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 Jan 2015
Louis Brown
I knew the man who stole more miles
Along the southern rails
Fifty-five years he rode those trains
On plains and mountain trails

I don't know what possessed my kin
If running from or to
But he loved those long freight trains
The only home he knew

It wasn't that he cared so much
Where those big wheels would roll
It was always in the going
That satisfied his soul

You couldn't tie my cousin down
On icy days or warm
A whistling train was in his thoughts
The day he bought the farm

I'm very sure what Heaven's like
For that old pal of mine
It has to be a long long freight
On a long long railroad line.....
Copyright Louis Brown
 Jan 2015
Louis Brown
Passion is born
From chemistry
And the human touch
Combine that with love
And you're off
In a rush
Such desperate haste
When passions connect
Climbing to pinnacles
So sweet
To collect
 Jan 2015
Louis Brown
Once I dreamed of a future heaven
Where all the angels since creation
Joined together and offered each spirit
One wish upon the podium of the mightiest kingdom
And I chose to focus the great spotlight
Across the massive audience of faces
I shined my light over many turning heads
Until I found her there shy and selfless
This gentlest and most angelic creature I could imagine
We hugged for long moments and I took her  to  the front of God's witnesses
This mother who made my life something of worth
Who never forsook me through all my years on earth
Making sacrifices for me every breath of her life
Performing countless expressions of love.....
And I wanted her to know what she meant to me
So when we finally arrived back at the podium I bent my knees
To the most unassuming soul in all creation
I respectfully shouted to God far up and behind the podium
Please bless this dear most kindest spirit that clay ever wore
The only one who would have given her life for me
Because she did...she did...My God...This Mother did!!!
And God came down to the little angel at His feet
He took his forefinger and lifted up her chin gently
And gifted her with the whitest wings within the crowd
Then mother smiled and looked so proudly at me
She put a hand on my shoulder, looked up to God
Thank you, My God, thank You and bowed again
And all the angels marveled at the tear on God's cheek
Rolling down His cheeks as the choir sang so beautifully
And it would be a day never to be forgotten in Heaven
 Jan 2015
Louis Brown
Who is that in my old easy chair
That old familiar face looks so still
Looks like me but it's not breathing
Does it mean it's time for leaving
Before my obligations are fulfilled

I woke up and realized it's just a dream
Gotta get it back together once again
I just want to keep it honest
Follow up on things I've promised
Make use of precious time to every end

Lord, I've got some making up to do
There's so many many dreams to carry thru
Let me walk this road on further
I've done so little for my brother
        Lord, I've got some making up to do

I want waste this chance to get it right
Let me live it to the fullest Lord I plead
My old pasture's looking green now
It's all ambitious dreams now
My obituary's much too soon to read
        Tag:  Lord, I've got some making up to do

A good song here, too.
A man calls her on the phone
Nothing to worry about
Just an old friend of the past

But the mind plays tricks
When you are far away
Thoughts come too fast

Jealous minds blind you
You never see the truth
You see what you think instead

Jealous minds can trick you
They can eat you up inside
They play games in your head

Love is built on compromise
The foundation of trust
It is what you need to believe

Angry thoughts can always destroy
When the demons come out to play
Do not suffocate her or she will leave

But we never see in our hearts
That they are the one for us
We always think it will go wrong

No one will ever take them away
For they love you as much as life
Because that love always grows strong
copyright Chris Smith 2010-
 Nov 2014
Louis Brown
[One of my favorite studies in human nature.  This isn't written to downgrade mankind in particular.  I find most men to be pretty good guys.  This man is a pitiful awful exception.
He also hacks PCs and ruins them for using computers for what they were invented for].  He virtually ruined my song writing business.  May plagues and pestilences follow him each day of his life.

You let me see the worst in man
The rotten in his soul
His evil just a root from hell
His center of control
I grant he does not hide it
Invites my eyes to see
The evil he is caught up in
Yet strangely happily
He spares few gifts of kindness
It stays inside to fester
He and Lucifer are friends
And work so well together
He goes to church I guess to see
Some pilgrims wear a smile
He can't assimilate such love
It's poisons his own bile
He's wickedness on man's two legs
Who'd turn all good to bitter
God sees his handiwork go forth
And now might reconsider
This cannon loosed upon the world
This creep He has created
A hemorroid of mankind
So driven,  constipated
A feces of a fellow
A buzzard full of pukey
Don't step in none on Evans Mill
That chartreuse jinx is spooky
 Oct 2014
Louis Brown
It was all just a dream so real
that night we had such fun
I dreamed we got closer,
hanging on like one
And when my dream went deeper
The laughter went along
And soon I came to notice
the night  could not go wrong
I let ten happy fingers
go running through your hair
My appetite for you
was heating up the air
The lacy silk upon your chest
revealed a sweet outline
Where there were two impressions
I kissed one at a time
The fantasy was beautiful
That lovely night I spent
And dreams don't make you guilty
when you see the fallen tent
 Jun 2014
I was in an abusive relationship once.. But it was a bit different.

You see, he was always the last thing on my mind before I went to sleep, and the first thing on my mind when I woke up.

He used to kiss me softly every night before I went to sleep.

He used to wake me up gently in the mornings and make me breakfast. He would run my bath water to the perfect temperature.

He used to escort me to the bus stop before work when the sun was yet to relieve the night sky of its shift.

He was always there. He lived in my mind and that's where he birthed complacency.

His first name was What, and his last name was If.

He never gave me time to myself, he never let me speak.

I tried to walk out on him. I swear I did, but he'd visit me at 4 a.m. and I would simply let him in. He would keep me up all night, forcing himself on me... In me. He wouldn't leave when I cried get out.

I was in an abusive relationship once, as scary as it is, I might still be.

All this time I thought it was a man, but what if, What If is a she?

What if all this time it was myself?

I've finally came to see.

What if all this time, What If is really me?
Have you ever struggled with, What If?
 May 2014
Louis Brown
You're the prettiest
Of the songs
I ever wrote
You warmed every lyric
Every note
When I look at you my pen
Pours words that never end
Oh the goodness there
Is more than words can quote
You're the prettiest
Of the songs
I ever wrote
 Apr 2014
I wanted my passion back..
This was who I was, and I wanted her to visit.
Even for a brief moment, so I can kiss myself on the forehead upon my return.
And actually say goodbye when she decided to leave.
I wanted her back.
My passion.
I wanted my poetry.. Back.
She fled from me.
Lost underneath the city sky, with false illumination from street cars named desire.
There was no North Star for her to follow, no way for her to venture back to my heart.
Like a turtle needing the moon to be led to the sea, I doubted she would ever make it back home
Extinction was the roughest of all possibilities but to mourn the loss of a love held selfish tendencies
I only missed her cause of how she made me feel not because of who she was or who she could have been
The manifestation of my pent up frustration came to set me free
Just pull the trigger
Nobody will miss her
Oh say can you see- what I am saying?
All I wanted was my passion back.
And it wasn't until I found G-d that I heard three knocks on the door saying

I haven't written in a while. When I put pen to paper again.. This is what came out.
 Mar 2014
It’s scary looking at someone that has every element and characteristic that you’ve asked G-d for in your most intimate prayers…

There’s something so nerve wrecking about looking someone in the eye and loving every piece of them without them even opening their mouths.

Realizing that you’re the ultimate side piece for it is from his side that you were created. He assures you of your position when he whispers, “I’ve found my rib” in your ear and takes your hand while he makes a vow to love you… And love you…
And love you.

And when they do, you stumble hand in hand 6 feet deeper into graves set in juxtaposition because so help me G-d not even death will do us part.


How was this made for me?

When did you do this G-d?

Did he ask for me too?

I don’t have to, sit by the window anxiously awaiting a package anymore.
G-d delivered, my exclusive mailman. 

Shipping was free.

I just had to believe.
I haven't written in a long time, hope you all enjoy this.
 Oct 2013
I hate finding myself staying up late

waiting by my phone

for a call you’ll never make

I hate you


before I sleep

I taste your name on my lips

followed by the words

I miss you
 Oct 2013
Nobody ever misses me right away.

I have a tendency of making my way into parts of your life that you don’t notice until long after I’m gone.

You’ll think of me in the laundromat, when someone three washers down has the same fabric softener I had just washed my clothes with the night before our first date.

You’ll think of me at the coffee shop, when someone ahead of you in line asks for three sugars and two creamers, like I used to.

You’ll think of me when your sister shows up to your house wearing the same nail polish I did the first time you kissed the back of my hand.

You’ll think of me when you’re in the car alone and you realize you don’t turn on the radio anymore, ‘cause our silence used to be better than whatever was playing.

You won’t really realize it until it’s too late and I’m too far gone.

Until I’m so deeply embedded into your memory and intertwined into your everyday life.

You won’t miss me immediately.

It’ll take some time.
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