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Jasmine Roper Feb 2016

Allow me to apologize in advance.
For what you ask?

For ruining this great thing we're going to have.

I'll be the friend that falls in love.

I'll be the friend begging to be more than friends.

It'll be me that takes your affection too far.

So yes I say sorry,
and it's not for "no reason"
It's because I already know how this is going to go.

I'm sorry that I'm going to fall in love with you, you're just making it really easy to do.
Jasmine Roper Jan 2016
Your intelligence captivates me.

Your creativity enchants me.

Your humor never fails to excite me.

Your brain entertains me.

Your heart beat moves me.

Everything about your personality fascinates me.

Your just simply extraordinary.
Jasmine Roper Jan 2016
As the clouds shift.

You walk around with your head down.
Staring at your phone, no one knows whats wrong.
The clouds never stop moving

As the clouds shift.

We're all being left behind.
We remain lost in time.
Yet, the clouds haven't quit.

The clouds set an excellent example.
I wish for just a sample.
I want to be more like the clouds.
Beautiful for no reason.
Flying through ever season.

As the clouds shift.
Jasmine Roper Jan 2016
To the cutie behind the camera.
Thank you for making me look good, without your skills that wouldn't have been possible. Thanks for making my smile look brighter, you use the flash at just the right time. Thank you for putting the smize in my eyes, they've never stood out like that.

     I'm not just meaning the actual pictures, I mean the smile I get when you make me laugh, the way my face glows when I talk about you, the way my heart races when I see you. Thank you for making me beautiful, without you I never would have seen it.
Jasmine Roper Jan 2016
I want you to teach me,
put the pencil in my hand and show me how to write.

Show me how to color the past instead of erasing it.

Teach me to love myself, In the way you love me.

Show me where I went wrong, then tell me to turn right.

Teach me smile more and cry a less.

Show me what I don't see,
Protect my eyes from what I shouldn't.

Make me laugh in the midst of my tears.

Teach me to forget why I was sad.

Show me how to conquer the pain.

Tell me what you want, and how you're gonna get it.

Show me why I should trust you,
teach me how.
Jasmine Roper Jan 2016
It's more contagious than the common cold,
More addicting than any drug,
More beautiful than any sunrise,
More comforting than any physical touch,
More entertaining than any movie.

It contains more magic than Houdini,
Contains more sparks than the 4th of July,
Contains more dreams than a thousand years of sleep,
It holds more hope than anything in the world.

Everything in the universe is out of focus
I can't see anything,
Except for one thing.
Something unbelievably real,
incredibly prepossessing
and Insanely attractive
A Smile...
Your smile to be exact.
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