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239 · May 2017
The Line
Derek DM May 2017
What did you say?
Come here you, pray
I tell you the truth
With deniable proof
That you are just fine
Because you are all mine
Those bites that you feel
Are all that is real
Let me tell you
There are but a few
Rules in the end
The kind that I send
At the end of a rod
There is only God
I know you will see
What it is to be me
With unlimited love
And hands from above
Just do what I say
And together we'll pray.
238 · Feb 2017
Wandered Back
Derek DM Feb 2017
Each sodden morn as I awake
Finding oddly choice to make
Should I cover and shelter stay
Or throw myself into the fray?

Yet in every pull of covers make
A loss, a pierced, lulled mistake
Face the wind and horrid cry
Of moving forth, to say goodbye

For choices round the world we go
No way to end, for nothing to show
Just a pile of bones, under jaundiced dew
The fading brain chems of a chosen few

What kind of memories will we make
Just and kind? or burned at the stake?
The end was chose so long ago
With laurel wreath and rings aglow

Now to stand along in soggy pitch
There's no path now to make a switch
Justly stand beside the fated ring
And do our best to stand and sing.
238 · May 2017
to do
Derek DM May 2017
It's a long list
Bullet points
Of inanity
That reaches
Into the ******
of each day
and pulls out
The results
of my workings
237 · Apr 2017
The Brain
Derek DM Apr 2017
When you are engaged
In a practice of whole,
Concentrated madness
Where nothing else
Is with you. Now.
This is real life.

Shut it off
Impulses fire
In lies and ire
Only to Keep
You Home.
My brain is a ******* compulsive liar.
237 · May 2017
The Conundrum
Derek DM May 2017
There are no such thing as rules
Only consequences, fools
To which will you obey?
For life here is Okay
Each is a line in the sands
Within our own lands

There is no curfew
Or end to what is you
Just a floral curtain
that waves as you peek
Into what you crave
The cursed outer wish
A sedimentary dish
Layered in part
by the path to your heart

So how do we go?
Past the pain
I don't know
We only subside
In the dramas we hide
Under a line in the sand
Buried deep by our hand
We've buried a goose
That's become our own noose
and Now that we know
The deeper we go
Until we decide
No longer can we hide
Can we unleash our soul?
Let everything go?

There is no one to be
There is nothing to see
Just the thing that it is
the joy that we miss
But only you see
If we can let it be
And not let it care
The scorn and the stares
of those still caught
For those lives are still fraught
With the lines in the sand
The invisible hand
Where we spend our whole lives
sharpening knives
Lost to the drum
Of lives never won.
233 · Oct 2017
Derek DM Oct 2017
Fingertips to palms
Forehead to forehead
Noses are the rub
Lips part between
Solemn breaths
Magic tastes
Like luck
In rosy skins
pressed together
In darkness
The floating peril
Lips and arms
Tender me
232 · May 2017
Derek DM May 2017
They are there
Under the stoop
With a brown paper bag
The familiar buzz
A mother's gift
Grandfather's watch
With a familiar tock
Rocking on high
With familiar cries
Smiling now in spite
of what's wrong
Or what's right.

I can see the wheel turning
The consciousness
There is nothing else here
No choice but what is
Down deep in his
Buried deep in his brain
Tis but a grain
Called the truth
Of our being
227 · Mar 2017
Derek DM Mar 2017
Hold on tightly
Then let go
A top spinning
Grateful pirouette
Above, in the sky
Til one toe lands
Unto the earth
Twirls into dust
A blurred joy
Of balanced brazenry
Unto ***** knees
And bloodied palms
Beckon downward
Until your hands
Pull the string again
225 · Sep 2017
Fight for Nothing
Derek DM Sep 2017
Set Aloft in fabled scale
Our heroes fought and they wailed
Ascoff at the heretic way
Against which he'd kneel and pray
In Sordid aerial ritual fashion
Deposed with an aural passion
That helm against Helen goes
While little fingers and toes depose
Those who fight to stay aloft
crushing those with figures soft
Continued on in settled aims
Some will settle with only fame
For at the end, blood becomes dust
The floating hollowness of what is must.
221 · Feb 2017
Derek DM Feb 2017
I could feel the seams on the insides of my pockets.
Each stitch along the bottom of my hopes and then
The sturdy little gap and hole at the bottom corner
Where I continually tell myself not to wander there
But the flaky tip of my index finger roams between
The broken ends of the seams and down into the hole.
A worm breaking from the soil during a rainstorm
Feeling the cold concrete of my legs as they bounce
Up hard and again into the coarse winds against
The warm pad of my tip further breaking loose
Yet holding in the change I was so ready to part
221 · Nov 2017
Be Alive
Derek DM Nov 2017
We point our bold fingers into shelves of our dangers and horridly
plow Through the triggers of now where we only can serve the the
greater number with nerve in old style blue steel in which nothing
can heal            only
take it                back
now I think they
are ready to
know that
the greater
the number
the quicker
the slumber
So sick of the violence
215 · Apr 2018
The End
Derek DM Apr 2018
I think I've reached that point
Where giving up and going on
Are both the same dead end to me
Are both the same old song

I think I've reached that point
Where every wish has come true
And tired disguised oblivion
Is everything I do

Please stop loving me
Please stop loving me
I am none of these things

I am none of these things
None of these things

I think I've reached that point
Where all the things you have to say
And hopes for something more from me
Are just games to pass the time away

Please stop loving me
Please stop loving me
I am none of these things

I am none of these things
I am none of these things

I think I've reached that point
Where every word that you write
Of every blood dark sea
And every soul black night
And every dream you dream me in
And every perfect free from sin
And burning eyes
And hearts on fire
Are just the same old song

Please stop loving me
Please stop loving me
I am none of these things
Why write at all when Robert Smith says it so perfectly?
208 · May 2017
Your Place
Derek DM May 2017
It's a cute little cut
at the bottom of your lip
Where the blood flows
Purple and pink

Now take my hand
and let's not plan
Just walk down here
With all your fear

My rings don't mean
Really... anything
Just a shooting sport
of the cutting sort

You try to be suave
All wrapped up in gauze
With your eyes all lit
With that last hit

There's no where to go
Where you won't know
Exactly what I mean
When you try to be keen

The scars of our trust
Don't seem much like lust
But we know just how
We like it to be now.
200 · Oct 2017
Just Freedom
Derek DM Oct 2017
I see them play there
A wild open affair
Through chain links
pressed to my cheeks
They climb and they shout
and Slide and they pout
Fell into the sand
Again pulled up by hand
And back down again
like clumsy young men
Over and over they go
Like an enchanted show
I watch through the grate
And weep at their fate
They cry and they crash
In a bundle they mash
Ecstatic each minute
I wish I was in it.
196 · Jan 2017
Yeah, Right
Derek DM Jan 2017
Fight the good fight
Don't fight
Lean in
Just be
But not you
Do your best
Not their best
Keeping moving
One Day
At a Time
We can only
Change ourselves
Our best for today
Just play
Don't listen
That brain is a liar.
194 · Feb 2017
Space and Time
Derek DM Feb 2017
Let there be just the air
The drift of suns and moons
Across arms and backs
Through lips and lungs
Down into souls opened
Within windy spaces carved
Caverns of certain depths
Shelves of vague sets
Assembling nothingness
Along lines of long eras
Only leading to the end.
189 · Apr 2017
Derek DM Apr 2017
Quiet inward wail
We inexoribly rail
Against the russet
Stench of ourselves
The waving dismissal
Of reality kills

But here is our flesh
Here is our blood
pressed against glass
Pressing on the gas
Hoping to go fast
Always hoping

The stars shine
Do you see them?
Those tiny moments
In the skies
When We stop
and When we lie

We can stop
The horrid chase
The banal case
Just shine on
In your own skin
Through your own din

Scars and wrinkles
Pecks and prods
Nebulae and nova
Smear color
Into the voids
Of our days
184 · Jul 2019
There is no why
Derek DM Jul 2019
Those minuscule moments of clarity and purpose
Fill my days with longing
To die knowing I can’t live there
156 · Sep 2017
The Here and Now
Derek DM Sep 2017
In a loop flung far
Golden whisps or air
slide in the nothingness
A day-dreamers stare
The end of a tale
A start to our death
The moment we're born
Our first gasps of breath
It's a slide along gravel
Each stone has its pluck
A bed that's well traveled
Yet impossibly stuck

This air's all I know
These shoes on my feet
In two moments their gone
Two moments too sweet
Let us now clasp palms
And together steal along
In blustery loops
Until we are gone.
142 · Apr 2018
The Glory of Being
Derek DM Apr 2018
Show me your scars
Let me kiss them
with knowing
then add to them my own
For breathless screaming
Is the kindness in your heart
The release of your soul
The payment of your being

Where the whip **** alone
Into the whitened pillow
That is buried the center
Of your pleasure, and pain
Now markers of the honor
We pay to this reality
The golden broken core
of your hidden apple's
seeds now splayed.
129 · Aug 2017
It's a Release
Derek DM Aug 2017
Sign here, please
To be on your knees
Scraped by my tongue
Tied to your lower rung
It's just time to let go
Go with this flow
Don't decide how to please
I will set you with ease
Because you can't even move
Without me to approve
Or rather set you in motion
In your sallow little emotion
A cut just to feel
At the **** of my heel
We will come together
And make our own weather
79 · Apr 2020
Ann The Day
Derek DM Apr 2020
In a wisp
In a way
we come together

we stray

An ethereal run
is our bond,
fortune's fun
is our song

Yet in words
and in strokes
fill paragraphed

Ends of the days
harrowing ways
Keep drawing us in
together, not fitting in

We set forth
in service of love
in the mud

Never together
Never apart.

— The End —