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831 · Sep 2010
The Culture
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
I have no morals
Just mortal misunderstandings
The portal
Under my bed
Leads to a world
Culminating in the unconscious mind
An uncontrollable culture
In some odd crevices
In the humane
Inhumane ways
Weigh the options
Opt out of righteous
For the night
Just escape
To a place
Banished from
Rely on nothing
But irrationality
A skewed view
You can ask
New questions
Though there’s only a
Few answered
Before your time’s due
Or die hard

.My mind replays my life before my shut eye
Leaving hellish days for heavenly nights.

I awake
At the break
Of day to face
The life I live
Heroic actions
On day to day….

But when night falls
So will I
Deep asleep
And seep into
My other mind
True creation
Recreation re-created
To wreck creations
Feel no pain
Fights off folly
In the alley
Of a dream
I am finally
Laid to rest
In peace...
827 · Sep 2010
Poetramore XII
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
I'm blind in one eye
So excuse me if I only see
Half the truth
And tell whole lies
Oh my!
Your hate can't run fast enough
To catch me
I caught your eyes
we should take
"Joe!, We should wait"
The **** for?
**** more

I'm a sick *******

Was that a diss
To my mother?
You bitter *******-
At the sight of
Locked hands
I see
Your heart has become
Why me!
Why did I fall in love
With a girl
That doesn't want to spend
Every waking moment of her life
827 · Feb 2014
Heart for Rent
Joseph Childress Feb 2014
Heart for rent!
This is more garage sale
Than outlet
Although expensive
This ***** is salvage
Salvation comes with a price tag
And a lot of baggage
But the energy
This heart provides
Will have you begging
To keep it
This product is only
For rent
Different than others
Lent with intent
Of making future imprints
On others
Loaned to loners
Mourning mothers,
Missing fathers
Dead brothers
Widows, winos, weirdos and
Lust lovers
Uncover what's beneath
And know
The feeling is only temporary
823 · Sep 2010
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
A shape
Has meaning
After we shape
The meaning
If we shave
The faults
Off an object
We’re left
With nothing
But the truth

Air planes
Move on coordinates
By its pilot
In light
Of the mission
Or rather
For creation

Is determined
By the metric
Each step is
Put on a pedestal
As truth
While others try to attain
And trick themselves

Is deep
Beneath the sheet
Of skin
That wraps your soul
Not with your hands
But your mind
And find
What’s inside

God Will
If to freeze
Is to make still
Than thank god
The sun’s moving

The Morn
Is for the wake
Of a new day
A life lived righteous
There will
Will live on
Through all of us

Some people try so hard
Not too be forgotten
They say outrageous things
And forget
To say something
Worth knowing

The Dark Place
Jumping from
To thought
With out putting
A connection
With an audience
That will understand
Your stance
Try not so hard
To say something
Say something
That’s hard to say
But truth
Deep seeded
In that dark place
Behind your eye’s

I wonder
What wee saw
Before sight
Nothing work
Speaking about

Jump ^ over
The ^ tops
And ^ above

Go Green
The journey
Was embarked
As art
I thought
I walked through the picture
The beautiful land
Laid plain in my eyes
Oh, How I love
To go green

Road 2 Success
A road to be crossed
Is a road
To be watched
Be careful
And sure to look
All ways

Art C Inc.
If I was
To choose between
Art and Education
I’d go off
On a tangent

Art C. Inc. 2
Creative tools
To be used
In Arts & Crafts
Which one to pick
Is the game

The compass
Can make
Turn in circles
Trying to find
The right direction

The paint brush
A message
Depicted as perfect
As real life
Even it’s imperfections

The Wild
Through the pieces
And build something
Of your own
Use instruction
As a minor pull
Your wild imagination

Be not
Afraid of the dark
What’s the difference
The inside of a closet
And inside
Your closed eyes

The Slide
Of still pictures
Can move
Fast enough
To come alive
If we pull
With a force
That drove us
Out of caves

On the high’s
And low’s
Of life
I become a rhythm
A melody
Like a heart
Nothing else need
The questions
Are already answered

There will be another

We have
To avoid
The void
Or we’ll become it

The Humans
To say
What truth
Should be based
Off of

How about the plane
We all share
821 · Feb 2011
Free Wheel
Joseph Childress Feb 2011
This journal
Is on the journey
Of a young man
Learning to run
After his first steps

Tried tricycles
For quite some time
Now riding
Without training
Free wheeling
And still in motion
By cycles
Trial and error

New skills
Compensate slips
When quick hands
Can’t stop
The falling

No hands
On down hills
Still kicking
Not quite standing
While sitting
Still with it
With every minute
I’m lifted

My direction
Handle bars
Hold the
Mirrors on either side
Eye’s focused
Front and behind

In line
Like skates
Though grinding
Set’s off a sign
Wearing thin
No stopping
In my lane
Flying like
Off wet roads

814 · Sep 2010
Midnight Treat
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
Midnight Treat
A campfire
Before the scouts
Are ready to leave
They hide
In their tents
As wolves surround
Their false sense
Of security
Or there tear through
That stands
In the way of their feast
We are
A bite to eat
To the meat
Of a bear
But the sweat
From our fear
Will make us
Quite the midnight treat
808 · Oct 2011
Mother Earth
Joseph Childress Oct 2011
Mother Earth

Two birds sing
In sweet harmony
Through spring
A favorite plant blossoms
On the side
Of a white-washed fence
Blends beautifully
Sun bathes in the ambiance
Of clouds
A cirrus haze
Mountain tops
For days
It sets
As if lying in bed

From a wolf
Howls at the moon
Goodnight world
Awake soon
Day's bright
Before night

Frost bite…
More of fury!
The wind knocks down
I'll feel it
I don’t know
Why I'm the victim
I'll take
Your worse
And still love

Earth reign on me
I promise
To turn a leaf before
The end of fall
All in all
Through ups and downs
The hurricane
Of life
Brings strife
On my greatest day

I labor
Not pillage
Your tillage
And worship your wondrous
More refreshing than sleep
More than diamonds
Under sunlight

Lakes lie
Across as bodies
Embodying art
Au naturel
As "oooo's"
And "ahhh's"
Set the mood

No boo’s
From the crowd of bees
Only a buzz
About your love.
806 · Oct 2010
A Shot
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
I only had a shot
But I guess it went to my head…

Alcohol is wrong
Even if it’s just a sip
It will make the cool, calm,
Calamity and chaos
The cause and effect
Affects those who loves the effects
Just ‘cause
Even when I have what I call
A “Babysitter”
That watchful eye by my side
I still drink til I die
Because when the bottles
Get to popping they wanna take part
Now my designated driver
Can’t remember where we parked
Now I gotta walk home
7 miles In the dark
In the Grand river of Hennessey
And come to find out…
I wasn’t walking I was driving
And I had my best friend
In the passenger side
That buzz in my ear
Was no bug
It was them screaming
But I was too buzzed to hear
I just cracked another beer

At the bar,
Cracking brews.
Brewing trouble
Only begets trouble
And it’s is made double
When you had too much bubble
I think I’m fighting
But I’m just stumbling
I think I’m arguing
But I’m really just mumbling
And when I come to my senses
I’ll wake up feeling like ****
Next to another naked woman
I never met
Yea I got laid
But when you don’t
Remember in increment
Of your escapade,
The sentiment fades
And you really just want
To go to the clinic to
To check if this chick got AIDs.
Between the dark and white liquor,
Now I’m sicker than sickle-cells,
This liquor sells,
This liquid kills,
This liquor made me lick her,
Now I ain’t feeling well,
I fall under my hang over spells,
I swear!
I only had a shot
But I guess it went to my head.
805 · Feb 2011
Valentine's Day Massacre
Joseph Childress Feb 2011
Socially suicidal
I say the wrong things
At the wrong times
To the wrong people
In all the wrong places
Face it
My face is the last thing
You want to see
On a day is as beautiful as this
Miss me with the *******!
I know you miss me
And the *******!
The scent is foul
But its fouler
TO have no senses at all
Youve been gone
Ive been alone
WIth nothing
But a room full of family, friends,
Kinfolk, next of kin
Bad *******, X's,
Potential girlfriends
All in the whirlwind
Of indecision
....since you've been missing
Empty crowds
Full of people
I love
Sure enough
But what's love
Without you!?
Nothing much
I'm Nothingmore
Too much
Is not enough
Not a thing
Was the one thing
I gave you
The lesson
Is none of this
Had to happen
It just happens
To be called
Rather fatal
Was supposed to nick
Not split
Me in half
I lost one side of me
ANd you
Replaced it
To make we whole again
And now
I have this hole again
You used to hold me
Now you *** me
As if I didn't
USed to be a ****
But "used to"
Doesnt do much
For this present
Feeling of being used
Too much
You used me up
Now Im left amongst
The bitter *******
That would bite a *******
For they let
The taste
Of Love
Eat them alive again
Im amongst the dead
No hopes to be revived
DOn't want to be alive
The pain
Isn't worth
The ability to feel
I gained less
Than what Ive attained
They day I met you
I've haven't been
Myself ever since!

I guess
The foul smell
Isnt worth
The Sense...
801 · Sep 2010
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
Fame frightens me
So evil
With it's disguise

Fans holler your name
When you rise

Then scream
When you dive

Their love
Rides at the edge of hate
Too close
Applauds are just
As loud as the crowd's laughter
When you fall
No sympathy for the weak
You are
The almighty celebrity

So that billboard in the sky
Is a mirror image
No blemish

Are you?

My mugshots show
An ugly side
Never before seen
My front
Was just as bad
It wasn't me
I swore

Lie in front cameras
Spot's me
And shoots me
I turn around
To run away
And twist my ankle
And hit my face

I can't see

The flashing lights
Are so blinding
I stand up
Run to my ride
Hoping I won't die
Like the princess
Inching closer
I jump inside
And pull off
With a vengence

They follow me
In vans
Advancing at a pace
No ordinary
Horse-power could
Soar at
Gaining on me

High beams
Blind my rear-view
Mirror shows
Even in the privacy
Of my car
I remain
In spotlight

I haven't read this script
Let alone rehearsed
Will this high speed chase
Or is the next scene
In a hearse?
791 · Oct 2010
The Child
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
The father is an abuser,
The mother is a user,
The child is forgotten…

The father is an abuser.
The father beats his way to happiness.
The souls he crushed are just an inch,
Compared to the miles of lust.
Manipulation made from fear
He embeds in the woman’s ear,
As he says he loves her to death.

The mother is a user.
The mother beats herself to happiness,
Her husband abuses her health,
But no more than she abuses it herself.
****** destroyed the once heroine,
Detoxified once,
But it’s there again.
Forever will the drug be her medicine.
790 · Sep 2010
The High Road
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
The High Road

The abandoned pieces
Of my damaged heart
Lead to a room
Romantic rose petals
That settle
In a final destination
Deep beneath a bed
For rest and peace
The place
Where all dead ends meet
Becoming streets
For those
Who take the high roads
Then fall short
Of their goals
For incompetence
And comics
Of high-achievers
Of self-
Evident features

I do fear the truth…
No I don’t,
Never did,
And never thought about it
I promise
On the premise
Of truth
That lies within me

I’m full of it
And you know it
But the bulls
Can’t bear
To show it
Follow me @TheInsomaniac
789 · Apr 2014
Theory of a Dream
Joseph Childress Apr 2014
Joseph Childress

Concrete benefits, nature of the jungle
Cities and suburbia, survival of the fortune
The owls growl now, no more asking “Who”
The town runs wild, the eye watches the jungle

Abstract revolution, power of the people
Mafias and militia, conquering division
Rebel of the mind, hands still chaining
Gangs grow larger, conquering the people

Misogamist marriage, fatality of the lovers
Polygamists and virgins, electrically connected
****** innuendo, pushing and pulling
The pace moves quicker, bindings of the lovers

Unthinkable thoughts in the valley of a dream
Inventive venting on impossible creations
Utopian physics,  disavowed in the matrix
The strings vibrate, the theory of a dream
787 · Oct 2010
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
Say X 4 times
Then have *** ***,
** chromosomes, will come out
X amount of times,
and don’t XY
X marks the spot
So it’s X’s on the Eyes,
This is Dead mans treasure
What’s the meaning of his countenance?
Joe crossing the line,
Yea, you can count on it.
787 · Sep 2010
The Wildest Conclusion
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
Who are you
To tell me
My thoughts
Aren't worth being heard
I deserve
And demand my rights
I might
Shout amendments
Then commence
To irregular common sense

My stability
Is retained
By the imbalance
In my brain
You see,
I can't enable
These "Cain and Able"
That rest on your shoulders
I ain't able

Fable's fly out
The mouth
Of an astounding author
His sound is profound
His prowess authorized
By his copywritten
Which is his style
And laid back
Crack open
Another pack of pens
And draw out
The wildest conclusions
In deep thought
Then listen...
The world dissapproves

The extent
Of my intentions
Were wilder than I could imagine
So I didn't know
I would take this far

The words written
Were forbidden
In the foulest belief system
I wouldn't have
Took it this far
If my outrageous mind
Wasn't dying
From boredom
Boarding off
The monsters
That try to alter ideas
From beneath the bed
They reach my head
And toy with my
Tantilize and
Taint my tender mind
Then morph it
To be the tainter!
To picture death
You'll need help
From this
Morbid painter

Why do I
Write so wickedly
Then spread like pandemics
Pandamonion momentarily
Shared with you
With whatsoever
You should do


Evil knowledge
Is truth
Look in your hands
I say
"Vice is right"
Can I persuade?
Like a gun used to
****** a murderer

Some executions
Are executed
At the exact moment
Of redemption

How tempting
Is it for
A wholsome man
to make
A half-hearted attempt
At prosperity
Laying in Evil's bed
But never sleeping

When he awakes
Will he use the tools
Because he learned the trade
Or teach others
It's hard to reach others
When all they believe
Is a happy ending
I conclude
The true ending
You can't imagine
Because it's too wild
For you
777 · Sep 2010
The Nightmare Promoter
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
I can't wait till
I will
Construct nightmares
So insane
That phantoms couldn't fathom
Fantasies make foul turns
Fascination fails
You'll frail frantically
Your chain of the thoughts
Become a train
From Loco motives
Your emotions
Are now
Monstrous motifs
Built moments
Before happiness
You'll stare
In terror eyes
Scared as cats
You scratch
Along wooden floors
Through dark corridors
The doors
Horror tore off the hinges
You're inches away
From no longer living
But as soon as you've given
Yourself away
I take
And make

Death dances
At arms lengths
I've never seen someone
So anxious
To reach

Too anguished to speak
How shall I satisfy?
This shallow heart
Is empty
But simply filled the rows
Of this cathedral
With people
Who payed
To see the price
You've payed

I guess,
Hell sales
This thriller will terrify
Eye's should stay confined
When I
Comply to my conscience
Can science comfort you
It claims this isn't real
It really helped me
Make you feel
Comfortable enough
To sleep
Will be the
Reason for your sweet retreat
As soon as your
Sound asleep
I'll compile vile thoughts
And send you on a journey
With intent
Of you never returning
A one-way trip
From float, freight or flight
As long as it brings
By mars at night
Where nightmares
Are the day
And you're fearful of it's sight
775 · Sep 2010
The Resist Stance
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
The band
To new land
New clan
The Rebels
Sought refuge
A standoff
Against power
Of a grenade
From a renegade
With nothing
To lose?

An outnumbered
Already abused
Into the pit
Locked in
Against a pit
With a lockjaw
That bit
And held
With the grip
Of the law
The loser
Still wins
A life lost
The price costs
Like the words
Of a martyr
Read in red

Here’s a toast
To the living dead
That gave their life
In a fight
That couldn’t be won
Against the giants
And tyrants
Of the era
Erased terror
With blood shed
And a carved
That signifies
The nature
Of a man
With true power
Joseph Childress Oct 2011
OccupyWallStreet : The First Front

The laborious efforts of Liberty
Will not go
Untelevised revolution
By mute voices
Til the crowd joins in
The media’s immediate
Covering of the story
Takes on a new meaning
Internet live streaming
American Dreaming
Of the Awakening
The world’s been waiting for
Bullhorns blow
As the
The Bull’s horns
Are approached
With a silent crashing
The whole world
Will remember
The 17th of September
Backed against the wall
The public confronted the Wall
Streets filled with peace
Protesters who speak
For the rights of the peopl
The %99
770 · Mar 2017
March 3, 2017 - Detroit
Joseph Childress Mar 2017
Night falls 'round 3pm nowadays
A yellow moon, cockadoos!
Yelling through the blinds
Singing a tune
For a midnight shifts tillings
Yesterday is still today
And it's tomorrow already
768 · Jan 2011
The Remedy
Joseph Childress Jan 2011
If I could heal
You all
With one word
Would be the remedy
Let me
Remind you
That clichés
Are cliché
For a reason
Is the father
Of Learning
What I’ve learned
Is the mother
Of memory
Let’s not forget
We got here
I could bore you
Of how
The Lore taught love
But you’d rather
Be excited
The hoard of hatred
Like gossip
My gospel
Isn’t hostile enough
For you’re approval
Violence entertains
The vile lance
The heart of a poet

The crowd applauds
At the wimps
Who whine about it
763 · Oct 2010
The Catcher In The Rye
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
I must protect
The children
The field ends
Where the cliff begins
I must protect them
The phony
Sense of security
In the ****
Are your parents!
It’s evident
This isn’t a place
To play
Worry not
I will
Life Guard
An Angel
Life Guardian Angel
Full of faults
And faith
Who’ll never earn his wings
I bring peace
To the underlings
Even if
Heaven sits
Above my reach
So it’s
My job
To teach
By the leech
As these
Phonies speak
My ears failed
To understand
Their fairy tales
“Santa Clause is NOT REAL!!!”
Is the only clause
That’s real
And it brings the gift
Of truth
Death’s unknown to us all
A fall
From this cliff
Is not a promise
Of bliss
Darkness, most likely
After a painful
And pass over
Into the ash
So live long
The song will end
And never replay
You’ll reap
What lays at the end
So sow
Until the final blow
Let your lows
Lift you
Higher than the skies
Not a moment in life
Because there’s enough
To go around
Once you’re
Beneath the ground
The sound
Of infinite silence
Will ring loud
So enjoy the sweetness
Before the
Bitter taste
Is meaningless
I mean
Life’s meaning is less
Than what’s expected
The meaning of death
Is too mean
To fathom
Manically depressed
About death
We’ve repressed
The memories
Of what is was it use to be
Before life
So we lie
About the future

To no one!
But yourself
The harsh truth
Can uplift
But until you reach a wise age
I’ll protect you
From the cliffs...
763 · Sep 2010
The Guards at the Gates
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
Here I stand
Unpermitted to enter the pearly gates
I scratched and clawed
At clouds
As the Guards
Escorted me out
And pulled me
To this fiend

He's nothing like me
Shows no love
or Charity

Our only similarity
Is pride
Was I made beautifully
And given
This useless musical talent
If I can't
Move souls
For a chance
And feel godly

I sinned
What's next, Nothingmore
Something much more
Infinite death

I wish I was a victim of infant death
My flawed human mind
Wouldn't have used earth's time
My soul from heaven.
759 · Oct 2010
Death Sentence
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
The deadly sinner, committer of Pride,
Sinister commissioner with a mission to hide,
But only hidden behind eyes shut wide.
I’m described as a scribe that tells the most beautiful lies,
Inscribed on my spine are scriptures,
And wings ready for flight,
But only when the time’s right,
Till then my pen spills sins, as I write,
Irate as I rant about the things I can’t.
I am the Tyrant, self-made king of violence,
****** he wrote, But innocently he spoke.
I devise wise plans with a smart mouth,
And my poetic device could take a life!
Smiling faces tell tall-tales, so a frown makes well,
Stories told so cold, it could make a brown face pale.
Base it off true stories, then mislead them with rhythm,
I break through hymns, and change live with ‘em.
Talking with a slick tongue known to ****** virgins’
Do not disturb him…
Illusionist using his wits to twist intent,
The effect so intense,
The crowd laughing at my drama,
And crying at my comics.
Over your head like inside jokes,
Solo, but so high, I’m thinking outside your box,
And undermining.
Minding my own business,
With money and top of it.
Pondering my lines is suicide,
Repentless sins, “in a sense”,
Even if you avoid ****** wrists,
You’re still “guilty” of pleasure.
Mind Imprisonment isn’t a kind enough gesture,
So fans, family and friends, read my lethal injections.
758 · Oct 2010
Fate of Failures
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
I’m a fresh out of high school, freshman, at college.
I got scholarships and grants,
So to my mind I pay homage.
It’s granted that I’m a scholar,
Ready for the next look.
Made my way to school, no cash for textbooks,
I can work my way around that,
But that was only the beginning,
Then my mind got caught up in the time I was spending.
Mood started dropping in the letters I was sending,
Moms got worried cause my grades started slipping,
And matters got worst when my girl started tripping,
Couple trips to my home,
Family matters rise,
School coming to an end,
Stress at an all time high.

First summer out of college I get guns to my brain,
Out of school and in the city, the drama remains.
They never pulled the trigger
But my hood still shooting for me.
My problems getting bigger,
But my mom still rooting for me.
So I got to keep fighting,
With the dark truths you threw before me.
I stand in this line to success,
And everyone getting through before me.
I’m not making excuses;
I’m just trying to tell you the story.
I wouldn’t say I lost my way
Rather my way lost me,
So I have to change my ways,
Because losing is costly.
I refuse to be lost just as I refuse to lose,
I was just misplaced,
Just as you do a pair of shoes,
But I found where I was,
And I’m ready to move.

I am not a college dropout,
Just fell really hard,
I did fail some classes but won’t be classified as a failure.
I just failed to recognize seriousness of my decline,
Decided on readmission and I’ll admit I was denied.
My past had a grasp that was too hard to shake,
And it’s still trying to grab me back to that mental state.
Hood mentality, but I won’t diverge from my reality.
I will not return to the state of mind
That tries to keep me down.
Memories will be the keepsake,
That state tried to beat me down.
You think I climbed in this position only to drop out?
The only thing I’m dropping is bad habits
And regretted mistakes,
All of which are trying to block my escape.
I just want to leave the past in the past,
And just pass every class
That’s thrown in my face.

I will deny anyone or anything that states…
“I have to face the fact that failure is my fate.”
756 · Feb 2014
Ghost Rite
Joseph Childress Feb 2014
Ghost writer
Or rider?
That is the question!
Either way
I'll lose my rights
The rite of passage
Was blocked off
The will
To move foward is missing
With nothing
To spare
I'm tired of making marks
In the lane I chose
This road
I wrote has dead ends
I know
I'm just afraid
Scared and terrified
They say phrases
Sacred and terrific
I lost poetic license
And the drive to keep moving
On road to success
753 · Oct 2010
Ms. Interpretation
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
A quote for Ms. Interpretation –
“If you move too early, it’ll be too late.”

Apparently a contradiction, but if you look much closer,
Up there and see the point is hidden, and not in your face.
You’ll see it’s supposed to be a paradox,
The message you’ve misplaced,
But supposedly there is not,
You say the quote’s a mistake.
The quote is often just mis-taked,
If you want to know what I would see,
If I focused on the picture violently,
Yours and mine would be, similar, our misinterpretation.
But if I were to take my time I’d see, its only irony,
In the message delivered to Ms. Interpretation.
What appears contrary to the diction
Is with what happens
And what’s expected,
And by challenging the message
Is the only way it gets respected.

For example:

Let’s say, you’re quick to groom the man,
Who you think will be the groom,
But you moved to soon,
Now he’s scared to jump the broom.
And by the time you know this,
That your love was just novice,
Will be the time that you noticed
That the quote was not a fake.
And the wedding never happens
And it’s way too late
To go back before it happened.
So take your time and read the message
And the sense it makes

"If you move too early, it'll be too late.”
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
When I meet the end
Don’t follow in suit
Dress me in a suit
All white
I’m alright
With however many moments
Loaned me
To spend
With friends,
And my
Next of kin
In the blend
Of happiness and ignorance
I stand content
Contrary to my obligation
To fall
Before all
Caged in
A casket
Cradled and Casted
Into the vast void
Of undiscovered

The evidence of decompostion
Doesn’t sit well
With those
In positions
That demand proof
To make use of life

Those who
Make it based on faith
With a flash
That lasts
Until the last memory
Is played
They hope
The lord
Isn’t as strict
As the script portrays

I believe we are a portrait
There’s only truth
In what we see
The beauty or disgust
Is just
What we perceive
The picture
In actuality
Was painted
By the hands of time
Drawn out
To display

The power of an idea
The strength of a concept
And The Intrinsic Value of Nothingness
747 · Mar 2014
Dream Sex
Joseph Childress Mar 2014
By Joseph Childress

Red letters
Wrapped in velvet
With heartfelt sentiment
Passion uncovered
Enveloped in naked truth
Special attention
Opening up
On birth and holidays
Old age wine
Or brand spirits
Breaking seals
To spill emotion
Untying ribbons
Expose love
In it's barest form
Intimate gift giving
Sharing time
For soul's mate
Our body of work
For playing outside
The rejoining
Of missing pieces
And coming full circle
733 · May 2014
What Lies Beneath
Joseph Childress May 2014
I’m trapped under earth
The sheet of crust
Is too thick
To pick through
Too tough
For hands
Even as rough as mine
I climb
But reach
The impassible
And pass out
Like faint
Of times
Now I’m under
Stand in
The depths
Of below
Unbeknownst to those
No one to excavate my soul
They don’t know
What lies beneath their feet
They tread on me
I’m responsible
For this
Reverse archeology
I put my future
To fight
With a lack of energy
From digging
To deep

If it’s true
That you’ll sow
What you reap
I hope
These seeds of me
Will grow
Into something deeper
What lies beneath…
732 · Sep 2010
Fly Boy
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
When the sky
I'll look down
At broken clouds
The fabric of space
Tore like the fray

Whose gonna fix!?

I''ll be looked upon

"Just jump on the moon!
Pull the sky in full
With a pulley
And if it's too heavy
Pull me!"

Who want's to be a
Citiczen of earth
When once white clouds
Are now
Covered in dirt

Since I'm
The only guy with wings
You say,
It's easy to see
I should fly
Reweave strings
But I'm no seamstress

It seems stressful
To have duty
On Call
Due to my
Enclave of feathers

Assorted in perfection
Cleverly positioned
To make light
And lift
I take flight
Even when the wind
Blows away
I'm wieghtless

I've waited a long time
To be accepted
Along time
You denied me
Who wants to befreind
The freak
But now you say
It's my destiny
To save you
But I won't
Will you freak when I deny?

Will you cry
In the final moments?
Or own it

Like the fate
You made me taste
As bitter
As the first look you gave
When you saw
My disfigured back
You didn't front
Like you didn't notice
The ugly sight
Which would soon
Be your savior
727 · Oct 2010
Oddly in Love
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
You’re way too
Beautiful Girl
That’s why it’ll never
You’ll have me suicidal
Singing Kingston
Love lasts
Until the last
I Love You
When it comes
I swear
I’ll run
To the cliff
And Jump
Because you told me
I love you
Than diamonds
You’re a rock
And our end
Is a hard place
I’m stuck in between
A 'tween like obsession
I confess
I never learn
Love lessons
I’m forever failing
Falling hardest
For those
That are lawless
The rules of attraction
You don’t abide by
Biding my time
Biting my nails
Hoping for your
In anticipation
Than the Detox
It’ll never come
You’re on a vacation
From me
Is like
An alcoholic
Overcoming his disease
In a bar
How many shots will it take before I’m claimed clinically insane
I’ve made the same
Mistake a million times
You’re one in a million
And I’m searching
For the feelings
You aren’t willing to give
Hopefully I’ll be picked
Playing love’s lottery
With one ticket
There’s still a chance
The odds
Are against me
Oddly, I believe
I’m odd enough
To beat them
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
Invisible souls, nobody knows you exist and are whole,
Disregarded from the minds of those closed,
Only the confines of the open ones know
Of your existence.
They don’t know of your presence.
Your body is evanescent.
They can’t picture the beautiful essence
Inside the body a sinful adolescent,
A reckless, negligent child filled with aggression.
Victim to recklessness, negligence and oppression,
But nonetheless mortal.
For those who don’t know,
Mortality doesn’t always know morality,
Even those with perfected morals are often exposed
To imperfection for only perfection can be expected
From a soul that’s no longer infected
With this disease called sin.
So in actuality, you must recognize
And revert back to reality.
Stop the facilities practicing on fatalities,
The institutions unable to uplift individuals
Who have lost all hope and are often called criminals,
Because in the public’s eye their soul has become invisible.
719 · Oct 2010
The Psycho (First Kill)
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
Some sinister, cynic sending me sick signals,
Taunting me, teasing me,
Treason I see,
The reason for my recent reason to be,
Is for wreckage and the reckoning
My reality
Factual actual fictions is in my diction
The man in my mind,
Is minding my business again,.
Against the walls of my brain,
Signals reign,
Please bring more pain and angst!
As I glance at my pen
The Manic
Maniac managing to Damage
Every page
On a Rampage
With no rage?
But by the way
I’m swinging this pencil
You would think I was
A bit temperamental
But my temperament's temperature,
Is irrelevant to the mentally
Stirring up tension
Did I mention
Means nothing to man on a mission
My missiles miss the misled and misfits
Because they weren’t
Where they were expected
My moon is now ecliptic
Messages eclectic
Ecstatic about nothing except
The inception
What an immaculate concept
The fact that my conception
Was from the product of
Of a project.
Projectiles impelled out my mouth
And impaled a man on the
Right path.
This ****** has committed his first ******…
719 · Mar 2014
Brown, Withers, Marley
Joseph Childress Mar 2014
By Joseph Childress

James was correct
This is
A Man's World
Man made his story
And left
Out the picture
Even after the labor
She suffered
To create him....

They call us son
Yet it ain't no shine
When she's gone
No woman
No warmth
No womb
No cry,
'Cause poppa's around
And grandpa
Taught him to shed blood
Not tears

No rain
During droughts
The fruit of life
For artificial desserts
Man made
And through blind loyalty
I'll continue their instructions...

No cry.
717 · Oct 2010
Spare Change
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
Can you spare change?

Is it that hard to change from the source of my pain
To the source of my happiness
And a source of trust to gain?

Can you spare change of mind?
And reverse your plans of leaving me behind,
Leading me in the shadows of hope when I’m blind?

Can you spare change of your priorities?
And move me up the ladder
From the ground insignificance
To something that really matters?

Can you spare change of heart?
And go back to that point in time
When my heart was all yours
And yours was all mine?

Can you spare change of attitude?
And at least give gratitude
To me for being forgiving and never staying mad at you?

I gave you all my change and I have no more.
Everything that was mine is now all yours!
Just a small exchange is all I’m asking for.
Can you spare change?
716 · Feb 2014
Thank You
Joseph Childress Feb 2014
By Joseph Childress

This was all expected
Not intended
I've been waiting for this moment
Of contentment
I knew this
Was temporary
Rarity at it's finest
To find
The kind
Within you
This was meant
This was unpreventable
The ability
To love from such a distance
The physical properties
Physicists research arduously
Is hardly relevant
Our spirits connected
Without wires
We became electric
Put aside
Our pathetic attempts
At being unsympathetic
And agreed
For once
For final
For I know
Our wants
Are far more than what we need
And these
Past few years
We're important

Thank you.
715 · Mar 2014
The Mirror's Secret
Joseph Childress Mar 2014
By Joseph Childress

Beautiful woman in the mirror
You are the fairest
Of them all
More fairy
Than tales
Long and tall
The truth you seek
Can be found
Without reflection
Someone paid
Extra care
In designing
Your cover
The silk fabric
Of your skin
Was created only
To showcase
The beauty within
Like decorative boxes
Housing diamond rings
Open up
And give the world
The gift
It's been waiting for
Ask the mirror no more
As much as it reflects on life
Only you have
The power to live it
712 · Oct 2010
Instantaneous Love
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
Two souls staring at each other, through the eyes of lovers.
Hearts beating in unison to a beat familiar to one another.
Minds get lost daydreaming of what the future beholds.
Holding hands, with locked fingers tightly never letting go,
Perfection as affection is shown the way it’s expected.
It’s still so unexpected the way your heart’s affected.
Your heart skips a beat, at that moment you lose breath,
You see a lifetime in each other’s arms,
And an eternity after death.
Assurance in the minute you noticed each other’s existence.
This feeling, this beauty,
This Love
Was instant.
709 · Feb 2014
Joseph Childress Feb 2014
By Joseph Childress

On the sea shore
Share sounds from the ocean
She tells deep stories
Of unknown territories

From what lies beneath
Where no man has reached
To the land of the beach
In my hand, you teach
The shortcomings of speech

I learn lessons
On how to listen
Admiring the mussels
Of mollusks
Their tongue
I cant I see
Yet they scream "I'm free"
707 · Sep 2010
Relative reality
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
The sad reality
Isn’t really
That real
A demotion
To different dimensions
Is as demented
As intended

My mind divides
To “this and that”

No recollection
Of this dimension
Built my own
Is the only casualty
In delusion

Illusions are fact
Until revealed
Like a magic trick
But eyes
Have no hand
In wisdom
705 · Sep 2010
The Girl
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
Is a foul
Though her calm, meek
Seems to be
She’s a killer
If looks could
She would
****** us all
1st degree
While 3rd degree burns
Blind survivors
That she’s on fire

She wears
As red
As the apple
Eve picked from the tree
I’m destined
To fall
The rest
Is history
His story
Tells a tale
Of how she
Can be
Hot as hell
And still
Remain cold

The inferno
Was divine
Tears from a man’s
As she sears
With just a look
Walks away
With what she took
The used
Remain heartless
As life
Becomes the hardest
Thing in the world
To cope with
Her dope
Can hook those
With the strongest will

She can
Turn a **** faithful
And a gay man straight
She can
Make the mute shout
And a ****** wait
For her consent
She’s content
With her independence
To be single
Been on a million
First dates
And still
Not impressed
Her dress blows
In the wind
As the president begs
Takes notes
While Monica
Remains low
Kings behead Queens
Then bow
At her presence

Either she’s
The devil
Or evil itself
If only she knew her power
She’d devour us all
Luckily she doesn’t
She’s one
Amongst the mass
And remains
The quiet girl
In the back of the class
704 · Oct 2010
Pitiful Beauty
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
Beautiful Angel, wings so large and perfected,
Pitiful Demon, from God he’s been neglected.

Beautiful Angel, guardian of the heavens above,
Pitiful Demon, defender of the heathens and thugs.

Beautiful Angel, bringing us away from temptation,
Pitiful Demon, leading us into damnation.

Beautiful Angel, flying in the bright daylight,
Pitiful Demon, lurking in the deep dark night.

Beautiful Demon, you understand the pain I feel,
Pitiful Angel, you don’t understand the pain so real.

Beautiful Demon, you’re just like me,
We love drinking, *** and money we Greed.
Pitiful Angel, I’m sorry you’re nothing like me,
I’m not sober nor celibate and what’s Liberality?

The fact is we’re as pitiful as the demon,
And we’ll never meet perfection as long as we’re breathing.
But we should strive for perfection, that’s the main goal,
So we can make it to heaven, and become beautiful Angels.
700 · Apr 2014
Jaz-Amen (Dedication)
Joseph Childress Apr 2014
By Joseph Childress

I remember when…
I remember, I remember
When I lost my mind….
There was so pleasant about your face
I let all my emotions go,
And gave you space….

When you were out there, without care
I was out of touch,
Not because I didn’t know enough Jaz,
I just knew too much.

But does it make me Crazy!!?!!
If not,
Deny it in front of the doctors
Who document the details
Of my insanity.
Granted that your vanity
Is understood
I forgot my understanding
Beauty is in the eyes of all
That behold you
How could I forget?
I forged the signature smile
You talk so often about
So you’d be happy for me
But how?
So selflessly you loved my selfishness needs….

Now We,
Becomes a testament of what
Once was
Once upon a time
A princess met
A soon to be king
Whose arrogant rant’s
Arose at the time he forgot
His ring

Now you and I
Are forced
To separate like divorce
Of the love
That once filled that empty void

Whose to know
Of what’s to come?
In may we can spring from these
Cold feelings
And blossom like a Jasmine
And turn has-beens
Into have-nows
And complete the vows
We started under covers
Like our first words
We said to each other

Diamonds are forever
If I die with out your three letters
Let this
Be the last
“I do” is all I ever want from you
And all I have in return
Is “I do too.”
689 · Oct 2010
Midnight Golf
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
Warfare isn’t always a fair war.
Welfare says the best fare well.
It’s all fair play but do they really play fair?

But whether rough or fairways,
Through strife you still play
To make yourself whole in one.
680 · Oct 2010
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
Patience is a virtue,
Anxiousness’ll hurt you.
Take your time, know your lines,
So when the curtains open,
You won’t be looking for a sign,
To show the production that has been conducted
Is moving fine.
When the curtains close,
You will know that in your mind,
You played your role, made your goal,
And had a perfect score,
Waiting on the encore, the crowds thirst for more.
As bouquets of roses are thrown upon the stage,
Mesmerized how you memorized the script
And every page.
Their adornment for your performance
Makes you amazed.
Deep down their scorning and abhorring
They’re so enraged,
The love displayed was only acting on a stage.

When watching the Play of Love at its prime,
Love plays with your mind,
And the jealous critics will hate the Play (Love)
You worked so hard to create.
667 · May 2014
Joseph Childress May 2014
Watch out!…


What a close call!
If I answered
The mood swing
Would of left me
Out of line
Without a chance
To be
I call connect
To recollect
The lost connection
Your long distance
From sanity
Is costly
For each instant
It costs more minutes
To make up
For the lost time
The way we once were
To gather
The few good thoughts of you
And converse
Brings the worse
The opposite
The converse
Of what’s expected
As you spew
The **** slew of issues
You’ve had with me
Turning romantic comedy
Into tragedy
I could’ve forgave you
For not forgiving me
But you’re giving me
Too many reasons
To Sprint
Like a ****** Mobile
From his *** drive
My batteries dies
Before I make
My final destination
But when I Boost
I promise to lose
The number
Of times I came back to you
Let it slip my mind
As I find a new
To subdue
Subconsciously I already
Weren’t ready at all
661 · Oct 2010
Final Destination
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
My bare feet slide against the *****, wet pavement,
As I walk the road millions have taken.
I’m alone as I walk, naked, cold, in the night,
No moon, no stars, no signs of light or even life.
For some reason the narrow street was so clear,
The road appeared infinite but I strolled with fear.
An impossible terror, I tried to cry but couldn’t bring tears.
The loudest silence began ringing in my ears,
I walked for days, months until the years,
I could feel the heat rising as my destination neared…
655 · Oct 2010
A Rose
Joseph Childress Oct 2010
Joseph Childress

Can a rose survive winter?
You may know of the rose
Which arose from impossible grounds,
Defying the laws which told the rose it could not grow.
Although this beautiful flower came into existence,
Regardless of the environment that tried to prevent it,
It still has many tribulations that it must overcome,
The cold winter is near and won’t succumb for anyone.

The temperature drops, the sun hides away,
The dew which used to be so satisfying now turns to frost,
Slowly suffocating the flower, all hope is lost.
The first snowflake drops, the plants fade away,
The fresh smell of pine trees now takes its place,
Quickly covering the smells the rose thought would stay.

The rose petals begin to crumble, texture begins to toughen,
The hue turns brown, the rose amounts to nothing.
The head of the rose now faces the ground,
That godforsaken ground that no other rose could be found.

It’s so unfair to watch something so miraculous
Be forced to despair,
It kind of makes the mind to ponder
If a miracle was ever there.

The months go by, winter comes to an end.
The snow melts in days, as spring begins.
Beautiful plants begin to grow
And in the exact spot where the tragedy came to be,
There is sign of another rose
So similar to the one we used to know.

It’s so amazing
To watch a rose come alive,
It kind of makes you wonder
If the rose ever died.
643 · Sep 2010
Window Shopper
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
Her silhouette
Was etched too perfect
Who denies her greatness
As gracious
And gentle as a
First crush
Her long legs
Slowly slid
In thigh high stockings
Toes touched air
Her hair gently sways
As she lays
Back arched


In the way
She poses
As a model or prototype
Of what models
Try to possess
Photogenically perfect
Picture beauty
As an actual being
She can't be human
I feel
As if
I discovered something new
Just to witness
You are the shooting star
No one
Will believe I saw
You make a gold mine
Seem worthless
You're priceless
But I'll treasure you
Describe you in words?
Webster couldn't do
Impossible seems possible
You explained love
Without showing your face
Even diamonds
Can't shine
With its multiple faces
To make it
Luster like you
I'll just watch...
I mean
I'm only a man
Amongst millions
Who would ****
To spend time with you
They would rather spend the night
I'd rather spend
My life
642 · Sep 2010
The Corpse's Bride
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
I don't know why
You decided
To stay
I am broke up
From yesterday
My heart departed
Some time ago
An empty future
Is all
We can know

But we can walk
Hand in hand
Corpse's bride
Locked eyes
I locked lips
And sealed my fate
A date with destiny
Is destined to be great
Even though
We'll birth more
Pain then pleasure
It'll hurt more
To face it
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