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Gigi Tiji Feb 2016
see uknown in your empty eyeball
your empty eyeball
fizzy fuzzy thoughts and a
blurred pattern of vomitrocious gradients
split in two split in three split in four
more pieces to the puzzle
solve it and you will die
abandon it and you will die
so be happy and sing
be merry and dance to your
friend's heartbeats
getting quicker
getting slower
with your friends
getting higher
getting lower
unpack your massive bag
zipper broken and spill it all
can't shut it now not anymore
pack a small one
and empty it often
water your plants
rearrange your molecules
every time you hit the sack
every time you lay yourself to rest
remember the smile of that stranger you spoke to
and forgot their name
wonderlover wanderlust
celestial body
Gigi Tiji Feb 2016
there is a thing
this thing is not a part of anything
and this thing is not a physical thing either
as such it is not a part of space
and does not take up space

what is the location of this point?
from where did it come?

physical things emerge from space.
from where does this point emerge?

the point emerges from a place that is pointless
what is this pointless place from which this point became?
Gigi Tiji Feb 2016
when will i stop thinking with my heart and loving with my mind
Gigi Tiji Feb 2016
a true mystery of mighty depth
deep blue and green of infinite breadth
a single flame and a single breath
the brown of moss and damp soil

a chuckle and a smirk and a wink and a quirk
a kiss and a dance of the eyes
a nudge and a nuzzle a cuddly solved puzzle
I feel so alive with you
Gigi Tiji Nov 2015
look at that sort of thing
we're a sometime sung lullaby
see how much you mean to me?
knock on the door to my memory
there's a new stone now
that storm has gone
Gigi Tiji Nov 2015
bee da fee da fee deedledee
feel boo dumb da fee fee fee
see what you want and hear what you see
you'll find you're picking from a cherry tree
ickie fickle pickle picker tickle chuckle lemon pucker
naps and cuddles and jumping in puddles
playin on the fiddle I'm a monkey in the middle

Ponyo Kahlo
Siddle Widdle Cookie Wookster
Queen Maddie Schizofranny
Victor Victor Jackie Jackie
meowy meowy meow!
Gigi Tiji Nov 2015
there are lightning rivers running from the mountains
tree tops swinging menacingly atop the scalp of a human
moss tangled in toes there are flowers singing with the clouds

in the unfathomed depths of an eyeball we see the vast expanse of space
pulled eyebrows and eyelashes on the desk by the blank notepad
unkempt fury pressurized in thin glass bottles

look at this unfamiliar air between us
look at this forced civility

where have the nests been dispersed
when was the last straw that twisted your neck
bit your ear and tickled your toes

the green apple appears red in the periphery
look closer because there is truth in the mud

a blue lotus
ever blossoming
a belch of the marsh

who are the ones that observe these thoughts
who is the one that chooses them
every moment a different person
never the same
the past and the future are here to stay

everything is now
don't sell yourself short
disconnected appendages
a ghost within a shell
a high strung harp

sugarsand whiskey pit
blackberry blossom
warped wood
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