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Brianna Nov 2013
I see you at the drive through with that silly bow tie & I don't get tongue tied because I don't know you and I told everyone I think you're interestingly cute not on a *******'re so hot shallow way but unique.  I don't know you & I'm not infatuated with you I just find you interesting.
It's cold outside I can tell winter is sadly making it's way in this desert town and I have to warm my car up in the morning... What a drag.
I'm lost right now I just want to spill my guts out to some random person about my life and I hope they can make sense of how completely confused I am... I think this Is a journal entry rather than a poem.
My best friend and I aren't speaking & I got so drunk I texted the boy I'm madly in love with twice in the most pathetic fashion and woke up with a hangover and some shame and drove over to Starbucks walked inside to see the guy with that silly bowtie.

I have to get out of Reno.
I need a fresh start so bad. Somewhere where people don't know my name
Brianna Nov 2013
I remember photoshoots in my room making my parents take our pictures. I remember late nights conversations about cute boys & stupid friends. I remember passing notes & walking through the halls of high school.
See I remember you before you were on these anti anxiety depression medication. Before you decided you needed them to get by in life and I told you I. Understood. I said I still had your back no matter what.
Now you're a different person.
Now you lie about being so in love and so happy.
I try and tell you to get off those pills but you won't listen.
And so I ask... What happened to my best friend?
What happened to the carefree girl who went on adventures?
And I ask... If you're so happy why are you still taking those pills crying at night?
I miss my best friend.
I miss how you used to be now you're just so different.
Brianna Oct 2013
There was something so delicate in the way she told me she was scared; it was almost hypnotic.
She was a liar.
It was beautiful the way she held her head high and took the punishment she knew she would get; it was terrifying.
She was a fighter.
The day she took that fist and punched that girl was the day I knew I had lost her; She wasn't innocent anymore.
She was trouble.
We were never close ya know? We never said 'I love you' or 'Have a great day' no... we were just there.
She was gone.
But today I felt bad... I wanted to tell her it would be okay and that she could get out of this rut if she wanted to... but I knew that wasn't happening.
She was changing.
She would turn into our mother soon.. a lowlife nothing.
There was something painful watching her grow up..
Because as much as I wanted to hate her for who she became...
*She was my sister.
I wish things were different for you... you don't have to be her.
Brianna Oct 2013
blonde hair blue eyes--
you're words scream rude and arrogant--
no one likes you can't you see?
Brianna Sep 2013
I walked and walked and walked until my feet were bruised and swollen and bleeding.
I cried that day... all ******* day... and I didn't care one bit who saw me.
I ran that night, on my bruised, swollen, and bleeding feet, I just wanted to feel the pain.
I wanted anything and everything to hurt on my body to make me forget what you did.
I washed the pain away with whiskey and gin-- because I knew it would make sick.
I smoked the whole day-- Just because I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.

Yesterday I felt the pain in my body... the pain I had felt for so long in my heart.
And yesterday I saw you kiss her when you had told me you loved me.
Yesterday I watched you pack your ****... my eyes burning holes into your perfect back.
And yesterday I broke the window of her car, glass shattered across her face, and I felt no shame when she cried or you yelled.
And yesterday I walked and walked and walked until my feet were bruised and swollen and bleeding because I just wanted you to know I can feel pain too.
Brianna Nov 2013
Old friends and broken memories
Filled with lyrics from pop punk and ******* bands.
I'm swaying in the wind with thoughts of distant lands and far away places with no one who knows me.
I'm not afraid anymore.
I'm not worried about being alone anymore.
Please forgive me in the end.
Brianna Nov 2013
Sing to me when the wind blows so she can carry your tune back home-
Breathe the open air from a top the mountains that sit like kings waiting for a cup of tea-
You look so beautiful covered in gold; royal and daring as you make your commands.
And as I, a noble peasant, am who i am your wish is my command-
When winter sends her chills towards my summer heart I hope you'll keep me warm-
I hope you'll grab my hand or kiss my lips as we sip hot coco next to the open fire-
I miss the autumn colors and the way they flowed so nicely with your sky blue eyes-
It's that time of year again when people kiss under mistletoe and love under Christmas lights-
And as I sit alone wrapped in an old blanket and your sweater... I hope you're the happiest you've ever been-
Brianna Nov 2013
I like you enough
To let you
Keep talking ****
About me...
Because the funny part
Is that
Can't stand myself anyways.
How sad
How terrible you just made
Brianna Sep 2013
Rain falls harder each time the clock moves its hands.
With each passing minute I am spinning further from reality.
The drugs are not kicking in and I can’t seem to focus on anything anymore.
I hear the neighbors downstairs; they are yelling and slamming their doors.
The neighbors behind me have the same anger problems that everyone else around me has.
I can’t sleep anymore as the paranoia kicks in I am losing all control.
Was that the door? Is someone trying to break in? Is someone in the house or am I really alone?
Paranoid and alone I dread the moment I actually fall into that peaceful sleep afraid of what will happen if I don’t wake up.
I’m scared and no one understands this terror I feel each night before I go to sleep.
There’s no reason for it I’m letting my imagination get the best of me as I walk down that dark hallway.
Turning on all the lights in the house just doesn't help me as much as it should.
Tonight I’ll sleep on the couch again wishing for a cure to this state of mind.
Hoping tomorrow I can retreat to the bedroom again and sleep in my bed and not be afraid of the darkness that surrounds me.
Brianna Nov 2013
I wanted to **** time with you until my head spun around and around with dizziness that you make me feel.
But by the end of the night we sat awkward and drunk counting the minutes till sunrise when I could sober myself up to drive home...
You said you no longer wanted to be alive.
I told you you were just drunk and I loved you.
You yelled at me from across the table asking so many questions I couldn't answer and I just cried.
Because I loved you so much... And I wish I could give you a mirror to show you how I enamored every single piece of you.
And I would write you letters every day telling you how amazing you are in every way.
I would kiss you every hour, every second of the day if it would bring you out of this funk.
Instead we sat at your dining room table staring at each other with sadness and fear... Drunk and reminiscing the better days... Eating Mac n cheese...
I will love you till the day I die and beyond.. As pathetic as it may seem.
Brianna Nov 2013
You're like my favorite flower...
I could look at you all day and you'd just get better each second.
You're like the rain on a sunny day...
It sounds so sad but it's the freshest break in summer.
You're the perfect memory; the one I'll never forget nor want to lose.
I could go on for days about your handsomeness and even your flaws and it still wouldn't be enough to describe....
How perfectly suited we are for each other or
How perfectly enamored with every single piece of you I am...
Brianna Sep 2013
Pitter Patter against the roof as I climb up those stairs with the weight of the world on my shoulders. Pitter Patter against the cold, wet windows…As I stare out into the cloudy day with tears pouring like the rain. Pitter Patter goes my heart as I start to sink more and more into the depression haunting my soul. Pitter Patter goes the dogs’ tail as he lies watching me stare into the nothingness that has become my life. What did I do wrong this time? Has failure and defeat finally set in? My heart beats… slowly but surely I know I am still alive. Pitter Patter as I walk down those stairs with nothing to lose. Pitter Patter against those cold, wet windows…I look for a sign of something more. Pitter Patter goes my heart as I walk back out the door with a feeling of hope in my soul. Pitter Patter goes the dogs’ tail as he walks next to me down the street searching for that tiny thing called hope…
Brianna Oct 2013
Even  this map
Won't help
In finding the real you.
Brianna Sep 2013
I'm trading in sleep for long nights of Midori Sours and New Found Glory blasting through the speakers in my room.
I'm trading in time with friends for solitude and The Wonder Years telling me to become a pirate for the **** of it.
I spend more time drinking away the pain and listening to Pop Punk then I do trying to better myself.
I tell myself to get the **** out of bed but then Blink-182 reminds me of you and I go down another beer.
As The Sweller's told me last night "I wish you could see inside my head..." but you don't actually give a **** anymore.
I'm pretty sure if I took the time to get out of bed and go make something of my life again you would come back... but I'm feeling self pity and I'll stick to my Pop Punk Remedies for now.
Brianna Oct 2013
Rows of daisies surround me as I lie in this grass dreaming of hollow bottles etched in gold--
I don't often dream of princesses and castle made of gold but when I do I go big--
You left me at the alter in a white dress holding flowers you hand picked the day before--
You told me beautiful lies about distant lands & we knew money could buy us just enough happiness--
I felt selfish and shallow, taking the money you handed to me like it was free candy it you insisted it was what I had to do--
And it's okay now since you left me beacause I'm finding a cure--
I've let my hair down and walked into the open fields that surround me letting the sun shine down on my face --
I made a crown of flowers as I took a deep breath & realized I wasn't meant for the royal life--
You left me at the alter in a white dress with cheap flowers you said you hand picked and I left you six feet beneath the ground in debt--
Trying something new let me know your thoughts I'm curious how to make this better :)
Brianna Oct 2013
There is so much beauty hidden beneath a simple scar.
They hold the mystery or the adventure or the tragedies that make us individuals.
The jagged lines or the straight through cuts or the gnashes on our wrists make us survivors.
There is so much life hidden beneath the faults on our bodies and we hide them to make us feel like we never did the things we did... but why?
Brianna Oct 2013
Chaos brewed in my heart with each sip of that sweet, sweet poison.
When I'm sober I feel pain.
Tragedy fell in love with the Sinner across the room he led her straight to hell with one breath of cancerous smoke.
When I'm sober I feel...
Hope will lead me to my demise and I'll fall head first into the darkness surrounding his heart.
When I'm sober...
Blurry vision an slurred words he took my hand lead me down the rabbit hole laughing through the dark tunnels.
When I'm...
Tears running down her face Tragedy waited for her Sinner to come back to stop the sobering pain she started to feel...
Brianna Sep 2013
I knew this girl who lived by the sea up somewhere in Oregon... never could I remember the **** city.
She used to write me letters... she would tell me all about her life there, about the nature around her and the way the trees would speak to her during the rain storms... I always said she was born in the wrong era.
She was beautiful this girl... Blonde hair to her waist, bright green eyes that seemed to glow in the dark... she was spunky too always had to argue with someone about something. We had been best friends for years and I loved her like family.. but people
She used to tell me how she quit smoking years back... She just didn't feel the need to anymore after living by the sea... but she said she would go on her porch holding a stick pretending to smoke just to remember how it felt to be sad... I always thought that was the craziest thing I had ever heard until I did the same thing one day.

I knew this girl she lived by the Sea somewhere in Oregon... I always wish  I could remember the city. She killed herself last week.. Jumped off a bridge into that blue ocean.
I was told it was a cloudy day and she wore a long skirt and flowers in her hair... she was stunning I was told... She called that day, left me a message on my phone, I was working couldn't answer you know the usual ******* excuses we give.

I knew this girl... and everyday I wish I still knew her...
Brianna Oct 2013
I can't remember the sound of your voice, well I can ever so slightly, and I can't remember the way you smiled at things... Those little things.  I try to remember the way your lips felt against mine or the way you played with my hair but these memories are slowly fading.

love me I beg you.
leave me you say softly.

Cigarettes and coffee I'm slowly killing myself with caffeine and nicotine... Everything you hate. I can't sleep anymore, the nightmares of our past fill my head, I just remember so much.. But sometimes it feels better to just give in.

i want to die I whispered to an empty room.
i need you in my life I cried to an empty room.

My friends laugh at me... I have always been so independent except when you come around.
I lose control.
I lose rationality.
I lose all emotions besides lust and love... I become so weak

And I just want you to know... i love you
Even though you'll never realize how much... I truly love you.
Brianna Nov 2013
I can't catch my breath I keep yelling at the mirror about now angry I am.
Tears flow down my face like rivers in the mountains we used to hike in.
WHY I scream just tell me WHY.
PLEASE I cry please just tell me you are joking!
I am sick of the lies people tell when they can't stand the fact they know they are wrong.
I can't stop the two faces people who pretend they love me just as much.
It's getting cold and my heart is freezing over just like the ice on the road.
And hopefully I drive safe enough before I spin completely out of control.
And hopefully the ice melts fast enough before I can't feel my toes.  
Anger floods my eyes with hot quick flashes of fury I know I'm getting over you.
Pain settles in but it's all going to be okay once I stop ******* crying.
Brianna Nov 2013
She danced over waterfalls with the moonlight making her milky skin glow.
Singing the night sing she spread her wings and burst into the flames of the Phoenix being reborn into beauty.
Morning came to early and her eyes held a tiny bit of sadness but she kept dancing through the golden rays.
Love was her name and madness was her favorite game.
Russian roulette never stood a chance against her and her gun.
As the night fell making way for a new time, a new day, she smiled on and held her head higher then the moon and the sun.
Love was the one.
Brianna Oct 2013
I keep driving hoping to find the piece of me I lost way back when. Hoping the next town or city I hit will be the place I know I have to stay. As people pass me by and building grow from small to skyscrapers I'll keep dreaming of better times. The times when we were young and naive. The time when love was love and lust was just a word we hadn't quite figured out the definition yet. Back to when you loved me and I loved you. As I drive through the country I dream of a new me. A happier person with goals and a plan. A me with only the best memories that make me smile instead of cry. A me that people want to be around again.
I may not find the piece of me I lost so long ago... But I will sure find who I am supposed to be along the way.
Brianna Oct 2013
Her lips red like cherries
tasting slightly of dried blood.
Brianna Oct 2013
Will you take a moment and turn the clock back so I can see where it all went wrong?
Will you let me in? Will I let myself in?
Will you breathe in the fresh air of the Midwest and take in the green that surrounds you for just a moment?
Will you let your heart beat slow? Will I hear your heart calling mine??
I'm asking for you to take a deep breath... And smile because even though when backs are turned we start to cry; I want you to know I love you.
I love the pieces of you you can't see.
The pieces of you you don't want to be.
The memories we shared the life we had.
The happiness along with the sad.
So if you have one minute to spare will you turn the clocks back to undo what went wrong?
Brianna Oct 2013
I stand alone, sea sick, on this voyage through the firey pits of my self destructive mind.
I see the waves crashing back and fourth as I think about you and what you're doing over there on the east coast.
I see the fire rise in my chest when I remember you have my heart out there in the green fields of North Carolina.. And I wonder... Can I have that back?
You see you never did understand the concept of one and one makes two... It was more of one times one.
You never could grasp my love for you was so extreme I could barely walk talk or act when you came near.
There are nothing but grey clouds threatening to take down this ship I call My Life.
And as the ship makes it's way through the rough water treading water barely staying afloat, I start to sink... But what did you expect from a girl with anchors on her feet?
My first mate jumped **** back east and here I stand watching him paddle to shore without a wave farewell.
Brianna Oct 2013
Sleepless nights filled with emptiness--
You're my east coast heart--
Tired glances from you to I--
Fingers trace hearts on skin--
Lists of creatively shallow optimism--
I'm falling head over heels--
Wrap your hands around me--
Kiss me harder--
Love me deeper--
Follow me-
To this dark lonely grave--
I created this for only....
You & I --
Brianna Sep 2013
Guns were being fired the day you left for war. I couldn’t stop the tears that fell down my pale cheeks… there was nothing anyone could do to cheer me. I heard the children scream at me from the window but I couldn't console them… all I saw was you in a desert so far away. You told me nothing would happen; you said you’d come back safely. Those were the last words I ever heard from you. The last time I saw you was the day you walked down those stairs too a war that didn't deserve your help. Your eyes so full of love… your voice full of peace. A Minister would have been a better profession than a Marine. Now I stand at your grave with roses as red as the blood on your hands and I cry. I scream.... I fall… and I sit there begging the heavens above to bring you back to me. To not let this be the end of your smiling face or your warm hands holding mine, I scream that justice comes to those who have turned our blue skies grey. And I fall silent… and I pray that you and I will meet again in the future and that I shall never forget you. **I love you.
Brianna Nov 2013
Paint me the sunrise
Full of reds, pinks, and purples
Wih light clouds shaping the mountains hidden behind the rising suns glare as we drive towards the next adventure.
Yes.. Paint me a sunrise full of harmony
And watch as I fall head over heels
Beyond Madly in love
With nothing but
Brianna Nov 2013
Simplicity* was never our strong suit... We fought all the time.
It was always over the little things-- the wrong dish detergent, laundry, life?
Couples fight, sure, and love was supposed to be able to heal that but what happens when love is not enough?
What happens when your heart leans in one direction and his already flew off to the other side of the country?
Timing* was never our thing... We always fell in love at the wrong time...
It was always a battle with you -- I didn't love you enough or you didn't love me and it was exhausting..
You were so exhausting.
Because you had to have things perfect right?
Like those fairytales... Except sweetie, you're not a prince and you've lost that charm.
I'm also not a princess and I make mistakes... I make them regularly..
And so I asked you, what happens when love isn't enough to heal this heartbreak?
*You walked away.
Brianna Nov 2013
When the lights go out your voice fills my ears as you whisper how much you can't stand who I've become-
You told me once I needed to get my **** together and I laughed it off because I had no idea what to say-
You told me I changed; I was no longer happy & carefree but alone and sad inside my head-
I smiled and said you were crazy then went home and cried myself to sleep with the truth inside my heart-
I had this dream you would be the one to free me from the horrors I created for myself-
I had a thought you'd help me change my ways.. Make me a better person again-
But you're just like the rest of them; judgmental and rude-
You're lies of love deep through my heavy heart and fill my head with migraines I don't need-
Your words of truth make sure I remember each flaw I have-
And those beautiful green eyes haunt my dreams when the lights go out-
Brianna Sep 2013
Sunsets are always prettiest when you're around to watch them with me... but you're not here this morning again...
I watched the snow fall through the cracks in the ice around my window.. It's always warmer when you're there to hold my hand... but you weren't there again.
There was a soft breeze that flowed through my hair... It was almost spring again and I walked along the Santa Cruz coast hoping to see you running up to me.. but you never came around.
It's those little things that seem to scream your name when I least expect it... a song, a kiss from a stranger, a love note found in the attic.
It's those wild things that yell at me when I least want them.. the road trips, the makeup ***, the fights and the panic.
Sunsets seem to fall into place better when it's summer and they show red and purple skies... it's always better when you're around.
I'm sick of the snow falling so I've moved to California begging for some sunshine..wish you were around..
Brianna Sep 2013
There was something beautiful in the way we held hands on the beach that day like nothing was wrong..
It was cold and windy and the waves crashed around us so dangerously... but you were so perfect...
I have never loved and lost someone as perfectly deceiving as you.
"You know I love you right?" you asked me that so carefully with sadness filling in your green eyes.
I answered honestly, "No.. I don't."
You squeezed my hand and we watched the waves crash around us secretly hoping one of us would let go and walk into the sea and just drown.

**You know I love you right?
Brianna Oct 2013
There was something challenging in the way the barbed wire fence yelled at me to stay back… It was so taunting.
I find it difficult to keep my nose out of risky business… I like the rush and the fight of making it out alive.
You told me to wander around, you said ‘Get Lost’… most people take that as a bad thing but I left with a smile and a wave.
When I got to that old abandoned area I saw the sharp edges telling to back off and I screamed with laughter ‘CHALLENGE ACCEPTED’.

Oh to be Young.
Oh to be Wild.
Oh to be Free.
Brianna Oct 2013
You are cold water rushing over my head threatening to drown me or freeze my lungs with salt water... whichever sounds more painful. You are cold hands wrapped around my neck and black eyes that stand out for longer than a week. You're those hot summers full drought and there is no water anywhere in sight leaving me parched, begging for death. You're the last dance and the lack of kiss goodnight.  You're the bad taste in my mouth as I silently keep begging for more because like one of my favorite novels told me once
we accept the love we think we deserve.
Brianna Oct 2013
I liked you better when you were self harming and sad because at least then you paid attention.
You used to stand up for me and help me get through the day-- no you ignore me like I never knew you.
You used to tell me I was beautiful and gorgeous-- now you just say I'm pretty and okay.
You were the one who used to build me up when I was down-- now you tear me down every chance you get.
There was a time when my feelings meant everything to you but that was back when I said you were too nice
I told you I didn't like it when guys were nice to me and you told me you would never  change--I guess we both lied.
I told you that you were too clingy for me now all I want is for you to hold me and tell me you love me still.
You made it clear, I am nothing important anymore, and the worst part is I blame this entirely on myself.

If you wanted revenge you got it.
You win.

— The End —