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124 · Jan 2021
tunnels through poptarts
julius Jan 2021
my guy,
i guess
i don't really care
what my parents think
let's text all night
while eating poptarts from the box
we can twist and turn
on camera
laugh like fools
i guess
i only care about tonight
the glowing light
from your laptop
lighting up your stupid smile
gap teeth —
i think it's adorable
we could make shadows
that look like lovers
we could be best friends
best man but no wedding
my guy
julius Jan 2023
my love is citrus fruit
and an angel’s wings
cherry lips and blossoms spring

my love is pomegranate rubies
and clouds soft and fluffy
pure desire and mellow honey

my lover is a dark night sky
and a warm pink morning
a rainy afternoon and a snowy storming
a ****** petal’s dew
a bird’s sweet courting
a chorus that we sing
a view worth adoring

my love is a whisper
and soft feeling in the fingers
warm cinnamon and a mocha taste that lingers
95 · Jan 2021
the end
julius Jan 2021
this is the face
i will show you
when it's over
this is the skin
i will peel for you
when we're over
this is the knife
and i will bleed for you
when this is over
91 · Jan 2021
julius Jan 2021
want to darken my soul
well that was done a long time ago
but doesn't mean you should go
we can still live dangerously
even when i promise
"i'll be safe" "It's okay"
and we do it anyway
i break a thousand times
and you say that you don't mind
i smile too, but i do
julius Jan 2023
My innocence was lost in the span of 30 minutes at most
I fell asleep in your bed and suddenly you melted me like sweet sundaes
Hot and stinging like a macchiato
You made a simple request and I’m a good boy so I’ll make you proud
Choking on sour candy was too much, my ***** made it bitter
Today is the best day ever, clouds high, blinds low, I smile and bare it
My gray utility pants around my thighs
My keys: a bell ringing lightly
My face in the sheets, everything red pansies and cinnamon bears
[It] was cotton and metal and salt in my mouth
Glitter glue filled my veins and I lay still, catching my butterflies
Flooding my lungs
Pull me back and simply rest for a while
You’re a ****** kisser
After, I bled in the toilet, my head in my hands
No tears- I just looked at myself in the mirror, my hair ******, my eyes wide and diluted
julius Jan 2023
a rotten hole
in heart that has died
suddenly fills with butterflies

leaves that quiver
flowers that bloom
from the ruins
of the tomb

from the carcass
grows green vines
who’s bitter grapes
make sweet wine

everything’s gone wrong
nothing is right
and yet we kiss
and hold tight

to frail hands
and battered bones
until the end
until everything goes

— The End —