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Daiene Sep 2018
as time flew by
you captured me with your smile
ensnared me with your mind
so full of mystery
and poetry.

a galaxy of never ending chaos -
a battle between reality and fallacy.

my heart felt like it was to blow up
for everything felt like a trap.

your beauty,
it was rare
but now
all i can see
is the crisp lines of madness
left inside a nutshell
of someone who was once
as beautiful as you.
Daiene Sep 2018
we're (just the same people) bathing in the same midspring darkness
consumed in the same cold and warm depth of the clashing waters
but i drowned
and deeper
i sunk
until i stopped breathing.
Daiene Sep 2018
He told me he loved me
-only he lied to me
for he never really loved me.
he only liked me for the things i make him feel
he only told me he loved me to make me believe
twist me, shape me
curse me and bend me
turn me all he wants cause he felt loved.
Daiene Sep 2018
he said this
she said that.
a string of words
made up
with no sense.

promises encrusted with
beautiful lies.

dressed as
pretty half truths
and beautiful people
disguised in monstrous
shape shifting colors.

a world where lying
is considered as honesty
and truths
as decaying deceit.
Daiene Sep 2018
her touch was rough
and unforgiving.
the burn of fire
hence, the sting of ice.
a ballerina gliding along the
calloused parchment
of her journal-
and with that i knew that she was beautiful.

her soul and poetry like a fairy and his bunny
so brooding and enchanting.
she was the symbol of
melancholy and grace,
epitome of the beauty of autumn
and chills of a cold winter night
spent in halls
with loud cheers
and lonely slumber.

a beautiful disaster, they said
lovely, i replied.

— The End —