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874 · Jun 2012
I Flourished
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
I flourished in a town bound by darkened facades
as shadows creeped along its soot filled walls;
I'd daydream and words came to me, in whispered
curlicues...faint but, envisioned while they lingered
3 dimensional...dangling.

Giving me a voice in syllabic ruminations like a
rhythmic drip drip from a faucet; I set sight on its
auditory ping and I'd sing its lulling lullaby verse
by verse; scribing thoughts that unleashed itself
from inner walls of me.

Gleaning the taste of poetry from mind and savoring
its aftertaste in the pit of my soul, steadily scribing.
872 · Jan 2013
Love Lust Be Told
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
I met him at an audition; he kept staring at me,
I walked over introduced myself; he said he's
a musician, told him I could help with is dickion
and he whispered; I want to sip the fluency of your
elegance, in which, I smiled all giddy inside; pulled
him close and said are you wanting to luxuriate in
lips pout, he said; yes and his eyes engraved me
in his soul

he stepped back; licked my lips and flushed,
embraced love's fidgeting, bestirred in gasped
hunger he held me like a lover in a dream;
clinging to the edge of silent beggary's urgency,
I touched his heat, knew immediately I wanted
him pendulating above femininities heat

so, I coaxed him with an aubade; whispering moist
in want; his euphony he'd written upon parchment
of my heart, without thought I wanted to give in to
masculinities desire to taste and sip as he pleased

but, I held him off for awhile wanting to get to know
more of him, not wanting just a physical allurement,
eyeing him in my mind to take in the scope of his
aura; weeks passed before I would allow him to do
more than just kiss me, the physical attraction was
too strong to wait for entanglements pleasure, the
want to linger in the delicacy of us; on one of those
misty balmy still of night's; I just grasped at passion's
threshold; to drown in our muted moans

as he'd explore pout of silken lips; tasting me
as I'd taste him we savored each other's hunger
taking our time, enjoying each nook and cranny of
him and I, tongue traced my trembles from its
eruptive point between wet thighs; I  had to flip our
script so, I could taste his milky spillage as well; like
fingerprints upon thigh, we glided in out, back and
front of our hungered want of one another; sighing
in unison laying paused and breathless, our rhythm
leaves us arched in each other's curve, tasting;
losing control

frenzied, breathless in softness of sigh's every
stroke of ecstasy, lost in the rapture of love; each
kiss from head to toe told a story of love lust and
hunger, hopefully for eternity; as the days grew long
and nights got shorter, we couldn't do without one
another; one day out of the blue he popped the
question and without a doubt I said; yes!
just a short story for a contest...
870 · Jun 2012
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Bestowed whispers abound
wisping against softness;
an alluvium flows in abated
breaths, crashing into dreams
awaiting uttered sighs;
aching to taste prurience rage
as tongue besieges pout
of want, awakening soul;
melding into silky fragility
gliding across masculinities
plain, caressing in tender
fingertip forages as I'm
consumed within his essence...uncoiled
868 · Jun 2012
My Lover & I
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Across the room I followed his eyes;
a look that whispered a need to be
at my side; sideburns and mustache
beckoned to tease me, already
tingling with throbbed hunger; a physique
that rippled with each finger I wanted to press
into sculptured muscles as his mind licked
me with slow dips into my soft muscular lanky frame.

I knew we were meant for one another, especially,
when those same eyes seem to say I want to marry
you as soon as we get to know each other; which made
me slowly want to whimper into his open mouth; inviting me
to taste his emanating ambrosia, his intoxicating scent;
making me swoon into his arms; wrapping me within
his alluring warmth all I could utter is hmmm...

Week after week just touching and tasting drove
me out of my mind; wanting him to have all of me,
the way he walked and talked left me trembling
inwardly, but, I held my lusting mind, wanting
us to both be introduced physically and mentally
with the same need and want of one another; I
myself knew I wanted to spend the rest of my
life with this handsome specimen, the most
alluring thing about him was his intellect.

His conversation even had me drooling, I was I won't say falling in love; I fell in
love from the look in his eyes way across the
room, eyes he only had for me; at that time
and moment put me in a trance.

We wined and dined, movies, shopped and
even enjoyed the atmosphere of an arcade;
I even allowed him to beat me in bowling,
he was/is just an exquisite man.

Another month or more goes by no physicality,
just loving mentally with a little petting now
and again, but, we both agreed to discover
our likes and dislikes; I was so, enamored it
didn't matter how long we waited as long as
I was in his presence, touched.

Then one night; after heavily tasting one another
we couldn't contain ourselves not one more
minute and he slipped a ring of friendship upon
my finger; a lip quiver and a tear rolled down
my cheeks as he explained he still wanted it to
be a transition of getting to know everything
of each other; tears blinding me, all I could do
was smile and shake my head in agreement.

Our love bloomed for two years before we
actually got engaged and then married a year
after a long courtship of bliss and wanton
hunger grew into an enraptured lust that is
still strong until this day...My Lover & I.
******* poetry speaks for both genders in my book
841 · Jul 2013
Awakened Lust
Debra A Baugh Jul 2013
his movement against me
rocks me within the array of his

that wet entangled embrace
delicate; deep within our elation,
unraveling my entirety as I bend
in the arch of his chivalry

assuaging me...

In the breath of his passionate
lips; tasting, leaving scorching
trails against hardened *******

I blushed...

and he licked each bud, tongue
tipped flutters, heated breath,
poised beneath bulge; awaiting
slow quick dips coaxing, labials
welcome lips open

appeasing me in rages of his
passion, aching for release;
urging his yearn with each dip

wet of want screams in euphoria,
piercing, entwining as I lay before
him spent naked exposed to
pleasures unknown

awakening our lust, rocking me
within loves breathless embrace
818 · Jul 2013
Cognitively Awakened
Debra A Baugh Jul 2013
mind drifts within evolutions
pull; enclosing thoughts in
earth's many wonders, causing
brainstormed emotions into
ideative air pockets; casting
kaleidoscopic prisms to realms
of life's many gifts as we
intellectually ruminate cognitively
808 · Feb 2013
Sensually Speaking Poetry
Debra A Baugh Feb 2013
left alone with him, he undressed my mind;
bathing me in sweet acronyms,
traced upon curve in calligraphy
while whispering in prose our dreams


he'd dip his quill; inking upon my skin,
noun's and verb's I'd absorb into my heart


my poet, whispers again sweeping
me off my feet in syllabic count;
taking control of all my senses


arching into masculinity his muse
would run wild against femininities


lips began to taste his own poetic
prowess upon the breadth of me
and I'd simply smile into him


his poetry is written solely for me and
I'd glide tongue across his lips like ink
against parchment
807 · Jan 2013
Nibbled Bites
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
A quivered sigh lingers upon her
soft lips; she glimpses beggary
bestirred sweetly in my misty eyes,
my fingers dawdle at her dewy fissure;
waiting in trembled anticipation, a want
to taste her delicacy with a kiss of breath

caught up in licks of consumption, I'm
beguiled by femininities passion; elicited
sultry moans dance across my *****
making my heart race and soul shutter
losing control

her tongue tip traces each vein pulsing,
awaiting warmth to engulf its entirety, slick
and wet tip to pearls she rocks my world
morning noon and night

in out of wetness I scream in delight, suckling
each mound wet and light in nibbled bites; ****
this woman fits me just right, can't keep my eyes
hands off her as she clenches firmness *******
me deeper in her abyss wet and tight
804 · Jan 2013
Reflections Cave of Thought
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
snowcaps fill my vision
perched upon window
seat; trees line winding
path, through it all I seek
that overhanging crag
hidden by hillside shrubs;
an opening pitch black
my secret cave; my
space for rumination,
that peace of mind that
follows a distortion of
fact, my becalming
before another storm
brews like an avalanche
waiting to happen.

I've come to terms within
self compensating for
other's shortcomings,
delineating oneself with
social grace; allowing
them to dig their own
graves, but, not at my
expense anymore, fore,
I will only compromise
on my terms amicably;
in reflections cave of
thought, minding my
business and leaving
theirs alone.
792 · Jun 2012
Sensually Accumbent
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
infinity expands beyond
the penury of wanton
hunger in his eyes


I'll lay prone as he
tastes my last breath,
beginning to end


me gently in position;
persuasion giving
pleasurable warmth


within his heat one
touch at a time as his
consumption left


fore, he's all I know
as the sun sets
whispering our love


from our soul to feel
wants cling in between
lust and need as sunbeams
slide across the breadth
of Us


and the last rays ebb behind
the horizon; eclipsing between
uttered sighs and hungry kisses

buried in the essence of Us...
771 · Jun 2012
Passion's Rose
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
In the silence of my heart I feel this flowering;
budding with every whisper against my soul,
calling; enwrapping me within his ambrosia
as each silken petal brushes against softness,
I bow demurely into his maleness.

Looking out upon the horizon; I glimpse our
silhouettes entwined in the midst of golden
rays, haloed as his lips partake in loves
sweetest nectar and his tongue articulates
in heated breaths, I linger in its aftertaste.

Adoring the twinkle in his eyes as they take
in the beauty of my flowering chasm, awaiting
its calyx approach; slowly impinging in its
fragrance, savoring; hovering and dipping as a
honeybee suckles nectar.

I tremble like a softly blown breeze in his wake;
as his hands glide upon my countenance,
teasing each contoured petal; placing me gently
upon our flowered bed of strewn petals;
languishing in his arms as each whisper hums,
delighting in passion's rose.
Author notes

Description & Prompts
I want you to pen me a poem in 10 stanzas or less but your first stanza must begin with this phrase:

751 · Feb 2013
Clearly Off Limits
Debra A Baugh Feb 2013
even from afar I could feel

his eyes on me; he seem

to mouth, come love let

me breathe my essence

between your lips;

allow my effluvium

to fill you with my misty

enchantment inhaling

my sweet aroma as it

floats from the snowcaps

of yesteryear so, I can melt

between fertile breast;

branching out stem to stem

affecting every capillary upon

entrance to your portal; I take

a double take blanching from

his stare, I cover my olfactory

senses; masking disdain

with every whiff of assault;

letting him know my lungs

are clearly off limits
this is related to a contest regarding cigarettes
749 · Feb 2013
Debra A Baugh Feb 2013
I breathe in song leaving silk dictation
upon his skin, converging each note in
dreams of his reality

denuding him...

absorbing him in whispered aubade's,
savoring him in fingertip forages; aching
for his touch to mould me, caress and
hold me like a paintbrush to canvas;
its bristles a tongue tasting every
curve of me


I dance with him slowly; by our song
bodies swaying with a beggars need,
as hips and thighs whisper in wanton
heat leading us to temptation's portal
of lust


in savored decadence a delicacy of
truffled sweet creaminess upon
tongue splayed between open thigh,
and still in song skin upon skin;
passion rides leaving us wet
and wanting


with hungry mouths sinking beneath
our coveted desires; probing delicious
fantasies, pulsing for him to plunge
shamelessly in out wetness as we
sing our own songs of uttered sighs
and moans

our lover's ballad...sung
738 · Jun 2012
Blossoms of Him
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
the scent of him
blossoms like opening
petals in early morning dew

dripping upon curves;
covering me within his scent
as each drop trickles down,
accepting curves declivity
and tender mounds
eliciting soft moans

each curl of fingers
entwines themselves
in ebony tresses
enwrapping limbs
about waist

tasting wetness of my
entirety mincing sweet
breathy whispers against
dampness of skin

leaving me with breathless sighs,
longing in languid beckoning

lips touch upon me
grazing taut nips;
biting lips in hunger,
eyes beg to be taken;
rhythmically in tune
with one another

sighing as thighs
open, quivering
lips draw him
in; to sip from
its dark damp
cavern of his

teasing him,
throb; as he

burying nose in
dewed rose
of dark ebony

drinking, tasting
of our nectar in

electrifying *******
moans of pleasure.
erupts in unison
satiated in one

love complete
as we sipped
sweetest dew
736 · Jun 2012
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
painted upon canvas
multi-faceted hues
in tints of you,
reposed in quiet
moments; we spent
beneath Arabian
sunsets in brilliant
golden highlights,
spread across the
breadth of solitudinous
nights, twinkling stars
shining ever so bright;
my heart breaks
missing you as tears
fall in remembrance
in God's Light
731 · Jun 2012
Reflective Birth
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
in our reflections I've
attempted to aggrandize
my perception
of I, cocooned
in the softness of
her petals bringing
about our dawning

as if, giving breath
to our birth, unfolding
upon a new sunrise
and we breathe in
the delicacy of nature
as I caress newborn
pouted lips

we gaze upon our
reflections together;
marvelling of God's beauty,
instilled within; as we
curl into warmth of limbs,
embraced in consummated
hunger; adorning ourselves
with earth's reflective hues

as in completed gestational birth...

reflecting new beginnings...

cocooned in bliss...

as I became hers...


she became mine...
711 · Jul 2013
Moments Loved
Debra A Baugh Jul 2013
of those moments alone,
thoughts wander to him;
I feel for him beside me
another reminiscent moment
in glow of moonlight...

his touch a tender moment
entwined in strong arms of
sultry heat, molded to
his desire; his essence
whispers enchantment
against me....

a moaned breath...mine,
where his lips held me elegant;
painting me with ambrosia
stained kisses in adoration of us
love in naked shadows of moonlight...

blushing in sighs of pleasure
bound; soaked in sheets of desire,
moments of fluency still wet from
thoughts of his lips, arching into
his essence...loved
705 · Jan 2013
Us Untied
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
I know he doesn't know this


tasting him is the best part of being me;
coaxing him to untie me, knowing he wants
to try me, lay beside me

untying red lace as his lips trace; lips
blushing to taste open thighs, inaudibly
I sigh within

salaciously I grin...

lying naked across bare chest; I whisper
suckle right here; he gives in at my behest


his upturned eyes says is that a dare, I say yes,
but, baby! have no fear, I love wet kisses planted
across my rear


he springs to action, to my satisfaction; he kissed
and tasted every moaned reaction; pulsing wet lips
his main attraction, licking me deep

I noticed his throbbing whip ready, eager to dip, but,
I back him up...

baby! please don't stop, I eye his bulge; knowing I'm
ready to indulge, fingertips dance upon his bulge;
I wet each finger sliding them down every vein divulged

he whispers... ah! baby! you're driving me insane;
I play coy, this I enjoy; teasing my boy toy

slowly he unravels...

I turn, the way I want to have him; body burns to feel his
prowess, ready to pounce, unload every ounce, in out;
both lips pout; riding him inside out; calling my name
with trembled shouts


implode within the breadth of our being; unleashing
heavenly syllables from our mouth and the best of
being me unfolds into the warmth of him

us untied...
701 · Jun 2012
New Tomorrow's
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
she annihilates me
within somber streams
of her eyes,
unclothing my resolve
layer after layer
laying bare my
want to taste
the flesh
of all life's sorrow;
licking the wounds
of her heart
as her elixir'd
brine drips, whetting
my penchant;
to suckle her
pain from
weary limbs,
at her feet
as life forces
drain my essence;
slumbered state
of mind, I lean
into her silence
behind enshrouded
eyes; awaiting
in naked liberation,
unleashing imbibed
shyness that existed
within; as she gazes
upon me, acknowledging
my very existence
in her realm; to whisper
against me without
verbalizing her thoughts;
watching her evolution,
I sigh, gasping inwardly,
as if, she is newborn
from wombed
catacomb; a new day
emerging from
cocooned silence,
erupting into wanton
unabashed passion
as cognizant open-mouth
gazes unleash
untithered moans
of release;
no longer mourning
sorrow's, fore, new
tomorrow's has arisen
700 · Jun 2012
Love's Expectations
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
looking deep within self
I glimpse an image of
you and I, realizing that
our felicitousness
flows with the
currents; expanding to
enlighten mind and soul
alike as we fulfill its
dormant hunger, to
appreciate what our
affinity for one another
begets; as we awaken
to overindulge in the
delicacies of our wants,
fore, our desires are
somewhat demanding
in its urgency; when we
have a lifetime to savor
of one another's ardency,
without abating our
affectations; before we've
had a true feel for love's
Written by NVMeeks aka Goddess of Sensuality for a contest
686 · Jan 2013
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
hands stain me soft;
fingertips graze


gentle caresses urge
slide; tingle cascade
along spine


firmness pulses deep,
seeping a sweet
shameless spill;
bathe in awakened


whimpers escape,
wrapped soft in
masculinities arch


tongue traces lobe
a slow taste; in
carnal hunger


minutes tick easing
in out of velvet folds

674 · Jan 2013
Glimpsing Within
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
glimpsing my reflection
upon still midnight lake
peace, harmony washes
over me; gentle whisper(s)
in darkness ******

in leisure...

mind connected with fresh
air as mountain(s) lauds
above me in grandeur


beleaques my soul and I
curve into wisdom on silent
sojourn with Him, eclipse(d)
beneath a moonlit night
672 · Jun 2012
Against the Breadth of Me
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
deep down inside I knew
it was nowhere else to
turn; I'd lost the feel of his
words against the breadth
of me.

into my pillow I'd bury each
drip of saline's onslaught;
as it burrowed its waterfall
in every vessel of my heart.


I'd decolorize into recesses
of self; left to mourn in solitudinous
pain, longing for a touch or
glimpse of masculine beauty.


that once awakened every
fiber of my being with just
a slip of syllabic utterings.


I miss, fore, he'd breathe
the epitome of love's need
and want, just by his presence.


I dwindle within as I try in vain
to revive what once use to be
the beginning and end of love.

his words against the breadth of me...
664 · Jun 2012
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Slurs splashed across mind;
shriveled what little self-esteem
held within oneself, gone with
tongue lashes, defiled, I can
only kneel humiliated in
its onslaught...broken
660 · Jun 2012
Naked Exposure
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Mind barren, left splayed
by tongue lashed thoughts,
soul stripped bare as eyes
raked skin; dragged across
hot coals; heart ablazed
as angry torment rips smile
from cherubic cheeks,
eyes once alive; hungry
for love beclouds as if, an
apparition appears...denuded
656 · Jun 2012
Soul Embrace
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Thoughts flow like a crow flies;
mind in flight; grasping at
life's insights, fumbling across
the sky; climbing out of urban
blights, embracing self, fore,
sanity is at stake.

Reaching for sanctity in His
light; patience a virtue giving
hope to mind's turmoiled
inner persecutions, seeking
redirection for self's own sake.

As the crow flies, His wisdom,
mind and soul willingly embrace.
651 · Jan 2013
A Summer's Breeze
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
our time apart hadn’t changed,
his baritonal voice caused
me to tremble each syllable
spoken; soft & silky, its
frictional rustle like wheat
bending in the breeze

I absorb him...

he feels me, revealing inner soul
annihilating me pleasurably, riding
wings of his voice, spiraling, like
wisps of smoke yearning to hear
articulations desire

maestro of my being, smitten
with his baritone

his breathiness I breathe...

like a summer's breeze
634 · Jun 2012
Life's Extravagance
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
The succulence of words
whispered, is like a breeze
swishing through luxuriant
blades of thick green grass
brushing against unadorned
anatomies dancing amidst
life's simple pleasures
634 · Jun 2012
Whispers In Silk
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Tonight laying sprawled across
my bed; breeze through my window
lingers around me whispering his
name, its melodious assemblage
whispers like silk brushing against
my lips; tangling within my curled
mane and its softly blown whisper
of silk cradles the breadth of me as
I call out his name.

over and over again...

Like loose rose petals strewn from
pillow to pillow, teasing me as his
breath glides from nip to mound in
unuttered sound a whimper escapes
inside my head; he arrived standing
over me watching as breast would
gently rise, his heat I'd feel, yearning
to have him slide in to cradle my softness.

Those silken whispers would travel the
length of me, then I'd remember moments
of pure ecstasy; realizing its the breeze of
a sultry night playing upon my hunger to
feel him whispering his want and need
as discarded silk slips from each limb


Fingered forages of self-indulgence
left me shuddering as if, he'd just kissed
and whispered into my wetness; It was then
I knew, looking back I could never forget each
and every time he'd touch me intimately.


his silken whispers pleasured me deeply,
leaving me breathlessly wanting; knowing
I'd never find anyone to love me the same.
616 · Jan 2013
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
wet lips welcome him in the morning
weaving desires breath; tongues explore
unearthing our flame


pleasure at fingertips taming depths
of her heat; wet in hunger, tongue glides
craving every inch exposed; tasting her


upon exuding intoxication; I rise delving into
her slippery abyss flaying its sweetness
deep, lustfully riding as she caresses base


melting as softness clench and unclench
letting me in, inner embrace biting; sinking
into her moans and thighs entwine pulling
me deeper as I explode


our ultimate pinnacle, appeased; but, gently
stroking, arising again saturated in our
warm spillage craving more of her delicacy

580 · Jun 2012
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
He walked out
painfully draining

Heaved sobs
knotted within,
tears flow freely.

Torn, but, suddenly
I feel born again.
577 · Jun 2012
Still Mooning Over You
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
the sun sets and night takes over,
all I do is remember holding her;
that twinkle, little smirking smile.

the one that beguiled me, made
me say wow inwardly; it comes
midnight, stars bright in the sky.

outwardly I sigh, her eyes haunt;
but, more so, taunt me, tease me;
love the way she appeased me.

that feeling she evoked, held me
captive; until that time, you know
the one you get when you realize
someone has stopped loving you.

where your soul turns blue, longing
to absorb her, true in my arms; where
once upon a time our love grew.

I never seen it coming; it hit hard,
like a targeted bullseye, right in
the middle of my heart.

it hurt, especially when it comes
around midnight; tears fall as I
ache to love her as I use to.

some nights I just can't stop thinking about you...

blue over losing the love of you...
written for a contest with the prompt: Some Nights I Can't Stop Thinking About You
570 · Jul 2013
Stars Sing our Song
Debra A Baugh Jul 2013
light from his eyes
encompasses darkness
in moments of us


stars reading our intricacies
like silk spun webs; an appetitive
effervescence allure

of promises...

as gentle breezes glide against
glistening flesh under moonlit

demurely blushed...

moaned breaths, soft lips slide
licking lush curved landscape
of silken flesh

starlit eyes...

traipse a contoured pout; tasting
its beck and call as hips rise
beneath seductions ache


succumbing to masculinities
pull, trembling against him, naked
within his promise; deep in his

smiling within my moans...

animated ripples rush his
whispered urgency, softly; in
out pulsing deep in wet chasm

screams of pleasure erupts...

I widen across his light,
blissfully welcoming his warmth
surrendering to milky way's deluge

love blooms...

allowing moans to escape parted
lips, hands slip beneath raised
hips; slowing dips as night became
ours under star blanketed skies

in surrender we slip...

he whispers from this moment on;
it's written in the stars
566 · Jun 2012
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
The immersion of
oneself in another
mind body and
soul; ameliorating
one's aplomb...engulfed
565 · Jun 2012
Three Vignettes
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
they navigate through
lights shining between
spiny branches
reaching between
shadowed spaces

In the midst of night
its light guides them
along darkened trails
as the moon shines

In elongated streams
many shadows flicker
in and out of its beam
and they're still lost
following misleading lights
533 · Feb 2013
Dark Passion
Debra A Baugh Feb 2013
dawn vanished in darkening skies
annihilating his green eyes
leaving me a sinister view;
of haunting thoughts, snared
in his mind as he whisper his
want to imprison me in his world

taken unkindly in the middle of night
burying his fangs deep across throat,
a ghastly sight dripping blood upon
my rose, my thoughts wander striking
a pose as darkness descends stripped
naked; he knows I'll forever be stricken
by his entrancing pleas

condemned to his dark minded lures,
teardrops of blood shakes me to my core;
drenched in his crimson need, I beseech
at salvations door; no-one knows his power
beckons deep within, tearing into the breadth
of me his urgency at the smell of warm blood

with his devious darkness satisfied, he moans
against warmth of neck as if, sipping dark
lullabye's; while I silently beg for sunrise as
we lay in repose till night awakens his dark
passion; embedded within
I don't usually write on dark poems...this was written with the prompt of a white rose dripping blood
502 · Jan 2013
Lost In Dark Dreams
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
darkness settles around me,
mind enshrouded by wicked
voices; repeating the same
phrase over and over again,
you should have never let him
love should have
never let him love you


in the dark that surrounds
a heart beating for him,
hoodwinked by lies, even as
he laid by my side; loving
me pretensely in the dark

professed his love would
never die; but, yet, I'm
left alone in the dark crying,
those broken promises, now
in shadow; casting silhouettes
of you and I in the back of my
mind against a barren wall


sleep derail efforts to forget;
fore, dreams loom in dark
crevices of my heart as I'm
left alone to wither in the dark.
502 · Jun 2012
His Eyes
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
dark deep,
staring glazed
haunting almost
alluring yet sad.
appealing in a sense,
as they absorb me solely
on purpose, melting my resolve
of want to draw him closely embraced
and he whispers his need to be with me
Fore, I wallow in the sound of his voice;
and trembled limbs buckle in hunger,
the melt of my resolve crash;
staring into eyes, entranced
as love danced in prisms.
coloring me in
passionate eyes,
drowned within
his soul,
Etheree Poetry Form
488 · Jun 2012
Love's Demise
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Witnessed her imperfections
first time I laid eyes upon the
beauty of her, but, those
memories hurt to allude to;
when I envision our times
collectively, mind body and
soul feel the loss of her.

Fore, each passing day I
still absorb the scent of her,
lingering against the breadth
of me as if, she's still laying
here next to me; I thought
loving her deeply would keep
her sated, always by my side;
suffice to say I realized I've
been living a lie.

Too abashed by my love so,
openly annihilated; I cringe
within, but, I'm released of
this burden as her words
echo in my mind as that one
facet of her showed no
remorse letting go of us.
480 · Jun 2012
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Once upon a time I looked deep into
his eyes so, he'd see my love & pain
as each tear fell like falling rain
and inner cries called his name
I could no longer blame him,
knowing life without him would
never be the same.

Even though soft lips in memory will
forever remain grazing across my silken
frame; gentle hands once took my breath
away, now I shudder in the middle of the
night envisioning our intimate flights,
hands glided upon toned curves
while fingers coaxed quivering

I'd sigh into memorized heat
longing for a repeat of breathless
nights between soaked sheets;
tasting masculinity in uttered beats,
teasing myself in fingered relief
awakening in disbelief; no longer
enjoying his heat.

Pillow soaked from tears of loves grief
as fingers linger where lips feasted;
chasing away my fears, but, now I know
love is no game and I'll never find another
to tame or soothe my womanly wiles with
a simple smile as I dream of him like a
wanton child filled with guilty pleasurable
pain; living with memories of him & I enflamed.

As I swallow pride; claiming loves defeat in shame.
430 · Jun 2012
Touched & Alone
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
He came in the middle of night
slid beneath sheets; hands
groping as he whispered, what
he'd do while stifling feared

Tears rolled as mind cried out,
crawling inwardly; as life drained
of color, losing self in mist of
dawn when he finally grunted
his own satisfaction.

Laying finger to lips as if, kissing
soul to pleasured damnation,
whispering again to not tell anyone
or he'd do worse things whenever
he came to my room.

In mind I shut self in a prison all
my own; withdrawn as no one
notices change in demeanor, I
suffer nightly...alone...touched
418 · Jun 2012
Wrong Approach
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
His pickup line was like
plying a coat of tar upon
the road and the caustic
tone of his words grated
against the fabric of the
soul as if, walking on
newly laid gravel in my
a little humor
417 · Jun 2012
Beauty of Love
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Lost within throes
of whispers of so,
many colors; we're
lovers, as he looks
into my eyes its like
pieces of dreams,
fore, I'm a woman in
love taking a deep
breath; letting go
breathless as his
lips and eyes taste
the beauty of love.
409 · Jun 2012
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Standing upon a precipice absorbing His glory;
mind wandering,

wrapped within thoughts of then and now.

Insight reels me back pondering,
again His beauty;

which, lies before me;

now and then
389 · Jun 2012
The Irony of It All
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
When I smiled and
looked into his face
my heart raced;
then I awakened,
realized his was
laced with a false grace;
whereas, his eyes
could never erase the
sadness written all
over his face.

My insides screamed,
hurting for what
seemed like a lifetime
of dreams, fore,
he made our life an
affronted scheme;
feeding me sweet nothings,
making my heart dip;
kissing me with champagne
sips, loving me until I could
only think of the way he made
my mind take an around
the world trip.

I knew we'd no longer
stay together; living a life of
unfulfilled dreams, as those
sips of champagne spills
down life's drain, the look
in his eyes remain the same;
even though I'm left with the
pain, I can still walk away
knowing he didn't take away  
my happiness & love for myself,
his loss; my gain...freedom
377 · Jun 2012
Memories (15 w poem)
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
cloistered memories
beckon thoughts


I revel in moments
of disquietude


feeling his presence

— The End —