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643 · Aug 2013
But I Don't
Jay Aug 2013
2 months ago I said I might love him.
I might love his mind.
The way he evaluates everything,
Logically, as if emotions aren't for making decisions.
I thought I loved the curve of his spine
And the muscles in his back
I thought I loved the way he looked when he played basketball
And how he screams right before he laughs.
I might have thought to love his caring touch,
When holding a baby sister named Chloe,
Or taking care of his geckos.
Or making sure the people he loved were happy,
Buying toaster stroodles when the girl he liked craved them,
Covering and healing broken hearts and old scars,
Saying he was in love.
Just not with me.

But if I loved him then I would miss him right?
I would be lying in bed wondering how I messed up,
Trying to figure out what I did wrong.
Depression would cave in
Obsession would break through
And everyone would be asking
"What the hell happened to you?"
But to me, it just didn't work out.
If I loved you that would make me upset
The secrets, the hiding, I'd be angry.
But I just don't care.

This is new.
I don't know. Boys have always had a really bad effect on me and I haven't taken rejection very well. I used to walk around telling people I loved the guy. Because I was comfortable with him. I don't think it was anything more than me confusing companionship and lust. Now I know I'll be okay, and that makes me happy.
618 · Jul 2013
Supposed To
Jay Jul 2013
If the train is supposed to come it will
If I happpen to be walking on the tracks then, oh well
If someone was supposed to stop me they would
Hell, push me out of the way if they could

If it's supposed to be real then it is
But I guess I'm not being realistic
But if it's all a fantasized reality
Then no one understands but me

If she's supposed to be a mom then she might
Instead of coming home in the middle of the night
Instead of controlling your life she'd be in it
And she'd stop taking whatever makes you happy away from it

If he's supposed to be my dad he'll be there
Less awkward phone calls, no more stupid fears
Because daddy never protected me from what was under my bed
So they grew up with me and moved into my head

If someone was supposed to stop him, it would've happened
But no one did, I tried, I demanded
Cried for him to please, please stop
But he still ended up on top

My mother and him would never've gotten married
Another child to take my place she would never've carried
If I wasn't supposed to be left out
A family is something I grew up without

If I'm supposed to be sad, fate's doing it's job
All I see is this heavy fog
Clouding my judgement, self-worth, my very being
Controlling how I feel about me

If the train doesn't come then I'm supposed to live another day
But if it does come, I didn't plan on stepping out of the way
So if the train decides to come and hit me
That's the way it's supposed to be
615 · Jun 2013
These Nights
Jay Jun 2013
These are the nights
These are the nights that I try to avoid
By entertaining guests that are far from appealing
By watching television as to fill my mind with nonense
By consuming large amounts of food so that I can think about how bad my stomach hurts rather than my thoughts
These are the nights that force me to keep the lights on
Because my demons come out in the dark
The lights still seem 20 times dimmer and yet 80 times lighter
These are the nights that I write
Because I must display my thoughts
Anywhere but inside my head
Because in my head it's all real,
But on paper, or a screen
It's more serene
Like morphine it numbs me
We say we would rather feel pain than numbness
But numbness is what we crave when we have stomach pains or headaches
I despise these nights
614 · Jul 2013
A Boy's Eyes
Jay Jul 2013
You've never said you love me
But I've always thought you did
They say you can tell if a boy is in love
By the look in his eyes
But what does it look like

Is it a sparkle when he shows you his favorite things
Or a warmth when he's staring at you
Is it a chilling feeling
As he gazes into your soul
Or is it nothing like that at all
611 · Jun 2013
Jay Jun 2013
I used to think people did the things they loved
Like writing
And Drawing
And Painting
And building
And making
And Discovering
And creating
But I soon learned, that people forget about the things they love
Because they're worried about losing the people they love
And that doesnt seem quite fair
608 · Mar 2014
Jay Mar 2014
Today my boyfriend said he loves me
My mother always told me not to say it back if it was something I didn't mean
My father always told boys only say that to get into your jeans
Taylor Swift said a boy would make me feel this way at age 15
I keep thinking about how my life should be
I didn't even want to be with someone until like age 23
But then he came along and showed me a whole new universe I had never seen
He makes me laugh and cry and scream
And I can't help but wonder what three simple words could mean
There is so much I've been told and I don't know what to believe
Three words don't mean anything
I asked him if they did and he said what do they mean to me
I said I didn't know a thing
But if I think about it, I guess it's eggs in the morning when you're hungover from the previous evening
It's being miles away and still not cheating
It's holding hands and PDA and kissing
It's yelling and tears and fighting
It's laughing and it's crying
It's climbing the ladder together, even if there are a ton of steps missing
Maybe it's just listening
Maybe it's everything
Maybe they don't mean anything
Today my boyfriend told me he loves me
I don't love him back
I said I love you too, and it's something I didn't mean
It's not that he isn't good enough..
It's just, the word love isn't big enough to express my feelings
I am enchanted
I am speechless
I am all in, head over heels
Falling down a hill
I am taken back
I am double taking
I am walking on clouds
Words are too small
Actions are too small
The universe is too small
I am too small to be loved.

Today my boyfriend said he is in love with me
I said it back, but it wasn't true.
608 · Jul 2013
Grow Up
Jay Jul 2013
Watching cartoons on Saturday Morning.
Go outside to play when it's pouring.
Monsters under the bed, lava on the floor.
Monsters in the closet too! Don't open that door!
Quick! It's a race to see who gets the last swing!
Trying to accomplish everything before the microwave hits zero and dings.
Smiling, laughing, you never had to worry,
But you wanted to grow up in such a hurry,
Now that you're old you wish you were young.
You forgot what it's like to just have fun.
You're all grown up and your imagination is gone,
You're too old for games because you know right from wrong,
Too old for ice cream on a special night,
Too old for everything, that's what it feels like.
It all gets to the point where you just want to run,
Run from growing up because growing up isn't fun
605 · Jun 2013
Jay Jun 2013
You and I are like minnesota weather.
Well at least I am,
I'm the storm, that comes around 2 o'clock or so,
Screaming in agony,
Making things fall,
Pounding on the walls,
Because something I onced loved is now gone.
But you are the sun,
That shows up around 4 o'clock or so,
Warming the ground,
Drying my tears
Calming me.
But as soon as you leave
The feelings overwhelm me,
And with no sun to warm my heart
We're back to square one

Sometimes your Sun doesn't even work,
And I still rain, even in your presence,
And I'm Lost
Lost in feeling, lost in the thunder and the lightning,
While you struggle to save me, I just run.
I believe I'm insane darling,
But you just happen to hold my sanity in the palm of your hand.
598 · Jun 2013
Simon Says
Jay Jun 2013
Simon Says
Do not treat your yourself as an object
But do not object when others treat you as one

Simon Says
Do not hurt yourself
But do not react when someone else does

Simon Says
Do not listen to those who say you cannot
But do not show them you can

Simon Says
Be yourself
But only under the cover of being alone

Simon Says
Hold your ground
But bow down when those above you walk by

Simon Says
Your Morals are important
Unless they contradict mine

So remain original
But fit in with the crowd

Society Says
595 · Jun 2013
This Moment
Jay Jun 2013
At this very moment my close friend is sitting on the couch
Next to my brother
Arms wrapped around each other
Not even trying to hide it.

At this very moment I am up in my room
Talking to my brother's 17 year old friend
Living in a nightmare that never ends
And I'm lost

Lost in my head
Lost in love
With a boy who just wants ***
It's a long story
Someday I'll tell you the rest
595 · Aug 2013
Jay Aug 2013
I promised myself I wouldn't get high anymore
I won't light anymore bowls
Or smoke any more blunts
Or roll anymore joints
I won't French Inhale
Or show off my Cheerios
But it's a bad habit
And when I'm high I **** up
And I feel ****** in the morning
But I still smoke
Because maybe you'll love me
If I act like you
590 · Jul 2013
Jay Jul 2013
Being lonely doesn't always mean you're alone
Surrounded by crowds but you might as well be at home
Sitting on your bed and thinking about all the things you've done wrong
The people who "care" are begging you to stay strong and stay calm
But you're the only one who knows that that calm comes before the storm
Just before you realize these suicidal thoughts are out of the norm
And you start to discuss in your head
All the things you could've said
But they all lead to the same outcome
As you stare down the barrel of the gun
And you're sick, physically, mentally and emotionally
Life's roller coaster is done quietly coasting
It's climbing up the ladder as you anticipate the downward fall
Wondering if you can stomach it at all
Or if you'll up chuck all the **** ups and spill them onto the person in front
Wondering if they'll enjoy what you've had for lunch.
I was helped in writing this by a friend whose name is Charlene(:
576 · Sep 2013
I think I like You
Jay Sep 2013
I think I like you
Even though you reply late at night
And go to sleep early, excusing it with "I'm tired"
And you want to have a deep conversation
But our shallow ones can't keep together, so full of complications
And I'm the only girl you need
You don't have enough time for me
Because homework keeps you so busy
And without Honey there are no bees
And I seem to be lacking what you consider sweet
This confusion has me standing back on my feet
Like this crap always happens to me
I think I like you
I think I like the movie dates
The hellos and "oh no, midnight isn't to late"
And I'm quite enjoying the "I can't waits"
For the times we'll see each other during the day
I know I like the look you give when I say hi
Friends calling it the boyfriend look when you walk by
And I don't know if you see it in my eyes
But I think I like that you make me shy
I think I like you
But I hate that your so much like my dad
Say things to cheer me up when I'm feeling sad
Like Jay, it isn't that bad
I mean you got me, that all you've ever needed to have
But do I have you?
Because its feeling like I don't
Like you got more important things, take note
This expression of what I'm trying to let you know
Because I think I like you
But I think I don't.
568 · Aug 2013
What to do
Jay Aug 2013
I'm having trouble deciding what to do
Should I ignore this nagging sense or go talk to you
People always say
"Go for it" you won't be able to another day
But what will I even be going for?
What will I say when you open the door?
And ask me why I came
If I told you I'd feel ashamed
Because I'm the one that called it quits
But I never wanted it to end like this
When you spend a summer with someone like him
It's a pretty hard summer to forget
You made some mistakes and I just want to forgive
Because I want to be back in your arms, unaware and ignorant
You'd be surprised if I came and said hello
Because I left without warning, like get up and go
And I have no reason to be sorry but I am
Leaving wasn't really in my plans
But you hurt me so bad
And I always think about what we had
I just dont know if it's the best thing to get it back
But I want it back
I miss us against the world
Against the "it won't works" against those other girls
Because I thought I was the one
I had no idea I'd ever say we're done
But I'm stuck and I don't know what to do
Should I stay in my place or fight for you
565 · Oct 2013
Jay Oct 2013
What really ***** is when you're so sad that getting up tomorrow morning feels like it won't happen. When it physically pains you to open your eyes. You feel ******? You dont know the ******* half of it. You dont know what its like to only feel good when you're high or drunk or on the verge of losing your virginity to someone else. You have no ******* idea how it feels to constantly have to SURVIVE. You're never really living because all you can focus on is what you're doing wrong. When your future is so far away, yet so ******* close, when everything you do right now affects that future, its hard. When you actually feel sore throughout your entire body because of how much you cried last night. When you constantly feel numb and shut yourself off from everybody, then you can tell me how ****** it is that your mother loves you and your father cares about who you're with. When you feel how a depressed ,suicidal person feels, you can tell me how sad you are because your parents didn't buy you the car you wanted. But for now, leave me alone.
564 · Jul 2013
Jay Jul 2013
In dreams you retreat to the deepest corners of your mind
Things that are hidden in the dark have been put on pedestals in the light
That one day you smoked ****
At the park when you thought no one was looking
Or that time you slept in a mans bed
Thinking someone might see you wasn't in your head
Or maybe like that time you looked up pornagraphic videos on your momma's computer screen
Thinking no one will know if I clear the history
Like that one time you tried to slit your wrists, but fell asleep before you could get to it and
You still thought no one was watching

That night in your dream you woke up
Startled, feeling a presence and you looked to the left
Sitting in the corner of your sisters bed
Was a demon, face painted red
Long nails, sunken eyes, trying his hardest to hide
But God needed you to see and he shined his light

You spent a while wondering,
What did that dream mean?
Asking questions like why didn't God intervene?
But it was God that was trying to tell you that night
Your timing didn't fit with his but still He tried
Your thoughts screaming out, this is why,
The reason you chose not to end your life

Because you didn't choose
In fact you had no say,
It just wasn't God's will, not that day
It was his plan for you to do greater things
And you were too busy blaming, you couldn't see
You didn't realize that God was the one who woke you up that night
To show you your demons, and later, teach you to fight.
I mean isn't that right?
At church camp you learned you had the gift of discernment
Now go ahead and show everyone you earned it
There is no reason to see your demons and be afraid
Because you have Jesus, you've broken your chains.
564 · Nov 2014
A Letter To The One I Love
Jay Nov 2014
Lately I have been numb
I can never write when I am numb,
and the only logical reason I have for being able to write this is the fact that it's 12 am and im drunk
but I'm still somehow able to spell out my words without constantly messing up
I dont know, maybe its magic..
Or maybe I'm falling apart again
I can write my feelings, I can write emotions, I can spell out the colors of the rainnbow in such intricate detail that you would have to read it over 3 times before you understood what I was talking about
But I wont make you do that.
Some days, I feel as if I could write a story about the way your lips curve into a smile like I've never seen before
Some days I could wrap my legs around you and bury my face it the space where your neck and shoulders meet and just relax into you
Some days I think I could rip myself apart and lay the pieces over all of your puddles to keep your shoes from getting wet,
You see, I am in love with you,
desperatly in love with you
utterly, incredibly in love with oyu.
Im hiding behind bulletproof glass windows, like the ones they have in those cop shows
and I'm staring at the mirror while you stare at me and I'm wondering what the **** is going on
I hate the thought of everyone else standing on the outside and looking in while I fall apart
And the thing is, I have no reason to fall apart,
somethimes when im riding in the car, I look out of the window and I think about killing myself,
sometimes I just tell people that im sad and i dont know why and they call me selfish
but how can i be selfish if I cann't even find myself
I got lost somw=ehwere a long time ago and I thought that I could find myself in a church on a street in a house on upton
I thought I could find myself inside a monk named bhudda, I was told he had the secrets to peace and I wanted them so badly
I though I could find myself in a book, but that only gave me a story for a few days and when I finished I was back to square one again and that kinda **** can really ******* up mentally
I thought I could find myself in a blunt and a bottle but I realized that wasn't for me when I was throwing up in showers, toilets and sinks, while a stranger held my hair back and told me not to think and when I left the bathroom some randm **** asked me if I wanted another drink, before I know it im passed out on the floor and im missing some of my clothes and thats not a good life if there ever was such a thing..
I thought I could find myself in a paintbrush but art gives me more anxiety than ever because my hands won't stop shaking from the numbness
So tonight I'll try to find myself in the bottom of a cheap dollar store wine glass, I'll try to wrap myself around the constant drum of my fingers hitting the keys because nobody seems to believe in paper and pencil anymore and tonight I will love you like I've never loved anything in this entire ******* world before,
because I think that everyone I've ever tried to love before was a fluke,
and like that one song says, they're probably broken roads that lead to you,
I'm waiting for the day I get the courage to leave my mirror and walk out of that gray walled, bullteproof window interrogation room,
The day I can finally look into your eyes and tell you how glad I am to finally meet you and ask you where the *******'ve been.
560 · Aug 2013
Don't Bother
Jay Aug 2013
Oh, don't even bother.
She'll be fine
A girl like her can handle herself

Maybe I can't
Maybe sometimes I ******* fall apart
Maybe my glue just stopped sticking
It's watered down with my tears
Maybe I ran out if tape
I was using it to put my soul back together
Maybe I lost the last bandage
That ***** because I was using it to hide my bruises

**I'm not what you expected
558 · Dec 2013
I'm okay
Jay Dec 2013
I just don't understand
There is nobody else
No other girl
You said I was pretty
You held my hand
You used to smile when you saw me
Told me you liked me
But actions speak louder than words
And your actions have said literally nothing to me
For the past few weeks
I just don't know what to think
I know there isn't another girl
I know you saw me, all of me,
And decided it wasn't good enough,
But that's okay, because it wasn't
But it is now
And I'm okay.
Don't be sorry
I'm okay
557 · Jun 2013
Jay Jun 2013
Whats the difference between me and a celebrity?
Why is his signature worth more than mine?
Are we not a created equally?
Then why does he deserve a Shrine,
In a teenage girls bedroom.
As if his name is something worth screaming over,
Making all the girls swoon.
Did he get lucky from a four leaf clover?
Because in my eyes he is the same,
Just with more fake friends
That he doesnt even know by name,
Teaching kids they need to get big or its a dead end,
As if being famous is the only thing that matters
Destroying kids dreams, leaving hearts shattered.
So whats the big deal about being a celebrity?
If money replaces family
If public drunkeness is more important than sobriety,
If the only love I could ever recieve
Was someone looking at me through a television screen.
535 · Jun 2013
Anonymous Man
Jay Jun 2013
It's hard to think an anonymous person is more reliable than the one you care for.
An anonymous source, someone to spill your secrets to,
They can't judge because they're here for the same reasons as you.
And yes it's a hard thing to admit,
But the best poems come from the times you feel like ****.
And sometimes that anonymous source is all you got,
Willing to listen to every twisted, ****** up thought.
When the real person's not...
When the real ones gone
So anon is the only thing that keeps you strong
And some might say the fact he's anonymous is creepy.
But I say, all the more reason to express yourself freely.
There is no emotional tie to him
Just the thoughts he allows you to spill onto him.
No pressure because his sole purpose is to listen.
And he's always around
Ready to lift you up when your feeling down
With simple words like "Your writing is neat"
Or saying he thinks your sweet.
there isnt anything wrong with being anonymous,
As long as you don't look too far into it.
533 · Aug 2013
Two Sides Of Me
Jay Aug 2013
Everyone thinks I'm sad

but I'd consider myself happy

I've been in my room all day feeling kind of numb

I'm just lazy, I don't wanna get out of bed because I'm watching a good show

I haven't felt a real feeling since the start of the summer

I'm happy with you

I don't know the meaning of different moods, nothing hurts and nothing feels good

A blade? NEVER.


Life is too good to be sad, cheer up

Explain to me why pain feels so good, explain to me why I cannot love someone, I'm purposely hurting everyone around me and I see it but its addicting and I can't stop

I'll be fine

Please, Help me.
521 · Jul 2013
Biggest Fears
Jay Jul 2013
For some reason I can't get over this stage fright
Whenever I get up there the words don't take flight
I mean it isn't the fear of being on stage
It she fear of what people think and what people say
It's the look on they're faces and how they'll react
Every time I look at the page my poem seems like crap
And it's the fear that when I finish & walk away no one will clap
And when I look up and see everyone staring at me, I think it's also the fear of that
That someone will take what I say wrong
Or I'll get all choked up and take too long
To say the first word, because of what people might think
Think that I'm stupid because I'm just being me
So I guess it's not really the fear of the stage
It's of what people think and what people say
It's also kind of the fear that I'll be rejected
The fear that if I mess up I'll never be accepted
And right now no matter how hard I try
I can't hold back the tears that fall from my eyes
But why is she crying? That's what everyone will think
She's just scared of a stage that's not a big thing.
But honestly it's not at all about the stage
It's the feeling that I'll always be locked in the cage
The cage isn't ordinary
It's what keeps me from going crazy and it's scary
Because whenever I look through the bars, on the other side
I see a girl with angry, piercing brown eyes
I see the girl with the sad-happy smile
You can tell by the heart she wear on her sleeve she hasn't been loved in a while
And I see love, and I see hate
And I see no peace and I see pain see that her attempts at fixing herself have all been in vain
Because no matter what she will still be the same
So she keeps her good half locked in this cage
And she won't let it out until her dying day
I wrote this in either 6th or 7th grade. I'm not sure if I've improved in writing skill or not but its one of my favorites.
521 · Nov 2013
Hell In The Abyss
Jay Nov 2013
I always thought that I climbed high enough to be immune to falling down
But the whole time I wasn't climbing, I was falling and I never realized until I hit the ground
And right now the ground is soft and I'm heavy like a rock
I'm afraid I've broken through, when I never saw the lock
They say when you hit rock bottom, the only place to go is up.
But rock bottom hit me 48hours ago and all I can do is stare into the teacup
As I watch everything I've ever known crumble into nothing
I realize that we're all afraid of something
And when that something shows its face and we have no where else to hide
when our arms become too tired and we can no longer fight
when the battles we cannot win have become too much to bear
when something is a-coming and no safety net is there
when the only option left from running from our something is to jump off a cliff
when rock bottom can't be seen, but we see hell in the abyss
when all that's left is nothings left and we don't know what to do
Just know that if you will carry me, I will carry you.
510 · Jul 2013
Jay Jul 2013
People who make art are so interesting
They see the imperfections and quietly fix them
They have the biggest imaginations
Because most of the have spent their lives imagining something better
Better than hushed voices behind closed doors
Better than dead bodies hitting the floor
Better than guns and killers
Louder than the voices in their heads
That say they'd be better off dead
I'll tell you it's the people who make art
Who can take what they feel and turn it into something
That are the most beautiful
They're the ones who aren't worried about themselves
Because they know someone more important needs help
They know that art is fuel for the soul
People who make art are my favorite people
504 · May 2013
Jay May 2013
She sometimes likes to sit underneath bridges and watch rivers flow
Pretending she's a queen and the worlds all her own
Like she has enough love to share with the world
And everyone would fall in love with this little girl

But there comes a time when little girls have to grow up
Her momma told her playing under bridges is for girls who are young
And her dreams of being loved were stolen from her
Depression pulled the young girl under

From time to time she sits under a new bridge to watch rivers flow
Pretending she's married and feeling like Gold
Until reality breaks through and reminds her she's all alone
And the sinking feeling spreads all through her bones

She builds a new bridge for each one that is broken
But it isn't enough to forget the words that have already been spoken
Sooner or later she's out of bridge designs
And before she jumps she pretends just one more time
498 · Aug 2013
Am I Making A Mistake?
Jay Aug 2013
Like finger paintings against foggy glass
We may fade as our time runs past
Like scissors through paper, our hearts may tear
Just not as clean, not as fair
Like a deer in headlights I didn't see it coming
I didn't think I'd still be wondering
If this could actually work
Because like newborn baby's we aren't sure what to do with our voices
So we use our actions to express our choices
And we can't always get things just the way we want them
But I always feel like I have what I want with him
491 · Sep 2013
Jay Sep 2013
I'm doing it again
I thought I could stop
I thought I was better
I thought I didn't need anything to make me better
I thought I was happy.
But I should've known
Because once the numbness is gone
all that's left
Is the Ache
And oh boy does it ache
And im hoping this psychology class
Will teach me why I'm sad
So that I can finally get better
478 · Jun 2013
Jay Jun 2013
Following you up the stairs now
Yelling behind, in your ear
He's nobody, Nothing
You are never to see him again
But thats not fair
You don't see him like I do
You don't see his dreams
His ambition for doing things
He loves

Standing in your door now
I'll **** him
He only wants one thing and you won't be the one to let him have it
But have you seen his smile
The way he looks at me
I don't see Lust, which is all too familiar
But instead love

Fists raised now
Guess I'll have a chat with him then
Already gone
But he did nothing wrong
A simple date turned into much more
Where did we go wrong
What did we do wrong

I'm sorry for tearing everyone apart.
478 · Sep 2013
I Only
Jay Sep 2013
I only like to be looked at through foggy glass windows
Or maybe fun house mirrors
I only like to be touched with clothes on
After all these years
I only like to be looked at
Through finger painted hearts
Because looking through me when I was small
Is seeing me as art
I only like to heard through blurry cassette tapes
So you can't hear demons
Over the sounds of static hate
I only like my soul to be read
Through a written book
Because I can hide the crazy
Between the small cranny's and nooks
I only want to be felt in a painting
Hung on Golden hooks
But nobody knows I'm golden
It's all about the looks
I never want to be seen for who I was made to be
I never want you to know
The Real Me
477 · Jul 2013
Can I See You Smile?
Jay Jul 2013
I stopped him midway
Covered my exposed ******* and my face
The pain was something I couldn't take
One more thing about myself that I hate
That my past can attack my present in such a way
A sinister hello on a beautiful day

I stopped him mid-thigh
Covered myself for the second time
Pained feelings came to mind
I keep missing the signs
But he was so very kind
Wrapped me up and said you're "mine"
I cried

I stopped him yet again
Frustrated but not showing he asked "when?"
When I'm ready I said
There's something about this bed
That reminds me of the screams I could have let
Come out, the pain I couldn't get
To Stop

He covered me
Said "here,
I fixed it, let me dry your tears"
Don't be mad at me
We can wait until your ready
Then maybe try again,
But only if you'll let me
"I'm sorry
We can sit for a while,
Can I see you smile?"
467 · Jul 2013
Jay Jul 2013
I guess I'm sort of jealous of smoke
The way you inhale it, it makes you feel better
The way you hold it in your lungs as if letting it go would make them shatter
Then you exhale and it disappears into a fine mist
And you're left with that feeling of bliss

I might be a little jealous of liquor
The way you read the bottle, inspecting it like expensive wine
I'm wishing the label was my eyes
As you stare deeply into that now empty bottle
Wishing you could feel that comforting burn in the back of your throat

And I realized last night that

*I want to be your addiction
463 · Nov 2013
Jay Nov 2013
I know the poets like you know your favorite rap artists
I can recite their poetry in the same way you sing your favorite song
You find peace within the intricate design of instruments playing together
Strings, drums, piano pieces sending electric, warming sensations underneath your skin
Your very bones quiver against the sound of the base dropping into your soul
I know the poets like you know your favorite movies
I can recite their poetry in the same way you quote Mean Girls every word
I find solace in words
I find remedy in the relaying of pain onto paper
There is no peace within the confines of the mind, but inside the soul there is kindness quite like it
Sometimes when the music is too loud
When the beat of the drums stops moving my soul
Poetry picks up the pieces that your base dropped
When the words become nothing but repitition
I find my release
447 · May 2013
Hold On
Jay May 2013
Most of the time daddy 'ain't there
Momma don't seem to care
Your friends just wanna bash
You wanna run away but you're outta cash
Baby, don't collapse
Your almost there, don't crash
I know it's all happening real fast
Search for God's hand to clasp
Find a better way to cope
Stop smokin' all that dope
Find a reality that's easier to grasp
Jay May 2013
Little kids are the ones who always ask,
Where did you get those scars?
"My cat scratched me"
Is my favorite reply
They look puzzled at first
As if they're wondering how the cat scratched me
With such straight lines.
I don't have the heart to say I'm lying.
Then they smile and walk away
Going about they're merry day.
443 · Jun 2013
The Dark
Jay Jun 2013
The other day in therapy we talked about my fears.
She asked me why I was afraid of the dark.
At the time I didn't know, I've always been ,
But I've given it some thought and I've noticed
The dark holds untold secrets
It is something you cannot run from
When it comes, it is usually unexpected
And it envelopes you
Until you become enclosed in everything else you're afraid of
The dark holds your freedom
And refuses to return it to you
At night dark becomes powerful
Because there is no escape
No amount of light is bright enough to ***** out the dark.
The dark holds you
In an intricate web of danger and exposure to things unseen
Worst of all,
The dark holds me
And I, do not enjoy being held by things.
438 · Sep 2013
I don't understand
Jay Sep 2013
I dont get it
He's the angel child when I work so hard
There is too much blood, and sweat for me to fall down so far
Too many tears for the rope to split
Too much pain to end it all like this
But there's an invisible hand holding scissors and I don't know who it is
I'm just hoping that my rope is thick
As they saw away
Day by day
I start to get sick
There's no hope for climbing, no way up
I'm thinking my last option is to jump
Because I'm almost at the top, that means its a long way down
Hopefully I'll pass out from fear before I hit the ground
I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying my best
But my best falls just short of the rest
And I'm only thinking of one way out
I could survive if this was a river, but there's been a drought
So all that remains at the bottom of my mountains
Are dried up rivers, and the seconds are being counted
In my head I'm thinking maybe if I let the thoughts win
It just might rain again.
433 · May 2013
Jay May 2013
Golden rays
Raining down, filled with happiness.
Enough to brighten even the most stubborn old man's day.
But she won't let it touch her,
Locked in the darkness of her heart,
Refusing to break her shell,
And he loves her
Wants her to break free,
But between you and me;
It's never gonna happen.
She doesn't think she deserves happiness.
But those golden rays shine so bright,
She would know if only she'd just lift her head and see the light.
428 · Dec 2013
Not Lost (15w)
Jay Dec 2013
I am not a damsel in distress
I can save myself
If its ever needed
426 · Jun 2013
I Promise
Jay Jun 2013
Take a brick
For every time someone beat you
Break a window with each one
You'll feel better, I promise

Take a match
For every scream they threw into your ears
Burn the words into dust at your feet
You'll feel better, I promise

Take a breath
For the bubbling anger inside your soul
Count to 15
You'll feel better, I promise

Take a bandage
For every broken heart
Wrap it carefully, it will heal and
You'll feel better, I promise

Take a smile
For every sad day
Wear it always like the clothes on your back
You'll feel better, I promise

Take a secret
For every one you've kept
Lets do a trade, take mine I'll take yours
You'll feel better, I promise

Take my heart
For every time you feel unloved
Don't forget the key
Read it and cherish every last drop of love
You'll feel better, I promise
425 · Jun 2013
For my Sister
Jay Jun 2013
Such a big girl now
Almost 9 years old
You're starting to notice
That the world can be cold
And you're running out of blankets
But the wind doesn't stop
You're starting to see
That pouring rain can come from just one drop

Such a big girl now
Almost 9 years young
Still enjoying life
Still having fun
But mum's always gone
And dad can only be reached by phone
You're doing your best to remain calm
But your feelings these feelings you don't even know
There's no time to talk and no where to go

Such a little girl still
Only 8 years old
Already dreaming of hurting yourself
When you've got so far to go
But don't be like me
Grow up happy and follow those dreams
Because I don't ever want to see you fall
If you do, I promise to help through it all

You're my little girl
Sometimes I get mad
Because you touch my things
But I wouldn't know what to do
Without a girl like you, see
You're worth more than gold
And I want to see you grow old.
422 · Sep 2013
Thought Of The Day 8-31-13
Jay Sep 2013
You fall for one, they fall for another
Like dominoes we fall together.
421 · Jun 2013
Jay Jun 2013
We each take a hit
1, 2, 3,
How do you feel?
Yeah, better.
Another hit
3, 2, 1,
How do you feel?
Nothing to worry about.
At the smallest things
Life feels like a dream
Across my legs
Sweet tastes in my mouth
Heightened sense
One more hit
1, 2, 3
How do you feel?
How do I look?
417 · Aug 2013
Silly Little Flower
Jay Aug 2013
They tell you to grow,
Feeding you and keeping you warm
Free drinks for life
They tell you you're beautiful
That the sun shines for you
That your petals are so soft
And your smell so sweet
They tell you to grow
And then they pick you
Pull you from the roots
Rip you out of the ground
Then wonder why you wilt
Wonder why you die
Wonder why you retreat into yourself

Silly little flower can't you see?
*Happy is something you just can't be
417 · May 2013
Not Mine
Jay May 2013
His hands were wrapped around my waist last night
Not yours
His lips were against my lips last night
Not yours
Our bodies were pressed together in that bed
Not yours
He was breathing into my hair last night
Not yours
He whispered sweet nothings in my ears last night
Not yours
He carried me and ran his fingers up and down my spine last night
Not yours
But he's calling you to tell you he loves you this morning
And I have to realize,
He's not mine
416 · May 2013
See Her Heart
Jay May 2013
Can you see her heart?
So gentle and loving,
Hurting hands are tearing it apart.
Though her face may not be perfect,
(Nobody's is)
She is NOT worthless,
She is much better than ****.
But that's how she feels,
She didn't have the loving mother you grew up with
She didn't have the daddy to have a tea party with.
Her tea party's turned into smoke sessions,
She grew up so fast.
We're so quick to judge by someone's appearance.
Rather than saying "I hate the things she does"
We say "I hate HER"
But she is innocent, living based on what she sees.
But you can't see her heart.
Gentle and loving while harmful things tear her apart.
411 · Jun 2013
I'm Right Here
Jay Jun 2013
You have a new family
A new wife
New kids
A new house
A new car
A new job
Its like I'm at a party I wasn't invited to
Being stared at as if I'm foreign
Like I don't even belong
I feel like the odd one out
Like you dont even want me here
You keep making up excuses as to why you cant see me
Even though you promised you'd always be there
Well I'm right here Dad
Alone and crying
And needing you
To teach me about boys
And to help me grow up
To teach me what it means to fall in love
I'm right here Dad
And guess what
I need new shoes
But your New Kids do too
And they need them more than me
It's hard to call you
You're always working to keep the rent at your New Home
And I'm screaming that I need you now
This is the one promise you should actually keep
After all, I'm the only kid that still loves you.
403 · Aug 2013
Something Else
Jay Aug 2013
Do I really need to tell you
Or do you already know

Do you have time to ask me to help you
While I'm bleeding out on the floor

Do you need me to chase you
As you run out the door

Do you need me to call for you
When I've lost my voice

Do you even need to ask me
As if I have a choice
402 · May 2013
Small Things
Jay May 2013
When you kissed my lips
It flew through my entire body
Like a drug
And I was so high
Off of your touch
As your hands wrapped themselves around my waist
I succumbed to your love
Up and down they coasted along my legs
Soft as a feather
Gentle as beautiful weather
And when you stopped to breathe
You whispered like the wind in my hair
I Love You
398 · Jun 2013
Lets go to Nome
Jay Jun 2013
"Let's go to Nome" he says
"It has the most alien sightings in the world"
"Let's get abducted together" he says
It'll be fun
And I will go with you
Because if you were abducted without me
I don't know if I could live
So, yes love, Let's go to Nome
I've always wanted to see Alaska
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