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dawid Apr 2018
I looked at myself today,
Everyone around me, far away.
Skin on skin, warm touch I desire
**** these gloves to hell's fire.

The mirror today made me aware
the pieces missing inside of me,
like precious treasures lost, forgotten
Over time maybe my complexion rotten.
And perhaps the mask I wear today
Is to keep myself from myself away.

Far in the back where I cannot see
Hides out fractured parts of me.
All alone angry and scared,
They cannot help but make me impaired.

If I could find all myself and say
I accept you, you're OK
Then other people will join in song
And dance with me all day long.
dawid May 2014
Towards the edge you push me,
my feet slipping, tired, weak.
Over the edge is much more pain
than what I've lived here on the plain.
Yet you push, destroy you will,
all I have till all is nil.
And in the canyon's darkness deep
I cannot from harm my loved ones keep:
the demons will come out to play,
Death, destruction will have last say.
dawid May 2014
I see it coming, a demon from hell,
Seducing you with his words, a spell.
I shout and shout, my throat bleeds
As I witness the fruition of his seeds.
Mesmerised, proud, lust abound,
You have all the answers you want found.
You said yourself that history defines,
Yet your roots you ***** on shrines.
I shout, still, with no voice to hear,
Now all I do is wait and fear.
dawid May 2014
Patiently she waits, the shadow of mine
till the sun falls lower over the line.
Reason leaves as despair takes hold
My warmth and light giving way, it's cold.
Then, only then, does the shadow appear
with vision of destruction of all things dear.
Seduction's soft touch flirting with talk
promising my desire, without hurt I can walk.
Remove the grip on your heart remove all,
Destroy all bridges, lest again you fall.
The shadow whispers repeatedly, again again,
My light fades my love hurts, vitality drain.
And finally her wisdom I embrace, it's clear,
I have to ******, destroy what is dear.
dawid May 2014
Just one kind word, just one, from you,
Burning with loneliness, a drop will do.
Peace evades me, sleep I know not,
Alone in a pit, heart and soul rot.
Vultures around, with hate I would ****,
I see their mocking eyes, they wait still.
There is no escape, I built this cage,
Bound by my sins, bound by my rage.
Peace I seek, abandoned I am
In  a desert, a storm, alone, barely man.
dawid Aug 2013
I have a burning in my chest
Deathly pangs of hate, no rest.
If I could **** I surely would
My enemy hiding in a digital world.      

She is my gold and diamond stone,
Emotional ****, now I'm alone.
Broken heart again again
I'm a fool ten times ten.
dawid Nov 2011
I live in two worlds, they used to be one

When last peace I had? a memory gone.

Conflict felt as gravity pulled

Masks grew thicker, the world fooled.

It's quieter now, the distance increased

between two homes the tension eased.

Back and forth in my homes I live

Present in one, my manner furtive.

Rules, rules, rules, judgement, conformity,

In this world I work, am seen blindly.

Beginnings and ends, a being above,

Here I am offered the gift of love.

Inside I am God, I do as I please

Nothing forbidden, no-one to appease.

Impossible things I create with my hands,

This world of wonder has no sign of bands.

I can **** the most beautiful woman I see,

Hell why not invite all to an ****?

But this world has an enormous vice:

I cannot touch anything, that is the price.

So now I travel, going here going there

Telling no-one of my secret affair.
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