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Bridgette Jester Jan 2014
My mind rapid fires ideas so quickly from point A to Z, that I often forget the steps it took to get there. So when I go to explain my transparent and rational solution; I often sound insane. Good thing great minds are more times than none considered to be maddened.
Bridgette Jester Jan 2014
Black and white is a paradox for the colors only I can see.
Open your eyes, and follow me.
I'll show you the shades and shadows that lie in between (us).
Take a walk on thin ice, and you will see how I dance in a universe, so surreal.
Out of the box we call our world; holding captivate our human nature.

I dream in infinite parallels.
You call me gray; I call you shallow and blind.
Widen your eyes and nurture your depths.
Allow my neon hues to warm up your soul and radiate life into your shutdown veins.
For tomorrow you shall wake anew; and have forgotten what once seemed so luminous.
Bridgette Jester Aug 2013
Have you ever wondered what it would be like?
and have you ever questioned what to do with your time?
'Cause one day it all seems just fine.
But then you come to realize here is gone.
and you're left asking yourself why.

So you try to retrace your steps
only to forget what lies ahead.

and we dance around in circles
slowly spinning
we spiral down.

Could you lift me up?
So I can breath.
Treading water.
I am sinking underneath.

I'm lost at sea.

Retrace my tracks
I try to get back.
But there's an ocean
in between.

and we dance around in circles
slowly spinning
we spiral down.
reaching out to find new ground.
we're all confound
searching for home.

Hooo~hooo hooo~ hoo
hoo~hoo hoo~hoo

and we dance around in circles
watch as we continue to
violently spin
this time
it's make or break.
will we sink or swim?

and we dance around in circles (x5)
These are song lyrics to a new song I am working on... feedback is always appreciated.
Bridgette Jester Jul 2013
You excrete the truth from my love locked veins,
and I find myself falling for you again.
Now I'm insane.

We walked a long dark path
and now we're struggling to get back.

Dear, can you hold me till it's over?
Won't you move a little closer, darlin?
So we can dance.

We smother our will,
and choke on our own words.
Baby, it's absurd.

We fumble over hope,
that someday we'll come clean.
Let's live out the dream
of just you and me.

We walked a long dark path
and now we're struggling to get back.

Dear, can you hold me till it's over?
Just move a little closer, darlin'.
So we can dance.

But, I will wake in the morning
and without a warning, or a sign,
there'll be no tracks of your goodbye,
and no alibis.

So I will wait, and I will wait, wait, wait, wait.
Cause that's all I know how to do.
When it comes to me and you.
Bridgette Jester Jun 2013
uncertainty has gotten the best of us both
we sit in silence speaking a million words
Shadows dance across the floor
as our tongues fumble over the thoughts
were too afraid to speak

don't irrationalize the rational darling
when heart beats tick in reverse
we stumble over endings
while dreaming only to transverse

Follow me down the darkest hallway
we'll come out where the light has crossed
Only time can bring us answers now
as we flee from apparent insanity
and lie shameful in hope of something more

but we can't irrationalize the rational darling
when heart beats tick in reverse
we stumble over endings
while dreaming only to transverse

This counterclockwise love affair
has worn us far too thin
so turn the hand and speak out
because I'm ready to begin
Bridgette Jester Jun 2013
Splintered and sinister,
this cracked country
comes to wither.

Are we one,
or the forgotten?

******, we cower in the hate for
that of which was once so proud.

Severed souvenir civilians
can we come to root the Earth again?
Intertwine our truths,
that have torn at the fault lines
of  this rattled nation?

Stand tall now with the world
we shall soon sing in sweet harmony.
"Watch the things we gave our lives to broken;
and stoop and build us up with worn out tools"
Yet, forget not those who shall drown,
as they watch their castles crumble;
for they will too soon become enlightened.

Peaceful pirates set sail,
and ignite this tyranny
with quiet kerosene;
so we may unearth again
how the truth shall set you free.
Bridgette Jester Jun 2013
Here I sit again
drained out, washed up and fingers worn;
left to wonder where the time has gone.

This disillusion I have dreamt of before
and I remain unfulfilled
holding steady for another day
but I wait in discontent

Soft and steady spiral
shoot me up to the heavens
trigger pressed
i rifle towards the skyline

In search of the unknown
I fly around aimlessly
plucking the clouds from the sky
one by one

Shimmering twilight
another day has since come to pass.
Without a hault,
I am going nowhere fast.

Puppet of this upset dynasty,
I parade around a "united" soldier
fallen to shambles under
a shameless facade.

They have stolen the dignity
of our fathers without blinking.
Onward we must march
before this ship is done sinking.
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