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Chelsea Nov 2013
Everyone around me seems to
be dizzy in love, but that's so
above me. Lying to myself, I
love the idea of being in love.
Yet my heart is emptier than the
bottle of ***** on his desk. I'm
just stringing you along, like I
always do. Desperate to feel
something more, I do this
Chelsea Nov 2013
pierced flesh stings when
your hook sinks in my skin.
hanging limp, I'm submissive
to your gaze; hot blood sears my veins.
tender flesh rips apart and
tendons reach their breaking point.
snapped. flailing. dangling.
your mouth waters at the struggle
and curves into a grin,
lusting for a piece of my skin.
Chelsea Sep 2013
I never abandoned you,
I swear.

I didn't mean to leave you
All alone.
If I had stayed,
Could I have saved you
the way you saved me
five years ago?
The days you still needed me
and gave my life purpose.
You are still my light,
The reason I breathe.
They took me away from you.
I swear.

I wasn't there for you..
But I never wanted to go.
I wasn't there,
The moment your blood began to freeze
or when the light
drained from your eyes.
I can hear your laughter dull
after every new addition
of self-inflicted displays of pain
on the paper thin skin of your wrists.
Please, no more scars
The razor cuts more than your skin.
Keep the pills where they belong
Don't leave me
I left you behind,
but you were never truly alone.
I'll keep you safe.

I swear.
Chelsea Sep 2013
My heart's not beating anymore.
Stagnant blood pollutes my veins
     I'm rotting from the inside out
Chelsea Aug 2013
Memory is a tenuous thing
At times it is lost, like a leaf in the wind
Other times it grips so tight
That my breath is short and my head is light

The bottle in your hand reminds me we're here,
spilling out dusty images and intricate fear
often hidden away behind closed doors.
Through the neck of that bottle escapes some more
of your hate to seep into my skin, once again

Mama, your vice may keep you safe;
the pain dissolves by hiding your face.
With your eyes closed, break the glass
and slit your throat to forget the past
Chelsea Aug 2013
I am a clam
without a pearl.
Instead, I protect secrets
To some, this would be a disappointment

Yet your eyes burn a hole right through me
Past my hard shell, exposing vulnerability
Pried open, my guts spill and fill your hands

You eat them all up, driven by
desire to piece me back together...
to make me whole, if only temporarily

I am safe, ****** in by your embrace.
my limbs entwine with yours;
your voice soothes me to sleep
July 2010
Chelsea Aug 2013
Bound and gagged,
tossed into the ocean...
you are content with
the water filling your lungs.
Unable to move or speak,
you slip deep into
a drug-induced sleep.
Falling further into the
recesses of your mind;
where are you now?
From underwater,
you can't hear my screams
for help
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