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Luck comes into your life that makes you feel blessed.
And at that moment, you totally must confess about your treasure.
So. make her feel special.

You aware you have a remarkable woman.
She makes you radiate by the showing of her smile.
She makes you feel relax whenever she speaks.
So, make her feel special.
Like all women should be.

And if you are ever ill.
You know she is there-so be there for her.
Just make her feel special by showing daily your love.
After a heartache or heartbreak.
You will hear these words, let me make it up to you.
More likely from the one that brought hurt to you.

Or, from someone new trying to heal you.
Yes, they say let me make it up to you.
We all know cheaters says it the most.
If they feel there is still a chance.
1d · 31
What The F...
We, all have flipped it.
Well, maybe not all.
But we have stated to someone what the fun?
We could have.
You thought I was thinking about that other word.

Tic, tic, tick minds in the gutter.

Or maybe we said what the hell?
But that's better than that other word.
1d · 40
Me, I am.
I am, me.
I am like the water flowing through the oceans and the sea.

Me, I am without comparison to anyone.
Even, twins, not similar to the other.
Many parents stuck in dressing them the same.
Or giving them close to one another name.

Me, a single being of one.
If you knew me?
You find my description under the word called fun.
2d · 38
Believe This
Threse words are for you.
Solely for you.
Believe this, I will lover you forever.
And forever be by your side.

Believe this.
I be your protector and your security.
We be like a united soul of one.
Won't nothing come between us.

And if you're ill or sick.
We be each other doctor.
After all, we are each other lover.

Believe this.
Except for God no other be placed before you.
I be a fool too.

Believe this.
I am so glad you came into my life.
2d · 35
This Is Why
Your heart.
This is why I love you?
Your soul.
This is why I adore you?
Your kindness.
This is what I see?

And it been that way since we met.
You have left an impression I can't forget.

Your eyes.
They are why I am impressed.
They radiate with feelings without hidden agenda.

Your lips.
Oh, I keep this is why a secret?
2d · 34
Reflect Back
Oh, sometimes, death makes us reflect back.
Sometimes, good memories make us reflect back.

So, reflect back with joy.
If you mother/dad did the best they could with less.
Raised you well with respect.
Taught you right from wrong, even if you get caught up.

Just reflect back.

Reflect back of the love you were shown.
Even how to share it out on your own.
Even, when you an adult and they stated you're not that grown to not be placed on that knee.

Yes, laugh with humor and glee.
And the things parents says when you were a kid.
Even, about the odd ball things you did.

Reflect back, yes reflect back, and yes there will be a few times when you have various regrets.

But reflect back with love after all that's all we truly own.
4d · 43
I Admit
Sometimes, luck comes into your life.
Maybe, in a lover, husband or a wife.
And what seems so dim?
Turn out to be so bright.

I admit, your love, your love saves my life.
Made me a better soul than I ever thought I could be.

You been a magical source for me.

And I admit, your support has lifted me up.
Made me seek higher things like never before.

You been the missing clue missing in my life.

And I admit without a single regret.
That you been the supporter I need.

To make me realize all my dreams.
You never excel to the fame of your two more famous brothers
But you held your own.
You control your ownership of individuality.

You shine.
You radiate around the various jokes concerning you.
Could make a guitar sing by playing of the fingers.
You left a theme of joy to represent you.

Marlon, Michael, Jermaine, Jackson and Tito, known to the mighty world as the Jackson Five.
All left a legacy to study and to learn.

In a world full of trouble.
Yours has cease as you journey on in peace.
Oh, you are looking for him.
Him, to fit your ways and wants.
One, who will follow your description down to a tee.

One, I call Mister Pretense.
Clear sign you not looking or seeking me.
I am Mister Direct straight to the point.

In what I seek?
In what I want?
Maybe it, pleasure, passion and joy.
A man that loves to explore.

I am the one you confess quickly is offensive.
Because I am above the pretense of acting.
Unlike the man called Mister Pretense.

He that man you eventually will tell how he changed.
When in all reality?
He simply was the same.

He was an actor simply fitting a role of what you wanted.
He learns to adapt to the part.
Fooling some of the desperate women isn't hard.

Just remember I'm Mister Direct, yes straight to the point.
And all of it without any apologies.

So, keep looking for him.
Many men are great pretenders and actors.
Gather together ten black men and a few with be a part of the court system.
Yes, for various crimes like it an honor to be behind the walls.
Where many friends and associates already exist.

Some for-drug possessions and various crimes.
Some for abusive behavior found in society.

Yes, ten black men and the number be more guilt than trying to avoid prison.

And there you find them complaining about treatment by various staff.
But in some cases, they must admit you cause it.
Respect is earned and not giving.

Then you have some simply serving time when they are innocent.
But that's another story.
They exist.
Never been a part of the criminal list.
Yes, take ten black men and you might find shocking numbers.

Many never with a criminal past.
Oh, they focus and have things important to do.
Don't but in those stories pushed upon the news.

Simply by images used and you get the point.
Until pointed out to those in power.

So, take ten black men without a criminal's past.
Only the fools be shocked.
I told you life and you acted confused.
When there is no reason too.

Because you know just like I do that love is forever.
Between us two.
But you should have seen all the clues.

It's no mystery that I love you.

I spoke nothing but truth that love is forever.
Between us two.
And you should believe this too.

That love is forever.
That love keeps us together.

Yes, forever and ever and ever.
Sep 5 · 35
Within me, is sin.
It been with me since life begun.
Within me, is love.
And in all of us is nothing stronger.

Within me, is happiness.
Like anyone happy you hope the joy to last.
Within me, is dreams.
We all hope a few are achieved.

Within me, is joy.
I hope it spreads to everyone.
Within me, is kindness.
Why go out of your way to hurt anyone?

Stand on purpose of what you feels is right.

Within me, is God.
And admiring his truth isn't hard.
Sep 5 · 48
Love Unlimited
I give of myself to you, unlimited.
That's how committed love should me.
To be happy.
To enjoy.
To forever find joy.
Love must be given unlimited to one.

I could live my life alone.
But words have been written that no man should live it alone.
To fulfill.
To even give.
To even know truth of the subject.

You must love, love, love unlimited.
Sep 5 · 46
Guided by morals we supposed to be.
Until yours is questioned than it becomes another thing.
Who is right?
Who is wrong?
Life now is becoming another sad song.

They point out things in that sacred book.
Then when you research it.
Some of those men called saints didn't listen.

Who is better to judge you?
Or talk in anyway about you?
But they there with comments upon your moral's affair.
Sep 5 · 58
A Forever Love
Been together for so long.
Seen the good and the bad face the happiness and the sad.
And sworn to one another, they not going nowhere.

And we call this a forever love.
Made for one another.

On the same page when attacked.
Sworn from the beginning to have one another back.
And from all indication, it's a true fact.

They in a forever love.
Made for one another.
Yes, a forever love that they found years ago.

He still the gentleman that open doors.
He is her forever love.
Made for one another.

She calls him King.
Except, he simply accepts being her man.
With eyes for no other.

He aware of the gift and prize he has.
And cherish it immensely.
They have a forever love.
Sep 5 · 52
Urges gets you in trouble.
Like sudden desires has ruin relationships.

Then when you wake up.
You are facing trouble of your own making.
Maybe, if was a sudden pleasure you been seeking.

And your strength of stopping simply weaken.
Urges, many of us have done it.
And many of us have regretted it.
Then on the other hand.

You didn't regret it at all.
Because it was something you wanted.

Somethings you just go to the grave with.
And many concerns urge you drowned within.
Sep 5 · 44
I wonder what someone like you saw in me.
What made me attractive to you?
What make me so in love with you?
Yes, I wonder, wonder about it.

Compare to others you might know before me.
What made you concentrate solely upon me?
Was it my heart or personality?

I just wonder, wonder made you fall for me.
Yes, I'm wondering.
Yes, I'm asking.

Not because of some insecurity.
Because that word doesn't get assigned to me.
Sep 4 · 268
Might Not
Might never excel to where I want to be?
Then just maybe, just maybe I get there one day.
Long as I have this angelic woman by my side, I feel like I'm in heaven.

Might not have all the things to make us happy.
Then maybe one day, one day things might change.
But long as I have this blessing close to me.
I am at the top of the world. --at the top.

You a dream that came a reality.
One that assigned directly to me.
What more?
Could this man ask for to love?

Might not be able to describe in many words why my heart belongs to you.
And you to me.

But one could never state we're not happy.
Sep 2 · 65
Message To The Thugs
First, and foremost, get a ****.
It's not that hard.
But you want it easy most fools do.

And prison mainly designed for fools and idiots like you.
Oh, you find sympathy, most fools do.
And it mainly from those that should have guided you.

Like most clowns afraid to follow rules.
You find the same clowns crying about prison treatment too.
Oh, yes, thugs they have rules too.

And most likely you will bend or amend to them too.
Society is guided by those hard workers obeying rules and regulations.

Not trying to get assaulted and robbed and ***** in our society.
And many things aren't connected to mental illness they tool many now loves to use.

Yes, many experts and professional get manipulated too.
But for you thugs trying to get away with crimes.
It's just a matter of time before you're underground.

Oh, in church you might find a few crying how they changed.
But think about those that never committed a crime.
But applied themselves and truly strived.
Sep 2 · 57
Don't Play The Game
Don't play the game and then throw the blame.
Don't use your age to get into it.
Then when pressure comes.
Say, you are new to it.

Don't play the game for sympathy.
When many times you simply should say the word guilty?
It sounds good to do it.

But others know the whole story.
And the blunt with truth.
You play a part of the trouble.
Then try to act so innocent.

Don't play the game then throw the blame.
Truth usually comes forth.
Sep 1 · 50
A Woman In Charge
A woman with power and force intimidates many.
Least, the insecure ones afraid of her.
Woman shouldn't be president.
Because of her success of accomplishments.

Woman shouldn't be leading church services.
Many true to the word than the men.
For this, I personally don't need an amen.
Many men are sinners in collars.

But if a woman in charge scares you.
Who you think raising kids while the men serving time in prison?
Who you think gets more credits for being worthy?
Yes, a woman in charge.

We can cry men being heads of the household.
When even most children aware moms boss them?
They just manipulate accordingly.

Men ego is sensitive.
So, cry not if a woman wins president.
Money is a powerful tool ever in use.
It can make tricks become magical dreams.
Oh, many schemes and scams and scandals has come forth.

A mistress stands out for dealing.
Because men emotion is easy stealing.
Almost like the trade of a casino card dealer.

What billionaire scandal?
Hadn't dealt with another woman.
Why be shocked?
An older man eventually chasing a younger woman.
Why spouses shocked?

A dream of youthful experience of lust moves some men.
Same, goes for older women seeking stamina.
All of this about money, tricks and more.

Nothing seems about love anymore.
Aug 30 · 57
Call Her Flame
They call her flame.
She has many men calling her name.
She just beautiful from head to toe.
And very aware of power and clout she has.

With her voice she has them weak.
Jumping quickly to do anything to their feet.

Even, a simple wink has the doing the same thing.

Some call her heaven.
And she blessed beyond many measurements.
And yes, hers get many males attention.
But none of their charm get her into any position.

Because the one giving the orders to the chasers.
Aug 30 · 51
Will I
Will I?
Will I stop loving you?
Will I?
Will I stop protecting you?
Lon been told that's what a man's supposed to do.

Will I?
Stop being here for you.
Never, so wipe that thought completely out of your mind.
Accept, I am yours for a lifetime.
Aug 30 · 39
She Loves Her Man
He knows it.
She shows it.
She loves her man deeply.
And he appreciates too.

She loves her man to the point of being his defender.
His supporters.
Besides being proclaim his lover.

She is a giver.
She is his strength.
When others ask what is a strong woman?
He points to her.

He loves her daily.
She one hell of a woman.
She is one hell of a lady.

Without her he aware he might not be nothing.

There is no begging.
When a simple request will do?

There is no weak link between them.
Aug 30 · 47
A Special Part of Me
You saw love in me that I didn't see in myself.
And I thank you and salute you.
You saw past my pretense of pretending.

It's like a rainy day.
Some see gloom instead of the good in living.
Where to one there is sadness?
While to another happiness.

You saw what I should be seeing.
A man who life has a meaning.

No, you are not a mind reader in the least.
But what you are?
Is a special part of me forever.
Aug 30 · 42
I see you, I see love
I see you.
I see love.
I see you.
I see happiness.

In no way will I face sadness.

Because when I see you.
I see love.

It been described as wonderful, and we all know it's beautiful.
And create a feeling called adorable.

Yes, I see you.
I see love.
And for me that is enough.
Aug 28 · 50
Who's Gonna Tell Her
It shows loud and clear.
Because I'm not trying to hide how I feel?
These feelings I feel is real.

The only problems is, who's going to tell her?
Yes, tell her the way I feel about her.

She says we simply friends, but I sense she want more.
But afraid I might hurt her.
But that never been my goal in getting to know her more.

The question remains, who's gonna tell her?
If not me?
Aug 27 · 23
See The Ring
See the ring.
He sees the thrills and what you reveal.
See the ring.
He sees the joy of your assets.
He knows you, built good looking and truly blessed.

See the ring.
And say it with class that you're a marry woman.
Who passed the test?

Just see the ring before feeling the thrills to come.
All because you about to be his number one.
Aug 27 · 37
Created For A Purpose
Those should, didn't but they were of the word.
The one that did was more concerned about the man.
He called the good Samaritan.

Those that should passed him by without a thought.
But in truth, we see this a lot.
Preach it but doesn't practice it.

Never get to the point you're simply heartless.
Show concerns, show love, all because it's embedded in most of us.

We ALL were created for a purpose.
Just sit there and listen to these words meant solely for you.
And, if you cry?
I will wipe away those tears.

But this how I feel?
And I'm aiming to keep it real (that's all I know)

Your smile
Your smile radiates my joy.
And I believe you know this too.

Your eyes reflect a lovely glow,
That how I know how much you love me so.

And there's no other woman to be jealous of because my heart is forever yours.

Believe it, these words meant solely for you.

When backed up against the wall?
I am very aware you will be in my corner.
No doubt about it.
And you can bet I will be in yours.
Aug 27 · 59
I felt, I believe
I felt it.
I felt that feeling folks talks about.
I heard it.
I heard how it changes your life.

I believe it.
I believe it can direct you into a different life.

It makes you dream.
It makes you happy.
It will, it has.
Left many with a happy feeling.
After all, it's love.
Love minus one, means there is no joy.
Unless you see the story from a different view.
And in truth, we all do.

Love added to your life.
Make your life just as bright.
Unless this doesn't concern you.

Love divides into many ways.
Unless its ways you can't have your way.
And in truth, that mostly every single day.

But love about adding and subtracting.
Unless we fall into an affair of satisfaction.
Which leads to many of our friend's reaction.
Aug 26 · 35
How Great You Are
Some don't even see it.
Some don't even see it.
But truth stands out in my perspective.

There you are in the dark with no lights.
But you have them.
Look up and see it.
Then acknowledge it.

The moon shines it.
The stars enhance it.
You have light.

****, how great you are, GOD?

There you are in the daylight.
With no lights.
But you have it.
Just doesn't want to admit it.

See the sun radiating brightly.
All the light you need GOD has supplied it.
Aug 24 · 78
Thought Provoking
Is this you?
A mother, never marry.
Never, even giving it a thought.

Now that you're older you begin to get that feel.
A feel that ring will make you happy.

Yes, this is thought provoking.
But I am noticing this among many women of color.
A mother, and great at it.
But why now?
Does a ring upon your third finger matters.
Aug 22 · 58
Somethings Must End
Something must end for the happiness to begin.
Some did the right thing for the kids, even though no love was involved.
They played the role and raise them accordingly.

But now that they raised, they decided to move on.
Somethings must end for happiness to begin.

And now they journey upon the road of joy.
A new journey both being looking for.
And although many have an opinion or view.

Just reflect upon this story doesn't concerns you.
Unless you been walking in their shoes.
Never forget what written in scriptures.
The poor shall inherit the earth.
Sometimes, the wealth totally forgets this truth.
That the poor shall inherit the earth.

Watch the truth?
Investigate it.
When a divorce between wealthy individuals comes forth?
Witness the way they fight over materialistic things.
The houses, the cars, the jewelry too.
It controls their life and their viewpoints.

They are like being seated in the best seats at sports.
Being without not one of choice.
They protest but hardly support your cause.
Especially, if losing money involved.

All things belong to God.
We grip.
We complain about mom.
But I got nothing to say.
Think of the many things, she might let you get away.
Well, to certain extent.

At the end of the day, they love us to the last of any day.

We compare them to others.
Which really isn't fair.
Sometimes overlooking seriously how much they care?

Many are a rare breed.
They, our love.
They are our security.
At the end of the day, we forget all the sacrifices they have made.

So, about mom.
I got nothing bad to say.
Aug 19 · 189
Whatever relationship you're in, you guiding it?
Stop comparing it.
All situations not the same, as not all lovers have pet names.

Do not use scriptures to define mine?
Or state what the Lord meant them to be?
Remember, men work the book according to their views.

If happiness is the perspectives, we all must seek?
Then why others trying to make others try to change?
So what?

Mine or yours doesn't fit others view.
This relationship isn't shared by you but us two.
Use me lord, for your purpose.
Use me for a reason.
Use me, for all seasons.
Lord, use me yes, use me.

Let me be whatever you desire me to be.
Let me be your assigned servant.

Oh, use me lord, for your purpose.
Use me for a reason or for all seasons.

Let me be like the stars above a guiding light for those seeking to be save.
Lord, use me in any way you feel to get your message through.
Aug 17 · 53
Myth of Love
After, a hurt relationship.
Someone will come along and say they be different.
And some will.
Some will say they won't hurt you.
But some do.

In your mist of hurt and heartbreak, you relent will ease.
And accept them into your life.
Some will excel at wiping pain away.
Some will fall in line like the ones that hurt you with pain.

It been stated, love is a hurting thing.
And David sung it beautifully.
Just walk away before love breaks your heart.

But we don't because being in love is a powerful draw.
And have left many myths to think about.
Aug 16 · 49
It's Me
It's me.
Who writing you these lovely notes?
It's me.
Who laughing with you about my jokes.
It's me.
Who gleam whenever you look my way?
And what else?
For me to say, when you know it's me.
Aug 13 · 39
Stay Away Love
Stay away, like a cold.
Even that something no one truly want.
So, stay away love.
Avoid coming close.

You a heartache, leading to various heartbreaks.
So, stay away love.
Before I become a lovesick joke.

We all have things simply to avoid or give up.
And giving up on you simply my choice.
Aug 13 · 55
We Know Love
We, love love.
We embrace love.
We enhance it,
Many of us romance it.

We seek love.
We chase it.
And truly share it.

No powerful force controls us more than love.
And like an adventure soul we journey more to enjoy it.

We know love.
Expert within that field.
Aug 13 · 65
That One Good Memory
That one good memory that you can't forget.
Maybe it was the loving or maybe it was the kiss.
It just that good to get you to reflect.

That one good memory that just linger on.
Hold more good memories when you are grown.
Unlike others that spill their business.
You are not the one to tell anyone.

But from your smile friends know that it was good.
Yes, good, good, good.
Like you know that it would.

Yes, that one good memory that stays in your mind.
Aug 11 · 53
I Love Me
I love me.
Who else would love me?
If not me.

Yeah, a few will give you their undying love and support.
And that's a blessing to accept.
Because there's no insecurity, within me one bit.

I love me.
Simply and honestly love me.
Ask, yourself?
Who deserves to be love first?

Love is one of those tricky things.
That only a few can accept.
I accept loving me.
Aug 11 · 44
Is That So Hard
Defend those that need defending.
Protect those that needs protection.
But love those seeking to be love.
Is that so hard?

Is it really hard to love?
Is it really hard to care?
Is it really hard to share?
Is it so hard?

If love?
Is so powerful?
We not seeing it more.
From it comes happiness, from it comes joy.
Aug 9 · 63
Once Was
Once was but not now.
The interest has left both of us.
What was?
Isn't there.
So why not accept it time to move on?

Why pretend before friends?
That was good in the beginning.
Is the same in the end.
Time brings about changes.

And growth does too.
Once was, isn't now.
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