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Apr 2015 · 347
Elihu Barachel Apr 2015
The USA defaults! Your money ain't worth ****
This has all been planed, and YOU will take the hit
Thank the New World Order, every penny they will take
Peasant paupers will all die, your retirement forsake
You are "useless eaters", to a FEMA camp you'll go
Have your "attitude adjusted", Big Brother runs the show
If you want to get your head cut off, refuse to take the Mark
There's an Alter you'll be under [1]...while the world goes very dark

[1] Rev 6:9
Mar 2015 · 893
Elihu Barachel Mar 2015
Happy Happy WW3
Get your *** blown off with glee
Very soon the bombs fill fall
****** death for one and all
Being blown to **** is so much fun!
Nowhere nowhere can you run
Atomic bombs and poison gas
Soon will fall right on your ***
So play and laugh or moan and cry
And kiss your stupid *** goodbye
Mar 2015 · 1.8k
Hi Faggot
Elihu Barachel Mar 2015
So Kevin kicked me off, he kicked me off his site
Says don't bash ****** Queers, so I'll do that just for spite
Hi-yea Kevin hi-yea, how's your ****** ***?
Don't you like my poem? Don't you like my sass?
Why is that ****** Fruitcake? Because I tell you where you'll go?
You'll go to Hell and burn, and your poetry forgo
When's this going to be? Sooner than you think
The Lake of Fire awaits, you teeter on the brink
Elihu Barachel Mar 2015
Ostracized and banished! Banned and throne out!
Kevin and Allpoetry, they give me a big flout
Just because I write, that Queers will burn in Hell
They kick me off their site, my *** they did expel
Kevin Kevin oh tisk-tisk, don't you want to burn?
Guess what oh ****** Fruitcake, your Damnation you did earn
You'll roast upon a spit, you'll fricassee and fry
In Hell you'll have a "Gay" old time...I won't even say goodbye
Hey Kevin Kevin ******...write some poems down in Hell
Write about your TORMENT! In fire you can't quell
Feb 2015 · 437
VERY Few Days Remain
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
The Saudies clear their airspace, Kim Jong prepares for war
Poroshenko buys new weapons...have you seen this all before?
What is going to happen? Not too hard to figure out
The world will be at WAR, this without a doubt
But take heart I have good news, it will only last an hour [1]
Just half the world gets blown to ****, so no need to cry and cower
The other half will see, the unveiling of "the Man"
Of "that Wicked" [2] Man of Sin [3], for you he has a plan
His plan is going to be, to give everyone a Mark [4]
In your forehead or right hand, to him you must now hark
Seven years will follow, seven years of pain and woe
It's called the Tribulation, through this you're going to go
It's all been written down,  in the last Book it's contained
Contained in the Holy Bible, your demise is there explained

[1] Rev 18:10
[2] 2nd Thess 2:8
[3] 2nd Thess 2:3
[4] Rev 13:16
Feb 2015 · 444
Hey Kevin
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Hi-yea ****** hi-yea, I'll write a rhyme for you
How you'll burn in Hell; your worst nightmare will come true
A long life you'll live not, STDs will take their toll
You'll die and go to Hell, and be eaten by a troll
You'll fricassee and fry, be roasted on a spit
How "Gay" you gunna be, in Torment that won't quit?
Pretend it isn't so, continue on your way
Soon, very soon, God your soul will slay
Kevin will find out, when it's too **** late
Hey Kevin are you ready? In Hell you'll meet your fate

****** !!!
Feb 2015 · 568
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
My foes were all defeated, my enemies were shamed
And for remembrance, a Holiday proclaimed
This year that day will fall, will fall on March the 4th
The Persians do remember, and forevermore henceforth
I notice a coincidence, is this by luck or chance?
A speech is to be given, in a special manse
The date is March the 3rd, the "manse" is in DC
The Speaker is a Head of State...we will see what comes to be
Feb 2015 · 466
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Of late I've been sarcastic, downright mean and rude
Now I choose to end, my ratings and my feud
No longer will I write, condemning ****** Queers
Also ***** christians, them and all their peers
So I bid you all adieu, adiós to you I say
Perhaps I'll write again, but no no not today
Actually it grieves me, to write with hate and bane
So I will desist, and ease from me some strain
I'll choose another Pen Name, a name that's gentle and is kind
I'll write of pretty sunsets, with serenity in mind
I'll write about the birds, I'll write about the bees
I'll write about some girls, and I'll write about the trees
The above is going to happen, when every ****** burns in Hell
Forever they'll be gone ...I won't even say farewell
Feb 2015 · 589
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
It's a feather in my hat, to be booted off your site
A Merit Badge for me! And a big delight
So you don't like my poems, you don't like my rhymes
That is why I write them, to **** you off Big Time
Soon you will find out, where all ******* go
They go to burn in Hell, the place of never ending woe
Poor poor Kevin oh tisk-tisk, are you a ****** Queer?
Probably you are, your Damnation draweth near
Feb 2015 · 408
Hey Kevin
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
I've been Banned! I am Banned! From Allpoetry I'm Banned!
Oh my goodness on my gosh, my demise is now at hand
Why is it that they Banned me? Because the poems that I write -
They ain't lovey-dovey...I bash ******* day and night
Hey Kevin ain't that right, I get down on Fruitcake Queers
Tell them that they'll burn in Hell, them and all their peers
Do I ever **** them off !! When I tell them where they'll go
They'll go to burn in Hell, there Damnation apropos
******* they don't like that, they want to **** each others *****
They can't if they're in Hell, when they cross the River Styx
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
If you think I'll Coexist, with a ****** Queer
You can think again, your Damnation is so near
Every ****** every Queer, every ******* ****
Is going to burn in Hell...this you do not like?
That's just too **** bad, ****** lovers will burn too
You and all your poetry, I bid you all adieu
You I will forget, so continue on your way
On your way to Hell, where FOREVER you will stay
FOREVER while you burn, my poems will be read
Ever single word, will echo in your head
Every single line, of ****** hating rhyme
Will be read to you, and be burned into your mind
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
How "Gay" do you suppose, do you suppose you'll be
When In Hell you burn, for all eternity
Every ****** every Queer, every **** and ****
You're going to burn in Hell, while Satan ***** your ****
He'll tie you to a stump, barbed wire he will use
Sulfuric acid boiling hot, out his **** does ooze
Then there are the Demons...can't wait to get their turn
Pumping ******* pumping, in the place of no return
When they get tuckered out, a red-hot ***** they will use
They'll ram it up your ***, while they put to you the screws
Yes-sir-ee you'll be so "Gay", while you burn forevermore
You ****** Queerass Fruitcake, God does you deplore
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Tell me ****** Fruitcake, tell me Fruitcake Queer
Do you wipe the **** from off your ****, after ******* your sweet dear?
Or does your partner lick it off, while you 69?
Yummy yummy chocolate! A flavor so sublime
Hey ****** Queerass Fruitcake, did it ever come to mind?
That you're going to burn in Hell, you'll be there for all time
Feb 2015 · 964
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Your Damnation slumbers not, in Hell you're going to burn
EVERY Queerass ******, CONDEMNATION you did earn
So while your still alive, skip along your merry way
Soon you'll be in Hell, God your soul will slay
Pretend it isn't so, deny the Word of God
When you finally burn in Hell, then I will applaud
Tisk-tisk oh ****** Fruitcake, my poem you don't like?
Read it to your buddy, and every single ****
Read it ****** Fruitcake! Read the part where you will BURN
Read it Fruitcake Queer! Your DAMNITION you did earn
Feb 2015 · 689
Sodom and Gomorrah
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
***** and Gomorrah, to a cinder they were burned
A lesson for today, but a lesson never learned
Fire rained upon them, and brimstone red-hot coals
Now there all in Hell, with all the condemned souls
Vengeance they did suffer, God did a cleansing the earth
Same thing’s about to happen, pain and death and dearth
A “Cleansing” will soon come, Seven Years of pain
For every single ******, woe and death and bane
It’s called the Tribulation, the Bible makes it clear
You’ll burn in Hell FOREVER, if you’re a ******* Queer
Feb 2015 · 754
Gay Pride
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
******* are so proud, of their sin so black and vile
Abomination! Is the word, for their habit and their stile
They march in a parade, their perverted pride they flaunt
Lick each others *****, and God Almighty taunt
God will not be mocked, ******* will find out
They'll be sent to Hell, this without a doubt
Tisk-tisk oh ****** Fruitcake, don't you like my rhyme?
Soon you'll burn in Hell, you'll be there for all time
Will you be proud in Hell? Will you march in a parade?
You'll have a red-hot dildow up your ***, and your "pride" be so displayed
Feb 2015 · 511
Q - U - E - E - R
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Upon ***** and Gomorrah, God Almighty did rain Fire
He burned up all the ******* you heed His warning dire?
If you're a ******* ******, or a ******* Queer
Eternal Fire awaits, DAMANATION so sever
Is my poem "Hate Speech"? Don't you want to burn in Hell?
That's just too **** bad, at prevision you excel
Not only will you burn, you'll fricassee and fry
You'll be roasted on a spit...Halleluiah when you die!!
One less ****** in the world, one more ****** burns in Hell
Hail Westboro Baptist! Clap and shout and yell!
Feb 2015 · 552
F - A - G - G - O - T
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
******* sure don't like it, when you remind them where they'll go
They'll go Hell, their Damnation apropos
In ***** and Gomorrah, to a cinder they were burned
Do you think they would take heed? No no they never learned
Hey ******, you got AIDS? You'll pine away and die
Then you'll burn in Hell...I won't even cry
If you're a "christian" ******, you'll go to "christian" Hell
With every *******'ll worship your god Bel
If it's Baal that you prefer, to me it matters not
In Hell you will still burn, for the SIN that you have wrought
Feb 2015 · 666
Oh Tisk-Tisk
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Hey Queerass ****** Poet, Hey Poet ****** Queer
Don't you like my rhymes? Are they too austere?
Why is that ****** Poet? Why oh why oh Poet Queer
Because you'll burn in Hell? Is this too severe?
Not Sever enough! In Hell you're going to fry
A red-hot dildow up your *** KY to apply
Demons ram it in and out, while they flay your *** with whips
Dipped in venom from a Lion Fish, with razors on the tips
Through broken glass and burning coals, they'll drag you night and day
This for all Eternity...and your stinking *** sauté
But you don't have to worry, no need for you to fret
You're a "christian" ******, the above you can forget
With Water oh so Holy, you ****** your *** real good
And have a "Gay" old time, with your brothers in the hood
Feb 2015 · 531
2nd Corinthians 6:14~17
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
There is a bumper sticker I have seen, it says to "Coexists"
Be one big happy family, make wrath and hate desist
After all we all are One, members of the human clan
Be all Lovey-Dovey, in the Family of Man
Excuse me please excuse me, in my Bible I do read
A verse of Scripture plane and True, to this I will take heed
The verse is from Corinthians, the 2nd Paul did write
I read in chapter six, how I'm to fight the Fight
Number 14 is the verse, the verse where I will start
Read the chapter to the end...I take his words to heart
If you think I'll coexists, with a ******* ****** or a Queer
You can think again!...Your Damnation draws so near

2 Cor 6:14-17
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
Feb 2015 · 494
The Line of Cain
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
10 Commandments of the Lord, Plagues of Egypt 10
10 letters of a word, that you'll read on CNN
It is coming soon, soon you're going to see
Death and Pain and Woe, Worldwide Misery
ARMAGEDDON is the word! Destruction Death and Bane
In Atomic Fire you'll burn, and the entire line of Cain
Feb 2015 · 786
What Me Worry
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Religious ****, Religious Crap, Religious Dung and Stool
"Christianity" today...Puke to fill a kiddy-pool
Then the "christians" jump right in, play patty-cake all day
Say some lovey-dovey the Devil far away
That baddy-baddy Devil, "christians" don't allow
To him hold up a crucifix, then go kiss their Sacred Cow
They don't have to worry, 'bout Wrath or WWIII
They think they'll fly away...Oh yea, lets wait and see
Feb 2015 · 625
Hey Lovey-Dovey "Christian"
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
The last Book of the Bible, a Book of Dread and Woe
Is about to be fulfilled, and through this you're going to go
If you think you will escape, the WRATH that's soon to come
And you're going to fly away, while "Amazing Grace" you hum
When the First Seal breaks, you'll wonder why you're here
Because you're RELIGIOUS ****! And your "jESUS" is a Queer
The probability is good, that you'll not live to see the end
You'll be killed and sent to Hell, by St. John this has been penned
For 1000 years you'll burn, before you stand before THE THRONE
The Great White Throne of God, you he will disown
Then you'll be cast alive, into the Lake of Fire
With all Religious ****, and every other liar
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
It's Going to Blow
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
When it finally blows, it's going to blow real hard
A super Super Volcano! Your *** will be real charred
When's it going to blow? No one knows four sure
"Soon" is all they'll say, this they do assure
What is going to blow? To make you groan and moan
There's a black-out of the news...Yellowstone!
Feb 2015 · 468
An Epitaph for S.L.K.
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Of late I've been sarcastic, mean and downright rude
I'll have a change of heart...abate my poet's feud
There are more important things, than sparing with a fool
A dufuss geek and *****, and what he writes is stool
I should write an epitaph, a fitting rhyme for his demise
Carve it on his tombstone, for him to read before he dies
So here's my composition, my rhyme of wit and lore
Willfully he's ignorant, I pray God's wrath upon him pour
Here lies a saint of Baal, a shining light of Bel
In Hell he's with his Father, forever there he'll dwell
Feb 2015 · 389
Blood is Going to Flow
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
There is a Valley in the East, Megiddo is its name [1]
Where is going to be a Battle, Humorous Fire and Flame
BLOOD is going to flow, to the horse's bridle rise [2]
From the Winepress of a God, the God that you despise
One thousand furlongs, add six hundred more [2]
Blood is going to flow...Death and Bane and Gore!
Blood is going to flow! From Pimps and ****** and Liars
And from ***** Christians, for them Eternal Fires [3]

[1] Rev 16:16
[2] Rev 14:20
[3] Check my Bio
Feb 2015 · 729
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Jacob was a man, he grabbed his brothers heel [1]
And his Birthright too, this started the ordeal
This ordeal continues on, with hatred so severe
It's coming to a ******, "Jacob's Troubles" do draw near [2]
Gathered round about him, every nation of the world
EXTERMINATION they all want, their Flag of WAR unfurled
Coming from the East, 200 million men draw near [3]
The Euphrates will dry up, there will be a quaking and great fear
To Armageddon they do march! Armageddon's drawing neigh!
The Rider in the White Horse, is coming from the sky [4]

[1] Gen 25: 24&25
[2] Jer 30:7
[3] Rev 9:16
[4] Rev 19:11
Feb 2015 · 377
One Hour
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Before the week is out, World War Three could come and go  
It will only last one hour, an hour of Death and Woe  
Revelation chapter eighteen, “one hour” thrice is said  
In just one hour just one hour, fifty million could be dead  
It wouldn’t be just in Kiev, “Babylon” will burn  
The land of Greed and Lust, the Prophets they did spurn  
Not the Babylon of old, the Babylon today  
Did you ever think ever think…it is the USA
Feb 2015 · 478
Too Damn Bad
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Fireballs! Fireballs! Falling from the sky
They will land on you, your *** they're going to fry
Read the Book of Luke, chapter twenty one
Men's hearts failing them for fear, God's Vengeance has begun
Comet ISON Planet X, take your pick and die
Mega earthquake Sue-nam-ee, go to the bye and bye
The poles will flip the moon turns red, oh such cheery news
Too **** bad too **** bad, you have earned your dues
Feb 2015 · 875
Buzzards Say "Yum-Yum" [1]
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
The fuse is lit and burning fast, it’s almost to the bomb
The bomb goes off it’s WW3, you they wouldn’t embalm
You will rot right on the ground. Buzzards eat your ***
Not just only you, humanity in mass
If you aren’t killed, three weeks is all you got
From radiation you will glow, you’ll moan and puke a lot
So keep your head stuck in the sand, pretend it is not so
When you finally die, to Hell you're going to go

[1] Rev 9:17&18
Feb 2015 · 376
"Remember the Maine" !!!
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Who will fire the first shot? The shot heard ‘round the world
Will it be Iran? Their flag of war unfurled
Or will a ship get sunk, in the Hormuz Straight?
Whose ship's it going to be? Possibility is great
Won’t have to wait too long, just a little while
Persians do not like US...**** US with a smile
Up will go a hue and cry, avenge the USS Maine
You people are too dumb, for me to this explain
It really doesn’t matter, there's going to be a WAR
Just like nine eleven, just like we did before
This will solve a problem, solve it really fast
Reduce the population, with a 'tomic blast
Think I made this up? Pulled it from my ***?
State of Georgia “Guide Stones”, this will come to pass
Feb 2015 · 515
Watch More TV
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Early I awake, the dawn is not yet come
I ponder oh I ponder, what the world has now become
I listen to the news, Ha! ******* lies and lies
A politician gives a speech, in my face he flies
And the Sheeple do not care, they scurry to and fro
Don't disturb their football game, or the Peter Griffin show
The day is soon to come, Judgment from on High
Vengeance from above, and the Sheeple know not why
The Sheeple are to dumb, to understand or heed
And why oh why is this? On ******* they do feed!
They love the talking heads, to the TV they are glued
Mass hypnosis mind-control, the TV does exude
Will you watch TV, when in Hell your *** does burn?
Soon you will find out...Truth you'll never learn
Feb 2015 · 309
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
The probability is good, that very soon you’ll die  
Why am I so sure? Here’s the reason why  
History is unfolding, right before our eyes  
It’s following a path, a path of greed and lies  
The Script was written long ago…read the Word of God  
The Book of Revelation, by Him you will be awed  
Not only will you die, you’ll go to Hell and burn  
What God has said, in His Book, you did only spurn  
There's going to be a WAR...the last one of the three  
It’s from the New World Order, they’ll **** you with great glee  
There’re be a world leader, the “Savior” of mankind  
Bow down and worship him…with Damnation you’re aligned
Feb 2015 · 520
As Sodom and Gomorrah...
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
From the face, of the Earth, the USA will be removed [1]
Jeremiah wrote of this, By God this is approved
“In God We Trust”, Ha! What a stinking ******* lie
World War Three is almost here, kiss your *** good by
It will only last one hour, Revelation eighteen states
Did you ever ponder this? Of Hell you’re at the gates
So go your merry way, skip along the path to Hell
Will your “Jesus” come for you? Only time will tell

[1] Jeremiah Chapters 50&51
Jan 2015 · 434
Isaiah 13 & Jeremiah 50~51
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Oh look up in the sky, frightful signs behold
What could all this mean? In the Bible it is told
The Bible tells of grief, of pain and death and woe
In Mathew 24, through this you're going to go
Then go read Isaiah, chapter ten plus three
Who is this Babylon? very soon you're going to see
The Prophet Jeremiah, wrote of death and woe
Chapters fifty fifty-one...this was written long ago
Babylon will burn, burn in atomic fire
Vengeance from the Wrath of God...Jeremiah was no lire
Not the Babylon of old, the Babylon today
TOTALLY DESTROIED [1], this is the USA

Jan 2015 · 439
Prayer Beads
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The purpose of my poetry, is to condemn the world to Hell
Compassion I have not, for the worshipers of Bel
If it's Baal you prefer, to me it matters not
You'll go to Hell and burn, forever there you'll rot
Religion! What Farce! Like Christianity
Pagan saints and Pagan gods, worship them on bended knee
Then there's Ashtoreth, Queen of Heaven so divine
aka Diana, in Emphasis did shine
They're both alive and well, Their High Priest lives in Rome
Go and pray their beads, beneath his Golden Dome
Jan 2015 · 518
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Are you tired of gloom and doom? World War Three and how you’ll die?
Need a respite from the news? Does it make you cry?
Then pay no attention, to the Middle East
Fukushima FUKUSHIMA! The radiation has increased
They say the sea is boiling! Oh what cherry news!
In the dark, you will glow, DEATH the sea doth ooze
You don’t need to go, way over there to die
Death will come to you, he’ll get you bye and bye
Jan 2015 · 481
Go "Pray" (Ha!)
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
I will write a rhyme, about religious ****  
Lovey-dovey “christians”…twist the Bible make it fit  
And their lovey-dovey Geesus, “another Jesus” like Paul said [1]  
Preach “another gospel”…a gospel that is dead  
Hey lovey-dovey Kristian, will your Geesus come for you?  
Meet him in the clouds?…Your ******* has no clue  
You’ll hail the Man of Sin, “That Wicked” soon will come [2]
You will worship him…while Amazing Grace you hum  
You will take his Mark, in your forehead in your hand  
You will burn in HELL, your DAMNATION has been planned [3]

[1] 2nd Cor 11:14
[2] 2nd Thess 2:8
[3] Rev 14:9&10
Jan 2015 · 377
Did You Learn? - No!
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Four riders mount their horses, they are pawing at the ground  
They are snorting snorts of FIRE, they scarcely can be bound  
What is it that binds them? The Seals upon the Scroll  
First one is soon to break…welcome to Seoul  
What will happen next, was written long ago  
Seven years, seven years; of ciaos pain and woe  
Did you read the Bible? Pay one **** bit of heed?  
Like Hell you did! Like Hell you did! So continue in your greed  
You will burn, you will burn, you will burn in Hell  
You were warned and warned, you should have learned and learned **** well
Jan 2015 · 526
John Calvin Lives !!
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Death is not the end, it's just a change of state
When your soul departs this earth, you will meet your fate
Of the places that you'll go, there are only two
One of happiness and bliss, one of pain and woe
The choice is NOT your own [1]'s called the Sovereignty of God
Will you walk upon the Sea [2], on its esplanade?
You will if you're Elect, and if not you'll burn in Hell
To be Elect is NOT your choice, against this doctrine men rebel
Your religion doesn't matter, "Salvation's of the Lord" [3]
Read the Holy Bible, His Word His Twoedged Sword [4]

[1] Calvinism
[2] Rev 4:6 (Crystal Sea)
[3] Jonah 2:9
[4] Heb 4:12
Jan 2015 · 262
Soooo Holy!
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Denominations many, all proclaiming “truth”
Condemnation for all others, your religion is uncouth
Unless you go to our church, you just aren’t saved
Your Preacher is a liar, and you are depraved
We are holy-holy, we’re holier than ****
We twist the Holy Bible, to our doctrine make it fit
All you other “Christians”, are luke warm Heathen puke
We read this in our bible, it’s in the book of Luke
We say holy prayers, we pray to Saint Adores
He will come and save us, but not you stinking ******
We have our seven sacraments, without them you are lost
Look at our holy seal, on us it is embossed
Our alter boys are holy, our priests like them a lot
That’s why we pay the lawyers, so they don’t get caught
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Read the title read it loud, find the chapter and the verse
Then go read the Headlines, this they say and worse
From the time that they left Egypt, right up until now
The Goyim want to **** them, this they do avow
****** made a try, millions millions he did ****
Extermination! **** them all! He almost did fulfill
There is a man to come, worse than ****** he will be
On the Temple Mount he'll sit, he'll issue a decree
Bow unto his image, in your right hand take his Mark
An order from the Throne...he sits upon the Ark [1]
He will have his way, but just for forty months plus two
He knows his days are numbered...he hates every single Jew

[1] 2nd Thess 2:4
Jan 2015 · 299
Chapter 13
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Isaiah was a Prophet, a man of old now gone
What he saw he wrote, his message carries on
What he saw and wrote, God Almighty did reveal
A warning to the World, not to be repealed
One chapter of his Book, addresses US today
Chapter ten plus three, on Doom a short essay
The son of Amoz saw, Destruction Death and Woe
Read this and take heed, through this you're going to go
Not Babylon of old...Babylon today
Not too hard to see, this is the USA
***** and Gomorrah [1], on them did God rain Fire
This is what's to come, Isaiah was no liar

[1] verse 19
Jan 2015 · 301
Call Across The Gulf
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
One more dawn one more day, and so the world continues on
A day will come THE day will come, when everything is gone
Are you ready for that day, a day of Darkness Death and Gloom?
Grim Reaper comes for you, he will take you to your tomb
Your tomb will be a pile, of red-hot burning coals
Forever there you’ll burn, with all the Heathen souls
Hand and foot they’ll bind you, so you cannot get away [1]
Burning for eternity, you should have learned to pray
Call across the gulf, call to Father Abraham [2]
Ask him to send Lazarus…but he doesn’t give a ****
Not a drop of water, for your wretched ***
Your Judgment and Damnation, has finally come to pass

[1] Matt 22:13
[2] Luke 16:22~26
Jan 2015 · 345
The First LIE
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Fifty killed in Gaza, twenty killed in Greece
A hundred killed in Yemen, will this ever cease?
No, no it won’t, let me tell you why
The way this world works, is founded on a lie
What was the LIE, was the very first?
Read the Book of Geniuses, the LIE what is the WORST
“Yea, hath God said” you shall not eat of every tree?
Go and eat of this one…then your eyes will see
Surly you shall NOT die, you will be like God
You’ll know good and bad…this God of yours is flawed
You will be like me, an Angel shining bright
Go ahead, take a bite, you’ll be dressed in shining white
Jan 2015 · 868
Bah! Humbug!!
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
There's one "special" Holiday, in the **** can I will toss
The Pagan Calibration, of fricking Santa Claus
If that ****** Bozo, down my chimney tries to come
I’ll blow his *** away, and beat it like a drum
Then I’ll shoot his Reindeer, I’ll have a jolly feast
Hey Rudolf Dancer Prancer, you will be deceased
All the Queerass little elves, I’ll blow away as well
And that stinking slay, I will go and sell
To the North Poll I will go, with an Atom Bomb
500 megatons!! And drop it with aplomb
December 25th, from the calendar I'll wipe
And all the goody-goody "Good Cheer", and all the Farceass Hype

{If you are getting the notion that I don't like Christmas, you are right! Why? I think it's blasphemous to associate the birth of Christ with a Pagan Holiday} {AND the way it's celebrated !!!}
Jan 2015 · 410
March 3rd, 2015
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Scandal! Scandal! Scandal! Read the Juicy News
Good Old Good Guy Berry, is ****** at all the Jews
His best pal in the world, Bibi flipped him off
He's gunna come next month, and at his *** he'll scoff
Poutnick laffs his *** off! Calls Berry on the phone
Sez hi-yea Berry Berry, Bibi will act alone
Jan 2015 · 1.7k
Hail! Hail!! Big Brother
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
North Korea, Syria, Damascus and Iran
Pieces of a puzzle, do you see the master plan?
Now it's Eastern Europe, Ukrainia to wit
Thank the New World Order, peace they'll not permit
One World Government, Dictatorial control  
Hail! Hail! Big Brother! The Antichrist extol!  
Blame everything on Israel, wipe them from the Earth  
It’s all their fault, it’s all their fault, all this pain and dearth  
Forget about the Bible, just a Book of Myth  
Listen to the Aliens…their wisdom and their pith  
Take the MARK! Take the MARK! In your forehead or right hand  
Burn in Hell forever, forget the Promise Land
Jan 2015 · 354
What's His Name?
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Will it be this hour? In a day? Or in a week?  
One thing that is for ******, the future’s looking bleak  
Catastrophe and Ciaos, are so very near  
The World situation…cry and shake with fear  
Listen to our leaders. Ha! Politicians ****** and Liars  
Coming soon is their reward, for them eternal fires  
An “Event” is planed is planed, by the New World Order  
Death Destruction Pain and Woe, Ciaos and Disorder  
We need a Shining Savior! A leader of the World!
He is coming, he is coming, his flag will be unfurled  
There he is! There he is! Across the River Styx  
Follow him! Bow down to him, his name is six-six-six
Jan 2015 · 389
He Will Connive
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
When's it going to start? World War Three I mean
Atomic Bombs and Poison Gas, and other such cuisine
It will only last an hour [1], so lets get it done and gone
Then behold the "little horn" [2], behold the Devil's spawn
Seven years will follow, seven years of Woe
It's called the Tribulation, through this the world will go
Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Seven Vials of HATE
Sorrow Pain and Grief, that NEVER will abate
So greet the Little Horn, very soon he will arrive
With the ***** of Babylon [3], he will go connive

[1] Rev 18:17&18
[2] Dan 8:9
[3] Still in Rome
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