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Cripp Jan 2014
a chest that tightens, a hold that grips
a life that slowly dies while still breathing
all I really need is for someone to be there
just to confirm I'm not alone in this struggle
wrestling with things that force the locks of sanity

we hold on, we conform
but if we let go of expectations, how easy it could be
the battle to maintain claims a severe price in time and soul
can we just be there for each other, dear?

thank you for being there, for breathing
Cripp Jan 2014
blowing on the cusp of the new
comes expanding moments of clarity in smiles and hearty welcome, is it any real?

can you hold onto those long reins of power in your grasp
as well as to the heart you flung in that corner, far from eyes, yet close enough to singe?

can you dare to unfold your fears packed in wads and unravel your ire
can you afford to hold me?

you will hear the song sung for you, penned by this heart so steeply in love
sung for you, by choristers at some interment
Cripp Jan 2014
on leaves you peck off with the lightness of ease
sunspots pierce through and green light shines
light rains fall
and its regular beat goes in time with mine

I'm glad for your will that bends
means you make room for another
namely, me

may light rains fall on
and give relief to your sad but beautiful heart
Cripp Jan 2014
room for members only
inclusion to the party or left outside
for some reason, you’re not good enough - - - go away!

racks and rows of sorrowful pain come beating, like rain
in an endless circuit, it runs a spool
subtlety plays its wicked game of tug and pull, and horror is a resident in a dilapidated hostel
croakers dive into lucky packets, curing ails by tearing off layers of skin
these leechcrafters perfect the axiom, regurgitating sedatives to enact fever struck pattern
sawing bones into finest dust stream, disabling balm by wilting growth

only the knowers know what’s happening
keep the outsiders out
it’s a secret party - - - not all are welcomed
Cripp Dec 2013
the moments lost in your eyes, beyond beautiful
relief spills in glad beats for your good fortune

keep smiling and all good to you
you are beyond beautiful to me
Cripp Dec 2013
I long to place my arms around you
and to tell you things I lose courage in
instead these words I fail to utter
fair and square
are found printed beneath my soles

and one day, when I leave
you will find them
in the sands of time

that other time where dreams are allowed to live and breathe
in harmony with the real
Cripp Dec 2013
a most beautiful day, disaster takes a well deserved break
it's smiles and happiness
light humor
good time on a high
disaster on leave

thanks to the heavens for prayers answered
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