defies my rhyme
Shadows of love long lost in time
A woman's smile
can cover
A sadness of heart.
Oct 2018 · 82
Old Silver
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
sometimes my love,
the familiar sight of you
burnished by the years.
dusting a table
or lighting a candle.
or reading a book.
fills me with the need to revisit
my deepest  
love and affection for you.

i look at how we became us.
and how I am thankful
for having you.

How graceful you are,
polishing the old silver of our life.
leaving your lavender scent upon pillows
Dreams hiding behind your beautiful eyes.
Those eyes,
That have always graced me
Through the years.
with the look of your love.

And of moments
when we return to the flesh.
You shine your love like old silver
with schoolgirl smile and loosened hair.
ignoring the ravages of the passing years
Always with loving
style and grace.

Embracing our span of days.
Ever steady against
the tides of flowing years.
you are
My safe harbor  
My anchor  
My guiding light
My truest love.
For you my love
Oct 2018 · 81
Apple Crumble
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
Apple Crumble

My daughter was about six.
That age of ceaseless question's.
Here it came the doozy.
The one I was waiting for,
Mommy, where did I come from.?

I should have been better prepared.
She had caught me off my guard.
Do I make this a biology lesson.
Full of penisses and vaginas.
Or does she deserve the hard truth.?
I rationalize the truth is always better.

You come from the purest
snows of the
Canadian rockies.
Endless Cold winter days
And nights.

where I ached for your father.
We made love on the bed
and kitchen table.
Underwear was  strewn
All about the house.

Burning in fires
that needed quenching.
Even when I was  making
apple crumble in the kitchen.

Her eyes looked quizzically at me .
demanding a better answer.

She said
Mom so babies come
from apple crumble?
I said yes honey
That's right.
From apple crumble
Go figure
Oct 2018 · 875
better than nothing
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
Tonight I am breaking the promise
that I made to myself, once again.
The one I made
to my heart and soul.
That I would not write love
poetry to you ever again.

To lock the doors to my heart
So those thoughts of you
Could not get back inside.
And haunt me in my dreams.

I am throwing away
the keys to my heart.
Into the deepest ocean.
Never to be found again.

To exercise the ghost you left
haunting the ruins of my soul.
Walking about inside it
As if it was still your home.
even though
I was ever enough
to keep you here.

I promised I would let you go.
To continue surviving and breathing
Even with the dagger
You left in my heart.

I promised myself
I did not need thoughts
of you to write
my poetry any more.

But here I am again.
Writing to you more love poems.
Because you are still at the base
of every one of my thoughts.

And without you
There is no more
poetry left in me.
So because....because of that.
This is better....
........This is better
.......................This is better.
Than nothing at all.
ahh sad hearts
after a lost love
Oct 2018 · 91
First loves are forever
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
In my heart the sadness flows
Of all of those loves we win and lose
I know it's just the  way it goes
But the choices are all mine to choose

Come back to me, my first embrace
In purples let me find my muse
Oh to see your sweet bright face
The one my heart can never lose

The night is cruel it haunts my mind
The voices are from a long lost time
Stop being cruel for once be kind
Stop showing me when she was mine.
So sad
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
When Love Walks In and takes you for a spin
Jude Kyrie

Even when I was only a little boy
in grade school.
Even then I knew what love looked like.
She wore glasses
and had two long pigtails
I carried her books everywhere.
She treated me
like her puppy at home.

In high School
I met love again.
Love  was more like a woman now.
But still a little girl inside.
Her softness was forming.
We looked into
each other's eyes
love and I.
Under starry nights,
And full of the glow of prom dances.
I bought love a corsage
Love kissed me for the very first time.

In college, love was now a grown woman
Full of radical  ideas and opinions.
Love stopped wearing lipstick.
And started calling men *******.
I said to love I am a man --I think
Love took me to her bed
She said not you the others.
And then left me for another guy.

After college.
I married love she was different
She was maternal this love.
She wanted to build a nest.
Where we could raise a family.
We had three kids love and I.
And I got left behind somehow.

I became the father of loves children.
And loves husband and breadwinner.
A bunch of labels.
Love stopped
seeing me as a man.
I nearly died of loneliness

After the divorce
I was  forty-five.
The kids left home
Love And I split up.

I found love again.
She was older wiser did not fall for
the cries of men easily.
She took no wooden nickels.
But I loved her .
Love said we do ok for retreads.
I told love she was beautiful
Even when her eyes were red
From crying of her lost love.
Then she wept
perhaps once too often.
And love  left me.

It's been awhile since love left.
But I know she is out there somewhere .
sipping a latte at Starbuck's in Seattle
Watching the Christmas  tree light
in Washington's square.
Sunbathing in a bikini on a beach in LA.

You see when love left me.
I left the door open.
I whispered softly.
Bye for now Love,
for coming to see me.

Don't be a  stranger love
come back soon
I love it when you are around.
Ahhh Love
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
Here I am again my love.
alone writing love poems for you.
Poems that I know
you will never understand.

Do you remember the old railway station?
bustling with commuters and noise
soot flying in the summer air
and you  stepping from the train
blooming like the sun
in a bright yellow dress.

Oh god you were so beautiful
more than my heart could stand.
Just the feeling of your lightness
your body under the delicate cotton.
You were all my air
all my sunlight
all the desires
that made me exist.

How you tantalized me
with your feminine power
and I was your besotted victim.

You have left me now
of course.
Such beauty as yours
is not for ordinary men like me.
You have returned
to the old station
taken the train
to the bright city lights.

Take all my things
I do not want them, anymore.
Take my heart
it only beats for you anyway.

I shall sit here forever
at the old station
writing love poems for you.
beautiful and lyrical
and burning with passion.
Love poems that I know
you will never understand.
Ahh lost love
Oct 2018 · 605
My happiest moment
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
It was the first blossoms of  May
I think
A time of perfumes and fragrances
That dripped promises like honey.
No matter my love,
that some would fade
like the cherry blossoms

My heart was filled back then with a
room full of tomorrows.
Our children were asleep in their beds
the youngest as new as the lilacs.
And we sat closely together

Sharing the spring morn with a coffee ***.
I still remember,
The morning sunlight caught the burnished
shine of your beautiful hair.
I thought how good it would feel
Cascading onto my bare chest.

I looked at you at that tender moment.
Not as my wife
or the mother of my children.
But as the woman I could not
get enough of when we first met.

I know we were always working
back then
always tired from disturbed sleep.
Never enough money
to go around.

But even now after
a long lifetime together.
If you were to ask me
were you happy
back then my love,
I would answer
yes my love
so happy
so very happy.
Ahh the hard times
When passions raged
Oct 2018 · 941
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
In the darkest hours of the night
I sit at my piano.
sleep is now for another time.
Inside of me
I am lonely in a way
that no closeness can mend.

I play chopin's nocturne.
Just like I used to play it for you.
before I lost you.
Touching the keys as softly
as you once touched my skin.

Through the open window
My nocturne joins the echoes
of the woodlands.
The milk toast pools of moonlight
gather silvered  in our pathway.

The melody is gentle and  sweet now
And pouring melancholy
Into my veins.

All I can feel is you.
I know that in that illuminated
World that knows no pain or sadness
You have your hand pressed against
A distant window,
And my music is playing in your heart
Jude kyrie Oct 2018
I need to write you a love poem.
No Maytime and flowers.
No June and moon.
But smoldering with passion
And heated desires
so much so
It will slow down time itself
to a motionless crawl
dragging out
the seconds into hours
Until you return to my bed.

Filling your thoughts with
Desire and lust.
As dangerous
as the surging rapids
of the mountain rivers
after the winter snow melts.

So intense
it burns away propriety
And we will feast
on its wild ancient flavors.

So encapsulating
upon reading its words.
You will unfasten your hair
as you drop everything else
and run to me.

And when we meet
No words
No words
No words
Let's not waste
our breath on words.
I think a nice cup of tea
is in order
Sep 2018 · 323
Love with a perfect stanger
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
I know exactly
when I fell  in love with him
It was at my sisters engagement party
I was weeping
I suppose I was jealous of my sister.
She had all that I did not.
No one was in sight
no one cares for me
well not beyond ******* me,
not for me, really

The fiancees best friend was a ****
he put the moves on me.
Another anonymous ****,
I thought.
I like your smell
are you wearing, my sin.
How ******* cheesy.

No, I hate perfume, I said,
I know you You Have a reputation
you would **** anything in a skirt.
I still like your smell he said.

And I wanted  to believe it
I guess I was lonely
I slept with him.
******* him,
it was sweet.

A couple of months later
I was pregnant, in the club
Up the spout,
Blasted into matterity
by a guided muscle.

But he just said, Oh ****
and asked  to marry me.
I said are you crazy
He  said
yes i'm crazy about you.

At the wedding he sang
A love song to me in Spanish
He learned ******* Spanish,
He had a horrible voice.
But it was the most beautiful thing
I have ever heard
so ******* beautiful.

When our daughter was born
he was the doting father.
He worshipped her
but he made me
feel like never before.
I loved him..
That womanizing *******
That treated me like gold.
He had stolen my heart.

Six years later
we have three kids now
I think he is probably
the best father
that ever was

But to me
He is the light,
that causes
my life to shine.
Love is a rainbow
Sep 2018 · 229
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
Tenderness flows from him to me
So much softness no one can see
His kiss is like eternity
As content as anyone can be

The silence quietly awaits for me
In a turgid wild unwelcome sea
But now his tenderness flows for me
Inside my soul where none can see

The storms they break the evensong hours
In a deluge of unwelcome showers
His tenderness flows from him to me
So much softness no one can see
Sep 2018 · 118
If you go away
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
If you go away, as I know you will.
Leave on a summer day, when the world  is still
And the sun is warm, and the flowers shine
And the world is sweet, like summer wine.

If you go away as I know you will.
Leave when the nightbird's song
is loud and shrill
And there's no chance of rain
in an azure sky.
And the summer breeze
Whispers goodbye.

If you go away as I know you will.
And my. futures filled, with only time to ****
It will be kinder losing you, on such an afternoon
When the earth is sweet,
and the flowers bloom.

If you go away.........
If you go away.............
If you go away................
Ahh loss coming
Sep 2018 · 71
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
Your eyes are as green
as the emerald forest.
Smiling dreams of red firelight
in a burning autumn sky.
the trees resonate
the ancient mantras of time past
Cooling winds fed by
the milky moonlight
foretell the seasons change.

Golden leaves floating
in the thin air drifting like ghost .
The reflecting golden wavelets
on the pond
See a rising mist
of summers last  breath over them.

And the rush of this autumn beauty
stirs my heart
like a mother's touch
Love autumn
Sep 2018 · 94
My fallen angel
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
She stood facing
the fading sunlight.
High  upon a hill
beautiful and serene.
Her golden windswept hair
Glistened like a halo.

She told me
she was a fallen angel.
And her wings
had been taken away.
She said she would
teach me how to fly one day.

It was a sad
yet beautiful untruth.
She held out her arms
and enfolded me in them.
Like her wings.

The beautiful fallen angel
with the sunlit hair
and eyes as blue
as a summer sky.
the only one
who can make
my lonely heart sing
All love
Sep 2018 · 76
Waiting for Miss Right
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
I know she is out there,somewhere.
Her eyes will fill with love
the moment we meet.
Tears of joy will cascade
down our faces.

The clock that has ticked quietly
Timing our meeting
timing the beginning
of our love story.
Will chime beautiful music.
Celebrating our love.

I know she is out there
she knows I am here
waiting for her.
We just can't see each other yet.
But we will....we will..she is there.
Just like the stars are always there
Even in the daylight
when you can't see them
Ahh waiting for her
Sep 2018 · 85
From May to September
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
A Crimson Forest crackles autumns sounds
Like a rain of fire these falling leaves
A floral carpet deeply upon the ground
The last light of summer now deceives

In her gentle breeze the summer leaves
I stand alone in sad seclusion
My heart cannot ease the loss it grieves
Was summer just a sad illusion?

In visions dark as the shadows leaves
To mourn the beauty they once adorned
To lie in rest beneath the leaves
Grieving the warmth of a summer scorned
Changing seasons happen too quickly
much too quickly
Sep 2018 · 94
Tonight I must forget her
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
Tonight I must forget her
My broken heart must know
No more warmth will she ever bring us
Or light as pure as snow

Tonight I must forget her
And the music of her sighs
No more her love for me will render
From the diamonds of her eyes.

Tonight I must forget her
Let my thoughts of her be blurred
Her voice that's in my memory
Tonight must not be heard.

I must forget her quickly
And lock my memories door.
Or else I will surely break my heart
If I should  remember her, once more
love lost
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
I knew you were not for me.
Yes, even from the first moment
that I gave my heart to you.
Such beauty is for the gods
not for such ordinary men like me

When you left me
as I knew you would.
My heart was broken
into too many pieces to
ever repair.

So I live in the sunlight
of your memory.
Sometimes when the spring
Is filled with breathtaking greens.
And the sky is just too blue.
I close my eyes and reach
as if to hold your hand once more.
Just for a moment.
Only for a moment.
Not all love stories end
Happily ever after
Except in fairy tales
Sep 2018 · 624
Fading to darkness
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
Once you pressed
All the stars into my hands.
To help you find your way
In the darkness you said

Once the light from them
guided my way
Always to you
forever to you.

The gods were jealous
Of the one who could
catch their stars.
They took her away
to be one of them.

Now all I have are memories.
And a single star
That is held tightly in my hand
slowly slowly slowly
Fading to darkness
Starlight thoughts
Sep 2018 · 179
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
Dance with me slowly
For the rest of my life.
Dance with me always
through troubles and strife

Dance me through laughter
Dance me through tears
but dance with me always
Through passing slow years

Dance me through family
dance me through home
Dance me through children
And dance me alone

Glance to  me your sweetness
In your glitterball eyes.
Fill me with your loving
Fill me with your sighs
Love you honey
always will
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
On gossamer wings
There flies a dream
Of you and beauty
And wedding rings

In soprano voices
my happy heart sings
Of you and beauty
and wedding rings

In children's laughter
And the joy it brings
Of you and beauty
And our wedding rings
For you
My love
your Jude
Sep 2018 · 77
In the darkness
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
In the darkness
The wind is wailing
All my hopes and dreams
are failing

All nights dreams
forever weeping
All my hopes
Are softly sleeping

In the twilight
light restores
With breaking waves
on distant shores

But in my heart
the wind is wailing
All my hopes and dreams
Are failing
Just a  bit blue today
Sep 2018 · 511
The Gift
Jude kyrie Sep 2018
The Gift

My heart has a precious gift inside
So exquisite,  from the world it hides
All day so silent as though it died
But when I come home
from life's wild ride.
With softened voice and gentle sigh
I gift it to you, each eventide
For you
my love.
Jude kyrie Sep 2018

sometimes the sky's too blue
The stars are too bright
sometimes the very air we breathe is intoxicating.
I know this…. I know this.
She was just 18
I was only seventeen.
I was far too young
To be a safe place
But passion roared like a lion.
I was its slave.
She took me after the prom.
I swore I would die loving her.
That was not a lie.
But life is a ghost
A specter that returns to haunt you.
She told me she was pregnant.
I was overwhelmed’
I was frightened.
She left me
I went with her to the clinic.
I sat outside in the beat up Chevy.
She moved to LA far away from the tiny
town I lived in.

About fifteen years later
I saw her again
She came back for a class reunion
She saw me I was drinking a glass of wine
My heart stopped I felt a flashback.
She was angry at me I know
But I asked her to dance with me.
She finally accepted
And the ice melted
There is no one
who can take the place of the first --no one

She called me a *******
I agreed with her.
She said she hated me
I said I understand why.
She kissed me
And I kissed her back.

A year later
We walked into the fall park
Its beautiful foliage glowing in the evening sun
The twins were laughing in their stroller
I picked them up
And said
I love you guys so much
I will be here forever for you.
And she opened a door in the heart that  
She had saved just for me
And i walked inside.
I heard her close the door behind me
Locking me inside
She threw away the key
Into the urban jungle.
And I was safe here
Knowing I had found a place
That I would live forever
And I knew
That there is nothing
That can replace
The first time
the first time

Aug 2018 · 177
BIG DADDY..a short story
Jude kyrie Aug 2018

It was me I know it was.
I was too young
18 is a cruel age.
I like to say i was too vulnerable
but that's not true
It was stupid me for sure it was.

I was struggling financially at school
I was short of money
no scholarship no real job I just pizza delivery.
I needed that education to build my future up.
The Boston Fertility Clinic was high end expensive.
All I had to do was
Bash the bishop
Wressle the snake
And aim into a cup
I got fifty dollars every time.
Hell I was doing that anyway
five times a day for free .

What I did not know
Was that the ***** was toxic
highly mobile the doctor said.
If one landed on a ***** hair
it climbed up and found an egg.
You were pregnant honey.

And what I really did not know
Was the doctor at the clinic
impregnated over 200 women
With my *******.

That was twenty five years ago
I am in my forties now working as a computer analyst
Dating a lovely nice police woman
that told me yesterday she was pregnant
I was taken aback
I did not like or want kids

But then the lawyer appeared
There's always a lawyer isn't there though.
What's the difference between a lawyer and a carp.
Ones a **** ******* bottom feeder
the other is a fish.

She said the clinic I donated my ****** fluids to.
Was being sued by a group of people who wanted to know
Who their biological father was.
There were over 130 signatures on this claim they said the clinic used a pseudonym called big daddy and would not release  the actual name of me.
But the thick legal claim had the details of a hundred and thirty one of my offspring.
I thought I was more guilty of carrying a concealed weapon.

She elaborated,
  my ***** was so high performance
they Used it again and again with great results.

! got a lawyer to protect my interest.
She said don't contact anyone on the list profiles.
But I did.
The first was a young  lady of 19
She was pretty and feisty but out of work and had taken an overdose of drugs I found her at the hospital. And sat in a chair next to her ?she looked so frail and lost. It touched me I needed her to be ok. I held her hand as she lay sleeping that's when the bonding thing happened,
I stayed with her until she regained consciousness.
Who are you she said, I could not lie to her.
I am your biological father honey I whispered.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
I kissed her forehead
and said it's all going to be alright
you have me now.
It was a dumb thing to say
but somehow I felt it to be true.

The next one on the list was a young man of twenty.
Very very handsome and very gay.
He was walking hand in hand with his boyfriend
they stopped under a flowering blossom tree
and held each other closely.
He noticed. Me watching them and turned to me.
Kind of angry .whatsapp
  never seen a gay man before
or are you coming out of the closet.
I said no son not that
I am your biological father.
He stopped and then walked to me
touching my cheek like I was not real.
Then without hesitation he hugged me
and I hugged him back.

Then there was Olivia,
*** Olivia
She was only 10
apparently they freeze *****.
I found her in the orphanage,
she had been there for seven years.
The old nun grabbed my arm
when I asked to speak with her.

She told me her sad little story
there was a car crash involving a drunk driver
isn't that always the case.
Her parents were killed
and Olivia lost both of her legs
just below the thigh.

I noticed all the children looking at me
with sad pick me take me home looks in their eyes.
Then I found Olivia
she was so beautiful sat in her wheelchair.
My heart hurt
I wanted to do something
I did not know what but I had to do something.

She asked sweetly are you my daddy?
I nodded holding back a tear
and an irresistible urge
to pick her up in my arms.

I knew you would find me one day
she whispered
I just knew.

That's when

I got a letter from the lawyer she said the children that I had met had organised a meeting at the local cinema for all my children
That  I had sired
on the list of those who wished to meet me.
She advised me not to go
but I did.

I sat at the back no one noticed me
as this room full of about 120 young people
discussed their lives
and the reasons they wanted to find me.
Some good some bad.

There was a common thread
in their stories
of feeling isolated or alone.
Perhaps different from the rest of the herd.

I went to the front of the theatre
and introduced myself.
I am your biological father
all of you
every single one of you.

I want to say you all speak
of isolation and being alone.
Well you are not.
And never will be alone.
You are members of the biggest family on earth.
You and the ones
that have not yet joined your group.
Look next to you
at the beautiful woman or man
they are your brothers and sisters
you are all one family.

The room went silent
then they applauded
and started hugging each other
talking differently with each other
irrevocable bonds
of the family unit from time itself
was with us all.
Sure a rainbow family
but that's not unusual
in this digital world we live in, is it?

That's when the wheels fell off
And I fell down the mountain.

we were not the only ones there
the newspapers
if you can call the filthy tabloid newspapers
had a field day,

I was the nine day wonder they crave
it was relentless my face on tv and.
The newspress.
I became the **** of all the jokes
On night time tv monologues.


I did not know jerking off was a job.
He's representing America
in the olympic ******* freestyle event.
He came in 1st 3rd 9th and 12th in the trials.

He's making money hand over fist.
He works his fingers to the bone
it was endless.

I lost my job
the paparazzi hounded me at work.
But what hurt me most of all
Was losing my beautiful pregnant police lady.
She was disgusted
that I had fathered all these children
The guys at the precinct laughing at her all day.
She forbade me to see her.

I ****** the lemon
and tried to move on with my life?
I had Olive stay with me every weekend.
And she was visited by some of her blood relatives
Who took her out and to the mall.

Four months later
I got a call from the hospital
My police lady was in labor
I rushed to the hospital
and stayed with her as our son was born.
She said you are still an *******.
I hung my head.

Then as we looked into the doorway
of the small wardroom.
We saw a huge crowd of young people
over a hundred of them.

they had soft bears and baby stuff
leaving it in a huge heap.
Who are these people?
she asked me.

I Said they are my children
and our sons brothers and sisters
They love him
and want to welcome him into our family.

They pushed olive
into the front to see the Baby.
She smiled at him
and kissed his tiny head.

She said I am your big sister,olive.
and I will take care of you.
My police lady put her arms around me.
And said welcome home big daddy.

We married just before Christmas
and the adoption papers were cleared
as olive became my real daughter
not just my biological daughter.

The fertility clinic paid my lawyers
$500000 Settlement
against any action for damages
by me for overusing my *****.

It did not end there
The newspapers and tv
showed the adoption of olive
and a hospital in minneapolis
donated the latest robotic legs for olive
who now walks and wears jeans and skirts.

And I have constant
connection with my children.
And best of all
we have an endless
supply of free babysitters.
I like this one
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
The portrait of a lady

1926 London England

He was poor.
who needed a starving artist in this coldest of  winters.
Spending his last few shillings
he bought a ticket to the play.
It was at the London hippodrome.
Staring Miss Abigail Kendrick.

He had read of her for years
in a theatre magazine
in the little country hamlet
that he had spent his whole life.

In the theatre she shone like the star she was.
Even when the spotlights faded
All that he could see
was the beautiful color
of her turquoise eyes.

In the second act
he was in love with her.
By the end of the play
he was besotted.

He went back to his tiny room
By not eating
he bought the paints and canvas.
Carefully mixing his colors
on the pallet.

he found the exact hue he sought.
The perfect turquoise of her eyes.
When it was completed
he thought it to be the pinnacle
of his work thus far in his life.

After the next show was over
he waited outside
by  the theatre stage door.
Several Hours later
she appeared dressed beautifully

He stepped forward into the gaslight
from the flickering streetlamp.
You are the most beautiful creature
in gods creation he uttered.
I am in love with you
so much in love.

He passed the small painting to her.
And she took it from him.
It's's.. so beautiful she whispered.
Not as beautiful as you milady

She kept the painting
for her whole life.
Always in a predominant position
in her stage dressing room.
She heard the artist had died
a few weeks later
after he gave her her picture.

2017 London

The young woman entered
.the old building in London.
Her great great grandmother
had passed on
she was left all of her possessions.
She was over 100 years old when she died
and the girl knew there
would not be much of earthly value.

But it was her duty to clear her apartment.
She saw the programs of the the plays
her great grandmother had been in.

Then she saw the painting
on her old mantle shelf.
It was so beautiful
a portrait
of her great great  grandmother
in her maytime.

The eyes were dancing in the light
even now so turquoise
She had been a great beauty.
She looked at the name
of the artist in bottom corner.
It was signed.
With all my heart and love
Roger Donovan

Her heart stood still for a moment.
She had to call her own artist man
who had stolen her heart forever.

She. Pressed his name in her contact. List
Her cell phone sent the call.
The receptionist
at the art gallery answered.
Can I speak
with James Donovan please.

He answered the phone
He was excited rushing to tell her his news.
and said darling I have just completed
your portrait it is the best work
I have ever done.
I truly believe
I have the exact hue
of your beautiful turquoise eyes.
Ahhh romance
Aug 2018 · 153
Be mine once more
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
Come to the velvet night
Where gossamer dreams alight

Into the darkest  dark
Being to me your igniting spark.

Let go of all of
your doubts and fears
Forget your
lost and lonely years.

Bring back your
needing sighs
That can't speak
of any  lies

Give to me your soul
Let me be me
Just once  again be whole

Fall from a place so
high above
bring to me
all of your love

Until I can smile
Oh yes!
Until I can smile.
Aug 2018 · 532
The Drumbeat
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
In my ears calls
the drumbeat of my ancestors.

From many winters past
When the buffalo were countless.

And around the fires of the tribe
Passed the pipe of peace.

And the thunder of wild horses on the plains
deafened the ears.

The drumbeat
Comforting and disturbing.
Breaking my complacency
Begging me to return
to the ways
Of my people

To sing of my heritage.
That my forefathers
entrusted to my care.

Before the white man came
With his sticks of fire
Before they stole our land
And our children.
And killed our ways.

Come back to us my son
The ceaseless drumbeat calls.
We are your forefathers
And we cannot sleep

Touch the land
neath your feet.
For it is yours.
It is the gift
of our heritage

Listen my son
Listen to my heart
Hear my drumbeat.
For lost ways
Of people past
Aug 2018 · 677
The temptress of winter
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
She has a distant beauty
Unattainable yet intoxicating.

Touch my virginal purity
She purrs like a kitten in sirens call.
Come to me and see my gifts
Watch my patterned snowflakes
Shining as diamonds

Feel the heat of your breath
Melt my ice cold heart

Feel my needs
As I hang ******* icicles from
Your eves.

See the wetness dripping
From your windows warmth.
Touch me
feel me
Do not try to fight me.
For I am winter's bone.
And your powers are frozen by my touch
Love and hate of winter
Aug 2018 · 133
The fires of seasons
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
In shadows burn the fires aglow
Carpeted with hues of amber snow
A cooling breeze calls summers death
In tears of autumn she draws last breath.
The fires of autumns trees ablaze
Shouting of victory upon warm summer days
Bittersweet seasons
Aug 2018 · 184
Hues of blues
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
In my eye a vision is lost
It is the one that I love the most

Come back to me in soft velvet blues.
Color my soul with your purple hues

In my eye the past appears
Showing me all the passing years
Torment my mind with your vivid view
Burn my heart with silken velvet blue

Oh! Please set me free
So free of you.
Ouch love hurts
Aug 2018 · 157
Jude kyrie Aug 2018

in the night
a dish is broken.
In my sleep
I find a token.

Within my dreams
We are a ghost
Lost in time
A forgotten piece
Of life's moments
That always
means the most

Only the most…..
......Only The most.
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
When memories glow
like burning embers
And we sit by a winters firelight
The snowflakes falling in silence
Sleep calling to us in whispers..

The book of love
that we wrote together
Composed slowly
upon the fleeting years.
Once more falls open
in a vision of passions

When your eyes are as grey
as a foggy morn
Filled with sadness
as times ravages.scorn.

You will only weep in your soul
Because only I have loved you
Deeply inside your being

We are as two stars.
Within the same constellation
Glowing forever in the starry night
of an eternity passed.

Glowing together with the knowledge
Of a lifetime touched by starlight
Caught in the glowing light
of the timeless night sky.
all my love
Aug 2018 · 72
Jude kyrie Aug 2018

Beneath the hedgerows
stone built walls
upon the stately
cathedrals halls.

the yellow stained lichen
counts the years
With  forgotten gravestones
of ones so dear.

Time softly passes
in feathered sleep
As youth is lost
and I will  weep
…….and I will weep
What is a Lichen?
A lichen is not a single organism; it is a stable symbiotic association between a fungus and algae
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
In the darkness of the night.
That is the time she selects to haunt me.
I know I did not give any credence to her ideas.
She told me me she she was a mermaid
She had lived in the depths of the sea for a thousand years.
I know it was a sweet yet beautiful untruth.

If only , I could have let my heart become more receptive.
If only my ears cold have said listen….listen to her.
I smugly accepted her fantasy as a mild aberration harmless and mild.
She was of course the most beautiful woman i had ever seen.

She told me she was trapped in the deep oceans of forever until one day.
She built up enough courage to visit the surface where the humans live.
It was the abject loneliness of the depths
That had forced her to do this foolhardy embarkation.
She saw the sunlight for the first time.
The vivid beauty of non-watercolors met her eyes
The sunlight, oh! the beautiful sunlight.

He was laid upon the beach surely he was dying.
She crawled over to him wishing she had legs like a human.
Her mouth covered his as she breathes the life of his air into his lungs.
And she she fell in love
a feeling not known to her species.
She prayed to the gods of the deep
she offered her soul to be human.
Let me stay and breath the pure sunlit air.
Let me feel the love and touch of a lover.
She looked at her silvered tail as it melted
and the legs that appeared.
As he awoke from the coma of breathing water
he saw her beautiful face
So lovely so gentle ,
so much what he needed.

He married her and they had four children.
The happiness faded as she became ill
She said she needed the sea
The salt water would give her the air she desired and needed.
He tried every medication and all the doctors in the land .
But he was losing her. He knew -----he knew

She said i am to return to the oceans
To live with the merpeople/
I cannot stay here.

He watched as she walked across the sand
to the ocean that called to her.

Her children quietly followed her into waters .
They walked deeper and deeper until they disappeared.
In the late evening sunlight he saw their silvered tails.
His mermaid was gone.

For many months he mourned her loss.
Until he could bear it no more.
Until one morning he walked slowly into the ocean.
Deeper and deeper.
He knew he would surely  drown.

But he prayed to the gods of the sea
to give him a tail
That he may swim to find her.
His legs faded from him.
As he felt the purest salt waters of life
Accept him as one one of her own,
And swam into the deepest depths .
Far below in the secret caves of the ocean
he found his family.

She came to him .
You came to me my love.
You lost your fears and your disbelief.
I am your mermaid
And you are my man.
Its a bit fishy I know
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
I don't believe much about the afterlife, do you?
But it's real, I mean really.
How do I know
Well, I can tell you.

First it starts with the happy part of my life.
We got Married it was a beautiful June day.
Not a cloud in the purest blue sky.
We gave our vows
I had prepared mine.

I said
I was in college
I wasted my spare cash on a Motorcycle.
I needed wheels right?
Of course, I crashed it on a bend that I took way too fast.
She lifted up my head and looked into my eyes.
I thought I am dead she is an angel right.
But i was not dead and she was a woman
A beautiful woman but still earthbound
She said does it hurt are you in pain.?
I said agony, not pain
She kissed my lips
And she gave me a pack of fruit flavoured Lifesavers
Only the favourite food of my sweet tooth.
And here we are six years later with our son Ben.
Getting Married.
A thing she swore she would never do.

She said her piece
Thank you for not dying that day
For I am not sure I could have survived either
Because without you I don't exist.

The car crash was an accident that same  night
The rain that had hidden in the air we breath became a weapon of destruction
As it released the imprisoned water it held in magic within its structure.
The flooded road the  Dog walking across the country bypass
The sound of his head hitting the glass of the windshield.
The silence.

Eight years later

She had remarried
A second life
Far away from me
With my crutch of alcohol.
And distance.
She Blamed me of course.
Why did you not fasten his seatbelt?
He would have been fine.
I thought I did
But alcohol quieted the guilt

I drive myself crazy with guilt
But it doesn't help,
That's when the call came in.
I am a fancy high-end corporate lawyer now
Earning high six figures.

I had bought her out of the house
And couldn't sell it.
I was us when we were happy
When we were us.

The tenants had left it wrecked.
Where are all the good people?
I went over to the place
The inside was a mess broken glass
Windows smashed the place was a wreck.
But it had a fragrance of the happiness that once lived here.
I could taste it.
It was sweet.

Then I heard the noises upstairs in the attic
I pulled down the attic ladder and walked slowly around
Looking for the intruder.
Then I Saw him it was my dead son Ben.

He said hi Dad.
Wheres, Mom.
I could not believe my eyes and fell backwards
down the ladders and knocked myself out.
When I came around he was stood near me.
Dad where Mom
I said she's not here son.

Failing to mention her husband
and the two daughters he had from a previous marriage.
He said Bring her here Dad I miss her.

I called her
She did not answer me.
The man who killed her offspring I guessed.

So I drove over to her place and said you got to come to my house.
She came and saw Ben running through the house.
She thought it a sick trick.
And slugged me with the vicious right hook.
Calling me a sick *******.

After a week I told Ben I would get her to come
I went back to her place.
She said do you want seconds
I politely refused another punch.

She came anyway
And as she entered the door
Ben said Hi mom.
She wept in disbelief.
He said I pushed the seatbelt button.
It was me

We spent weeks with him.
I quit my job to be there
She spent way too much time with us.
But we can't let him go.
No way,
No way ever

One day I heard her scream
She said
I saw a woman here
In the chair in the corner.

I asked Ben
He said she's always here.

That's when she passed out with blood
running from her nose.
I rushed her to the hospital,

The doctor said you can see her now.
I put my arms around her and told her I always loved her.
And I gave her a lifesaver from the pack she had given me
So many years ago.

She kissed me and we were close again
No issue no sadness just close.
As we got home
Ben came to me
She is leaving with me. dad.
With the lady.
What lady I said
It's Grandma her mother
We are taking her over with us.

I cried as she left me.
I know she is the only woman in this wide world
That I will be this close too.

But it's OK
I also know in the passing years
Just a blink of an eye really.
We will all be together again.
Some things Maybe forever
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
Starting Over
A short love story.

Have you ever been in  love?
I don't mean the teenage.
Infatuation years
We all suffered that.
I am talking the mid life crisis,
The is that all there is years.

Im talking  the two teenage kids
And a solid husband who is probably
Twice as unhappy as me
He's kind when I say.
No he understands.
but no passion no real love.
We are kind of roommates not lovers.
And God how I miss that.

But I have had a job for twenty years
I am the wedding planner
And events manager at the country Hotel..
If I say so myself I am good at it.
I bring the weddings here.
Day after day.
I watch every detail taste every dish.
Make it perfect for them
not so much  for me.

I don't want to think back to when I first saw him.
It was a mistake my wrinkles about my eyes
That make up won't fix,
He was in the wedding party
I noticed him at least  twenty years my junior
So arrogant and young.
so beautiful god the young have it all.
so handsome and and a world full of forever.
so much out of my league

Why does youth need to look
so ******* beautiful?
I always watch the vows
at all my ceremonies.
They touch my soul.
They mean something in a world that
Does not care.

I am forty four
Well preserved but if you look close
Behind my smile still forty four year old woman.
This wedding flowed well
as all of my weddings do.

But I saw him at that moment.
He was the saddest person in the room
at most he was 23
I am a romantic
an unashamed card carrying romantic.
I noticed his tears.
and wondered why he was so sad.

Afterwards I found him drunk
by the elevator,
I held his head in my arms
And asked
Why are you  so sad its a wedding?
He said I love her
but she chose my brother.

It's against hotel policy
But I helped him to his  bed.
It touched me.
Me who runs a tight ship
Me who has two teenage children.
And a Husband who likes sports
Probably more than me.

I still let my husband have me
about twice a week
When I am not too exhausted
from my job at the hotel.
Its It's a ritual a chore but I do it.

The following week
eventually unravelled my life.
He came to work at the hotel
under me, I was assigned as his boss.

After work ,
I found him outside waiting for a bus
I don't know why I offered him a lift.
Perhaps his sadness
Or perhaps mine
Who knows?

As we reached his home
he still lived with his parents
I said cheer up
do something to cheer us up.
i was thinking tell me a joke or a story.
He leaned forward to me.
With his long blonde hair
He Kissed my face
Then his lips kissed mine.
I Felt his passion
God how I missed that
My Saturday night mommy mercy
***** felt useless.
He had to go
I could not let him throw
my life under the bus.
No he has to go.

I tried to get him fired
he would ruin my life
i know he would.
Yet he was all I could think about.
and the thoughts were not motherly.
That's for sure.
he had to go.

my boss said
No way  you can fire him
he works very hard.

I gave him all the worst assignments
for two weeks but he did them
without complaint.
Washing the dishes
cleaning up the toilets.

Then he turned to me
in my office when we were alone
and said
I love you.
I know your my boss
but I I am in love with you.

The  three  blessed  words I had ached
to hear so badly.

I said I am a married  woman
twenty years older than you
with two teenage children.

He said softly
you never mentioned
your husband.

Then as I realised the omission
He kissed me
I was alive again
something hidden and deep
stirred in me.
Something raw
full of want and need
and yes a glow of
tenderness swept over me

I have a key to a room
I keep off limits at the hotel.
I said go to 279
I stripped off my clothes
And covered myself
with a sheet like a toga.

He Came in and held me close.
I melted in need and desire
it burned like fire.
Me the take no prisoners boss lady.
I said to myself it's only once
why not what's the damage.
he's so beautiful.

I had no idea
I had fallen in love with him
Such a mistake.
Where  can we end up I said.
44 and 23 just don't mix

Perhaps after.
He had his fill of a mature woman
that never says no.
He would move on
just a nice time
a nice experience.
for a young man.

What I did not count on
was my possessive nature
I hated the girls at the hotel
offering him free ***
I heard it all the time.
they did everything
but take their **** out,
I got so mad at him even
if it was not his fault.
He was so
beautiful and Young.

I took him to my room every day
I stripped for him and he looked at me
with heated want in his eyes.
And he took me like an Ardent lover.
And I gave myself to him
anything he wanted he got.
i had lost the word No
from my lexicon.

My Husband found out
He watched me leave
with him And knew my
false excuses for my late arrival
home were lies.

I told him I was in love
The  whole family turned on me..
I went to my lover
he still lived at.
His mother and father's home
They were out for the day
We made love as always but
He said you are not with me today..
noticing my preoccupation
with my troubled marriage.

His parents came home unexpectedly
And saw me half dressed
on the stairway.
More importantly
Almost twice his age.

yet his mother smiled at me
and said you are reason he is so happy
thank you he has been in a depression
for two years ever since his girl
chose to love.
i thought he would never
be happy again.

I went back home on the guilt train.
I-tried to fix my original home life
It did not work.when
you have tasted ambrosia
Meat and potatoes just don't cut it.

He was desolate without me
how can anyone feel like that?
About me for god's sake?
And I was broken without him.

I went to his house
signaling to my  family
I was  ending my marriage
I found him drunk
Crying on the floor.
like at the wedding when I met him.
but this time he weeping over me.

I said why do you want me so bad?
you can have have
any young and pretty ladies
of your own age.

He held me close
Right to his chest.
I could feel his heart beating
through my breast.

And he whispered
almost in a primeval sob.

He gave me the only answer
that made any all.

Because I love you honey
and there is no one  else
in this world for me.

the new beginning
Ahhh romance
Aug 2018 · 839
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
Border patrol took them in
To the prisons dark and dim
Stole the child from mothers breast
An America no longer at its best

Wide eyed weeping children wail
In sorrow and grief  the systems fail
Breaking the bonds of family
Ingrained in all man and refugee.

A colossus stands with torch ablaze
A momento to more honest days
The spirit.of a country born
With words of bronze
That can't be torn.

Her statue stands to set men free
For all of us both you and me
Her words now scorned for all to see
Once the sign of hope and liberty.

**Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door
Wake up America
You have replaced
love with greed
Kindness with cruelty
and your
friends with enemy's,
Listen to the lady
with the torch
Aug 2018 · 97
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
Over raging waters
the tempest roars
I stand upon its
ravaged shores.

My footsteps swallowed
by the angry sea.
As it comes in waves
for the rest of me.

To take me to
its briney deep
As I will weep….
As I will weep….
Aug 2018 · 74
A moment at love mountain
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
She turned to me and whispers
I love you so much
so very much,

I can hear the cry
of eagles on the mountain
The tinkling laughter of water.
Cascading over stones in the stream.

When I look at you my love
There is only light
nothing is dark
in this universe.
She said.

I looked into her beautiful eyes.
So much what I wanted
so much what I needed
So stunningly beautiful.

And there on a clear summer's day
underneath the timeless mountain of love.
I entered her heart through
The door she had left open
for me
only for me.

And I found my home.
Where I would  live forever,
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
Tonight I must forget her
My wounded heart must know
No more warmth will she ever bring us
Or light as pure as snow

Tonight I must forget her
And the music of her sighs
No more her love for me will render
From the diamonds of her eyes.

Tonight I must forget her
Let my thoughts of her be blurred
Her voice that's in my memory
Tonight must not be heard.

I must forget her quickly
And lock my memories door.
Or I will surely break my heart
If I should  remember her, once more
Bittersweet memories of love
Aug 2018 · 88
My Secret Love
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
The Secret

There are secrets
that I do not speak of.
Even to myself.
They are the same secrets
that separate the stars.
Or allow moons
to change tides.
Invisible and powerful.
And lasting all of time.

My secret
is sealed inside of me.
never to be spoken.
Never to be heard.
It is your heart
I carry it in mine.
Ahh unstated love
How sad
Aug 2018 · 89
Death of a romantic lady
Jude kyrie Aug 2018
She has dedicated her life to love and Romance.
Affection always craved and never withheld.
Living in a dreamlike state of untruths
that to her
were as honest as the day.

In dreams, she lies in fertile fields
the wind curving the golden barley.
Her heart is as permanent as the stones
her love unlimited and free as the summer wind.

She knew men that she called her lovers.
They drained their needs and desires
Into her and she loved them.
She bore their children
and gave them all of her that she could.

When they left her
she  would lose  a small piece of her heart.
Sometimes they took a bigger piece.
After many years she had none left to give.
But still, she tried to give herself to them.

When she died she lay rested
Below the swaying branches
Of the weeping willow trees.
And all the mourning flowers
turned towards her grave.
To feel her warmth
even in death
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