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  to know,

i don't
my hand away
  when you
try to hold it
i don't love you

it's because
  i don't want




    the edge


   i'm ready
i hope my husband understands how much i love him, even with how flawed i am and how much i struggle with my depression.
Free me from my preferences
Flame and smash my boundry fences
Take me while my guard is down
And then when I least expect it,
When all defense is unerected
Into the swirl "I" go
Not suicide, more psychedelic soul work... in case ya worried
secretes from
my tongue

the lines
on my spine
create a song

the words
from in between my teeth

the lines
drawn on my skin
present my worth

no breath
within my lungs
can make me breathe

the sun
upon my skin
can't wrestle me

the books
deep in my mind
create my life

the stars
that shine
don't ever grant my wish

i've tossed
so many stones
across the lake

while counting
all the freckles
on my skin

and maybe
i've become obsessed
with fate

i never
really put a name
to it
 Dec 2015 dZang Roller
Some people endeavor to portray a persona.
Some people perpetuate the beliefs of their parents.
Some people pretend to be somebody they've seen on TV.
Some people have trouble accepting that they're actually existing.
Some people perceive themselves as being unlike anyone else.
Some people have an aversion to personality profiling.
Some people just can't help themselves.
Some people feel a need to place everyone they've ever known into categories.
"Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land;
Man got to tell himself he understand."
 Jul 2015 dZang Roller
You funny.
I can be funny too.
I've got a functioning funny bone,
just like you.
Watch me hit it on this thing.
Hey, wasn't that funny though?
Didn't you see?
Let me tell you a joke:
There once was this guy who set out to type a joke,
but halfway through it his funny bone broke!

This one time, I traded cigarettes for jokes with a few of the homeless folk who live in Orlando.
I was still in high school then, but I can still remember how they went!
Well, actually, I can only recall two of them.
They go like this:

"If you have fifty ***** and fifty politicians in the same room,
then what do you have?"

"Um, I don't know."

"A hundred people who don't know **** about ****!"


"What do you call a *** on roller blades?"

"Hmm, no idea."

Those were some homophobic homeless folks.
time terminally ticks and tocks
as it slowly envelops my days lived
taking them away and turning them
into nothing

and whilst the days disappear
and months blend into years
we are endlessly struggling
to make time move even more slowly
so that we may live on
and history will never be made from
our battle scars

we can become one with time
by setting aside our fear
of death
and embracing the developments
that come with time and age

everything is numbers

we are surrounded
by numerals
that decide our every move
they decide our fate

while history and time
work side by side
to destroy our lives
and we all eventually die

so time will be waiting
for us all
on the sidelines
waving a sign that states:
"I've been expecting you"
We're all gonna die one day, you ******* idiots.
 Jul 2015 dZang Roller
mark david
There were multiple factors
Working like tractors

Load did not yield in my
Psychedelic field

Stimuli! Leave!
So my soul can... retrieve
Its original form
 Jul 2015 dZang Roller
mark david
The skunky is funky
              No one I think is in my tree
                                          Loss of direction
Which way is North
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