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Ciaran Treacy May 2012
I have all my best ideas
In the shower.
Perhaps I should just stay there
All day long.
Ciaran Treacy May 2012
I am both pilgrim and detective -
A kind of penitent Poirot -
Sifting through muddy reality
In search of a woman - THE woman.

She appears to me from time to time;
Glimpses abound in those around me.
A riddle unsolved, a question unasked;
In love with what I cannot see.

We may even have met already.
Something missed at the time may grow
And consume - a glance, a polite word;
Some hidden gem revealed by time.

Her nature, like her face, eludes me.
Is she some noirish Nemesis,
With omnipresent cigarette haze
And the knell of doom in her heel-clack?

Or the timid nerd of the high school,
Revealed as a radiant beauty
Sans horn-rims, ponytail and books
(On reflection, that's probably me).

Shall we be tragic starstruck lovers,
Cut off in the peak and prime of love
To become a cliché for journalists
And poets immune to irony?

Or perhaps she is all of these things
Arrayed in sublime splendour,
Shifting dreamlike through modes of being
Which illuminate each other.

Besides, I am surely mistaken.
It is a poet's weakness in me:
Reducing his imagined beloved
To convenient literary types.

Just as well: moulds are tedious
No-one worth knowing fits into one
(My apologies to moulded readers -
You are probably happier than I).

Yet, without knowledge, I know her
Even as I search tirelessly.
For I know everything about her
(Save only her identity).
Ciaran Treacy May 2012
The longer I stare at your picture on the screen
The closer I imagine us to be.
Pixels arranged in your shape
Form a convincing illusion:
Ersatz love.

That little (1), that yearned for harbinger -
Words of love, of friendship
Are imminent, a mere click away.
Breathless, I make the leap
And learn all about the exciting new program of the Minnesota Orchestra.

I pressed my lips against my message to you.
The screen was warm against my lips.
I inhaled the fragrance of your reply.
It smelt of warm plastic.

I waited all day by the radio for my request:
The one portion of influence I could exert
Over fluid swirling chaos.
They never played it.

You didn't reply to my final text of the conversation,
As if you'd walked away and left me talking to myself.
It was then that the pettiness of my complaints
Truly struck me.

— The End —