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The clouds raced by
Hiding the sun.
A chill breeze
Dead leaves on the ground,
And the echoes of the words
Spoken inside, also
Scattered on the deaf stones
Of time-worn steps
By the cathedral entrance
As hurled grains of rice,
Doomed underfoot,
Lay destined
As today's fodder for the
Pigeons of the square.

- J. Sandy
Because you loved me
you will always remain young and beautiful
in my memories.
You will always smile
with your lips and your eyes
as when you melted my heart.  
Because you loved me
you planted a seed of joy which still,
and always will live.

J. Sandy
The breath of summer still filled the tiny space
When curtains parted inviting in the breeze
The candle flickered, resisting the embrace
Then winked in answer as shadows it would tease

Outside, the night, filled quiet timeless twilight
With whispers, sweet, to while away the hours
Dark satin shapes beneath the brilliant moonlight
Now standing watch, entranced by sleeping flowers

Upon the bed, oblivious to the instant
She lay asleep, her passions now expended
The velvet warmth, so close and yet so distant
No mem’ry where each had begun or ended

What does it mean? How can one say: “I love you?”
Will that convey a feeling so unending?
Or can we speak and read in eyes as you do?
Or just go on, denying and pretending?

Oh gentle grace, please let me be not blind
Teach me to see with an accepting heart
See love’s return which seldom is in kind–
Teach me a way that we may never part

Tonight again, the shadows and the moonlight
Remind me of the wish I made so often
The moment passed, as silently as midnight
Into my heart—oh, how I loved you then!

- J. Sandy
Dear Algebra,
Please stop asking us
To find your X.
She has left
And she will never return,
And don't ask Y.

There is a place which I recall
in quiet moments when I'm alone
where the light of a candle and
the sound of your voice seemed to merge as one
as they cradled my soul.
Your tender silhouette, so gentle yet strong,
set the world to right
and the music of the chords
as your fingers caressed the strings
gave meaning to life
beyond all comprehension.
Life was so simple and so complicated then.
You kindled in me
the moon and the stars
who drank deep from your eyes
and from your innocence
with no demands,
no expectations,
no explanations.
We were alone in the world,
in the silence of a look, a touch, a kiss.
How I loved you then!
How I love you still!

J. Sandy
Can you find God in a dewdrop?
In the vastness of the sky?
Might The One live in the tear drop
Which you shed when asking: "Why?"
Are you certain or just speaking
When you tag "Him" with a "He?"
Will "He" silently ignoring
Turn a deaf ear to a "She?"

When you're praying or you're singing
Can you find Her in your heart?
And each moment while you're living
Do you think you live apart?
In the eyes of all your children
Can you see His love within?
In the lives of all you brethren
Look for Her and not for sin.

So I ask you: "Can you find God?"
All around you, there is life.
Is She growing in the green sod
Or just hiding from all strife?
No more questions, I won't tease you
I will soon give you the sign:
Not in buildings made to please you
Will you find what is Divine.

- J. Sandy
A poem should be palpable and mute
As a globed fruit,
As old medallions to the thumb,
Silent as the sleeve-worn stone
Of casement ledges where the moss has grown--
A poem should be wordless
As the flight of birds.
A poem should be motionless in time
As the moon climbs,
Leaving, as the moon releases
Twig by twig the night-entangled trees,
Leaving, as the moon behind the winter leaves.
Memory by memory the mind--
A poem should be motionless in time
As the moon climbs.

A poem should be equal to:
Not true.
For all the history of grief
An empty doorway and a maple leaf.
For love
The leaning grasses and two lights above the sea--

A poem should not mean
But be.

Archibald McLeish
I have found that for those who do not understand, I can't explain the world of poetry.
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