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Gavin Paul Boehm Jul 2013
Crippling social constructs keep us bow-legged and pigeon-toed
Stuck within bars
Within boxes
Stopping our minds from roaming free
While our crooning hearts dream of originality.
Gavin Paul Boehm Jul 2013
Dylan Thomas told us
Do NOT go gently into that goodnight
We're supposed to fight that light at the end of the tunnel
Squeeze our blood from the stone of life
Carpe the diem while we still can
Bust off the hinges before our coffins get that last nail
Live fast, die young, and leave a haggard corpse
Drive the course of life with the pedal to the metal and the speakers bumping
Thumping our anthem in rhythm with our ticking countdown clocks in our chests
Race against time to sock in all the living we can
We're meant to live life to the fullest
Fly by the seats of our pants
Passing by life's spectators and pitying them
Because their vicarious living will never equal
Our visceral, tangible moments of exuberance and excitement
We must continue to chase our dreams with the same joy and determination
That we used to chase after butterflies and baseballs with
Now is the time to grab life by the ***** and squeeze
Squeeze hard and never let go
Because if you do
Life is sure to be displeased about testicular torque that's been applied
We were not meant to accept the hand we were dealt
Life is a game and we're meant to play it
Cheat it, hack it
Find the loopholes and exploit it
We are allotted a short time in existence
It's a gift to us
And to do anything less than take full advantage
Would be like spitting in the faces of those who were given less
Every wasted second is a second closer to the end of your countdown
So I implore you
Throw down your baggage
For it will only slow you down
Stop living with a twisted neck
The past is meant to be remembered, not watched
Stop living for money instead of happiness
Listen to yourself for once and follow your desires
All the money in the world doesn't mean a thing when your heart's not happy
Lean on your loved ones when you must
And be there for them when it's your turn
So again
Burn your baggage, and live your life as you see fit
Smelling the roses when the moment calls for it
But blistering past if you already know the aroma
And something else is happening down the road.
Gavin Paul Boehm Jul 2013
Lately I’ve been considering clarifying my spirituality while trying to get a hold on my reality. My days are surreal as I peel away from the human race, putting on ratty clothes to save face and change pace to obtain grace in a place where it can only be found in a name anymore.
I’ve been bound to the imaginary floor of my conscious by fending off faith like false accusations. Thoughtlessness is the root of this mess, as I’ve yet to reboot my less than sincere concept of what steers me down the road of apathy and godlessness. It could be nothing more than arrogance that causes belief in the chance that we learned this dance of existence all on our own; but from what we’ve been shown, nothing can be known without a doubt.
So I strut with a straight spine and my head held high, staring into space while glaring at the sky. I shout at the darkness to get out of my substance so my stance can beckon light toward me to explore my soul and implore me to roll my stone away… but it’s grown accustomed to the moss.
Now, accustomed leads to stagnant and stagnant leads to combustion, which is something I can’t stand for; so I strive towards infinity by growing my affinity for aesthetic authenticity at a constant rate.
The debate rages outside my tarnished gates: Religion teaches hate, but faith can be great when man’s meddlings are left on cutting room floor. Love each other. Treat each man as your brother, each woman your mother. These preachings reach to our basic decencies, but detrimental thoughts are spread through our frequencies, interrupting the harmonious symphonies to which our species dances to each day.
Our hearts know the way, but our brains overcompensate for the seemingly irrational, natural compulsions pulsing us towards our actual emotions.
The notion that we were grown out of the unknown isn’t easy to swallow when the thought of being so along leaves you feeling hollow, but I find it hard to follow along when the almighty one smites men for placing their faith in the wrong plans.
The idle hands of man have branded faith with scandalous standards for eternal happiness, which is why I’m happy to dismiss what some call bliss. But seeing as I can no longer identify as an atheist, I want whatever god will listen to understand me when I say this:
We all miss our respective Mimi’s each and every day, and I hope that mine will see me again one day. But going to church each and every Sunday should hold no sway as to whether or not that is the case. Amen.

— The End —