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silhouettes above my head
hold me down like  paperweight,
the earth crumbles beneath me
and separates into quaking plates;
a toxic air instigates choking breaths
along my gasping throat that strains,
I am graveled as I contemplate
what my path is when I graduate.
a key
f r e e d o m,
wave our flags
and renounce our forfeit
b e l i e v e
and place the crown upon thee
for standing
^u p^
and turning the key
that enables our country's
d i g n i t y
we fight
to protect
we deserve
r   e   s   p   e   c   t
for as a team
we take the throne
they are coming home
© Christopher Rossi, 2010
hair laced with condensation,
beading moisture streams with fluid
motion down my forehead
as I sweat the day away
amongst the land of incompetence

"can i help you?"
"can i help you?... can i help your lazy ***?!"

feet will not relax,
a constant swaying motion
a blood flow clots within my toes
and suffocates my freedom
of relaxing or letting go

if that ***** scolds me one more time…!

That empty water glass,
It sweats as well
forming a permanent liquid stain
atop the desk a ring of Hell

a ring of Hell for sure-
*room 154
© Christopher Rossi, 2010
a dull pencil
lay to the left of me
and the glass of water is dry,
to the point
the atmosphere hath licked
the contents away with spiteful pride.
a message blinks intermittent
as my file lay awake
with blood-shot eyes and frustration,
this job I cannot take.
© Christopher Rossi, 2010
this age of existence strikes
an honesty that prevails
it disappoints the generations
perhaps this age has failed

liberal humanism condemns
America's noble stance
a selfish congregation builds
a mosque on hallowed land

for we elected those
who dug us in a hole
in debt, our freedom spent
and now this wretched toll

it's about sensitivity,
we need a peace of mind-
change, our leader must make,
but he's on vacation all the time
© Christopher Rossi, 2010
From a nail, the clock hangs reading half past five
A sentenced man dangles by the dental floss that ends his life.
Minty fresh, it maybe- a thin poisonous remedy
to free his captured soul and clear the grooves between his teeth.
Is it freedom or is it selfish?
Certainly subjective,
to the life he was given,
to the family who loves him.
Now the miracle child hangs
and his teeth begin to stain...
© Christopher Rossi, 2010
You are a humble gust of wind,
your kiss dances on my chin,
a tango, certain of a flow-
step one
I love you.
What else is there to say-
for last night, my mind had gone astray
and I abused your gentle gust,
I disturbed your peace in us.
I do not regret my mistake,
though you did not deserve the tongue I gave.
I know you forgave
and would never stop loving me.
Within our book, a coffee stain-
I am sorry for the mess I made.
© Christopher Rossi, 2010
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