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Jason Leimer Nov 2010
The business has closed.
Your with out a job.
Yep the city is empty.
Darkness surrounds the building
Like a shadow at five o clock.
Yep your empty as well.

The end has come
Oh why did you have to close?
My hometown Reno slowly
Turning into emptyness.
Jason Leimer Sep 2010
You just exprienced Randomness.
Jason Leimer Sep 2010
My family is diverse like food on a plate at a restraunt.
My family gets along as a cohesive unit.
My family is short on college graduates.
My family are working class workers.
My family is busy and usually has a hard time getting together for the holidays.
My family is awesome.
Jason Leimer Sep 2010
We all fear going to jail, the fear of being finger printed, the fear
of losing your freedom, the fear of embarassment.

We feel uneasy about sitting in a cell with no TV just walls and no music to keep you sane.

We are fearful of spending a long time in there if we make a huge mistake or if we just ****** up by doing something stupid.

Jail a place of fear that makes you scared.
Jason Leimer Sep 2010
We as humans are apathetic, whether you like it or not.
We don't care on some cases about who won Idol or
Which celebrity is in rehab. We are apathetic souls not caring
about meaningless crap.

The football team up on the hill, the neighbor that you don't talk to
Yes it's apathy. Apathy is like sitting in your own world not caring about anything or anyone but yourself and if you do that too long
Then it's dangerous.
Jason Leimer Sep 2010
To me the Republicans ******* America,
corporate greed, taxes for the rich, and
cutting education are digusting. Republicans
also think gay marriage and social services
are sinful. Please they are not.

Oh how I wish we were more progressive in some areas
economics, increasing spending, accepting others and
increasing help to those in need would surely make
America a better place
Jason Leimer Sep 2010
The laws of Human beings are that
Humans shall help their neighbor.
Humans shall respect the enviornment.
Humans shall not trash the earth.
Humans shall work hard at their job.
Humans shall be friendly with people they don't get along with at work.
Lastly Humans shall not be greedy during the great depression.
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