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bre Feb 2011
'though beginnings are always tough,
endings will always be tougher
it's not what she's getting into
but what she's getting out of that makes her suffer

he can offer food and shelter
but what she wants he can't buy
for love is not the center of the world's greatest lie

truth is the key to happiness
when lies are unexplainable
but sometimes truth is a lot like time
and rarely is attainable

and even though she knows
that it's time for her to move on
she'll never get past the fact that
she is only another mute swan

he can't tell her how a peach tastes
because she's never tasted a peach,
but that sweet juice that she longs for
is never too far out of reach

and though she marches to her own beat
at the end of the day
she still incorporates the beat of
anything that comes her way
bp 2009
bre Feb 2011
an ignored mountain so used to abrasion
it can hardly notice any of its mutation

the wandering man is stunned by its existance
not seeing its damage from off in a distance

every night the mountain wonders just how long it will be alone
constantly shielding the valley while having no shield of its own

so it disintegrates into a boulder, so easily moved
the exterior hardened as nature often proves

the rock always envied the clay its ability to mold
its ability to heat instead of remaining cold

but he cannot change the rock,
he cannot change the world, he cannot reverse the clock

and as soon as this man takes off and sets sail
the rock will discover that it is nothing but shale
bp 2009
bre Feb 2011
he takes a piece of me everytime he goes
i dont like sharing but its her turn i suppose
i never know whether he will return
if he waits too long that desire of his may burn

he always leaves and will never change
though its my life ive rearranged
he builds me up just to cut me down
i dream of the day i will be found

aluminum may be metal
but it can be damaged by a fly
he wouldnt understand that
for he is a typical guy

perhaps its the idea of him that keeps me alive
but someday ill know what it means for love to thrive
i can feel him under my skin as though he were a parasite
but then i discover that its me living off of his life

he visits me in my most vulnerable state
for, in my dreams, i see nothing but his face
i often wonder if he feels the same

does he have a heart that beats beneath that chest?
shockingly, its my fantasies that make me depressed
always fake and never real
but ill be fine, its not a big deal

physically remaining resistant
but subconsiously wanting another dose
always trying to stay so distant,
while underestimating my urge to be close

if the wall comes down will the city flood?
would he rip out my heart like i know he could?
but all of these words shall remain unspoken,
since i am, once again, broken
bp 2009

— The End —