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That love you've told me about?
I want to feel it.
That song you've told be about?
I want to hear it.
That rose you've told me about?
I want to catch its scent.
That joy you told me about?
I want to see it.

I want to have them
The way you promised them.
I long for them, as you have told me about them.
Let them then be real, let your words come alive,
For I have been waiting
Ever since the day you spoke of that promise,
The one you left me with.
Written on May 26, 2015
I have prayed for you before,
I treasure you right now,
And I can only hope I won't forget you
In the days to come.

You have longed for me yesterday,
Welcomed me today,
But I don't know what or how you'll feel
For me tomorrow.

Yet these feelings we have may change
As days go by.
Written on May 23, 2015, when I visited my second home, Baguio City.
How long has it been
Since I last saw you?
How long has it been
Since I last heard your voice?

How long has it been
Since you first held my hand, wrapped me in your arms, and make me feel safe when the stars hide beneath the dark gray sky in fear of losing their light?

How long has it been
Since I first wrote your name in my diary, and confessed to myself how greatly I fell for you?
How long has it been since I fought these feelings I have for you?

Yet I'll never know how long it will take for you to fall in love with me. So now in despair, all I want to know is how long will it take for me to forget you.
Written on April 22, 2015
I'd miss another chance
To live a new life.
I'd miss this opportunity
Because I cannot let go.
This gift you gave me,
I'd have to leave it in the river's flow;
But I don't know, I guess I won't.

I'd keep it.
I'll hide it beneath the rocks.
Because this gift you gave me
Is a basketful of memories
I've had with you.
Written on April 26, 2015. Inspired by a Game of Thrones episode.
You were the rain in the midst of summer.
You came when I was not prepared;
You made yourself be felt,
So strongly, when I was unaware.
But the moment I saw you,
I cannot stop thanking the heavens
For coming down,
And washing all the pain of summer.
And giving me a moment,
For you to be with me.
Written on April 22, 2015
Lay me in a bed of roses
And I'll try to stand out.
Place amongst the weeds,
And I'll wither in doubt.
Written on April 10, 2015
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