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Like stagnant water
We too putrefy quickly.
We must keep moving.
 Jan 2013 John Hill
John MacAyeal
I thought the guy dressed up like a kingfisher
Didn’t really look like a kingfisher
His beak too long
His legs not yellow enough

But still he did a pretty good job of diving into the water
And coming up with a guy dressed up like a fish
Even though his fins looked a little too stiff to me
(No wonder the kingfisher caught him)

And the bull facing that matador
(who even had a pigtail like the one Hemingway kept mentioning --
Oh, I mean the real man not the man dressed as a bull)
He just looked too scared for a bull
Well that’s what I thought
And I’ve been to a lot of bullfights
Real bulls got more bravery than that
Sure they’re confused
But I’ve never seen one turn tail and run
Oh yeah -- and he forgot to put a tail on his bull suit

All in all it was a wash wasn’t it
Wetter than the guy in the kingfisher suit.
Still it was nice for us to dress up in animal costumes
To give the animals at least one day to have a day off

Maybe next year we’ll figure it out better
Both in our costuming and their cries
 Jan 2013 John Hill
Dan Shay
What young man
isn't hoping for a monster?
One bigger than a bed could hide
One that would hold our world
in its jaws
salivating into our drinking water
to torture us before it feasts

Many young men
want this monster to come
so they could have the glory
of stabbing its ugly heart
and watching its blood drift away
into the silent cosmos

But some young men
are different
They would sit on the back of the beast
and watch our festering world
be chewed to rubble
then ride off laughing
or crying to no one

And some young man
would be the beast
that devours us
so he could sit in the great wordless space
picking our bones from his teeth
finally free

— The End —