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 Sep 2015
Zack Phillips
Shifting his gaze from my face to the ground
His twisted mouth shouts at me without a sound
Pleading with his stoic expression
To save him from his inner depression

Holding your hand like running water
Leading you, a lamb, slowly to slaughter
Not out of choice but because we must
To hope that are actions are ones we can trust

Smiling spite into suspicious spectators
Assuring them that there's nothing greater
Nothing greater than life's unfairness
To strip us of worth and force us to bareness

To remind them all that life is bleak
And its answers we're not meant to seek
Denying the purpose, the magic of life
Showing it is nothing but tremendous strife

You should know better than to think this way
To reconsider what you're trying to say
Because life may sometimes be far from gay
But that doesn't mean in the valley it stays

It means more than imaginable for life to just be
Its undeniable magic is not lost on me
Though there are limits on what we can see
Finding yourself through the ******* is key

Cause if you don't know who you are, then who will?
What then do you become except a flesh-bag with skills?
Why not sup from life's goblet until you've had your fill?
Why rise up in objection, voice scratchy and shrill?

You don't understand, that much is clear
It doesn't make sense that you're not filled with fear
How can you do anything when there's nothing to do?
How can you have an internal rendezvous with just you?

We are on different levels of thinking of stuff
And I don't mean for my words to be taken as gruff
But maybe your spirit is not up to *****
You know who gets going when the going gets rough

I hope you're not thinking that I've given up
That I've had my fill, and am done with my cup
I'm hoping that life can make a turn for the better
That it turns warm and sunny, with no need for a sweater

No, I'm still here for a reason; I'm not done yet
There's still a lot in life I'm trying to get
I'm not quite ready to admit this is the end
There's still to many wounds that need to mend

Now you are talking like a man with some sense
You've opened your mind, stopped being so dense
And though life's not perfect, from this point hence
Try to understand it, even though it's immense

I will do my absolute best
And I know someone else will take care of the rest
Just promise me one thing before you go
That you'll always be with me, that you'll help me grow

*I promise to you that I'll always be there
To take arms with you, and help you prepare
To fight back against things causing despair
No need to check by your side, I'm not going anywhere.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan

You have ravished my heart,
my sister my bride,
you have ravished my heart
with a glance of your eyes.
with one jewel of your necklace.
How sweet is your love , my sister, my bride!
how much better is your love than wine.
and the fragrance of your oils than any spice!
Your lips distill nectar, my bride.
honey and milk are under your tongue.
the scent of your garments is likethe scent of Lebanon.
A garden locked is my sister , my bride.
a garden locked a fountain sealed.
Your channel is an orchard of pomegranates.
with all choicest  fruits,
henna with nard.
nard and saffron, calamus
and cinnamon
with all trees of
myrrh and aloes,
with all chief spices -
a garden fountain , a well of
living water.
and flowing streams from Lebanon.

 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan

Millions, trillions and billions of follower's read our poems.
Poets write  their ideas and views in poem
All  of it gives their true opinion's to each other.
We exchange our feelings with each other
It gives us inner happiness to join our feelings with each other.
We admire, love ,and show our desire to each other.

 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan

There are sixty queens and eighty concubines,
and maidens  without number.
My dove, my perfect one, is the only one,
the darling of her mother,
flawless to her that bore her,
The maidens saw her and called her happy;
the queens and concubines
also, and they praised her.
Who is this that that looks forth like the dawn
fair as the moon, bright as the sun,
terrible as an army with banners?

 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan

You are beautiful as Tirzab, my love,
comely as Jerusalem ,
terrible as an army with banners.
Turn away your eyes from me,
for they overwhelm me!
Your hair is like a flock of goats.
moving down the slopes of Gilead.
Your teeth are like a flock of ewes.
that have come up from  the washing;
all of them  bear twins,
and not one among them is bereaved.
Your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranates behind your veil.

 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan

The Lord is my shepherd, I
shall not want.
He makes the lie down in
green pastures;
he leads me beside still waters;
he restores my soul
He leads me in right paths
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through
the darkest valley,
I fear no evil,
for you are with me ;
your rod and your staff-
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me.
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows,
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life.
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
my whole life Long.

 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Problem are many,
Solution are zero,
Outcome are null,
Profit is negative,
Business Capital is zero,
Production is down,
Market is slugish,
Requirement  is many
Employees are  insufficient,
Passing Ratio is greater,
Job's Ratio is null,
So Un Employment is on top of epic mountain.
Everyone is in depression.
So Sucide is on top.

 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan

Hello is platform of all poets to show ideas and imaginations.
It creates and generates new poets with talent hunts.
From World wide country with wide thoughts of  range from different minds.
Giving different opinions to each other and giving admirable reviews to each  other's poem.
By sharing emotions and ideas they show there feelings impressively.
Every poet have distinct features,thoughts,ideas and presentation in their poem.
At last not least shows goes on and on, but it never ends it remains forever.

 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan

Trin Trin Trin Landline rings Trin TrinTrin.
Dhak Dhak Dhak Heat beats ring Dhak Dhak Dhak.
TingTong  TingTong  Doorbell rings TingTong TingTong.
Peep Peep Peep Motorcar horn rings Peep Peep.
Why  not corruption bell rings to awake from corruption.

 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Capture the ways of old times memories
Remain forever in hearts ,
Memories are sweet times spend together,
Never forgotten from the mind,
Never erase from the mind,
Capture new wishes of hearts,
Some wishes are fulfill
Some wishes breaks our heart,
Good wishes makes our heart cheerful,
Bad Wishes terrifies our mind,
What to choose is in our hands
Where to apply it  in our minds.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
How  graceful are your feet in sandals,
O queenly maiden!
Your rounded thighs are like jewels,
the work of a master hand,
Your navel is a rounded bowl
that never lacks mixed wine.
Your belly is a heap of wheat,
enriched with liliies.
Your two ******* are like two fawns,
twins of a gazelle.
Your neck is like an ivory tower.
Your eyes are pools in Heshbon,
by the gate of Bath rabbim
Your nose is like a tower of Lebanon,
overlooking Damascus.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Thank you  to all  my talented ,admirable,adorable,lovable poets.
Thank you for liking my poems and showing  your priceless  love towards me.
Thank you for sharing your love towards my poem.
I am great full , thank full to all poet community and all poets.
I love you to all poets with my heart and soul.
I keep admiring your poems and messages into my heart.
Finally thank you to Elliot for making these lovely site and for gathering all poets in one platform.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Upon my bed at night
I sought him whom my
soul loves.
I sought him but found him not,
I called him but he gave
no answer.
I will rise now and go about
the city
in the streets and in the
I will seek him whom my
soul loves.
I sought him but  found  
him not.
The sentinels found me,
as they went about in the city.
"Have you seen him whom
my soul loves."  
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