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Jan 2017 · 243
Grey cells
Haddie Brenner Jan 2017
Cling, cling, cling.
Flop, flop, flop.
Ding, ding, ding.
Drop, drop, drop.
The screen blinks,
My brain drivels.
The colours *****,
My cells shrivel.
Cling, cling, cling.
Drop, drop, drop.
Why can't I stop, stop, stop.
Jan 2017 · 166
Haddie Brenner Jan 2017
My q w e r t y are quiet.
The keys are all letters,
No words.
Keeping silent,
Lying soundless.
Black plastic squares,
Metallic silver river,
Flowing around.
Leaving me mute.
Leaving me bound.
Dec 2016 · 183
Haddie Brenner Dec 2016
The hand on time,
Is not, not mine.
Moving the dial,
Not moving the dial,
Not moving the dial.
So I stay,
Rotating round and round,
Into the ground, into the ground.
I'm planted, no roots, no bark,
Half buried, half alive.
Dec 2016 · 134
Haddie Brenner Dec 2016
I didn't say yes,

One in my head said: “No!”.

I wanted to stay,

One in my head said: “Go!”.

One in my head never rests,

Keeping my slumber at bay.

Crowding my days with weariness,

Incessantly buzzing away.

My life passes by, day after day,

One in my head is merry and gay.

My life passes by, night after night,

One in my head is full of delight.
Dec 2016 · 136
Haddie Brenner Dec 2016
A wall of glass around.
And the world is blind.
I watch it move,
Go on without me,
Living me behind,
Inside my wall of glass,
To find my own way out.
Dec 2016 · 206
By part I
Haddie Brenner Dec 2016
Every day of my life is passing by.
Every day, short of one breath,
One breath, holding all the air,  
Away from me,
Turning me blue.
Every day of my life is passing by.
Every day, short of one taste,
One taste, holding all the flavour,  
Away from me,
Turning me stale.
Every day of my life is passing by.
Every day, short of one ray,
One ray, holding all the light,
Away from me,
Turning me dark.
Every day of my life is passing by.
Every day, short of one tomorrow,
One tomorrow, holding all the rest.  
Every day of my life is holding one tomorrow.
Dec 2016 · 353
Haddie Brenner Dec 2016
When memory is wrong.
When morality is dusty.
When time is long.
When hope is rusty.
When dignity is pliable.
When dreams are after dark.
When faith is liable.
When life is full of marc.
Dec 2016 · 229
School days
Haddie Brenner Dec 2016
Erasing my days.
My minutes,
My seconds,
My hours,
Recycling my new, empty days.
Dec 2016 · 214
Haddie Brenner Dec 2016
Picture, picture, picture,
Vision, vision, one,
Two, three, hundred,
Chasing me with a gun.
Visions, hundreds, chasing,
My mind is a Zoetrope.
I'm losing my mind, is losing me,
No mind, a kaleidoscope.
Dec 2016 · 177
Haddie Brenner Dec 2016
One tile, Square and white,
Repetitive, blank and slight.
Reflecting me, not right quite.
One tile, cemented tight,
Surrounding tiles, left and right,
Reflecting me, just in spite.
One tile, by the bight,
Early morning, late, late night,
Reflecting back, a sore, sore sight.
One tile.
Square and white.
Nov 2016 · 144
Haddie Brenner Nov 2016
Wall one for my pictures.
Wall two for my words.
Wall three for my structure.
Wall four for my hoards.
Wall one for my times.
Wall two for my space.
Wall three for my dimes.
Wall four for my pace.
Wall one is falling.
Wall two coming loose.
Wall three is squalling.
Wall four for my noose.
Nov 2016 · 173
Inside out
Haddie Brenner Nov 2016
Inside out,

Soft and pink,

Raw and clawed.

Inside out,

Skinned and scratched,

Scarred and flawed.
Nov 2016 · 495
Haddie Brenner Nov 2016
I have words countless,
Yet none that I can say.
I have thoughts abundant,
Though all in disarray.
Ideas I have some,
I keep them in my head.
Dreams I have enough,
I leave them in my bed.
I carry on moving,
Dropping as I do,
Little crumbs of abstracts,
In the light of moon.
Sep 2016 · 644
Haddie Brenner Sep 2016
All my vim is leaking,
Dripping slowly out.
Salted vitality,
Etching streaks of drought.
Leaving me barren,
Deficient of birr,
In need of my ardor,
With nothing but blur.
Sep 2016 · 651
Haddie Brenner Sep 2016
My head has separated from my body,
Rolling on the ground,
Getting kicked around.
My thoughts turning and churning,
Losing their place,
Losing perspective,
Losing their sense.
The world is twisting and warping,
Losing its purpose,
Losing proportion,
Losing its whence.
Sep 2016 · 200
Past past midnight
Haddie Brenner Sep 2016
The middle of the night is gone,
No longer around,
No longer surround,
Just some fragments lingering pre dawn.
Around me, surrounding me.
Lightless, brightless darkness.
And I'm here, restless, sleepless,
Really need to wee.
Sep 2016 · 133
Fine print
Haddie Brenner Sep 2016
It's all in the fine print,
At the edge of the page.
The do's and the don'ts,
The ex and the next.
My life as a manual with written consent.
Sep 2016 · 248
Haddie Brenner Sep 2016
Soundless, voiceless howl.
Untouching, unstirring, unfound.
Smashing the air inside my lungs,
Catapulting dying oxygen crumbs.
Performing the gasping melody chime.
Drowning me in a pond of brine.
Aug 2016 · 194
Haddie Brenner Aug 2016
I want to not be my current self.
I want to be someone else, someone else.
I'm under the mountain, still and again.
I'm under the mountain, a mountain of pain.
And the mountain is heavy, more than before.
I'm unmovable, unbreathable, unhopeable and more.
I'm paralysed, just can't seem to break free.
From under the mountain of guilt, pain and trees.
Trees with leaves of shame and regret.
With a bark of melancholy, I'm sleeping to forget.
I'm sleeping to forget that I am myself.
And in my sleep, I'm someone else, someone else.
Aug 2016 · 230
Condensed part II
Haddie Brenner Aug 2016
Condensed part II

Condense the want in drops of fault,
Mix with water and some salt.
Stir to make the want eruptive,
Fold yourself and lie adductive.
Aug 2016 · 165
Salt lake
Haddie Brenner Aug 2016
A salt lake in my eyes,
Right behind the lids.
Two briny pools,
Corroding my mids.
Rusting my soul,
Oxidising my veins.
Two briny pools,
Over flowing my pains.
Jan 2016 · 216
All said and done
Haddie Brenner Jan 2016
Nothing was said and nothing was done,
I was in bed but I still heard the gun.
Go off in the distance, a shot in the dark,
And a lifeless body falls in the park.
A red stain of blood like some kind of mark,
And all the witnesses are covered with bark.
The park was empty, as now was the gun.
And the lifeless body was all said and done.
Jan 2016 · 502
Love love love
Haddie Brenner Jan 2016
I had a word, word, word
That once I heard, heard, heard.
The word was nice, nice, nice,
I've used it twice, twice, twice.
But then it broke,
Went up in smoke.
And I was left,
With just a cleft.
The word's now gone,
And I'm alone,
Alone, lone, lone.

— The End —