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Mar 2013 · 425
i am water
Jay Jimenez Mar 2013
I can consume you
I can make you
I can **** you
I can see you
Im the life of life
the death of death
the end would be near without me
the world wouldnt exist
I can satisfy you
I can cure you
im all that is all
and thus im also nothing
simply and extraordinary
ive carved my name in this world
I've left my name for all to see
im visible from deep space
and someone is always searching for me
Great empires have came from me
And great empires have fallen for me
Pharaohs to kings
presidents to dictators have tasted me
the poorest of the poor want me more and more
I come in three forms
and you've seen all of them
and Liquid
Mar 2013 · 270
Jay Jimenez Mar 2013
Here we go again
loves found its way to me
and it scares me so much
Mar 2013 · 378
who knows
Jay Jimenez Mar 2013
Wicked women
In your night gown
waiting for the touch of dawn
Till dusk
till dawn
I play you like my pawn
and you lie on my lawnit
As we slapped bags of cheap
As it spilled on our faces
I followed the wine stain
To your frame
and told you
no whispered in your ear
im insane crazy bonkers
Nuts about you
Mar 2013 · 2.9k
tiny dancer
Jay Jimenez Mar 2013
Tiny dancer
tiny dancer
Love my hands
Love me
Tell me im handsom
and you wanna dance with me all day
In the sand
In the shade
oh the smell of jade
and your perfect hair
and your pretty face
Elton sings your sweet song
and we both count the headlights
listening to one headlight
by the wall flowers
and lennon tells me
Don't loose your head
like I did
tell her she dances so good
in your weary head
kiss her face
And tell her
In your
Mar 2013 · 394
11 word
Jay Jimenez Mar 2013
Im just a filthy mind waiting for my time to shine
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
Jay Jimenez Mar 2013
Im so awkward
Like I catch people
catching people catch me
Staring at them people
And I pretend like I don't hear them
Saying ***
look at his tattoos
and all he ****** does is smoke cigs
And longboard
I see that in their yuppy *** faces
*** we got so rich and cool
And lost all your freedom
******* and your shrimp platter
and your ****** puma im gonna burns calories on the tredmil
Of every day rich life
My tredmil is living paycheck to paycheck
******* the world
and kissing a girl
cuz really the paychecks pay for our ways to get laid
Feb 2013 · 824
Forgotten Waves
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
I'm here for the broken hearts
and the washed up souls
that were washed up with the tide of forgotten waves.
They come crashing in
and out
leaving the hearts on the shores.
I walk the bed of the beach
and pick up little hearts like sea shells
and put them away in a little glass jar
where they sit and wait to be held again one day.
Feb 2013 · 542
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
I should've saved that lucky penny
for that lucky penny led me to you
in some wierd way
I was lucky that day
when I lost that penny
that was tucked inside my beat up wallet.
I seemed to have lost everything
but in the chaos I came out alright
yeah I came out alright
as the windows were down
the wind blew  my hair back.
As I reached my exit home
I watched as the sun fell
and it turned blues and purples
and pinks and greens
it was a pretty one
yeah it was
but that penny still huants me at night
I wonder who found that penny
I wonder what luck it brought to them
and I hope they lost it
so another could pick up its magic
but that **** penny still huants me at night.
Feb 2013 · 425
Oh Erin Oh Erin
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
when I was asleep I dreamed in color
I saw those brown eyes
deeply brown with hints of greens
like the grass that died on that fall day.
I woke up in a frenzy to find you
but you were no where to be found
so I took a leap into the ocean blue
and drowned so I could see you.
Feb 2013 · 842
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
Dont eat the worm
no matter how bad that little ****** squirms
it'll make your gut turn
and your eyes swell
a living hell
living at the bottom of the tequilla bottle.
Feb 2013 · 430
The place I'm Running too
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
I just want to let you know
that im doing well on my own
if I were to runaway
you'd find a little cross and rocks for my name
to this place you all would know
that I climbed this mountin and ate the snow.
I would hope that you would see
that this world we lived in was just not ment for me
I'd hope the person walking my path
would see that this life I traveled had no map
so if you fear long climbs and decents
turn around now and spare your tent.
For one day I will get here
I'll be in my place that I've found so dear
where the berries are ripe
and the heavens are near
where its just me, my traveling bag, and a case of beer.
Feb 2013 · 511
small talk
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
When you spend your time alone like I have for so long
you almost get to the point where small talk is as hard to muster up
as a guy asking you for a cig when your 3 short too being empty.
Like I have things I want to say to people honestly I would'nt mind doing small talk
but what happens when you run out of the weather, school, work, and family talk.
Your left with just pointless chitter chatter
just talking
and talking
I'm one of those people who would rather sit silent
and just watch ****
I could really give two ***** about the weather or what people are studying
I wanna know the dirt the secrets the lies... in other words the good stuff
People seem to say things that people want to ******* here all the time.
thats why when I do feel the need to muster up small talk
I ask What do you stand for?
What do you beleive in?
What scares you?
What makes you laugh?
Who is __(name inserted)
thats how you find out about someone
thats small talk to me.
Anybody can answer a weather or school question
but you ask what someones fears are
or what morals they have
then you'll see the exact person all those meaningless small talk weather conversations are leading up to.
Feb 2013 · 848
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
as we watch our comedies on
nbc nightly tuesdays
Ben and kate
two broke girls
what the ****
As a secret slaughter goes on
And the genocide of a million minds
happens without us evening knowing what's going on
we laugh and we laugh
as our children get fater
our oceans get dirtier with foriegn oil
our earth aches in pain
our tv keeps distracting us
as the sun is waiting to explode
I hope a solar storm happens
so it knocks out every network
so our minds are free
and then maybe we will look outside our window again
maybe then we will see what is truly going on
the true terroism is just a click away
Fox news and media flaunting there depression pills
and the main predator is these pharmaceutical companies
telling us were sick and need help
so we rush to get the fix
when really its a sick twisted david copperfield trick
but whatever
let's keep watching 30 rock and snl
as our lives slowly fall into a hell
a living hell
a living comedy
what a disgrace
what a waste
take a look in your community
poverty is next door
its funny how we think were so safe
in america were like a mouse in a maze
cept there is no exit
were trapped
were trapped
not me I free my mind
and spread the word
threw words and writes
because if anything
Ill make this right
ill carry on the fight
ill make it right
and ill open that door
to shine light into this blind folded world
Feb 2013 · 807
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
Ha im a sicko
a ******
a troubled youth
grown to a ***** mouth
Been sellin dope out the days inn
yeap she look at me
This ***** going in
Have her hollar out
eat that *****
she know im good
cuz im mexican
ill eat the taco
treat that ***** like a buffet
and here I go again
she pop that *** back
and I make it soakin wet
Feb 2013 · 632
extremely explicit
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
I can't ******* think
when all I think about
is ******* you
I remember how you liked me biting the back of your neck
and how you liked me to leave my hand marks on you shoulders
as I went deeper and deeper into you
you were such a fun little ****
yeah you liked when I pressed on your chest so hard
when I was untop that a slight movement from you would snap your fragile collar bones.
yeah you were fun
But im done with you now
why can't you understand I never loved you im sorry
you were nothing to me but a ****
so why can't I stop thinking about you
probably because I loved ******* you
Oh wait nowadays that's what most people think love is
im sorry for your confusion darling
Feb 2013 · 787
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
A thousand years will pass
And someone will stumble upon my corpse
I'll have one of those bank tubes tied around my neck
And in will lay pages that I've written on here
The person who cracks open that seal
Will first be surprised the paper didn’t fall apart and blow into the air
The pages they read will be astonishing they will read about
How the society I lived in cared more about a value meal and a good deal on shoes
Then the planet and how it was destroyed by our gas ******* monsters.
They’ll read on to see that in this world lived a man
Who saw the world as it should be seen
(A young child that’s been constantly ******* abused and screaming for help)
That’s how I see the world now
As we pour our maxim sized sodas and flip on our mind ****** television
This society and culture is being suffocated of all its creativity and imagination.
This person might not even understand what the **** is going on
Who knows they might even consider it a grand artifact but honestly
When they decipher this language they will come to see that the world I lived in was
Dying faster than I can even imagine. All I hope is that they won’t follow in the way our world is going. WE need to stop sitting in front of our televisions and get out into the world we need a renaissance of ideas we need a revolt we need a savior (but not like a religious one) we just need to all team up and take our minds back. We just need to take our minds back. We just need to take our minds back. UNPLUG PEOPLE UNPLUG
Feb 2013 · 419
Thanks to all who follow me
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
I had no idea how to send a massive thank you to everyone who follows me on here.
I'd like to say how much all of you are appreaciated
and how much of a honor it is to be on this site.
I've been on here for a long *** time I think almost 2 years
and I've had good and bad feedback all taken by me awesomely(if that's even a word)
Just letting all you know who are apart of my page and read my stuff and respond that you guys are as part of these writings as I am
and your not forgotten or unappreaciated
Love all you people on here
espeacily Neva Flores
who was the first person to give me feedback and continues to give me feedback.
Anyways also a big thanks to the creator of this site and making it safe for writers to do there thing on here without there writings being stolen. So Eliot York thank you from me and everyone else who has had the chance to follow me on here and me follow them on here. Anyways much love and respect to all of you. Thanks again
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
If Tomorrow wasnt promised
and Today Is already over
does that mean I'll stay in my dreams
Or wake up somewhere new.
I hope that if I were to die
before tomorrow reached
that they'd find my body
wrapped up
like when my mother use to tuck me in and kiss my forehead.
I hope my family knows
that I didnt die mad or sad
that I died dreaming of they're faces
and the day again when we will meet.
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
For Aubrey
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
I remember I was scared to death
the first time I had a girl alone with me
I remember thinking
do I just pull it out and present it
Or do I wait for her to ask to see it
or do I just sit here and talk untill she says "are we gonna do this"
Or do I go "are we gonna do this"
instead we watched like 2 hours of random tv, talked, I showed my Tattoos
she Showed me ones that she will be getting someday on her body.
And then it Happened the sign
The flip of the hair
The little Flutter of the eyes
I knew I had to make my move
So I said "I've been looking at you since I first saw you and wondered what'd be like to kiss you"
she says "well are you gonna keep wondering or do it"
We begin to make out in the back of my head im praying she doesnt start using tounge
because im horrible at french kissing. Luckily it didn't happen
As I begin to rub her back I unsnap her braw with one hand
which I never did before that.
The shirt came off smoothly and I looked at a set of amazing little perky *******.
I tasted her flesh surrounding this tender area
and took my shirt off
revealing my skrany tatted up body.
She began to push down on me and soon as  was on my back and she was Hovered over me.
I remember thinking to myself THIS IS AWESOME.
just as she thought she was in controll I flipped her over brushed my hands down her hips.
AND IT HAPPENED the moment you know your getting laid (my brother told me this before)
The slight arch of her back just enough for me to remove her pants in a swift motion.
The rest is history
or should I say Herstory.
I remember the next day going to school
and later on seeing her at parties
and eventually I never seen her again
somehow or another she just vanished
to this day I dont Know where she is
but **** can I remember everything about that night
her outfit down to her ear rings
what song I had playing (Tupac How do You Want It)
the nervous tick  I do with my thumb nails clicking them haha.
she asked me if This was my first time ( I replied yes)
She told me that I was her first also (not like first)
but first time actaully being made love too.
she said I knew exactly what to do
and that she never had a man actaully take his time with her.
I brushed her hair back
and whispered in her ear ( in all the seas and all the lakes I found  mermaid by mistake)
my little way of saying she was speacil.
I've never found another mermaid is what im getting at
and honestly after all the girls past present a future
I'll never have another night like that
so if your out there Aubrey
this writings for you
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
Super Bowl Sunday
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
Chili Powder infiltrates my kitchen
Oh boy Oh boy This is bitchen
I Flip the switch to Domestic Housewife
sharp knifes and measuring cups
I reach untop of the stove
to Find my Spatula
Flip my meat I got cooking
check the clock
as my buzzer rings
I stir the crock ***
My onions are suateed
My face is melting
But cooking
relieves me
I know that this will all pay off
when my friends walk in
Super Bowl Sunday
Even Jesus would sport sweatpants and his favorite teams Jersey
Feb 2013 · 612
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
Making subs
Tomatos and mayo
one swipe and a sprinkle of lettuce
Busy away filling the oregeno tub
I hear the door ring
and in walks this drop dead gorgeous girl
I instantly say hello
she's so gorgeous I nearly fall on my face.
I notice her collar bones
something about a girls collar bones
drives me crazy
as she talk  tells me what to do
my mind races to me sprawling her out over this sandwhich making table
lettuce and mayo everywhere haha that'd be the **** but instead I finish her sandy and watch her walk out the door. Luckily I took some mental pictures
Feb 2013 · 745
afternoon smoke session
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
Little missels
Sparklie crystals
jedi mind tricks
play in my bedroom
I spy the pill jar
with a little bud waiting to be broken down and rolled.
I lick the blunt
and crack it down
tabacoo spinkels and covers my floor
I grasp the bud and crack it in half
and the stink of it overwhelms my automosphere.
The song skips and tupac all eyes on me stars playing
as I begin to roll the bud I get a since of joy and happiness
that soon ill be blitzed
I know I got good bud
because when I do my dog wobbels in to enjoy it.
I spark it and that little popping noise of the dank thc circles me.
I take a big drag but carefully so the cherry doesn't get to long
Jan 2013 · 950
pissing in the dark
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
Wrestle to find the light switch
can't find the light switch
**** this
oh ****
forgot to lift the toliet seat up
Jan 2013 · 790
just listen
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
The worlds never truly silent
turn off your television and just listen
tires rolling over the iced streets outside
the buzzing of the street light
the pitter patter of a gutter next door
streaming water
as the water runs down the side of the curb
like children in a playground
it dances and laughs its way to the open drain
I lite my cigarette and blow a big cloud towards the stars
I here the airplanes in the sky passing by
and a cat hisses at something in a dark corner
As I inhale again I can here my lungs fill up with the toxic aroma
and I taste the smoke under my finger nails as a chew them off.
I here the sound of feet and look across the street two young kids holding hands walking
I try to eaves drop on their conversation but the cars passing bye blocks my attempt at spying on them. I can here what their saying to eachother as I see them both smiling "it's cold out here.. but your warm" I'm jealous almost and just as I think this my ciagrette burns me and brings me back to the echo of the town. I toss the burnt end and here it land in a puddle I watch as it gets taken away down along the side of my house. were all a generation of the television society and left out brains on the couch as we stuff our faces full of patato chips and useless tv programs. When the real entertainment waits for us outside. where the music of the world is waiting to be heard. Instead we click our remotes and fall into a trance of law and order tv programs and violence upon violence school shootings and who the next mass ****** is a sick twisted form of entertainment. I guess listening to the world got so boring...... I guess I'm the only one who sees the world as a untamed ochestra waiting to be composed into a lovely sympathy. On mistro On you play for your little sounds are not useless I here you playing and strumming the world is perfectly in tune if you just listen.
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
today I realized that I'm perfect with who I'am
atlast in my life I know who I'am
What things im good at and what I need to work on
infact im fragile and weak
I'm scared of knowing so much about myself
It's the truth
I KNOW who I can become
either good or bad
I know what the future holds
for my good decisions or my bad
If only today myself could talk to the young boy who struggled so long
trying to be someone he was not.
I'd tell that boy to not follow the crowd that he thought was so cool
That to listen to your mother
to stay away from the drugs
even if the other kids called him a loser for not playing along
The really unique kids are the ones who dont follow the normal teenage rebellion
the real rebels are the ones who study hard
hang out alone
and even wish they could go out and get hammered drunk and puke everywhere
or sleep with a random girl not for love but just for ***.
But they dont
I want to tell my rebel self to be a true rebel like those kids
the kids who later on in life
will have money to go out and enjoy the things I enjoyed as a rebel teenager
to be able to hang out with there grown up friends and to fun doing grown up things.
Instead I'm a 24 year old sandwhich artist
the teachers always said keep partying you'll look back and regret these days
I told them they'll regret saying that when I make it big
years of writing
years of sitting up late with a bottle of ***** and a lit cigarette
like my life a long ash forms off the cherry as it burns waiting for the whieght of itself to break off.
I KNOW who I'am
I'm a voice for this plugged in generation
I'm the sticky **** on the bottom of your shoe
I'm the viper in a room full of gardner snakes
I'm the demon with a halo
a hybrid of a soul
hell hound instincts
but a butterflys swagger
soft but hard
sweet but sour
I'm the reason for a middle
im the reason why things stay balanced
for not for people like me
the Balanced
the Beaten
the hardened and the Understanding
the Counter Attack
the person who has seen the roughest parts in life
has been down to pennys to his name
Im here to tell you dont give up
because even during the rain the sun can shine
those days amaze me
when its pouring but sunny
Does it make since no
but do we watch in amazement when it happens
That my friends is me
thats who I'am
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
Little tiny clippings of nails
scattered on the floor
my temper is angry
and I cant hold it no more
do you see my eyes bulging
my hands cluntched tightly
my breathing is heavy
and there holes in the door
I taste the blood trickling
it drips on the floor
one drip
two trips
a thrid
and a fourth
I loose track of my cigarette
now its all scorched
Im pacing and racing
troubled for ever more
I throw my beer can off the back of the porch
and torch up a bowl
to cure my pulsing heart
my knuckles crack as I press them to my face
I see the bruises swelling
thier purples green and blues
mix ever so nicely like a sharp beat up suit
do you understand the torture
of knowing you'll die
when the ***** runs out
and your shivering at night
I smell the puke tried in my nose
and see it all running down the side of my clothes
when oh when will I understand
that **** almighty I'm just like my dad
a drunken soar ******* a **** for the juice
I've burnt down ever bridge and managed to make some up too
I'm a chamleaon to this world
I change and I move
I'm not much of a lier though
thats once thing I could never do
I could run this on forever
Till the sun comes threw my shutter
but I just popped some perocets and sniffed some Speacil K
so I suppose this poem was great
but tomarrow is anew and my fate awaits
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
girl you in danger
bad as a power ranger
understand i got a fever
phil collins
in the air tonight
your body goes back forward sideways
bout to send your *** back to college
for your major she says
oo you so sauve
i go you go both ways
more foreplay
have her hittin dolphin notes
no boat or a yacht
but im renting out this one place
and if your down id like to take your mans place
she says just shutup dont ruin the moment
Jan 2013 · 466
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
I'd knock out the moon if it shined brighter then you
Id sucker slap the sun to grab its warmth and steel the stars
to put in a necklace thatd hang below your pretty face.
Jan 2013 · 473
dry mouth
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
I step out into the cold air
and throw my fist towards the sky
I hate being vulnerable
and hate being so ******* bashful and shy
How hard is it to ask your name
How hard is it to ask if youd like to date
I'd **** to be your Prince Charming
I'd be a titan fighting on your side
as I put my cold hands threw my warm hair
I wanna pull my heart out and hand it to you
But Im tired of putting in so much effort
only to be dissapointed
when the time goes for you to run or stay
I hope and pray you stay
I hope and pray you stay
Because you deserve to be happy
and I could be that guy
I could be that Thing you've spent all night sleeping about
If you can get passed my looks
and I can get passed my dry mouth
for then I'd be able to say these words Im dieing to say
Jan 2013 · 1.8k
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
I remember long ago
I prayed to find a love that will
last a lifetime
As I grow older
this is more and more of a dream

I kiss the sky
as this toxin runs in my viens
I see your eyes
as mine roll in the back of my head

I found my first love
and by the 3rd I lost all my self esteem
as the nice guy vanishes
Im replaced
by hate and greed

I wrap my mind around
how I never was good enough
I slap my hands against these walls
and I remember how much you ment to me

I found my first love
and by the 3rd I lost all my self esteem
as the nice guy vanishes
Im replaced
by hate and greed

I see clearly now
that this was just a ******* game you played
and I feel sorry for the next guy
hope he knows how much of a lie a cheat you are
Go away
Get out of my way
get out of my brain
let this love bleed out my open viens

I found my first love
and by the 3rd I lost all my self esteem
as the nice guy vanishes
Im replaced
by hate and greed
Jan 2013 · 324
my minds racing
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
Im waiting for you
and waiting
waiting for you
and im still waiting
I hope your waiting for me
I picture what you'd look like
I picture how you'd feel in my arms
if you'd be short where your face falls right below my chin
or if your tall so our faces are face to face when we hug
I wait for you
and I hope your waiting for me too
hope your wondering if id be good to you
and not cheat
rub your back
as we just lay down and sleep
I wanna here your voice
I want to love somebody
is it that hard
to just  love somebody

round the corner
Jan 2013 · 571
broke as fuck
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
lost on the road
where do we go
packing up some clothes
some chronic and our favorite bowl
on the road across the midwest
testing our patience and our wallets

broke as **** down to our last bowl
no money in our pockets
down to the last drop of *****
and thats not even the best news

We all chip in for a bottle of wild turkey
to get us to the next show
we found a little nugget
and torched it
got loose
and we set on cruise
while we took a little snooze

broke as **** down to our last bowl
no money in our pockets
down to the last drop of *****
and thats not even the best news

Pulled up
Slapped around the crew
tell them wake up we got  a show to do
we each spark up a cig and ******* our raging shoes
we walk in greated with shots of *****
******* alright
were fozzy logic and well be playing tonight

broke as **** down to our last bowl
no money in our pockets
down to the last drop of *****
and thats not even the best news
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
Glow in the dark
Sharpie markers
Red Bull
4th dimension
hyper being
Nocturanal Drug Fiend
Best Friend to the Speaker
Middle Fingers
Jan 2013 · 321
be you
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
It'd be nice to be you
It'd be nice to be you
Then be me
Thinking about being you
I wanna be you
but be me just with parts of you
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
I know how to cure it
***** line
like The Neon around the sign
I can be cured
one shot at a time
I see girls talking to boys
boys talking to girls
boys talking to boys
girls talking to girls
and drunks like me talking to there bottle of cheap beer
I spot a girl in the back corner no friends surround her
no boyfriend playing pool keeping a eye on her
I walk my way over
and muster a couple lines to get my way in for a seat
I walk up and ask her what shes drinking
and if she'd enjoy some company
she replies
what makes you different then any other guy
I look her in her eyes
and tell her I just want her for the night
I tell her I just want to see what she looks like out of these dim lights
my place after your drink
she replies yes
as I said before I was *****
I could tell she was too from across the room
easy as pie waiting out on the window ledge
you can smell fresh pie from a mile away
as I lead her into my room
I unravel her clothes she thinks are exspensive
but I'll make her feel cheap tonight
I bite her flesh on her neck and kiss her earlobes
and I whisper whos a little *****
she replies me me me
I take down her *******
and they are actually entertaining hello kitty
as I giggle she giggles
as my fingers rub her inner thigh she wiggels
and arches her back
that when you know its game on
I grasp her somewhat chubby waste
she says at the most random moment a girl can ask
by the way whats your name
I say im Jay and you'll always remember me
I shove all of myself in
and she gasps
and she says
oh yes Jay I will always remember you.
we fall asleep
I wake up
call a cab
and tell her she has to leave
I toss her a cigarette and tell her to wait outside
and to never come back
Jan 2013 · 5.0k
highschool run in
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
Flipping threw my old yearbook
I see girls who were once gorgeous
tooken my the devils hand
pregnant and life beaten now
I remember seeing them
with there cheerleading outfits on
As I sat in a corner by myself
I here them laughing and chatting
about going to tonys house after school
I remember tony strong handsome captain of the highschool world
I saw him two weeks ago
With his hands covering his face
And a shot next to him
3 empty beers infront
He really let himself go I remember thinking
fat and forgotten about
still clinging to that highschool dream
I remember him saying I was a loser as he flipped my lunch tray
and humiliated me by reading my little notebook of writes
I remember saying to him
one day ill have the last laugh
one day ill see you down and out
and you'll ask me for a handout
going back to the bar I sit down
A couple stools down to see if he recognised me
He finished his 3 beers as I finished my long island ice tee
he said to the bar tender I gotta ***
be right back
I followed him to the restroom
and we were a ****** apart
I looked over and seen his small patheic *****
as I looked at my *****
I laughed
and I laughed
and I laughed
looked over at tony
and said see sir
I did get the last laugh
and I left
I hope he knows me now
I hope he knows me now
Jan 2013 · 537
book or bottle
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
Jumped on the sober wagon
soon will be choking myself with
this silk armani tie
Fresh shoes
and clean cut hair and face
I disgrace my fellow drunks
cleaned up and clear headed
its almost sickening
Looking at myself sober in the mirror
Im alot uglier
usually I see myself in 2s
and im awfully handsome
today a relapse is as close
as the hidden bottle I store away on
hard dry days
but my AA book blocks my path
as I put it next to the hidden bottle
smart but foolish
for a decision can be easily made
grab the book
or the bottle
Jan 2013 · 637
court room waiting room
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
The buzzing of the water fountin
the sound of a vacuum running
tik tok of the clock
and the sound of my foot tapping
I smell old fabric
Have I been here before
my nose tells me yes
This scent of this old tathered building
the footprint flat carpet
I've been here before
silence before the storm
as soon
as I open that door
Jan 2013 · 434
I Cant Share
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
I've had many chances at love
I've had a couple good loves
But greedy me wants love all to myself
I cant share it
I cant share it
no matter how hard I try
it always goes away
for I'm better off alone
then hog all the sunshine
and give everyone else rain
I cant share love baby girl
But I can sure share my pain
of maybe loosing you
and in this train of thought
I loose you anyways
If I could just share
Id be a Pair
and not a Single
but it's okay
its okay
its okay
Jan 2013 · 339
I'll never let you go
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
We danced yes
We laughed yes
We cryed yes
We stepped on eachothers toes
as the music played
We were both horrible at keeping up
with the beat the music played
but our hearts kept up with eachothers beats
your hands were warm
your hair was soft
as it brushed against my neck and back
I wish I could save this moment forever
locked away in a locket in my pocket
I promise
I'll never let you go
as long as the music keeps playing
and our hearts keep pounding
Jan 2013 · 4.4k
helpers a riddle
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
Helpers helping the Helpless
Helpless helping the Helpers
Helpers Killing the Helpless
Helpless praying for the Helpers
One day The Helpers will be the Helpless
One day The Helpless will be Helping
and Soon oh Soon they will both be Helped
by something Higher
The Ulmighty Helper
The Ulmighty Helpess
But who Helps the Higher One?
Jan 2013 · 3.0k
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
******* who dont tip
******* who Beat Girls and give them fat lips
******* who drink thier white wines
******* who tell lies
******* who steal whats mine
******* who finish a joke without knowing the punch line
******* who will be at the end of this cocked 9
******* who give you tequilla without a lime
******* who are running low on time
******* who have no spine
******* ******* *******
etc etc etc
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
Evening news
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
I sit back and gobble down my dinner
Ramen mixed with Ranch
I sit back and kick my feet up
in this old recliner
it creaks and shifts as my skinny ***
sinks into its old cushion
I smell a cigarette burning
I taste its poison
I finish my meal and flip on the news
murders and weather mixed
with pity to our dieing soldiers
In the midst of this choas
I find happiness
that my day only consist of a ****** meal
and a old chair
Im not that mother holding back her tears
Im not that soldier holding back his fears
and I'm far from the bad weather that devastates
suburbs and already beat down buildings
I'm not that volunteer picking threw dead bodies
and rain soaked pictures of peoples lifes once lived.
Im simply a guy with a couple holes in his beaten converse sneakers
I'm simply a guy who watches the evening news
as I think about the things I could do
But then my laziness sets in
and I just sit back and listen.
Jan 2013 · 2.5k
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
I really wanna be Lovable
Have someone who checks on me
with little how are ya's
or how ya doings
But Im just ingnorable
easily forgotten
for something to stick
Jan 2013 · 761
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
twisted like the twistie tie on my bread
I look into your eyes and picture whats going in your head
I grasp your soft little hand
and watch as your lips say words that I'll soon forget.
I'm a stupid boy
that doesnt understand body langauge
forgive me sweetie
forgive me for being so dumb
but as our toes dip into the cold water
our bodies go numb
succumb to my stupidty
put up with my failures and my mistakes
and wait for that golden moment
when you realize
that even though im flawed
im the best you'll ever have
in this wasteland
we will survive
and I'll love you till the day
I die
till the day
I die
Jan 2013 · 2.8k
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
I'm the pen your the paper
let me lay my ink on you dear
Jan 2013 · 504
join me in the feast
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
Feed me your ideas
feed me your fears and dreams
feed me your life
I will gobble it up
like a caterpiller
I eat the leaf of life
and continue eating
untill I cant hold it in this body
and I form a new body
and cacoon
to become a higher being
of myself
but not myself
a higher being created
by the thoughts,fears, and dreams
of that branch
where thousands of leafs are there for me to feast on
your my leafs
feed me
dont die away
dont fade away
because you think
its unfathable
its not out of reach my friends
join me in the feast
Jan 2013 · 498
could save us all
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
your brain is a book
waiting to be opened
most of us will just get into the intro
but continue reading
and you'll find yourself
flipping pages that were once unread
your head will become your escape
and the world will become your playground
the miracle of life
is yet to be touched
and yes it can be touched
if you just shut up
and listen
open the book
the ******
is not in death
but in life
ride the wave
let your nuerons attack the voice
of your not good enough or smart enough
your better then your brain even knows
fingers toes
shooting thoughts and ideas into your mouth
dont swallow your words
because those thoughts
could save us all
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
underestimated brains waves
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
Running threw the fields of existance
time and distance
******* your brain
prepare to go insane
once you ditch your rules and regulations
and simply live
fall of the train
walk the crooked line
punch the world in its face
and prepare to go into space
cosmic love making
star *******
galaxie *******
turn off the world
turn on and spiral out of controll
but in this
you will find controll
of your body
and your soul
Dec 2012 · 330
Jay Jimenez Dec 2012
when tomorrow dont come
when my knuckles are sore
and my foot is pressed to the floor
I''m gone
I'm out
you here the sound
and smell the rubber
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