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Jan 2014 · 224
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
I'd use the last breath in my chest
To speak your name
Jan 2014 · 492
fading away
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
I remember those white sheets and the covers pulled over our heads
And my head placed on your chest
I remember the exact rhythm to the beating of your heart
As if it were my favorite song stuck in my head
Replaying over and over again
A melody that floods my mind with memories
You made promises you swore you'd
Never break even if your life
Depended on it
Now look at us,
We're nothing but smoke from eachother's
Cigarettes drifting away in the air
Day by day
And as I lay here replaying those
Memories in my head
I glance over at the picture of us on the wall
Taken months ago
The color is fading
The memories are fading
And so are we
Jan 2014 · 252
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
"Doubt everything. Find your own light."
So I shut out the whole world
Believed not a single word a soul told me
And I found you to be my
Source of sunlight
Jan 2014 · 538
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
time is but an illusion
it was made into a concrete concept
so man could comprehend it logically
but time has no logic to it
time is nothing
yet time is everything
without the occurance of time,
things would be the same as they were
this time of year two years ago
back when things first began
between he and i
and its odd to think that
that almost 730 days i ago
i didnt even know who he was
and now
i cant ever seem to forget about him
Maybe with each passing day
As the clock ticks away
Time will bring us back
To where we once began

I might have to wait eternity,
But I've got time.
Jan 2014 · 661
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
He's an arrogant *******
Who likes the way it feels
When pills trickle down his throat
In a river of lemon iced tea
And the way the smoke from
***** and american spirit cigarettes
Fill his chest
He thinks he knows it all
He tells me stories of when he was a kid
Always breaking the rules
And doing what he wanted
As we sit outside by the fire
And he puts a glass bottle of beer to
His mouth
And I sit back with a smile on my face
Wishing times like these
could last forever
He tells me that what we behold
Is sacred;
That not many people get the chance
To bestow it and cherish it.
He told me that no matter what
He's here for me.
I came up with every "what if?" Scenerio
Never actually imagining that one day
He really wouldn't be here for me
But he reasurred me that there was
Absolutely not a thing I could do
To make him love me any less.
Now that was a long time ago
That was before our lives fell apart
And the words he said
Quickly faded
Just like the remains of the
fire that july night
I remember him also telling me
That sometimes things happen
And sometimes people change
I didn't ever think
That my own father
Could change his mind
And to think he said
He'd always be here,
Is like saying july nights last forever
And that fires never burn down to embers

And fade away
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
mud on the tires
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
I fell for a boy
Who wore muddy boots
Lights jeans
Who drove A cummins truck
With stacks on the back
With a confederate flag flying high
With pride
He liked tobacco
Whether it be cigarettes or dip
I remember telling him that they were
Bad for him
He smiled and inhaled the nicotine
Without a care in the world
That was before I smoked a pack a day
As you can see
That was almost a lifetime ago
Because he's gone
And now I'm addicted
Jan 2014 · 419
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
There's a reason that the sun arises
Each morning
It is a possible new beginning
for everyone to take advantage of
There's a reason
The waves of the ocean always
Come crashing back onto the shore
It is a way to never lose touch
Of home
There's a reason for the stars beyond us
Burning and Shining
There's a reason for the seasons
That seem to quickly pass by
Except in times of coldness
There's a reason the world spins
There's a reason the moon beams
At night
It guides unfourtunate souls
Who wander and may be lost
Providing light
But along with all these wonders in life,
I'm not sure of the reason
If there's a reason
I stumbled across you
And that's where it began
Jan 2014 · 555
that one boy
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
There was a boy whom I knew
Inside and out
Backwards, sideways, and upside down
I think I knew him almost better than I
Knew my own self.
We grew together for some time
He was by my side through
The darkest of days
Always there to ease the pain
And he was
also there
On the most soothing nights
When life was full of bliss
And we'd sit on my roof star gazing
Talking about what we wanted out
Of this thing called life.
This boy gave me everything,
Treated me beyond wonderful,
But the boy reminded me too much
Of myself,
So I had to let him go.
We were so similar,
Yet so very different,
And the time to say goodbye
Was now manditory.
So we went our seperate paths
Things were left unsaid
And bitterness and
Hatred grew within.
I never meant to hurt the boy,
It was never my intention
To cause pain to the fragile heart
Of a boy who
saved me once upon a time.
I don't think I like to admit it,
But I cared about that boy,
That's why
I had to let him go.
Jan 2014 · 2.1k
just breathe
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
i dont know what to think. i dont know what to do. i love him. right?
yes, i do.
but no, i dont, i can't.
why am i still thinking about you?
yes, he makes me smile,
but, when im with him, i wish it were you by my side
i wish it were you looking into my eyes, not him.
the things he says to me,
they make my heart melt
but i think its because
i hear them in your voice.
i picture your lips moving and
i am reminded of the way you lick your lips after every few words
i remeber the effect the sparks that your words had
on my heart
and for some reason,
i just dont feel them with him the way i did with you,
especially when he tells me im beautiful.
He gives me the world, but for some reason,
it's just not enough.
I know it sounds so selfish,
but in reality,
all i want is to be happy.
i'm not happy.
i can never sleep at night.
the voices in my head keep me awake,
sometimes, those voices tell me to forget about you
and to continue being with him
those, i consider those to be nightmares.
but sometimes,
those voices sound like your voice
and like to repeat old memories in my brain
slowly, but surely,
drowing me.
These waters im in continue to rise.
so what should i do?
contiune to go through the days, pretending im happy?
or should i just find a way out?
oh, i forgot,
there is no way out.
I dont want to hurt him,
yet I dont want to be in pain either,
I want you to be happy,
Yet i want to be the one to make you smile.
i guess i'll stay here,
stuck in the mess of emotions,
while the waters im in
continue to rise
eventually drowning me in my
own thoughts,
wrong doings,
and my own pity.
when will i be able to
just breathe?
i wrote a monolouge similar to this last year, but i lost it, so im sitting in class bored so i thought id try to re do it.
Jan 2014 · 881
pain takes it all
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
Oh The things that you do to your body
To cope with mere emotions
To numb a heartache
To blind your insecurities.
You cut your arms until you bleed
You swallow pills until you can't see
You drink yourself blind
You starve until your bones
Are protruding out at every inch
You cry so hard
You can't even breathe
So you continue to hold your breath
You hide away always feeling ashamed
You have *** with people you hate
You try so hard
But you never succeed
In ending all your pain
So after trying all the alternatives
Which of none suceeded
You decided it was time to leave
This pain behind
So you smiled and waved and said your
Looked in the mirror one last time
With a sorrowful look In your eyes
And you Loaded that gun
And you Put it to your head

Now the once beautiful you
Lies Dead on the floor

Are you happy now?
Did you eliminate all the pain?
Are you beautiful now, as you rot in the ground?
Jan 2014 · 616
the impossible
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
Many tell me,
That if I can never love myself,
I can never love another,
But this heart beats
Solemnly for love
to be pumped
Throughout my veins
into my blood stream
Filling my body
Keeping me alive
I was created
To love
But the love I have
That is circulating
Through me,
Simply isn't enough love
To learn to love
Before I can love
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
In this life you are given
There's too much to uncover
deep within your mind
Your heart
And your soul.
There is much, much more to live for
There is more than what meets the eye.
In no way is living
suppose to be
Where skin and bones are what
Determine you
Or your beauty
The true location for this
Can be found burried deep in your chest
True beauty is hidden
And can only be seen
By those who truly look inside.
In no way is living
Spent being unhappy
Focusing on materialistic objects
Or the deceitfulness
Of money.
Money is not real
Money cannot buy you
What your soul secretly yearns for
In no way is living
Swallowing a couple pills
To make you feel something
when you are numbed
By mental pain
Or heartache.
If you are empty,
May you always
be filled with love
May your wells of happiness
Never run dry
In no way is living
letting a man
Sink into your body
Your precious, naked, body
Which is Meant for creating and sparking
A special love connection
deep within your soul
And another's,
Not just for the pleasure of your body's
Fullness & Quivering.
In no way is living
About the opinions of others
Directed onto yourself.
You must dig deep within,
But not expect to find a treasure chest
Full of gold
Salvation lies within.
In no way is living
Meant to be something painful.
When the sun rises at dawn,
You should be rejoicing
You should be at peace
Life is more than just existing for a certain period of time,
Then withering away deep in the earth
What's in Your soul
And what's in your heart
Will continue to overpower
All evil
For eternity.

You just have to find the true meaning of what it is to live.
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
I finally worked up the courage and said
To the boy who wrecked me
"Did you know I write poems about you, if you want, I'll let you see"

Before the boy could say anything
I decided it was okay
to let him see within my soul,
To see the words I never could seem to say

The boy has bright eyes
But he simply can't see
How much he hurt me
But how much he still means to me

The boy replied
"Well I can say I've never had a poem written about me"
I didn't understand
How could that even be?
And I sat there in disbelief

I told him I've written far more than one
So he asked "how many"
I lied and said "a few"
But its more like infinity.

Now that was it
That's all he said
Now all that's left of his words
Float around in my head

I hope he liked what I wrote
I wish he told me he did
Even if it was a lie,
Because the boy doesn't understand
That I'll be writing
poems about him
Until the day I die
Jan 2014 · 408
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
I sometimes dwell on the past
Always around the time of season
When You said
"you're not the one for me"
You had eyes my dear
But I guess you just couldn't see
That I was willing to do whatever you wanted
Me to do
I would be whoever you'd want me to be
I'd follow you wherever under the stars
Even far beyond that
Maybe farther past the sun
But my time chasing after you
Now is done
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
(my ♡ is in) a (mason) jar
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
These words I'm writing down
Don't matter
They never will
You'll never see them
You'll never be able to understand
Or  uncover
Exactly what they mean
Or to what extent
Words are just words
But you can use them to paint
A vivid picture of just about anything
But I don't think words can describe
In detail
The pain that flooded me with your goodbye
And the heart wrentching
memories that circle around my
Mind with no end.
Its very strange another soul could
Have made me feel a way I can't
Exactly comprehend
My heart is cold and icy
Pain hit me like lightening
Even in my innocent youthful years.
But then came along this boy,
Out of nowhere
And within minutes of conversing
I felt my heart swell
And within a blink of and eye
just like that
He simply made me feel.
Oh how my fickle heart ached
For his attention
He was nothing but a boy
With bright eyes and a diesel truck
Always looking for trouble and
Getting stuck
But he was not just a boy to me
He was my everything
He was something to look forward to
A spark of light, hope,
In the dark depths of despair.
But he never knew
How much he meant to me
And I guess I never really told him
But time changed everything
We both went our seperate paths
With bitterness aimed towards eachother
I tried to get him to understand
To try to see through my sad eyes
But he wouldn't
And my heart cannot get over him
It belongs to him even though it shouldn't
So I'm enclosing my heart
In a jar
In a mason jar
For a boy named mason
Jan 2014 · 367
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
I don't mind waiting,
Counting down the continuous hours
As if they're an infinite amount of stars
Up in space
I don't belong here
This isn't my place
But I'll stick it out until the end
Until I finally see your gleaming face
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
he woke up one morning,
and the hands he had
were no longer meant to hold me
to wipe away my tears.
the eyes he had,
were no longer meant to gaze into mine
being filled with awe and wonder.
his hair,
was no longer meant for me to run
my cold fingers through
making me feel warm
I remember those moments in time
I'd be memorized by him
his every feature
his every movement,
by the way he'd look at me, and
how he'd
tell me about his father.
but now,
his heart is no longer meant for me
it is no longer beating
to the sound of my voice.
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
the crow
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
A crow came to me in
my dream
And said
"Tomorrow you will die"
The next morning I awoke and
Had the earge to laugh
I was alive and well
And reassurred myself
It was just a dream
Just in my head.
Later that day,
The boy my heart ached for
The boy I adore
Told me he had to go.
The crow's foreshadowing came true
I'm dead without you
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
He told me everyday
that what we had
Was far more special
and different than
What Anyone else had.
He said our love
Is the strongest thing to be put on
This earth
Amongst mere mortals.
So why did he decide
The best thing was to
Wait to be together
Because of distance?
I thought our love was strong enough to
Spark fires?
But he told me
We will be side by side
Until the day we die
But I guess distance got the best of us
And now deep within these bones
I feel some explosion of emptiness.
He will wake up in the morning with new
And soon see another girl who makes
His heart flutter
Even if only for a short time
And ill be here
Left behind
And forgotten
Because he won't come back
He's already too far gone
I guess distance got the best of us.
Jan 2014 · 474
come back
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
Each day I eagerly await your returnal
Even though I know deep down
you'll never
Come back
This town's just too small for
Your ambicious soul
You are always ready to spread your wings and fly
And set out and search for what your
Heart really longs for
You were made for great things
You can do anything and everything.
You'll always be my favorite mistake,
And I'll always be that stupid girl
That you never could have truly wanted
Even though I tried to be what you
You were in a hurry to start living,
I was in a dream cloud, distracted from the thought of dying,
We were in two different worlds
I was a child,
You a young man,
And I expected too much from you
And I was broken
And I'm sorry I placed the blame on you
Because it really always was my fault
My wrong doings,
I wish I could re do this all
But now its far too late
You are long gone
And I'm still here
Jan 2014 · 449
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
He'll never know
How my entire heart aches for him
Every early morning when I first awake
And every restless night until I fall asleep
He'll never know
That each time I cry
Its because he simply entered my mind
And that memories are stuck replaying
Over and over
And I cant stop it
He doesn't know that each night
I bow my head
And I pray to the man in the sky
For him to come to the realizations
He'll never know
That its currently 2:33 am
And I'm lying in bed
With him on my mind
Writing poems about him
He'll never know
Jan 2014 · 841
it is all just in your head
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
Isn't a wonderous thing
It doesn't deserve
to be praised
To be inked onto someone's body
Is a coward;
it destroys every ounce
Of your being
Of your mind
Of your soul.
Hope so much for something
it makes
Your body quiver and ache
And constantly lust after the impossible
And once you realize
Its all out of reach
You're left to somehow comprehend;
To try to uncover what not one can fathom
is a way to
Pretend its all going to be okay,
A way to say that the sun will always shine
Out of the black heartless night
A way to say
That happiness is almost at your reach
And that you're only a few feet away
From reaching the warm sand
And soaking in
the salty comfortingness of the sea
When you
were once stuck in a blizzard of snow
And now you finally are free
Is but an illusion
Hope so much your
Mind starts playing tricks on you
Promising you what you yearn for
Yet deep down know you'll never have it
Is just another way
To drive one insane,
Forever Trying to bring back
What once
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
we sat alone in your car
with the fluorescent lights
shining inside onto you
illuminating every single
perfectly imperfect inch
of your sad face
I turned my body to face yours
and I lifted my hand
and held your face
and you closed your eyes
and I saw a hint of a smile
I found my head nestled
in your neck 60 seconds later
and you were holding me
I said, "you are my favorite."
and I felt your cheeks rise
in a smile as they
were pressed
against my shoulder.
you said, "do you
want to see something?"
I said, "yes, show me"
you pulled up your left
sleeve and you held
out your arm
and I have never seen
something so beautiful
with my eyes before.
my mouth open in awe,
I reached out and
touched the faded
mauve lines
my fingers felt like
clouds caressing
jagged mountain peaks
I kissed you then, still
holding your arm
not knowing how to react
to something like that
I felt so special in that moment
because no one has ever
let me see so deep into them before.
none of the words I speak are
capable of describing
one single part of you,
but if they were the word
would have to be,
Jan 2014 · 265
Brielle O'Brien Jan 2014
Oh how I dream
Of our skin colliding
And our souls connecting

Make me feel love
Dec 2013 · 783
I'm not sure why
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
As I stay here where my feet
Are permanately planted
I catch myself seeking you
Watching you from a distance

You seem to be content with yourself
And what you're doing nowadays
But for some strange reason
I wish I could be a part of it
And not feel so astray

But I guess
some fields
just aren't as green as the others
And some oceans not as blue
And I guess that's what its like with
Me and you
You could always do better than me
You could find a blooming flower
Instead of a withering ****

I could have been the sun shining
Maybe just not as bright
I could have been the calm snow falling
Maybe just not as white

I could have been the fire burning
Maybe just not as hot
I could have been a memory
But then you just forgot

I know I'm nothing special
But there is something about your eyes
That won't let me forget about you
I just don't know why

You could have been the captain
To my smooth sailing ship
But you decided you didn't want me
So I was surely left to sink

But truly everyday
you somehow flood my brain

So I'm begging
Please help me
Please come stop this rain

I'm drowning
I need you
To stop all of this pain

But I wouldn't burden you
To help me get through

I hope youre happy
And I hope the sun shines on you
Dec 2013 · 358
keep on dreaming
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
He gazes at her
With wide eyes
And his heart of stone
Suddenly doesn't feel as heavy anymore

He has never felt love
But he always did dream of it
A hopeless romantic deep down
But his exterior is as tough as a nail

Everything about her
Makes his heart ache
He pictures his life with her
included in it
Sharing precious memories together
Yet he knows he'll never have her
She will never be his

But he keeps on dreaming
Dec 2013 · 389
once a melody
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
Do you remember
it seems as if it was only yesterday
yet it was almost a lifetime ago
that he left her
and the music that was playing inside her
abruptly stopped playing
and silence filled her hollow chest
where her heart once beat
to the sound of his voice
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
I wish you were here
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
There are nights
When it really sinks in
That you're not right down the road
I can't just call you up
When I'm feeling alone
Because you're so far away.
I wish you were here

There are days when
I'm having so much fun
Then it hits me that you're not
Experiencing it all with me
And I'm left with an overwhelming sadness
It won't let me be
I wish you were here

There are times when
I can't wait to leave this life behind
And come be with you
Day in and day out
I just hope you'll be able to wait for me
I know its not as easy as it seems
I wish you were here

When I cry,
I wish you were by my side wiping away
My tears
Holding me and making me feel
Like nothing in this world even matters
Except for that moment
And us
You're not.
I wish you were here

Every time I'm happy
I become sad within a moment
Because I realize
I could be happier
If only you were with me
I wish you were here

The days drag on
The nights seem endless
One day we'll be living a life together
That is never ending, limitless
But right now
I wish you were here.
Dec 2013 · 607
its all unknown
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
None know
What tomorrow will bring
People can change their opinions
There is always a new song to sing
None know
If in the morning
You will see
what you claim to love
with the same eyes
Its all unknown;
An anxiety ridden surprise
None know
What you said yesterday
Still applies to today
Or if
Those words are now dead
Forever faded away
None know
What time can really do.
With enough of it,
It can change so much
This, I never even knew
Until everyone I loved
Woke up one day
Then Walked away,
They said they couldn't stay.
"The blood in my body doesn't run through my veins for you
No longer would I break my bones for you there's nothing you can say or do."
None know
How quickly some change their minds
Deciding its the time to leave it all behind
They don't feel the same deep within
As they did when it first did begin
None know
How you will feel about me tomorrow
I know You're not like the rest
I know this,
Baby you're the best,
None know
How you'll feel tomorrow
I'm holding on
Until you break my heart
And I'm left alone in sorrow
None know
How much longer
you'll waste your time on me
When there's so much out there for you
To see
I just hate not knowing what
It will be
None know
And that's what kills me
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
Left sulking in sorrow
Of not knowing what will happen tomorrow
Even though he says "what we have is different"
You can't help but remember the times
Things went wrong
And the words people spoke
Backfired and turned to smoke
In your heart you believe
He's god's gift to you
A reason to live
Someone to help you through
But if this is true
Why is he so far away?
The pain of being separated
Is far more painful
Than any other tradgety you'd go through
He tell her that his love will never fade
But she can't help but to think maybe it
She loves him
Maybe a little too much
That's why she's so afraid to lose him
She longs for his touch
She never will love another
But when the roads get rocky
And the sun doesn't shine
And the mountains are
Far too tall to climb
She always has the feeling
He will just leave her behind
And search for someone
Closer, better,
and worth his time.
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
Hundreds of miles is where he is
And also my heart which is stone hard
Hopefully he has it kept safe
In his jean pocket, or maybe in a jar
Do we have to be so far?
Does this have to be so hard?

I'm just a young girl who's lonely
And who's slowly
falling apart
little by little
My skin is paper thin
And my body is. weak and brittle
Why is this life an
Unsolved riddle?
Why am I always stuck in the middle?
Why do I taste the fruit that is bitter?
I want him here to hold me when I cry
Without him
its like trying to live underwater
There's noway you could survive
But into his waters I want to dive
Why is sadness a regularity?
Why do I want to always die?
Why is my breath just a constant sigh?
I have nothing
You have it all
I'm the sun shining
you are gravity
Without you, I will fall.
I'm an artist
Without a pencil
How can I draw?
I'm a guitar without strings
How can I play you a song?
Will the pain go on forever this long?
Did I do anything wrong?
The sun beams
And I dream
Of the days I wont constanly weep
Of the nights I can finally sleep
But this can not be
Until I'm laying next to you
Forever you and me
Is this what you've been waiting for too?
Will you promise me eternity?
Without you
Simply I cannot be
Without you
Truly I cannot see
Will you stay forever?
Promise you won't leave?
In me, will you alway believe?
Distance won't ruin us
Wait & you will see
Distance did ruin us.
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
To put it simply,
Are made of nothing
But brittle skin
& fragile bones
That will end up
Completely worthless
Left alone for eternity
to rot.
Our red blood
Sails throughout our veins
Like a sailor
On the calm ocean;
But once the wind begins to stir
The oceans become
And you're left there
to eventually drown.
Our hearts,
All serve the same purpose;
To beat to the rhythm
Of the song
that keeps your body from shutting down, that keeps you breathing.
It has the most complex job,
Such a fragile thing
That is expected to
Take care of so much.
The heart is where
Your deepest secrets lie.
Where your fears are hidden.
Where pain left its marks.
Your dreams are burried deep within.
Your favorite memories,
Along with the bad ones too,
Are swimming around inside.
Our hearts,
Are made up
Of things we cannot humanly explain;
It is beyond being capable
Of truly being expressed with
Mere words on a page
That will be crumbled up
Thrown out,
Never serving
any true purpose.
There are Things
In the heart
That will overpower it all;
Every detail in your life
Is now determined
On the unknown effect
it will leave.
That will make you see
Mountains with endless heights,
When there's really only
Hills in front of you
That you can walk on top of
And crush.
Our hearts,
They are consisted
And constructed
For the action
Loving and being loved,
Even if vulnerable.

My heart,
To sum it all up,

Is made up
Of all the things
You do
That keep me breathing
That keep me from dying

You, are my heart.
Dec 2013 · 335
a l o n e
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
I'm finally content
With being here,
Left all alone.
I'm fully aware
That even though
I'm fragile,
Not a single soul
No, no one,
Who will be there
To pick up
And try to reconstruct
The shattered remains
Of  my bones
Dec 2013 · 550
Forgiving my Father
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
I've told myself I'll never forgive you
For what you've done and said to me
But deep down I know you didn't
Truly Mean all that mean ****
I Eventually began to believe
You were hurt, I know I was too
But why didn't we stick together
And try to make it through?
The **** we were forced to deal with
It brought us closer
Even if only for a short time
But that's the past all of the good times
They're gone, all left behind
And I'm left with nothing but
Bitterness towards you
You can't expect me to know what to do
I won't apologize
Even if I realize
You were putting up a wall
A disguise
Its hard for you to show your emotions
To put them into action
So you get mad, an immediate reaction
But listen dad this is my way to say
I don't hate you
I just hate the things
that got in the way
Of our bright days
There were the times you were the only
One I had
When mom was in rehab
we really had
Eachother's backs
But look at us now,
We don't speak a single word
Mainly because I resent the past
The things we once said out of anger
were disturbingly absurd
But this isn't about what you did wrong
Or anything that went on in the past
I just want to give the forgivness
To you, so we can be in peace at last
You know, I need to stop and say to you
There isn't ever a day that goes by
When I don't think of you
When I don't think about all the good things you've done for us all
Yeah sometimes you weren't here but you never let us fall
Especially 17 years ago when I was just born
And you decided to stay with mom and me, when you
Could have just walked out the door
And I will never be able to say how much
That truly means to me
My dad, that, you will always be.
Maybe one day ill have the power in my heart to read this to you
So you can understand,
And know the truth
I love you and
forgive you, dad,
This letter is my proof.
Dec 2013 · 361
i hate haikus
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
1.) Looking to the sky
The sun fades away my pain
For once I feel whole

2.) *The moon up above
a Mother to all the stars
watching while they shine
the kids in this class, their assignment is to make two haiku's about anything in nature and they are acting like its difficult and im just like let me try to write one so here it is
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
You're nothing but the ground I walk on, depending on the weather and seasons you could be the warm green grass tickling in between my toes
Or you cold be the cold winter snow numbing me inside and out
You're nothing but the clouds up in the sky
Or maybe the stars
Either way, you can never seem
To stay too long.
You're nothing but the winds in the air that pass through ever so briskly yet calmingly
Always Leaving me breathless
You're nothing but the christmas lights
Filling houses with vibrant colors and happiness in december
But its january now
And the bulbs are burnt out
But still they hang lifelessly
And broken
You're nothing but the flowers in a vase
At first so beautiful
With such a lovely aroma
That look so pretty sitting out
For everyone to look at
And admire
But now the petals have fallen off
And the dead flowers hang down
You're nothing but the waves in the ocean
Always leaving
Then coming back to crash down
With intense force and power

Yet, You're everything.
Dec 2013 · 553
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
We are not flowers
That bloom
Then die

We are not butterflies
That flutter
And float by

We are not fire
That burns for a little
Then turns to ashes

We are not time
That quickly passes

So please promise me
Your love for me won't fade away
Like the stars in the early morning sky do
Because they simply cannot stay
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
far away
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
At night
Instead of sleeping
I lie awake
Constantly weeping
Of better days
That I wish I was dreaming

Miles are just numbers
Numbers aren't that large
Don't believe me?
Just compare them to the stars
"Distance isn't real
Nomatter how far"

The stars and planets
Are free up in space
And here I am loathing
Aching to leave this place
I have no power
I have no say
I can't not just get up
And walk away
But I hope
You will find a reason to stay
Even if
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
Some things
Are not forgotten
Even with time
Passing by
Like when I watched
At such a young age
My father drink and beat my mom
Simply because he "loved her"
My mom is an angel
Yet she was doomed from the start
Being a serious alcohol addict
Since age 15
Getting pregnant with me at age 16
She never knew true love
Her parents lives revolved around money
They showed no love
towards their beautiful daughter
They blamed her for being ****** up
But in all reality
It was all because of them
My mom wanted love
My dad gave her it
Thinking he was destined to fix her
But how could he fix her if
He was also broken?
My mom
Addicted to drugs and alcohol
Was in and out of rehab
Back when I was in middle school
I was so young and didn't understand
The concept and struggle of addiction
So I hated my mom
I believed she left me
At the time a girl needs her mom
The most
I was alone and had no one by my side
Some things are not easily forgotten
Like when I watched my mom
Cut her arms until she was bleeding on
The floor
When I watched her make herself throw up
When I watched her drink herself blind
These things
Are forever implanted in my mind
Dec 2013 · 391
I never knew
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
I never knew what true pain was
Until I was seperated from you, the one I love
By many many miles
I never knew what true happiness was
Until I saw you walking towards me
And I running up to hug you
The day I was anticipating
I never knew what true love was
Until I spent those nights in your arms
Lost in your eyes
Time was nonexistent
I never knew what true caring was
Until you sat with wide eyes
Listening to every word I had to say
Until I had no more breath in my lungs
to speak
I never knew what it felt like
To feel safe
Until you held me and shut out my
Roaring demons from within
My deep dark soul
I never knew what true
Hopefulness was
Until you promised me
And loving
And living
with you;
Something for me to finally
Live for
I never knew
true meaning of living
Until I realized
I'd gladly die for you
So that you can live
I never knew.
I never knew
I never knew
Until I met you.
Dec 2013 · 648
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
He was the blue sky
She was the rain
He was the sunshine
Who took away all her pain

She was the black sky
In the middle of the night
He was the brightest star shining Reasurring her
That it will be alright

She's an old untuned piano
With dust on the keys
But he sits down
And makes beautiful music from her
But she never ever will see

He was the smell
After the rain
She was like the seasons
Always eager to change

He tastes like cigarettes and jack
She is at war with herself
Ready to attack

He has the  universe in his hand  
The world in his palms
She has nothing to live for
She sits alone writing song after song

His soul is full of awe
His eyes are filled with wonder
Her heart is much too cold
Down her life it plundered

He is like a warm summer breeze
Setting all souls at ease
And she is like these cold december nights
Always causing a fright
Dec 2013 · 261
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
I never knew what love was

                          until I saw the way he looked at her.
Dec 2013 · 494
e m p t I n e s s
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
"I'm only half without you"
This statement I don't exactly understand
Because its not like that for me.
Without you,
I'm the morning sky without the sunshine,
The nightime sky without the stars,
Dark, and lifeless.
Without you,
I'm the ocean,
But without the salty waves,
Just a bottemless pit.
Without you,
I'm a garden
Full of plants and flowers that refuse to
Bloom and grow
Without you,
I'm snow that melts away
I'm the leaves that change
I'm the seasons that fade away
Without you,
I'm the same as the time
Simply passing everyone by
With no real purpose
Just a reminder that it all runs out
As you can see,
Without you,
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
Staying up until dawn
Out star gazing on the roof
Talking about what life had in store for us
Talking about things that have no proof
We'll never know
How we're going to die
But there's beauty in not knowing
When you have someone by your side
I remember the nights we would
Just cry
Reminicing on the past
All the things we had to leave behind
Or the nights when we'd get drunk
And have the best time of our lives
Went swimming naked in the creek
At three in the morning
Went down bad paths
Without any warning
Or those nights we'd take baths
In my parents room
Chain smoking all night
We were like flowers in bloom
Or the nights when we'd blaze
And eat and laugh
Dream about the future
Make jokes about the past
Or the nights when we'd talk about
Our ****** up family
We'd talk about how we'll never do what they've done
And You always had faith in me
The days spent out by the pool
The days we just spent sleeping
The memories that we shared
I'd always keep them
We've seen the same things
We've seen the pain heartaches brings

We've seen what most people never should
Have seen
We've both been ****** up on drugs
We've both been clean

We've both been happy
We've both been sad
We've both done what is right
We've both done what is bad

Without you
I don't know what I'd do
You saved me from myself
And I never even knew
But my eyes are open
And I could never thank you enough
You are everything
Anyone could want
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
I'd swim all the oceans for you
I'd break all my bones for you
I'd let all my blood
Run dry
I'd put my right hand on the bible
But still I'd lie
I'd walk ontop of broken glass
I'd drive a car
Then crash
I'd make decisions
That are rash
I'd wipe the makeup off my face
Even though that is a disgrace
I'd run a thousand mile race
I'd risk my life
I'd leave this place
I'd rip the wings off a butterfly
Just To see if it would still fly
I'd put a bullet through my head
Just To see if I'd die
I'd pray to the god that may or may not exist
I'd swim in a tank with the fish
I'd take every single risk
I'd lay down in my bed
And think of everything I dread
I'd re live nightmares
That go on in my head
I'd fly to the moon
I'd say "ill be back soon"
But if I had to,
I'd just drift off into the galaxies
Like a balloon
Dec 2013 · 639
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
My bones are shaking
My heart is slowed down
The tears in my eyes
Are falling to the ground

My fingers lay softly on the piano keys
This is my very last plea

I can never find the words to say
So the music helps me drift away
Please baby please
Just tell me you'll stay

My heart is hollow
My chest is full of air
For I'd let all the blood in my body run dry for you
without even having a care

I'm wondering what you are doing and how you feel
But nothing really phases you
You're so strong
You're made out of steel

Unlike me
I'm as soft as clay
Mold me into something
That would make you wanna stay
And You can always have your way

There's shivers up my spine
The stars are never aligned
Because you and I
Are not side by side

So as I play the last notes
I feel as if instead of swimming
I'm just barley staying afloat

Maybe in my dreams you'll come visit me
And we can go drifting
Amongst the seas
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
There's a boy
Who I've always seen in my dreams
I never saw his face
But I knew he was where my heart belonged

Ever since I was a little girl
I've wished for him
I was afraid
I'd never find him

All I've ever longed for
Is the type of love
That only exists in movies
But I wanted it in reality

So I've searched
And found nothing
I've been left unsatisfied
And also broken hearted

But one day
The sun was shining
And I found the man
I'm was going to spend eternity with

It was so unexpected
But the moment I saw him
Time stopped
Like they say

I knew right then and there
That he was the man I'll one day marry
Even though I'm afraid of commitment

I was stuck in the darkness for so long
And he was the light
At the end of the tunnell

I've never had someone
Who has ever looked at me as
Something special
But he does

I don't know why though

He's beyond me
He's better than me
He deserves this whole world

I guess what I'm trying to say is
That I'm 17 years old
And I found the love I've dreamed of
For all my life
And now I have it
In the palm of my hands
I could never be more thankful

God gave me an angel
Who saved me from myself

I've never looked a man in the eyes
And said "I love you"
And meant it

But with every fiber of my being

I ******* love this boy
More than anything in this whole ******* world

And if I'm lucky enough

Ill get to keep him forever
Dec 2013 · 772
this is to my one and only
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
The truth is
I've never been so terrified before
In this life,
We never know what's in store
I'm a terrible mess
Left scattered on the floor
Because everything I've ever loved
Has walked out the door
So there I was,
I finally got the strength to build
Up some walls
They're made out of
Bricks and cement
They will never fall
But you came in
And somehow knocked them over
You promised me you'd be mine
Even when we're older
I fell for you so fast I can't
Even explain
How wondeful you are
To take away my pain
I love you
As the sun loves the moon
You promised me
You'd be back soon
But right now you're so far
But I will always keep my door ajar
Just incase you come back home
For I don't believe its safe for you to roam
But I've never been so scared before
All I want is forever to be yours
I hope nothing gets in the way
I hope your feelings never fade away
I know for a fact you are better than me
Its so very easy to see
I'd give you the stars
Because you healed my scars
Please never leave me
There's no way I could breathe
I could never love again
My love for you is until the very end
You are my soul mate
My sunshine
My prince
And my fate
This is why I'm mortified at the thought of losing you baby
So will you always stay, maybe, just maybe?
Nope he's gone.
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
I'm over you
You mean **** to me
So why do I constantly
See you in my dreams?
I'm moved on,
I'm head over heels in love with someone better
You're long gone & out of my life forever
So why did dream I was looking into your eyes?
Why within my dreams,
I finally didn't want to die?
Why is it that when I saw your face
My broken heart began to race
But that's not fair my heart does not belong to you
For every chance I gave you,
you blew
But then again
I always blame myself
Maybe its my fault you wanted someone else
But if I'm still mad at you,
Why do I see you in my dreams?
This is much more difficult than it even seems.
It felt so real it felt like the old times
It breaks my heart thinking
We had to leave it  all behind
Things could be different
If we both weren't so selfish
To fix the past would be my deep down wish
But I don't care
Atleast that's what I tell myself
But I do,
That's why my heart is in a jar
On the very top shelf
I tried more than once to fix things
But in doing so
Misery is all that it brings
I don't think I mind seeing you in my dreams
But once I wake up
I come apart at the scene
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
Everytime I see pictures of you
I want to cry.
Our past wasn't so perfect
Well, at first it was
But that was when
Your kisses were sweet
Your voice was calm
And our hearts weren't teared
Then, you just left me.
I was asleep
Then I woke up to
A letter that said
I was devistated
And from that day forward
I never have said goodbye
You showed me
That goodbye
Means forever.
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