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I've cried a river.
It must reach far and wide
because I lost the one I loved.
The tears flow from my eyes
every time I think of you.
You took it the wrong way
when you saw me driving that day.
Just because he was in the car
it didn't mean that it went that far.
The two of you just pushed and shoved.
In the end nobody won.
I've cried a river.
It must reach far and wide
because I lost the one I loved.
The tears flow from my eyes
every time I think of you.
So many unspoken words,

the silent moments together

are what I seem to remember.

The dark still of the night

makes me wish with all of my might

that you hadn't taken flight.

It was too late when you came back.

I had already grieved

as deeply as a broken heart could.

The memories then of us are seen

like flashes on a movie screen.

Am I destined to come unraveled

from this lonely road I've traveled?

By Bonnie Gail Carter
When I couldn't see beyond this world,

when I was falling down the black hole

I called out your name and you came.

You are greater than any black crater.

The depth of your love and grace fills my soul.

Your mercy abounds and your armor surrounds me.

My prayers are heard.

Thank God for the word.
I know I can count on you tonight
even though we used to fight.
I look forward to our date night.
In memories I delight.
In this dark world you are my light.
I'd like to keep you in my sight.
In memories I delight.
I want to dance in the moonlight
and see the stars twinkling bright.
In memories I delight.
Come on and hold me tight.
We can dance to the song we both like.
In memories I delight.
You don't love me anymore
not since our divorce in '94.
In memories I delight.
For now we are two song birds
sitting in the same tree.
We both are free.
In memories I delight.
So see you on date night.
It makes us feel alright.
In memories I delight.
Softly, warmly hurting me

teaching unknown feelings,

bringing out the person I used to be

before fear imprisoned me.

Freeing me for only a short time

and dissolving trust in love

with the mention of another.

I found myself running to something familiar for security

to erase what our time had taught me.

Only what was once familiar seemed strange

because I had changed.
If I had known what I know now

I would have changed a lot of things

starting with me.

Or I'd just like sitting on the porch

holding hands and sneaking a kiss

or turning on the car music

and dancing in the moonlight mist.

At least once in my life

I would have gone skinny dipping.

I'd take more chances

on love at first sight

when the spark is in the eyes

and I'd make love last no matter what.
When you love a man give him all you've got.

Love him the way you want to be loved.

Hug him and gently caress his skin.

Kiss him every chance you can.

Look into his eyes with love in them.

Speak lovingly about him.

Tell him when you want to share your love with him.

Always be affectionate towards him.

Above all tell him you appreciate him

and tell him you love him for always
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