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Joe Nemec Dec 2017
To the man with many secrets.
You speak with poems of life.
Words that tell of great loss.
Words that give you pain, agony and torcher each day.

You have the power to see light,
the power that only you can give yourself.
Words of light are waiting for you.
Joe Nemec Nov 2017
The deadliest fires bring not only devastation.
There comes a never ending trail of destruction of the mind.
Once a beautiful forest.
A forest once full of hope and beauty now gone.
A lush and beautiful forest Replaced with never ending pain.
It looked, it felt , it was now ash.
Look once more, forward not back.
Out of ash, the richest soils.
Soils now so ready for life.
Joe Nemec Nov 2017
Look into the mirror
not at the mirror.
look into the soul and you will see.
See the beauty that you have overlooked before. 
The past has molded not for pain but learned lessons.
Hard lessons that have hurt so deeply not knowing, have built
A soul that only the pain has now transformed you, into
who you are.
Now look to your side and see who is standing next to you.
Look at the mirror and see two.
Joe Nemec Nov 2017
My friend, the lyrics of Your song "Don't You Know" I will always keep with me.
The reason I am hear.
The reason I am on this planet.
Haunt me more with your words.
Joe Nemec Nov 2017
Are we not to have wisdom from  experience.
The longer we live the more we learn.
Why is it the older I get, the more I find I don't understand?
How can this be?
Joe Nemec Nov 2017
You have unlocked the door
but, you do not open it?
these walls/doors hold not only you, but me from you.
Joe Nemec Nov 2017
Moving beyond one self
Taking a chance
is it not part of life
learning from both pain and, the good
giving yourself a chance
Is that not part of allowing yourself to live
there is no 'dress rehearsal'
this is now
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