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KT Jan 2016
Flickers of light in the eternal darkness
We tick for a moment and then we are gone again
In darkness it is born and dark will be the end
For there is no light if we aren't around to see it
KT Jan 2016
Halfway clutched
With my rib cage crushed
I said the words out loud
"She's both pretty and smart, she's it"
And that's not a thing to come from me
For anybody else than you
For you are the only so far
That convinced me that you're right
And that spooned out my heart
From only a handful passes in time
That lapsed in our lives

And on nights like these
When your name goes by
In some passing unimportant talk
And quickly forgotten by those who asked and heard
I dialoge with the walls
For there is no other to hear
It only echoes across the air
For a brief moment in time
And then gets inside me again
To be trapped 'till the next time
Your name is mentioned again
My words are not heard by you
I do wish they were

Your rent will always be paid for that place in the corner of my heart
KT Nov 2015
You might say I'm in a haze.
Hell, I admit.
I've been in some other worlds
For the past couple of weeks.
It's a cycle I go through every now and then.
Down in the pages or in front of the screen.
It's kind of a habit, kind of a routine.
I'll use it now as an excuse to say,
Something I've thought up all day today.
And probably it'd be stupid for me to read it some other day.
But I'll put it here just because I may.
Holed up in my bed,
All day with The Walking Dead.
I've nurtured a wish and some other tiny thing.
I wished for that world to be true.
Not that it can..
But still...
Let me finish saying what I have!
It might be childish, foolish or even, well, a bit crazy
To wish for the apocalypse.
But hear out my reasons.
Odds are that I'll probably be down fast,
If it ever happened..
But it is good to think
That I'll be free then...
Free to run off guns blazing
Down to my primal self
..Somehow.. Free..
And save her too from..
And myself..
From our pitiful pointless shame,
That we play out everyday,
In hopes that we will somehow, someday really live..
Stories are stories,
Even that apocalypse wouldn't be so bright, as it is there.
It'd probably be worse..
But don't forget -
Me, You, Everybody,
We are walkers even in this world as it is today!
KT Nov 2015
It's such a pity, really...
Such an awful shame
Born in the same time and place
Yet so far away..
In the grand scheme of things
We're but a mere footstep away
We're so close to each other
Yet so far away..
Grown in the same world
But somehow they are two
We are both the same
Yet so far away..
Lonely.. I know.. Me too..
My thoughts are with you
We'll meet up tonight
When we sleep and dream
I hope...
KT Nov 2015
Not the first thing to come to mind
Hidden in the back of your head,
A fragment of once passed,
I am almost forgotten.

Not that I ever knew much about
The touch of your breath or how it felt.
Stripped from presence, I only knew,
From a far what I felt and saw.

Day after day, every next day's the same.
You with your own, and me on my way.
Rarely, and not lately, our paths intersect.
And you, don't have a clue, that you live in my head.

Just so you know -
I don't mean to persuade, ******, flatter,
Or somehow try to appear to you and start to matter.
My image for you is of something greater.
It's just an unfeedable hunger,
An irresistible need, a longing,
And nothing other.

It's just that the thought of you
Brings a calm feeling and creates
An undisturbed peace and happiness in my mind,
Where I find solace, balance, help and a lending hand.

And on those rare moments where I glimpse in your life
I spend my day in joy,
Because I get to taste yours,
A second life, other than mine,

Sometimes, I am even jealous for what you have and are.
It's really nothing much, don't mind it all, at all.
You're just the highly unlikeable wish to happen to me.
That pumps in me together with the rhythm of my heart.
KT Oct 2015
Eight plus two rotating specks
Revolve around their counter-specks,
And possible is all we see and hear,
All the blue and green and the air we breathe.
The food we eat, the crap we ****,
It all goes around,
Everywhere around our pale blue dot.
A carbon-based meaty crumbs,
We make a men-made blanket all over the surface of our pale blue dot..
But, it's getting hot..
Let's not turn our greasy green carbon-based life into ash and dust.
For we are hope and a wonder made in light,
Let's cure our planet called Dirt.
And then let's go out to space and make others like Earth.
Let's move forward,
And be seen out in the stars' open sight.
Let us be galactic species, all good and right,
Glorified in eternal height.
KT Sep 2015
Enveloping darkness
clusters around me,
leaving me sightless, soundless -
My chest wishes to burst open for the only thing left is
the slow clutch of my grieving hand
riping away the dead flesh
that surrounds my fleeing heart
and crushes my hollow bones
so darkness can eat away the warmth
that slowly pumps away -
fading into a steady buzz,
leaving me dead... I'm gone.
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