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262 · Mar 2017
Brooklynn Nights Mar 2017
i thought i had forgotten, but really,
you were there the whole time
maybe it wasn't even actually you,
but the idea of you;
a collection of flawless moments
i've been saving up,
playing on repeat

i had a dream about you the other night and i thought
it was no longer possible,
but there you were without warning
and beautiful as ever
261 · May 2015
the difference between us
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
i want to scratch my name into your back
just as you have done to me,
except that yours is scratched into my heart,
and you used a chainsaw to do so

even if i did..
even if i formed each letter with precision and consideration,
you probably wouldn't notice,
whereas i can't take a single breath without feeling the scar tissue stretch
256 · Sep 2015
Brooklynn Nights Sep 2015
i know that
i'm sure of my loneliness
i don't want to be
prove me wrong
all those pieces of me across the floor,
don't pick them up
and try and put them back together
i don't want a solution
i want relation
crack shortly after i do
beat me to it, better yet
i need to know how broken we are
there's something romantic about two people
drenched in love and tears
give me every part of you that you hate
because those are what i love most
249 · Aug 2014
unspoken words pt. 1
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2014
i promise that my words really do mean something
i know it's hard to hold onto a fist full of nothing
in hopes that it will one day bloom

it might be reaching, but is it crazy to assume that all those songs were about me?
245 · Jun 2015
midnight headaches
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
my thoughts consume me as i consume them as rapidly as they are produced
every headache seems more tolerable than the last, and i almost wear a smile on my face as this one empties my mind of all things positive to ensure enough room for itself
when you finally get home, it will have faded away completely
as will have i
243 · May 2016
Brooklynn Nights May 2016
never before have i been woken up by my anxiety
never before have i known a sadness so deep
never before could i have imagined this feeling
or the fact that once it hits, it takes the rest of your life to melt away
why couldn't i tell you how special you were to me?
why couldn't i ******* pick up the phone on 4/20?
you're right, i'm nothing,
and you were something i could always count on,
but never took advantage of
someone everyone could depend on if they needed to
you were always there and that's why i couldn't see you
i grew used to your distance and your constant pain
just like i've grown used to my own,
but i didn't know you had grown fed up,
filled with anger and trauma
from those who should have loved you most
there are so many things that were sacred to me
that i can no longer enjoy
and you're at the top of that list
240 · May 2015
three things
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
i'll just keep my mouth shut
and smile like it's never been better
because it's the best it's been in awhile,
and i just want it to last forever

i'll put my drink up
and watch you as i tip it back
because you're so unpredictable,
but you make up for the things i lack

i'll float away
just to see if you'll reach out to me
because no matter how far i go,
with you is where i'd rather be
inspired by The Cinema
238 · Nov 2015
you've transformed me
Brooklynn Nights Nov 2015
ever since you turned my heart into a butterfly,
i am unable to write
when upset elements can't play a role, my writing is simply dull
and don't get me wrong,
i'd rather not sing sad songs,
but when i must, the words form easily from ashes and dust
each foggy thought transforms into lucid beauty
and this is exactly what you do to me
you make me feel as beautiful as my darkest thoughts
237 · Jun 2015
ebb and flow
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
it's all too familiar-
our commands and operations,
the mechanics of us
the ebb and flow that kills me while also giving me life
i can almost predict what is going to take place at this point
you'll slip into an apathetic silence without any warning,
and i'll say those three little words:

"i'm so high"
Brooklynn Nights Feb 2016
listening to love songs
hoping that i'm not wrong
kissing you goodnight
going back to sleep and dreaming for a week would be so nice
he's in my darkest nightmares,
holding me when i'm scared
the end is all i think of
smiling for the pictures as he wipes off my tears
i know this is real love
sitting in his old car
looking up at the stars,
hoping one will fall
getting high and drinking will ease us from this thinking
give me a break
i'm staring into his eyes
now his lips are on mine
this is my heaven
"take me back to your place"
yearning for his embrace
said he'd love me always
i wrote this while listening to "video games" by lana del rey. you can sing the words to the tune of that song if you want.
233 · Apr 2015
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
constantly torn between overflowing and swallowing,
sharing and keeping it to myself, for myself
if i let it ooze, will anyone be there to mop it up?
and even if they did, would they continue absorbing it
or simply wring themselves out?
i don't want to be forgotten
i don't want to be ridiculed
i want to be understood
225 · Oct 2015
Brooklynn Nights Oct 2015
i just want to keep writing until none of me is left
'til there's not even one dot of ink in my pen
until every drop of my blood has evaporated
until there is nothing more to be said
221 · Apr 2015
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
trying to hide behind thirsty eyes and incessant
for a new sensation to blow the current one out of the water
it won't change a thing except my mind, i already know this
everyone wants what they cannot have,
and it takes willpower to know that
it is out of selfishness
it takes a mistake to learn a lesson,
so why am i yearning to be taught the same one yet again?
most likely unfinished
Brooklynn Nights Sep 2015
drag my body out across the shoreline
stretch it thin and wash me clean
i want to know the strength of your arms wrapped around me,
my skin and bones
pulled out of the undertow
heaven knows
i've been aching for your everything,
but i'll gladly take anything
like the way your smile makes me feel
when you reflect your happiness back to me
like the sunrise over the churning sea
i wrote this on the date, but i changed it a bit today and posted it
220 · Jan 2016
i want to forget
Brooklynn Nights Jan 2016
it's over
and now we'll never speak of it again
at least not to each other or to anyone we know
not to our parents, strangers, or foes
let's get together and not say a single word
at this point, it's best we're both unheard
outside in this eternal sunshine,
we will bask until our skulls house spotless minds
we will lie there with no intention of leaving;
not until both of our hearts have stopped bleeding
only then will we rise and be able to lock eyes
one final time before fleeing
219 · Jun 2015
we have our differences
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
i'll scream at you in ways
you wouldn't dare to scream at me
you prefer face-to-face,
and i choose to use poetry
hold your tongue or you may say
something you'll regret
and i'll let the entirety of my pain out
with only the use of a pen
i know how good it feels to tell someone
right then and there,
but with the freedom of prose,
it simply cannot compare
let me absorb all that you are
and spit it back out
by now, you should know
that you're all i can write about
219 · Aug 2014
secrets exposed
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2014
the headlines of my heart are a mix of fear and passion
i have this relentless need for something so real, something surreal
take me back into the dark and split me open
learn the curves of my mind, each crest and crevice
i know you'll find my truth deep inside
all along, I've been grasping the key so tight
while you scoured the floor in search of it
but this time, I'm ready
i want you to know too much
219 · Apr 2015
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
where do all the fallen petals go?
One minute, they're on display amongst the leaves and branches
And the next, they're falling to the ground
Where do they go after that?
Does the sidewalk absorb them in an attempt to become less grey?
Or maybe they are sent away by a magical force that we will never come to know
All I know is that it makes me sad if I think about it for too long
I mourn the departures of all things
Possibly unfinished
216 · May 2015
goddess of love
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
i want to be the goddess that i know is within me, but i feel like just another blurry face, a passerby on a crowded sidewalk
i want to display unconditional love and understanding because that's all i've ever wanted shown to me
there are so many beautiful things that i want to say, but i'll cry if I say them
their beauty overwhelms me
that's the effect I want to evoke
like a garden angel, the light I shed will illuminate all shadows that meet me
my voice will flow gracefully and gently like honey
people will shield their eyes from my beams, but i'll soon make them able to face anything
the warmth within my heart will be powerful enough to spread to others, and their warmth will spread too until there is peace or at least piece of mind
214 · May 2016
Brooklynn Nights May 2016
it's crazy how someone so angry and confused and depressed
can turn all of that around for themselves,
but in the process,
make everyone around them carry the weight they just shed
from that point on
i wish you'd given some of it to me
even if you gave me all of it,
i know i'd be able to handle it,
but you wouldn't let me see
i want to scream until my throat bleeds
i want to cry until i fall asleep,
but only for every time you had to alone
your oversized heart was my home
Brooklynn Nights Jul 2015
i'll write about him when i feel right about him
-and this goes for each last lover-
until then, i'm taking cover
amongst bed covers
i'll be warm forever,
but i'd rather be set aflame
with chance cold spells that feel as though they will never end
i'd rather be repeatedly burned and frozen
than to simply be content
inspired by/written for craig owens
206 · Dec 2014
Brooklynn Nights Dec 2014
if you want someone who's broken, here i am
you never communicate, so i'm left guessing
i'm competing with a screen,
so i'll log off and shut down
how can you not read me?
or maybe you can..
either way, i'm left in silence,
but inside, i'm wailing
201 · Jun 2015
what i can't put into words
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
"listen to this song about me"
i want you to hear what i can't put into words,
what i can't bear to tell you myself
i'll let the voice of another eloquently describe
how my heart feels like there is a rope tightening around it endlessly,
squeezing the tissue out from between its coils,
stretching the walls thin and slowly strangling the arteries
if you listen to each carefully-selected syllable,
you may begin to understand
why attempting to tell you this myself will only bring me to my knees
it saddens me to know that others have felt so similar and even worse,
enough to write a song about it,
but i am grateful that i do not have to carry this weight alone
so listen, please
and maybe then you'll understand me
201 · Dec 2015
Brooklynn Nights Dec 2015
the only thing between the world and myself
                                                                    is you
that is to say that, in my world, you're all i see,
i'm on top of you, pinning you down                
             to the earth's surface
my eyes can't look away from yours
our hands, ever-entwined, are creating
permanent canyons between our fingers
they cradle the bursts of tears,
accumulating into rivers,        
expelled from our glimmering eyes
each time that we kiss                      
they trickle down to our feet
and we float
higher than we ever thought possible
199 · Apr 2016
laid to rest
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2016
i noticed we haven't been exchanging I love you's anymore,
and that's for the best
for my own good,
I won't pay attention to the way your heart
pounds on the back of your chest
take time to notice my imperfections;
it's in each of our best interest
almost past the point of no return, and then,
our hearts can rest
198 · Jan 2016
love is a rose
Brooklynn Nights Jan 2016
why am i so ******* fragile?
my life is like the enchanted rose in Beauty and the Beast,
and with each emotional scar, a petal falls
a piece of what little beauty i have is taken from me
and i'm left alone to stare at my bare reflection
198 · Dec 2014
Brooklynn Nights Dec 2014
it's hard to fall asleep without your touch,
even just one body part- our feet or our butts
everything that used to make me feel safe
leaves me feeling crushed
197 · Oct 2015
here it comes
Brooklynn Nights Oct 2015
i can't talk to you about it, about us
ever again,
so i'll write about it even though that does nothing
other than giving me something to obsessively read and re-read over
and over again
it's getting colder again,
and I was just starting to forget
until they made that comment
and now, onto more holidays spent
trying to keep warm above all else,
but, in time, the snow and ice will melt,
and i will have lived through another cold spell
my thoughts are both a safe haven and a prison cell
195 · May 2015
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
i've been trying really hard to pay close attention to things,
to really see the details rather than just the big picture
for example,
i observed how each carefully-placed
imperfection in your skin makes me want to cry
i closed my eyes so tightly that a single tear escaped from each one,
but i wiped them before you could see
i've been cutting you breaks when i should be speaking up,
but the fire that used to fuel me is fading out
i hate and love how you keep me within reach
and i see it even more clearly now,
but like i said, i keep focusing on the details
every crease in your lips is a memory to me
and i can feel the texture of your hands on my back
even when i'm asleep
191 · Sep 2015
3/11 - 3/26/13
Brooklynn Nights Sep 2015
everything is so miserable at best
until my head is resting upon your chest
i feel the weight of it all just melt away
you're here now, so forever will you stay?
scoop me up and tell me that everything's okay
and that it always will be
been thinking about you night and day
and i always will be
you've got your grip on my heart,
but all i've got is this heart
to love you with,
so could you please cherish it?
189 · May 2015
pop song
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
i saw you sitting in the backyard, sunny eyes
you told me stories of why you love this silly life
your smile has brightened up enough to light up the sky
and it's all thanks to him, it's all thanks to you

because all i hoped for was that you would someday see
the reason why you are so special to me
and now you've realized what he's realized
and i can't help but just sit back and smile
not finished
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
i keep secrets about people in the form of poetry
i guess that isn't really keeping a secret at all
it's more of an anonymous expression of truth
except that the writer can reveal themselves
whenever and however they see fit
and the content is subjective to anyone who reads
take the subject and apply it to whatever you please
morph it into shapes that fit perfectly into the cracks
of your heart, your imagination, your unanswered questions
what's more is that you can then take the pen into your own hands
compose stanzas of what you cannot say out loud
liberate the heartache
186 · Mar 2015
the work of artists
Brooklynn Nights Mar 2015
there is hidden elegance in the grotesque
some are able to detect it, but most won't even begin to attempt
even the word grotesque is both horrifying and beautiful
a viscous, slimy drip from a rusty ball of barbed wire
a flawless rose sprouting up through a pile of moldy leaves
anything initially perceived as disgusting can become poetic
just as anything that radiates beauty has an ugly side
the latter is much easier to discover
for people quite enjoy the destruction of a saint,
but to turn coal into a diamond takes effort and motivation
one must have a strong desire to expose the potential secrets
within things that don't normally receive a second look
the people who are able to unearth these gems are artists,
taking the repulsive and placing it on a pedestal
they transform their pain into a painting,
their cries into a song,
the least we can do is listen
182 · Aug 2015
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
let's take this whole thing and forget it,
smash in
every crack that has been growing since you left
since you came back,
i've forgotten what minutes feel like
i've forgotten what day it is
i've forgotten the nostalgia that used to make me love you
175 · Sep 2015
Brooklynn Nights Sep 2015
i'm writing like i never do
haven't done it in months at this magnitude
just a simple little page or two
spilling out my love for you
i wish you could read this and everything else,
but i can't convince you it's for my own health
there's enough of my heart left
if you could only take it for yourself
you're busy being perfect
while i'm busy needing help
170 · Dec 2014
Brooklynn Nights Dec 2014
all i've realized is that life is colder than expected,
as lonely as winter, and even more destructive
164 · Jan 2015
Brooklynn Nights Jan 2015
these love songs hurt to hear,
but in a year
that will fade
and this love will turn to hate
and even that will soon go away
until it doesn't matter anymore
162 · Dec 2014
Brooklynn Nights Dec 2014
thought i'd be fine to try it out,
but instead, i shut myself down
you took it all back and said it was a mistake,
but i know better than that-
nothing fake about it
and now i feel like everyone i never thought i'd relate to;
listening to songs i never thought would be about you
i always thought i'd be okay alone,
but what's worse is the thought of you
not being alone while i am
151 · May 2015
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
all i want is for someone to fully understand
but with each and every thought, i am more aware that they can't
they cannot and never will know the full extent of anything,
each delicate detail of what lies inside of me
not done, but done for now
146 · Jun 2015
don't stop
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
"i love you so much more than you'll ever know."

"i have too much to respond with."

"tell me just three of the things you could possibly say."

*"don't. stop. it hurts."
146 · Apr 2015
wanting and waiting
Brooklynn Nights Apr 2015
if i admire you from a distance, i am content,
but only content and nothing more
from over here, you can't call me your own
and you'll never be mine if it's up to me
i am in a safe place far from you, yet still within reach
and i know it won't last forever,
but right now, it feels so sweet
when this glass wall shatters, it can fall one of two ways
if it falls towards you, the shards will rip into your flesh
and if it falls away, i know you'll dig me out of its mess
there is a continuous ache inside of me,
but it's still too soon to know if you hold the key
i guess i'll just wait patiently
and hope you have the same capacity
144 · May 2015
silent messages
Brooklynn Nights May 2015
if everyone can see it, then it must be real
if we can joke about it, then it's happening
i will tell myself this until the end of time
i'm hopeless as you've probably figured out by now
maybe you don't want to believe it,
and maybe i want to believe that you don't want to believe it,
but you do, and deep down, we are both aware
without actually speaking, i'll continue to express how i feel
without talking, i'll drill a tiny hole into your head
and slip a piece of paper through with every dream i've ever had
about you written down on it
because that's the closest i'll let you get to reading my poetry
and you only let me talk to you in your sleep
142 · Jun 2015
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
oh, the joy of having the ability to spill my never-ending thoughts
is immeasurable!
my mind is a cemetery where the ghosts of each passing moment
rise to haunt me
they spring up out of nowhere,
and the only say that i have in the matter is
when to release them
confusion becomes clarity by my way with words,
gently turning and molding them into phrases
that only i can fully understand
no one can stop me or tell me how and what i should communicate-
a freedom that is comparable only to other forms of artistry
and a feeling of impulse that one should not ignore
if they are lucky enough to receive it
142 · Dec 2014
Brooklynn Nights Dec 2014
i can find salvation in things other than god
Brooklynn Nights Jun 2015
i was driving home when a flash of lightning reflected
in my rear-view mirror,
brilliant enough to pull me out of whatever zone i was in
it reminded me of the way that you enter my mind-
always bursting out of darkness, calmness;
never giving any warning other than a low, rumbling thunder
too soft for me to pick up on
not that this occurrence is at all your fault..
it's simply my mind's way of dealing with a subject
as dangerous, tainted, and flawed as you
subconsciously, somehow, i just know
that you should not be brought up gradually,
but rather quick as lightning-

a radiant flash and then nothing,

if only something so simple could actually take place
no, instead,
the flash remains, burning into my field of vision,
much like when all you can see is a blurry, yellow spot
after someone takes your picture
or when you can't take your eyes off of a sunset
because it is so beautiful, but you know it won't last,
so you watch it melt for as long as you can
before it slips beneath the horizon

it seems that the more i try to explain it, the more confusing it becomes,
so i will leave it at this:
you are the lightning to my tree;
you strike with the potential to make me burst into flames
and you don't even know it
"as dangerous, tainted, and flawed as you" is from "million dollar man" by lana del rey

— The End —