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119 · Oct 2018
William D Hearns Oct 2018
Smoke drifts through the air,
Sere leaves burnt in a pile.
A chill in the air, but a warm sun.
Stretched out like a cat on the crisp grass
That smoky wind blows by.
How long I’ve waited for you.
My burnt orange heaven.
117 · Apr 2018
William D Hearns Apr 2018
monsters chase me relentlessly
I admitted them into my life
Like vampires, they needed an invitation.
I gave it to them,


I saw us as partners:
Me and my monsters,
They accompanied me all day.
But when I grew weary, my monsters, once cheery,
Waxed petulant, vengeful, insisting I pay.

They racked my body,
They haunted my soul;
******* my psyche, and leaving a hole,
A misshapen, and ragged, and monster shaped hole
To be filled, and fulfilled, by whom it was torn.

So many times, I’ve returned to, regarded,
My monsters: Old friends!
Old partners once parted!
Their presence reviled, now wholly cathartic,
And our union as sweet as the day that it started.

But every time they came back, they’d eat at their hole,
Ensuring the next time, I’d need to need more,
But when you allow monsters to fill you, only then will you know
The bigger your chasm, the more monster you hold,
Now, (not just filled by), but shaped in their mold.

When strife, and adversity darkened my door,
I’d weep and I’d cower; A wretch, and a worm!
My monsters, My Monsters! Come home! Keep me warm!
Release me from duty, I’m tired and worn. When I am weak I am weak, when I am strong I am strong.

So I indulged them, my monsters,
So that each time we met,
A piece of me would be gone, a piece of monster was left
Until my reflection was strange, and my green eyes grew dim:
There was no more “Me”, there was only “Him”.
115 · Oct 2018
William D Hearns Oct 2018
Trumpets scream in my ears, the drums pop, blood trickles out. I have no love to give, only obsession
114 · Sep 2018
William D Hearns Sep 2018
I dread the  good dreams of you more than my darkest nightmare
96 · Sep 2018
William D Hearns Sep 2018
I can touch you,
I can't feel you.
I can kiss you,
I can't taste you.
I can hold you,
I can't help you.
I am with you,
I'm not there.
92 · Aug 2019
Voyeuristic Medium
William D Hearns Aug 2019
Five hundred texts a day
Take the hearts away
After your name
Just “name” in my phone
How can a phone contact
Be a ghost
Can a text be in a poem??? Cool
William D Hearns Jul 2019
I showed you the poem
About you
And you loved it
And asked me who it was about
38 · Jan 2020
William D Hearns Jan 2020
You never sing for me anymore

— The End —