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Oct 2014 · 668
Drifton A Way Oct 2014
Why do you write?
Who makes the rules?
Epileptic spoon bite
Hand fed by fools

What is the Meaning?
Looking forward to more?
Another movie screening
Brief Escape from the war

The straits are quite dire
combatted with a laugh
Pearly Gates we aspire
Who's running the staff

Inevitable tears shall escape your orbitals with either joy or sadness
Look out your soul windows and decide amidst the stormy madness
purpose is like... everything, or ..wait, is it nothing?
Sep 2014 · 737
Drifton A Way Sep 2014
Serendipity swiftly swoops in to remind thee
That it's never too late to change who we are
We all started at point A, and meet at point B
All born with a different make and model of car

Open your eyes to synchronicity and join the free
Coincidences can only be explained just so very far
So join me in serenity and lets chase our destiny
Instead of suffocating like a captured firefly in a jar

Lets Travel, Far and Wide
Leaps and Bounds
Share Secrets and Confide
Create Sacred Grounds

Lets Swim to the Moon at High Tide
While the Earth makes her Rounds
They'll never know if we truly died
We are the never lost, always founds
Sep 2014 · 498
Drifton A Way Sep 2014
The fire burns within you
That need, one has to create
Excuse the improper venue
But the need is quite innate
Thoughts race from old to new
Reborn with ink,on paper's fate
Seeds were planted and grew
The Lock is broken, wide open gate

The time is now, make your move
Don't you dare ask why?
But rather, ask why not?

Someway, somehow you must prove
That you care enough to try
Maximize the time you got

But never forget
To live
But never regret
The past
Always think and learn
Act fast
So problems never return
Sep 2014 · 698
Drifton A Way Sep 2014
The concept of legacy distracts thee
As I ironically set my thoughts free
The question is ...
Are we blessed with the ability
To achieve success and virility
Or is it that
We"re obsessed with a conquest
Of overcoming our sterility

As religion tries it's very best to **** off the human race
We try and finish off the rest, abusing our only living place
Overpopulating the nest, as we stare the sun directly in it's face
Until the final test, lets reserve front row seats in outer space

I hope we"re seated comfortably atop a Martian rafter
Witnesses of an absolutely beautiful disaster
Ghosts of dinosaurs let out Collective belly laughter
As the earth swallows a pill the very morning after
Collaborative suicide, if we could all only work together
No time to bide as our global warning comes from weather
I truly would pray, if it's not too late
For humans race to live and propogate
Spread peace and love try and **** hate
And Let us grasp our destiny and fate

The boiling Sun is shining at high noon
Time to act now, not a minute too soon
Grab an instrument, let"s all get in tune
So we can say cheers on Jupiter"s moon.
Walking the earth is not enough, you are born w a responsibility.. It's your job to discover passion along the way
Aug 2014 · 11.0k
Drifton A Way Aug 2014
The fateful universe has chosen
With a six billion year explosion

With a bond that is this unbreakable
Synchronicity is quite unmistakable

We are Brothers,
not by choice, luck, or the same seed

Different mothers,
But souls undeniably the same breed

If there comes a time for war
we"ll be joined together in the trenches
No matter what the game score
We"ll play, while they ride the benches

When it comes to the sacred brotherhood
Please, let this one thing be understood

No matter where you are, or whether you"re blessed with children or a wife

Your brother"s never too far, and just know you"re my dog beyond this life
It's a dog"s life..
Aug 2014 · 998
Just one more drink
Drifton A Way Aug 2014
You are my one absolute favorite drug.

If you were a beer, I"d most definitely chug.

I need you like a purple dinosaur needs a hug.

I"ll pour you in my mug, even fill up a to go jug.

If you happened to be a bottle of wine
I"d savor each and every single last sip
A tribute to every grape on your vine
Head rush with each touch of the lip
I"ll be all yours, won"t you be all mine
Come with me and journey on this trip
Be my shade from the bright sunshine
Whisper till you blush, I gave you a tip
Breezy Hair blowing looking so finely divine
Preceding a gush,got me on an IV drip

Now Let me be your cocktail
You can make me extra stiff
Hand me the keys to your jail
Paint the walls like a hieroglyph
Blindfolded, your body's my Braille
Using your scent, I catch a whiff
Night"s coffin about to receive a nail
As you reach the precipice of the cliff

Let us propose a toast with champagne
That roller coaster ride was so insane
So cheers to us, and all we have to gain
May the years be kind and free of pain
And tears only be artificial from rain
No fears, we"re all on the same train
So may our time never be taken in vain
The way I feel, words, can never explain
Even though words can never explain.. You can't fault a guy for trying.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Drifton A Way Jun 2014
Forget the past, release the guilt
Bad beat cast, but don't go on tilt
Droughts last, as plants will wilt
A hunger fast, an old house rebuilt

Chase your possessions
Temporary relief
Hide your obsessions
Temporary disbelief

I advise to Question everything
It could be your sanity"s only solace
But beware, Answers may bring
Freedom"s head, ask William Wallace
Ramblings of a stammering drifter
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
Drifton A Way Jun 2014
I Never was a huge fan of crowds
144 souls in tow,
on the shoulders of two

Floating just above a sea of clouds
You never know
What humans may do

I'm free up here, gliding through the air
Enjoy a free drink, and just let the pilots care
Captain D.B. Cooper flying only god knows where
Tray tables are stowed,happily reclined in my chair

I pray that heaven has no bag fees
And no security checks please

No need to wait in any lines
And no fasten seat belt signs

Strap in for life, there will be immense turbulence
All the more rewarding, dog"s first time over the fence
So seize thy day, for it's your vessel alone that you're commanding
So flight attendants don't even think about preparing for landing
I went to a claustrophobics anonymous meeting combined w a fear of flying anonymous meeting on my last flight... It was a riot
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Drifton A Way Jun 2014
Your sad and weary caterpillar eyes
Finally helped me come to realize
Our future need to metamorphasize
No more crawling, lets be butterflies

But sometimes I'm as blind as a bat
And I can move as slow as a sloth
Lets order in, watch TV, and get fat
Blame the world and turn all goth
But instead lets try on another hat
Lets flap our dusty wings as a moth
You Coulda been a filthy street rat
Lucky to be cut from a different cloth

Yes you may live like a bird on a wire
You may be a rabbit blinded by desire
Chasing tail, just another skirt to squire
Learn to fly moth, headfirst to the fire

Or perhaps you"re an ostrich with it's birdbrain in the ground
Blissfully ignorant to see sights, smell, taste or hear a sound
Bringing up the rear, blindly spiraling yet you're nowhere bound
Stand up tall and breathe in life, and lets make it epicly profound
Why not?
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Drifton A Way Jun 2014
If you were mine and I was yours
then you could truly say and mean
I have a WAY with words

But if I was yours and you were mine
then i could simply mean and say
I escaped the sheople herds

Drift aWAY with me unto a perfect midsummer's dream
Gliding down Waterfalls that guide us naturally serene
Leading us to sustenance merrily gently down the stream
Skinny dipping Satisfaction until each our souls are clean
Jun 2014 · 652
Drifton A Way Jun 2014
May I present to you the future
And now lets reminisce it passing
Swiftly to the past

If you understood me then
Odds are
That it will not last

Because to go where we've been
with our bare feet in the sand

Will never be the same
Holding Father time's hand

So when we will walk together on this glorious journey free
Smashing atoms into one another swimming in the cosmic sea
I'll change the locks for just you and me, and copy you a key
Supernova blackhole swallows us to be paralleled universally
Drifton A Way Jun 2014
I'll bury letters in the ground to let them rest in pieces
They'll decompose before the world finds their meaning
Their remnants shall intertwine with the seedlings of tomorrow
And take healthy root to sprout the beginning of the illusion

It will grow and grow and reach to kiss the sky
It just exists ignorantly free of the magnitude of why
No questions asked as time will pass, a ripple in a dream
Blink twice and the dust settles riddled and pristinely clean

All is flux and our celestial sphere is making the rounds
Words seem mundane under the magnifying glass
Archaic masochisms of our mind to help try and cope
Notions shall invade to question the cyclically divine

What's the rush? We're all on the same spinning vessel
Chase your tails in the Almighty dog and pony show
Enlightenment pins the Donkey's smile on the nail
As the hammer brings down the cataclysmic blow
All things are cyclical and our spherical celestial body is the Captain
Jun 2014 · 999
Drifton A Way Jun 2014
You leave me always wanting more...but Never the Less
Each time better than the one before...I really must confess
Thinking of you behind that door...and our next caress
Gives me feelings I can't ignore...words cannot express...

Your laugh and snort I truly adore... no need to try and impress
Your outbursts only build allure...and help me relieve my stress
The world without you is a chore...I see you like a kid sees recess
I feel like Magellan set to explore...As we finally begin to undress

Who knows what colors lay in's really anyone's guess
Lets paint it together is all I ask for...And then we shall assess
The painting's beauty to it's core... an absolute beautiful mess
You're my beach,I've washed, breathing success
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
Drifton A Way Mar 2014
I knew, that you, were different too, right from the very start
In awe, time stopped, my jaw dropped, as I gazed on live art
If you, were on the menu as a dish, I'd order you a la carte
So if I was granted one last wish, before we are forced to part...

It would be for one last kiss, just place your perfect lips upon mine
Our atoms simply cannot resist, as our bodies embrace and intertwine
For a moment, I know true bliss, as shivers race up and down my spine
I'm blessed to have you to miss, an angel's intervention from the divine

Under her glance, I don't even stand a chance
As I'm hypnotized by her Mesmer eyes
thoughts enhance as my mind begins to dance
And to no surprise, I am Tranquil-Eyezed
Mar 2014 · 662
To Hunt or Two Gather
Drifton A Way Mar 2014
What truly separates animals and humans apart?
We **** for food
We indulge in love
We act hanus and lewd
We argue, push, and shove

What truly makes us special, why are we so smart?
We still repeat mistakes
Chase money like our tails
We play with poisonous snakes
Just because it may help our sales

What truly separates the beating of the human heart?
We choose to hurt
We refuse to give
At night we lay inert
We didn't choose to live

One real difference I can see, we consciously create ART
Words procured in a particular fashion
Linking generations and cultures together
sparking empathy, and sincere compassion
Reminding us we're all birds of the same feather
Evolution Anyone?
Feb 2014 · 567
Drifton A Way Feb 2014
There are so many different kinds of birds
Some are Flightless
While some may fly free
There are so many that flock with the herds
Cursed and sightless
They"ll disperse and flee
A writer's mind blocked from the right words
Blind and lightless
In the dark abyssal sea

(Now read it backwards)
Feb 2014 · 533
Temp or Weary
Drifton A Way Feb 2014
Nobody knows the troubles you pose
Suspicion grows misinterpreting prose

For the truly mindful use rhyme for a cure
Instead of ambiguous words set on shuffle
Cluttering mind full of thoughts so obscure
Open interpretation precedes a nasty scuffle

Temporarily blind, guide dog by my side
A temporary bind, look to god to confide?

This is the strangest life I've ever known
I think, therefore I am.... Just barely alive
Existence is a dream, wake up to the phone
A voice says it's time, a journey shall arrive
Jan 2014 · 702
Drifton A Way Jan 2014
Sometimes things are exactly as they seem
Beer goggles on with a full head of steam
****** schemes rising to the top like cream
Broken rubber contributes to a new regime
Millions of soldiers swimming upstream
Each and every one with an existing dream

Hoping and wishing on a lucky lottery ticket
As the activists line up with signs to picket

To make sure none of them will ever die in vein
But I have to be honest, only one of you will reign
Some of you will drown while going down a drain
Some of you will simply end up as a fabric stain
Fear not, for the only one who will ever feel pain
Shall be the one who meets existence and it's bane

They tried their best to have me aborted
Hip to their scheme, their plan I thwarted
Fit Survival extremes, to which I resorted
And into the world I was finally imported

It's the same old story, just copied and pasted
Plagiaristic pilgrims never caught or lambasted
Ahh the victory of life, best thing I've ever tasted
So try a sample before it goes stale and is wasted
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Jack IN Jill
Drifton A Way Jan 2014
It all started out with a simple kiss on the cheek
She extended me a paddle to swim up her creek
She asked questions like "what exactly do I seek?"
You couldn't imagine this girl ever being a freak
Then fast forward to right around the third week
Wreaking bedroom havoc till we both can't speak

Woke up in the morning to some very gloomy weather
She had questions for me about starting a life together
I said I concur we shared many times of jovial laughter
But you must understand, it's called the morning after

She said I just know this is fated, as I patiently waited
She went on unabated that she was so absolutely elated
And as I awaited her words to finally become translated
I debated in my head the actual time that we had dated
The next words that she stated left me utterly deflated
"I'm positively impregnated, what a life we have created!"

I immediately froze still, All Just for one cheap thrill
All my dreams to fulfill, shattered by a ******'s ****
She was so normal up until, she must be mentally ill
Ok, breathe, just chill, think of an idea you can instill

Act like an ******* and really use some theatrical skill
"Now do you really think you're fit to raise a baby Jill?
Imagine our lives constantly fighting, climbing uphill
Always scraping and struggling just to pay every bill
Dressed in clothes that are straight from the goodwill

Plan A, the stairs over there, perhaps you have A spill
Plan B, is Breakfast and a morning after omelette pill
Plan C, is a Coat hangar specialist I know from Brazil
So what do you think? which is your favorite plan Jill?

******* Jack, I'm leaving and never ever coming back
Plan D, none of the above, The story of Jack IN Jill's love
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Drifton A Way Jan 2014
Expounding on the concept of energy in motion
Compounding to the group like skin does to lotion
Surrounding myself with strangers an commotion
Heart pounding at my nerves with tepid demotion
Abounding to the waves just like riding the ocean
Confounding my words and their goal of a notion
Astounding even myself with this crazy devotion
Resounding thoughts change to words in e-motion

People watching through the glass
Just Inches away, but worlds apart
Remind myself, this too shall pass
Want to quit before I can even start

My mind is muddled as I contrast and compare
I"m left utterly befuddled, as I accidentally stare
So many thoughts in my brain I'm dying to share
I"m alone, I can't believe we breathe the same air

From a rowdy loud crowded bar
To a franticly crazy coffee shop
Stuck on a cramped subway car
En route to a lounge on a rooftop

They will stick to all their clicks
Avoiding all direct eye contact
Like momma birds to their chicks
How dare I even think to distract
May as well be a wall of bricks
Cementing the non disclosure pact

I wanna break the wall down
Demolish all of the barriers
Black, white, yellow, or brown
We"re all red blood carriers

Waves of freedom reigning down with power
Comfortably numb standing under the tower
Free of thoughts on the rocks amidst the ocean
Have nots drift away down a hole with e-motion

Adeptly wading among the chaos and disorder
Decisions being weighed as I stand at the border

Cold and motion less frozen into absolute solitude
Old is all relative and my energy is finally renewed
Jan 2014 · 958
Drifton A Way Jan 2014
I'm nothing more than a fly on Life's expansive wall
The news spread to swat me swiftly through the air
And as I'm gliding aimlessly with my effortless fall
I wonder how it used to feel, back when I use to care

My withered wings, Oh the places They have soared
Lascivious flings, Oh the territories I have explored
Jewels and things, all just pointless awards adored
Like retired Kings, I've grown tired, old, and bored
Yet my soul clings, for anything I may have ignored
and then it sings, a melody that leaves you floored

Recklessly I must abandon thee,
this identity bestowed upon me

Although I have a penchant for living
knowing it will end is so unforgiving

Part of a species that could never be stranger
That Recklessly we shall eventually endanger

So please let these words do their job and nourish
Your mind, body and soul are now free to flourish
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Drifton A Way Jan 2014
Well, If not now, then when?
Do you want to look back?
And ask how long it's been?
Or When you went off track?

Allow me to introduce you to the future
Unwrapping gifts on Christmas morning
Cover your brains wounds with a suture
Fading Memories you continue adorning

In Time"s eyes we are all just peasants
So let this be your official forewarning
Enjoy the now, and relish your presence
And after I'm gone, I want no mourning

Wake up instead and go full steam ahead
My absence presents you new shoes to fill
Use them to prove that I"m not truly dead
And be my living testament, this is my will
Jan 2014 · 2.1k
Drifton A Way Jan 2014
Don't try to move
Just Be still
You must prove
It"s your will

Just be,

No technology
No phones
No emails
No fax


Thoughts flow through my head
like streams upon the riverbed
Constantly haunting me
Is it a plague or am I free

Wondering what it is I truly do seek
On this Hedonistic journey for pleasure
Once I finally reach the highest peak
Will I even care if there isn't any treasure

And even if there was, how much is really ever enough?
No matter how much was there I would still feel rough
The journey is over, but at least you can buy more stuff
Many toys to play with but your hands are tightly cuffed

Look a brand new thing to crave
How much money did you save?
I"ll take that secret to my grave
As a true consumer ridden slave

Everyone wants what they just can't have
Eyeing your neighbor"s prize like a vulture
Euphemise it veal instead of saying calve
Euthanized a deal, our throw away culture

I want more more more, that's mine not yours
So blessed to have our choice of each amenity
We"ve bore ourselves into consumer ******
So stressed when all we should seek is serenity
Dec 2013 · 1.7k
Crappy Poo Smears!!
Drifton A Way Dec 2013
So many things to resolve
Where do I begin to start
Try your best to evolve
Like a silent subway ****

See your words just fall like turds into a repugnant toilet bowl
But your actions have me questioning if you even have a soul

So Transfer your heart and thoughts to paper
Subjective art disappears like water to vapor

Those precious words you utter
as pointless as a
Packrat picking up more clutter

Now take a few steps back
Look at your life as a whole
You're so **** far off track
Do you even have a goal?

I'd love to wake up smiling each and every day
I'd love to be a better person each and every way

I could be better to my friends
I could feed people in need
I should really make amends
I should change, ok, agreed

Starting now,
I proclaim
I'll try and be a better person

And somehow
I won't blame
When things begin to worsen

But first things first
Let me clear the air
of all this noise pollution

My absolute worst
dreaded despair,
Is a new year's resolution

Expectations are so high with this overrated ****** holiday
Wake up hungover not feeling quite so pretty in disarray

So enjoy the night to the fullest and let out a celebrated cheer
And wake up tomorrow saying well there's always next year

But I promise I will try, it's the only thing we can really do
And I wish you all great luck on each and every endeavor
But to Mr. Resolution all I have to finally say is *******!
And a happy new year too, now you can ******* Forever!
Drifton A Way Dec 2013
Good evening to all, I shall be your host
So won't you all raise your glass's please
A tribute like this, requires a proper toast
So take this one moment in time and freeze
For on this eve we shall honor all the ghosts
Who have epiphanied us all to our knees
So no matter who you may love the most
Let the collective works remind us to seize

The day, started out different, I'm not a morning person by any means
But this morning I awoke, with clear thoughts and vivid dream scenes

It was as if my body was merely a vessel
and my mind was possessed
But instead of my soul fighting to wrestle
It conceded, for I was blessed

A voice spoke to me for all of humanity
And warned that the words that I will channel
May have people questioning my sanity
Convicted by a psychoanalytic jury and panel

I was sound asleep when a voice awoke me from my bed
A whisper "Listen closely to me", the first ghost softly said
"There is absolutely no reason to sleep, after you are dead
So please share the words that I place in your head" he pled

Young man, rest is assured, allow me set the presage
After words are procured and you send my message
You will slumber so peacefully knowing these deeds
Shall contribute to billions of thought provoking seeds"

I said "let me sleep on it", for it was a very long day that I had endured
But I must admit, the concept of immortality absolutely had me lured
He said, "Just remember words are meaningless once you leave earth
Goodnight sir, and by the way, my name is William, for what it's worth
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Shake hands with a Sonnet
Drifton A Way Dec 2013
Sliding down a savagely slippery *****
A downward spiral obstructed with fate
I found my Mechanism, now I can cope
Checkers before her, my soul chessmate

As cold as a glacier, shivering and frigid
I lay in the snow, halfway frozen to death
I was as stiff as a statue so hard and rigid
Her lips greeted mine with heaven's breath

It's now clear to me I was paralyzed before
A shell of myself, many layers left to peel
Standing still with deaf ears upon the door
You opened it and gave me ability to feel

I see the future in your eyes, just like an old soothsayer
Her smile won a nobel prize, for answering my prayer
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Pale Moon Eyes
Drifton A Way Dec 2013
May God bless me...with Nobility
Futility reminds me of her ability

The Devil"s dress she wears with no contest
I must confess under her stares I'm a mess

Virility blinds thee so very viciously
Temporarily binds me with insanity

Confined is my mind, bewitched by her dance
God hath designed, but the devil"s in her glance

Many men have fell, they never stood a chance
Angels now in hell, still mesmerized in a trance
For you toll thy bell, and try and cry romance
Now forever dwell, forbidden to ever advance

If chivalry has died, then she choked its very last breath
Her Vanity and pride combined, provoked suicidal death

Perfection lies soundly in the sand
Tranquilly next to me on the shore
But if it's you that holds her hand
You too, shall be cursed forevermore
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Drifton A Way Dec 2013
I feel like Paul Revere riding up to you with a message to convey
Overcame my initial fear, but it"s Such a tricky catch twenty two
But you see if you adhere and actually listen to what I have to say
Because I had your ear, means I probably don't want a girl like you
I"m still not in the clear, I"m most likely really ******* either way
Focused on your career, I know, but try to see from my point of view
Imagine that you appear at your job but they actually make you pay
That's our plight my dear, so I ask you what"s a guy supposed to do?

Smack me on my back and beat on life's ironic Co Nun Drum
Then hand me a plaque that says "my platonic friend & Chum"

Relegated to the friend zone you"re now stuck in a paradox
Delegated to a just a drone you"ll never get in pandora"s box

Funny how there"s barely any difference between stalking and persistence
All depends upon metaphorical distance, who"s walking and her resistance

Helplessly I disagree with your inability to see past this stigma
Destiny must ironically be your enemy as you remain an enigma

So perhaps you"re just not currently accepting applications
But instead of just going through the typical motions
I attempted to help you understand many men"s translations
Because as far as I know there isn't any love potions
So many dreams lost before they tendered their resignations
But hopefully you can now see some of these notions
Nirvana and Utopia it could be, but here lies only aspirations
Buried beside his best friend, Rest in peace emotions
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
I Dented Thee
Drifton A Way Nov 2013
Try your best to escape and free
Your mind is not your identity
Your genetics, your family tree
Your looking glass eyes can see
Through the window an fatefully
Change your perception of reality
And redefine who you are to be

My new persona is in a coma down in Barcelona
Now I'm Jonah in love with Mona from Arizona
Drinking corona with Fiona in the streets of Verona

Creativity is a proclivity that unshackles our identity free
Journey with me far from the vast sea of mental captivity
Exclusivity of proactivity creates a glorious life of festivity

Consent to your dreams to the absolute umpteenth degree
Augment your schemes and forget about the no guarantee
Reinvent thee extremes, and you will never be a life absentee

Remember as you read that we are all connected eternally
On this marble together spinning we are all just guests
Wandering around trying to solve our personal quests
Humans being we happened to be, but only temporarily

May as well attempt and squeeze life to death and manifest
All your aspirations and ambitions should be put to the test
All so blessed with a mind, and a beating heart in our chest
So why not invest the rest of our time to aspire to be the best
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
Drifton A Way Nov 2013
I love you like...

The moment that I realize I have two hours left and find out I didn't oversleep
The Anticipation of telling beautiful surprises that are so challenging to keep
The few seconds before we finally jump from a cliff that is just a little too steep
The tears that bleed from my eyes out of joy, and aren't accompanied by a weep
An uncontrollable smile after watching a puppy take it's very first spirited leap
The freedom I feel from escaping the herd removing ourselves from the sheep
The optimistic first steps of a child's feet standing up to life"s broom"s first sweep
The necessary silence rarely shared from a reflecting gaze piercing ever so deep

I think of you...when...

The pain finally doesn"t hurt
I wear my one favorite shirt
The Perfect word is finally blurt
Absolutely nothing left to exert
Finished work covered in dirt
The wind blows up your skirt
Organically we begin to flirt
Arrived Just in time for dessert

I need you like...

A runner needs his feet
A writer needs a pen
A song needs a beat
A rooster needs a hen
The cold needs the heat
The military needs men
A carnivore needs meat
A monk needs his zen

I miss you like...

A plant wilting from a drought
A dog laying by his owner"s grave
Silence misses a necessary shout
Hibernating bears without their cave
A champion boxer"s very last bout
An injured surfer watching a wave
An old man"s window looking out
Addiction misses his best friend crave
Nov 2013 · 914
An Old Dog"s Song
Drifton A Way Nov 2013
One last hike down the old trail

A Spirit so spry yet body so frail

An Even as your eyes begin to fail

Your puppy heart will wag that tail

I'll be your guide, I'll be your Braille

I'll help you escape your personal jail

I'll lead you down the good ole trail

To the water wall that forms a veil

Binding my tears as I begin to wail

One last breath, one final exhale

As the waterfall sets your soul to sail

Farewell old friend, goodbye old trail
Oct 2013 · 756
Drifton A Way Oct 2013
Is she just a distraction
Or is she an answer
Divide her into fraction
Slippery wet romancer

Better take some action
And remove that cancer
Make a precise extraction
Rejuvenating life enhancer

Water, sun, aghast rejoice, life begins to grow
Times so very fast yet motions are fairly slow
Shall thy spark last, will my eyes stay aglow
Will memories be made, for all of thee to know

When memory will fade, will she still show
Crave what's forbade and all the love below
No thoughts can jade the debt to life we owe
All dues are paid, now get in line for life row
May rest be laid, with dreams from long ago
Sep 2013 · 2.7k
Drifton A Way Sep 2013
A cosmic ray dispersed into creation
Tail wagging upstream with elation
So many victims fallen to *******
Anxious seed sprouting with incubation

Privileged To exist
we have no choice
Growing like a cyst
No time to rejoice

Cognitive effort to grasp us being alive
Ponder the place from where we derive
Reasons for life and why we must strive
Are we honeybees with earth as our hive
Pray to the heavens for when we"ll arrive
Greeted with a smile and god"s high five

Effortlessly we all continue to live and be
Subconsciously evolving the human tree
Temporarily renting this vessel of a body
Surreptitiously evading death to be free
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
Silent Strangers
Drifton A Way Aug 2013
Standing at the edge of the cliff
Want to swing but afraid to whiff
Waited too long my bones are stiff
Trying to interpret like a hieroglyph

Over analyze your over analyzations
Embrace all the nervous sensations
Inner voice shouting accusations
Fading and drowning aspirations

Pardon the interruption
As my heart skips a beat
I propose an introduction
How nice of us to meet
Suffering silent suffocation
To finally breathe is a feat
To follow no instruction
An empty blank paper sheet

Excuse me maam,My name is Drifton, and Im really not a threat
But I can see it from your shoes and I know you have to jet
But to me you must see the worse thing in this world is regret
Weighing heavier on me than any imaginable amount of debt

So many things to say and potential memories to create
Yet we will never know as my writing made me hesitate
I watch you walk away with a rapidly racing heart rate
What am I gonna say..start a debate,ask for a date...great
She's gone forever as I fill up with self indulged irate hate
Erase her memory eternally,my spotted minds blank slate
How many times has your soul lead you astray to a mate
Forever Immortalized within these words, a far better fate
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
Drifton A Way Aug 2013
Problems solved
Pills to swallow
Skills evolved
Soul is hollow

Defy the odds
Keep on living
Blame the gods
For misgiving

Take a drink
Brief escape
Begin to sink
Self *******

Take a puff
Float away
Call my bluff
Stray or stay?

Nostril snort
Eyes awakened
Time is short
Moments taken

Eat your veggies
Long strange trip
Brain pain wedgies
Sail with the ship

Last meal,
A sip of wine?
A waif of bread?

Bargain deal
Friends to dine
A beautiful spread

Ability to feel
Final sunset"s shine
Fully satisfied and fed

Last movie reel
Last grape on the vine
This raisins finally off to bed
Jul 2013 · 981
Drifton A Way Jul 2013
Listen to yourself and you'd say that you"re all talk
Winning poker table voice screaming at you walk!
Driving broke to the market, his words now mock
Try not to crash, bones as fragile as a celery stalk

I'm just an ant treading up a log
Stuck in dreams of peanut butter
Just want to have my own dog
But my mind is filled with clutter

Chug draino to remove the clog
Clear words fall with a stutter
Sprinting straight into the fog
Running circles in the gutter
Safe advice to slow to a jog
Just another cookie cutter

Competition strikes again awakening your soul
Ambition instills your heart again filling the hole
Attrition burns you down like the fire"s last coal
Mortician helps you achieve your ultimate goal

I point the finger, and it flips me off all the same
I long to linger an yet anoint death all the blame
Just like the singer sings of the false eternal flame
A dead ringer but I yearn for just one more game
May 2013 · 2.2k
Drifton A Way May 2013
Desires and dreams suffocating from the multitude of tightened nooses
Liars yell screams awaiting actions to ebb and let flow my creative juices
Fires up streams sinking ships and their teams burning all of their uses
Flyers and schemes left in the wake with the sinking list of all the excuses

Before you let go, you better recalibrate your aim
Who do you know, if you miss, can take the blame
Confront status quo, hide from your parent's shame
A stunt, try an grow, from a wildfire's blazing flame

Comme si comme sa
The grey area that I breathe
A snow print of a paw
Life's Purpose I must seethe

Lying out somewhere in the far off distance
Dying slow and numb with little resistance
Eyeing thee mortal setting sun's persistence
Vying for a final answer to human's existence
May 2013 · 1.1k
Drifton A Way May 2013
Need less to say
Sometimes it's more
Children at play
Innocent and pure

Material possessions
Bring a dark cloud
Buried confessions
dirt covered shroud

I don't need fancy clothes
Comfort"s not what it seems
Decisions weighed an chose
A clearance sale on dreams

Don't tell me bad beat stories
Don't drag me to your level
Don"t share Whorrific glories
Help me try and slay the devil

I don't need jealousy
Conditional love"s lies
I don't need security
To excuse all the cries

I just need....
Sustenance to see me fed
A woman's soft supple skin
A Breast to rest my weary head
Great vibes coming from within

My words to be heard or read
Friends asking where I've been
My loyal dog beside my bed
Needless to say, that"s my zen
Apr 2013 · 841
Drifton A Way Apr 2013
Reach high in the sky for the stars
And you will fall over and over
Preach why as you show your scars
Search for the rare leafed clover

Take destiny in your hands
Attack all of your goals
Tell yourself your demands
And Fill in all the holes

You over analyze until your lying there still
A Spider in his web waiting for the next ****

But it's time to branch out and spread a new web
Utilize all your skills and break bread as a celeb

Understand me please
At least I'll have tried
I must taste the breeze
Before I have died

I want to live and write
I want to right the wrong
I"ll walk into the light
After I've sung my song

So if our paths may cross
I invite you to come explore
You have to try this sauce
It makes life taste even more
Apr 2013 · 671
Drifton A Way Apr 2013
Branded with a label
Stranded in a cradle
Am I Cain or am I Abel
Lay your bluff on the table

Clean blank slate
So pure and fresh
New name plate
New bag of flesh

Soaking up each and every sound like a sponge
Poking around on the ground until the first lunge

Provoking all the named big people's fears
Evoking emotions expounded over the years
Choking up all your elders with so many tears
Joking evenly with all the adults now your peers

I remember when you were nameless
unimaginable wide open fate
In your own world you were blameless
No need for a happy plate
Naked and free you can be shameless
Unaware of your birth date
Boundaries were open and frameless
For time you couldn't wait
Now join the adults and the aimless
Racing down life"s interstate
Apr 2013 · 732
Drifton A Way Apr 2013
She leaves a stain on your brain that will drive you insane

Your heart is left with nothing but confusion
Was it all really just an elaborate illusion?  
Time will prove that this is a minor contusion
Still I Helplessly fight the foregone conclusion

The pain will not remain it's just a mild sprain

Make sure you grab some crutches and try and keep yourself busy
Forget how when within her clutches you feel overwhelmingly dizzy

You need to mind less, why fret over things that you cannot control?
Just unnecessary stress, why let, these stings, infect your mated soul?

Finally broke the chain,  as evaporated champagne, is fatefully freed with the rain

With each passing second,
with every breath of air
With a force to be reckoned
Life has never been fair

So you can lie to yourself and say you don't really care
Or you can lie with the truth instead of choosing dare
But even if I become the world's very first trillionaire
I'll smile every day thinking of the rare that we share
Apr 2013 · 959
Drifton A Way Apr 2013
Resilient and sturdy you fight on, because it's all you really know
Brilliant and *****, the day bright, and the wind continues to blow

Where once you were caged with an alcoholic rage
55 years of sobriety waged performed on life's stage

So many brushes with death,
But you never fell from Grace
She was there to give you breath
Right time and the right place

Tough as a turtle's shell,
So firm and coarse
Pick me up after I fell
No belief in divorce
Drive like a bat out of hell
Kicked like a horse

You're not my parents you can't tell me what to do
Are the four year old words I once muttered to you

Wrigley's Doublemint gum always, I'll take half a stick
Even down pneumonia's hallways, can't keep you sick

I've traveled far and wide through this glorious nation
But Thank god that I made it for our last conversation

You were as sharp as a knife up until the very end
You Rejuvenated my life and my time left to spend

A man of integrity, vigor, humor, and who stuck to his vows
Even when his ignorant grandson tried to round up his cows

Any day turned into an extra two weeks to no one's surprise
One last Easter sunday appropriately on the day of the rise
"Follow the leader" you said merging smiles with our cries
Grasping your hand I realized from my last look in your eyes
That the turtle shell may pass but your spirit never truly dies

"Take me up I'm ready to go"
The very last words you said
The best George I'll ever know
And now we must forge ahead
Your soul has only begun to grow
Heaven is glad we think you're dead
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
A Voy... Dance
Drifton A Way Apr 2013
I dance away from thee
Why can't you just let me be
Escape with some poetry
and voy age for free

A void created
my feet elated
As the A-Voy Dance
is celebrated

We all know this game
As we tango with shame
Find something to blame
Time went and now came

Tax day approaches
Conscience coaches
mind scatters like roaches
A Voy Dance encroaches

Merengue away my tasks
Sip from all of life's flasks
Eye's wide shut with masks
Sick again? your boss asks

Avoid dance, and die in a box
No Samba dancing underground
Alive I feel richer than fort Knox
Lost but now A Voy dance is found...
Apr 2013 · 804
Drifton A Way Apr 2013
I pity you because you"ll never truly know the feelings you evoke
Searching for the perfect words and overcoming all my nerves
Finally mustered up the courage but to you I'm nothing but a joke
To you a few seconds worth of thought is all a man deserves

Invite me with your eyes until I finally make my move
Then you act surprised with your ego"s point to prove

Or else she's interested, engaged, polite, and very nice
But ladies please listen close to this next piece of advice

Instead of leading us all on and wasting both our valuable time
Would it be so hard to just say no, would that really be a crime

Tell me you have a boyfriend, I don't even care if its a lie
And give me credit for the courage that it even took to try

Take it as a complement and just for a second wear my shoes
All that we could be was dreamt and I woke up with the blues

You burned the blueprints, a beautiful skyscraper was to be built
I looked for clues and hints, now I pray you can deal with the guilt

I envy you, so lucky to be blessed with the ability to ignore
Sweep us under the filthy rug and strike us deep at our core
To be thrown into the junkyard that any man would abhor
You forgot we're also human beings, so I really must implore

Give us a fake number at least it will make us laugh
At least our glass will still be close to holding half

I understand your point of view, I know it must be hard
So many offers every day, always keeping up your guard
Deciding which ones to let in and which ones to discard
All while trying your best to not get emotionally scarred

But believe it or not we have feelings too and hope is like a drug
So stop our digging right away before we have our own grave dug

So I'll say a prayer for you if you truly lack the empathy to really care
Seconds of unnecessary negligence multiply into years of utter dispare
Quite an extensive list of backups just in case your heart begins to tear
The next life we'll all be roadrunners and you a coyote, karma's only fair
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
Drifton A Way Apr 2013
Squeaky wheel gets the grease
Try your best to remain silent
Grim reaper's dreadful lease
Kindness kills so very violent

Let them talk, and grab all the attention
Check your clock, file for an extension
Avoid the flock , ignore the convention
Long beach walk, to another dimension

The loudest voice
The most obtrusive
Now Make a choice
I'll remain elusive

So listen up I have a story to tell
About a young boy stuck in a well
Confined to a silent but deadly cell
Plagued by his own personal hell

Stick to the plan and stay prudent
To become a man first be a student

Stop, look and listen and forever you will learn
Lessons will arise and they will once again burn
Never take anything that you truly didn't earn
Impatience always rewards the bold out of turn
Apr 2013 · 825
Drifton A Way Apr 2013
Addicted to the green leaves, you're a caterpillar crawling in the dirt
Conflicted and sick as he heaves, after looking up a butterflies"s skirt

If he could only see, potentially, what he could be, if he"d simply just look up
I continue my plea, eternally,  to help set him free, have a drink from my cup

I know you waited a whole extra week to finally come out of our mother
But the Responsibility rests on me, I refuse to give up on my only brother

There"s no place like home
Unless its abusive and broken
There"s no chance to roam
Unless actions are outspoken

I'm afraid of success, because I'll finally run out of all the excuses
Many sins to confess, none worse than underachieving all our uses

If you could only fear less
If you could only focus more
Take a hit just to relieve stress
Wake up in a city called *****

You"re still looking down crawling on the ground
With so so many women lost waiting to be found
You should be out up here with me flying around
Butterflies attract without even speaking a sound

We"re born with no parachutes and I'm a frequent flyer
So please stop wallowing down in the muck and the mire
Come flourish with me and lets set the ******* world on fire
You're my only thicker than water, join me before we expire
Mar 2013 · 618
Hope...Full Opti - Mystic
Drifton A Way Mar 2013
With each and every candidate striving to win your election
I still vow and promise not to reach for any false connection

Every village looked toward the wisdom and foresight of a shaman
It's only human to dream of Mrs. Right and all we have in common

Curious and excited,
a notion that's preserved while we"re virtual strangers
Furious and ignited
A motion that's deserved from all the world"s dangers

My Imagination twists you into all the things I hope you represent
Dream Vacation exists without leaving home with time well spent

But for now all you are is a beautiful mythical creature of romance
But I still possess faith, so in the words of a preacher...take a chance
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Drifton A Way Mar 2013
Twenty eight years have passed, but count up the hours I'm awake
Your Paralyzing fears harassed you, time to see just what's at stake
Raise a glass and cheers the amassed burning candles on your cake
As your regretful tears fail to mask the pain of how you truly ache

Im Alive and present in the world because I will rest less
Don't ask me what time it is, my internal clock is a mess
Anxious insomnia ever since I lay rest in the womb fortress
Experience ages you beyond the years that you will possess

Ability reminds me that the bucket list can remain extensive
Virility blinds me with a pheromone mist that can be expensive
Fragility grinds my flesh as father time's fist grows more defensive
Humility binds spirit and mind into existentialist bliss so comprehensive

I'm blessed with restless soul syndrome to be my almighty guide
Refreshing zest and vigor to accompany me after all things eyed
Even if she's the best I can't see myself settling for just one bride
So let our bodies be the board and may our waters flow high tide
Mar 2013 · 696
Drifton A Way Mar 2013
If you don't ever try
You might never live
Worst you can do is die
Blessed with death to give

Words contrived to fruition
Climb upon my shoulders
Take a look at new ambition
Papers finally free from folders

Thoughts magically transformed to verse
Imagery and idolatry bleed ink to prose
Detracting my distraction is another curse
Explanations obscured as frustration grows

King of the world today, ever so omnipotent
Afflicting Memories distance away and fade
Wake up tomorrow and could be impotent
Clutched to a beautiful creature in the shade
Mar 2013 · 663
Drifton A Way Mar 2013
Quality is all relative, just try and keep it simple
They all see a beauty mark but I just see a pimple
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