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Nov 2017 · 133
bluevelvet Nov 2017
I want to swim
Like a dolphin in your veins,

Make laps through
Each fold of your brain,

Take time to travel to your heart
Where nothing would ever be the same

She said I'm such a child
But she wasn't right

I think it's funny how
People look similar in certain light

Maybe if I never made those mistakes
I could have known who you really are,

Spend this life with you
As my very own personal star

But you owe me nothing,
I wish I could go back

Turn this heart into fire
Now it's just black
And I don't even know you
But I have a feeling I do
Because I think that was you
Nov 2017 · 132
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Captain America
And taking jumps,
Popping pens
While I pop more drinks

You think you're clever
And you are,
You think you're better
But you're not

Stealing time and wasting
This precious life
On a guy who doesn't care
You can be IT,
Clean your fingernails

You think you're clever
And you are,
You think you're better
But you're not

The roles change
And you beat me at my game,
The roles changed but
I found my own way
Drink beer with your friends
And play your card games
You're just another level
In this video to tame

My hands are tied
But I smile like I'm fine,
Each boy is just the same
And doesn't see past my infamous fame
Play the same game
And I will keep counting each carcass
While listening to Calivin Harris

You think you're clever
But you weren't,
You think you're better
But we're on the same level
Nov 2017 · 181
bluevelvet Nov 2017
You see me standing
But it's a struggle
Addictions and never enough

You see me down
I'm always willing to help out
For those alone

Between the remembering of having had
A small guy with big dreams,
Self worth demolished
By a cousin who can't see your worth

A pasture so clean
He doesn't even know me
But that look says otherwise

A boy who tried so hard,
Used him up
To drain him dry

Have you felt the pain of
Stone on your palms,
Hitting hard and ***** acid
Infecting the bleeding cuts?

If I eat less and become more
Would I be enough?
Cool like ranch,
I live in the winter of my life

Skinny is where it's at

You too know me,
You wanted me
Maybe a friend of my brother,
Maybe a laugher in the lab

You know me
Past this cold stone
Nov 2017 · 120
bluevelvet Nov 2017
It must feel nice
To feel like you have the
Complexion of God or karma

Cover your face,
I have a secret to spare
I'm broken in the ugliest of ways
And your jokes or attempts at being clever,
It passes by me

You can't touch what's not there,
You can't punch the feeling
When it's hallowed out
Only comes alive for a guy I'll never know,
The kind that moved on

The questioning pinning,
The drama of it all
It's for the birds

He doesn't think of me
But I know he's out there
He doesn't see me anymore
But I dream of a figure that still cares
Nov 2017 · 94
bluevelvet Nov 2017
I haven't felt this low
In my life
I don't understand
What's wrong with people
And what's right with the world

I'm a mess and hard
But you come around to understand
You aren't like them,
You seem to care
But only when you're here

I want to feel youthful
With you
Bend my body in ways
The others can't do

Show you love and warmth

But it isn't like that,
You seem different but the same
Can you picture it?
Me with your name

It's too soon,
You don't feel it

He shows up if
I let you go
Or I can wonder why
My new worth isn't enough

I want to buy it,
Dress **** for you
Call you daddy and
Touch you in ways that are new

But he isn't you

He has someone new,
Someone better than I could ever do
So what's stopping me
From diving headfirst
Into another lifelong regret
To see if you love me too?
Nov 2017 · 76
bluevelvet Nov 2017
You make my heart beat,
Would you like to feel it?
I already know how this goes,
The way it's written...
By me

But stop for a minute,
Understand I'm just like
Any ****** up human

I care but I won't
Ever consider twice at playing games
Do you understand?
I won't fall until you do,
I picture us a year from now
But I won't verbally tell you

My chest tightens
But he isn't here
Do I let it go and hope for the best?
You said I'm crazy,
I heard it myself
You don't know crazy
Until I show you it myself

But I can be you're daydream,
Talking **** so sweet
Or would you want to know the real me?
Because I care.

I'm socially awkward,
I have trust issues that grow
I don't know the difference between
Fast and slow

Care to show me what's right?
Between what I wrote and
How it feels to picture us
On a roller coaster ride of your life
Three years down the line?
Nov 2017 · 95
The Floor
bluevelvet Nov 2017
If you consider what was done
Anywhere different than me
I would attempt and fail
At feeling sorry for you

If you think it's what I deserved,
I'd simply ask how it's your place
To ever consider that for me
A tale as old as time,
Two wrongs do not make a right
You'll get yours too

Like I have time and time again,
By people dragging a dead horse around
The stench slows me down,
Kills me a little every time

Any line of view is better
Than the face I want to punch,
You were just like everyone else
So I'll tell you the same thing too

You're not above me,
You never were and you never will be
You were just another disappointment
In the long list of them

The equivalent of another shout out
If I ever decide to grow the backbone
It so rightfully takes
To end it all
Nov 2017 · 112
Patty Cake Alley Way
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Replaced me
The replacer?
Nov 2017 · 298
It's Done, Mother Nature
bluevelvet Nov 2017
A swirl of clouds
And thundering rain,
Winds ungodly and
The stench of fear and death

It is done,
Unthought of all
The memories created there
Families and love stories

I dreamt a dream,
It was us two
At Disney and universal
You asked me as a ride was ending,

"Are you having fun?"
And I couldn't look at your face
But I timidly said,

"Mostly because you are here"
And I kissed you
Where the mouth ends and cheek begins
And you vanished as I pulled back

It was over like
A hurricane and a waterpark
A memory of us
In the tunnel of love
For children who hasn't
Seen each other in a year

But you knew it was me
And I felt this pull,
I knew I would disappoint
Like I did that day
Climed to the top of Black Hole,

I remembet it now

And it was our turn,
I cried because I couldn't see
I cried because of the height
And the unknown
So my mother took me down

We went to the wave pool
And it was of luck,
Just a wave of destiny

Because I hadn't seen you
In what seemed like forever,
I wanted you there because I was alone
But you were here in the water

You were here and
I felt like home

Now it's gone
The tunnel and a piece of
Black Hole remains

What if I never cried?
Would you have looked at me still?

It's childish to remember
But you were it
And now I'm in a wave pool

Where's the tunnel?
Where's the scary ride?
The embarrassment of being scared?

You knew me
Better than anyone else,
You still do
Nov 2017 · 80
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Black and white*

There is no cat

That is a shade of gray,

Just black and white,

Nice or mean
Nov 2017 · 330
You (part number whatever)
bluevelvet Nov 2017
A drawn out decapitation
Of a psychopaths mindset
Brought to life by everyone
They done wrong
It's a beautiful thing
Like he is and that other him
And obviously him and
Whoever you are.
I know you found better,
That's great because everyone has
But if I could take back what I did
I would in a heartbeat.
bluevelvet Nov 2017
From physical to
The mental state,
I am a regret that each
And every one of them has made

I am the bad choice,
The part they will never
Tell their grandchildren
I am the easily replaceable,
The forgettable if it wasn't for
The things I regret doing,
Would you even remember me?

I am the one you scrub off your skin,
Mouthwash the taste of my type of love
Out of your mouth and spit the backwash
Where you left me,
Where you found me
Down here on the ground

I am the opposite you look for now,
I am the reminder of your low standard
I am the 'What the **** was I thinking?'
I am the **** of all jokes you know

But I'm the reminder of
How far you've come and the road
Of everything you now know
To look out for and staying clear of it

At least I
Did that right.
Nov 2017 · 161
The Price is Right
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Maybe I don't deserve to know,
Maybe I already do and I simply...
Just can't admit it to myself because
I stretch myself thin but
Not the thin guys like you like

Maybe I can't handle reality because
Everything is my fault as always
I want to play the victom but I lost it all,
From the way these hands move and
The words my mouth speak

Maybe I didn't understand the way you looked at me,
Maybe it was all just a fairytale dream
The kind where you were everything I needed
And I was somehow what you wanted

I can't let it go because you were the first.
The one I hurt most,
Not even a goodbye or a I wish you well
Line ending and so much left to say

Do you imagine it?
If I never met him and it was just us?
Would you have been strong enough?
Would I put my doubt aside and decide
To stay instead of just going?

I hope you found that peace,
I dream they give it to you
And all of your days,
I hope you remember me
And maybe wonder if I'm doing okay
Nov 2017 · 88
bluevelvet Nov 2017
It is possible to
Hate and love some people
At the same time,
I wake up everyday
With this feeling
For myself
Nov 2017 · 74
I Need A Loan
bluevelvet Nov 2017
He looks like the type
To mock religion
For the soul purpose of getting under your skin,
Chasing his dream from what I remember you telling me
While I expect nothing at this point in life
And am still let down by everything,
Mainly myself obviously
Maybe with my ability
To predict makeshift prophecy's
I could move to California,
Become the modern day Charles Manson
Minus the murdering,
I cry over almost hitting an animal in the road
And the followers?
Akin to Helen Keller,
The inability to realize I am physically nothing
To be obsessed over and they don't comprehend
The complete ******* I spew from my mouth
About connections and ideas.
Even with the followers,
Your stamped-over question mark existence
Would still be boiling water in my vains,
Insects in my muscles,
A riddle in my head,
Confusion in my heart
Does it excite you to be everything you despised about school?
Does it still bring satisfaction to know
You have the ability to turn tables better than anyone
And years later still have me on my toes
With no solid proof of who you are?
Nov 2017 · 94
Old Friends
bluevelvet Nov 2017
I stared down the bottles,
Clear and filled with
Neon pink,
My old friends gathered
In neat rows of packed and sealed medication

I almost gave in,
Deep breaths,
Butterflies that once were
From boys were now
From what helps cope
With the burden of never being enough

My hands twitched and
My eyelid fluttered
It would be easy to go back,
To feel that again
And I want to

I want to feel numb from them
And laying beside someone
I want to laugh from the high
And kiss the pain away

But I have another way,
More functioning this time
I drown them away now
So I don't remember the dreams
Of kissing them
Or touching their faces
Or connecting with them

If you have never been addicted
To something to take the pain away
Have you ever truly lived?
Have you ever truly loved?
Nov 2017 · 536
bluevelvet Nov 2017
My father kept a rose in his bible
To symbolize him and my mother
I remmeber when he pulled it out
When I was little at churce,
I asked him what it was and
I forgot the whole story but I remember
It involved him and my mother
I can still smell the aftertones of rose
But it was brown and decade,
Withered from years of protection
Between pages as a bookmark
I realized I am the same for the ones I loved,
As little to none would admit it
I am that rose,
I am the withered bookmark you keep
I am the reminder of when you were human,
When you first started,
When you thought you knew everything,
When the simple things were enough.
I am the reminder of who you are.
I don't have a bible filled with bookmarks
I have a body colored with the reminder that
I am in fact human.
I will continue to add to it until I decide,
When I meet the one.
I will no longer need to print myself with bookmarks
But rather take photographs with my eyes
And feel with my hands and lips.
Taste and feel and experience why
Those other bookmarks are not here
But a reminder of how far I have come
Nov 2017 · 221
Do You Remember?
bluevelvet Nov 2017
At least I did one thing right,
Standing in November rain
I wouldn't put up a fight
Take away the pain,
Would you hold me tight?

Sun shines through,
I want to be someone you never knew,
Someone that is brand new
Better than the other few

Smoking whatever you want to,
I could die just being here with you
You seem like someone I always knew
Breath it in and I'm feeling blue

My walls down,
You seen me and no longer frown,
Blue turns to brown
And I hit the hard cold ground

I want to wrap you up,
Protect you like a new born
But you've out grown me
Do you remember?  
You stared like you always wanted it
And you're so fit
How could I compete
When I'm not a skinny babe?

They tell me I'm skinning down,
The less I eat the more chance
Someone like you turns around
And my heart would make all these sounds

Would it be enough?
Years ago, shine shows through
The lucky part is I could die
Laughing with you.
Nov 2017 · 70
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Nov 2017 · 135
bluevelvet Nov 2017
I wonder how someone can enjoy being alone?
To find comfort in solitary.  
Whether physically or emotionally alone,
How can they stay in silence for so long?

I would rather be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of strangers
Than be by myself.
The being alone itself isn't what scares me,
It's the silence.
Because in that silence I am forced to comprehend
That maybe there is nothing more.

There is no other galaxy's that hold
Millions of billions of stars,
There is no other planets like Mars and Jupiter,
There is no other earths.

An earth for each chance you messed up or never took,
An earth for every mistake you wish you could change
And the opposite outcomes from them.
An earth for every time you were never enough,
Where you were far too much,
And you were never the one.
An earth to see what could have been,
But there is nothing.

I don't know,
A vast nothingness is scare than living in this hell.

And maybe this is all we have,
Maybe this is the only earth.
Maybe I'm the only me and you,
You are the only version of you.

And the only other earth there is?
The one in our dreams.
Where we do everything right.
Nov 2017 · 82
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Have you ever felt alone?
The bare minimum isn't enough?
Like you're breathing for no special reason?
Do you take what you can get?
Do you shut up with the fear of losing it all?
Have you lied to pretend that it truly is whatever?
Like you aren't surprised by the outcome?
I have.
I feel like this everyday.
I am tired,
I am exhausted.
That's why I'm a ****.
Today isn't yesterday,
Or four years ago,
Six years ago,
Eight, nine, ten,
Eleven years ago.
Today is today and you may think I don't deserve respect
Which is why I'm a ****.
Confuse who I am today for a dumb *******,
I'll be the biggest **** you have ever met.
But there is someone out there,
Watching and keeping tabs.
Someone that sees I'm drowning,
Dying because I can't handle this on my own.
Where are you?
Who are you?
If you notice someone dying do you watch?
Do you walk away?
Or do you show yourself?
Do you let resentment go and find the good in people?
I am washed ashore,
Dying for air but missing the water that surrounded me.
I am a fish that wants to be loved,
Admired in a tank filled with your love.
Whoever you are,
I need you.
I've needed people and things before,
Most of my life I have depended on these things
To make it through,
To make it matter in anyway.
Now I need it to live,
To make it seem worthwhile.
Nov 2017 · 60
bluevelvet Nov 2017
I miss the addiction of freedom,
When you knew it was time to go home
By the streetlights turning on
Running up the hills and catching lightening bugs
I miss ice cream trucks and
When swimming pools meant
I was picked up and thrown out further by my dad,
Not me doing it for a little boy who doesn't have one
I miss the addiction of summer,
Vacations, camps
And bus rides with secret plans
Watching the stars for the beauty,
Not planes for the unknown
I have lived and died a hundred thousand times
And this time,
This time on the ground,
I don't have the will to get back up
Frostbitten and shaking,
My breath blows smoke and
Smears the stars and just for a moment
I close my eyes and reach out,
Feeling and tasting freedom once again
You would have never left,
You would have cared
In a way no one else does now
Nov 2017 · 96
All Good Things End
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Like seasons I have died
Over and over again
This time it's thorns
To protecte the ones that want to come close,
The ones I want to save
Each ***** and scratch and ****
Is filled with venom,
Mouth breathing out disease
Could you have loved me if I never met him?
If I didn't make those mistakes?
You're fit and I'm disastrous
You seem calm and collective,
I move fast like a daydream
Drain guys like it's a norm
But you seem perfect,
The kind I want but never have.
In another life you're another guy
That wants to try but maybe
I'm stronger that time,
Maybe I'm enough for myself
Nov 2017 · 95
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Have you seen what I'm working with now?
I'm running it into the ground,
Bringing it to my level.
You were down here once, too.
I'm ultimately sure of it.
Are you doing your smirk at my sad existence?
Or just watching it pass by?
Maybe that salt life is still calling your name.
It's funny either way,
You have a way of popping up.
I wanted to ask you why you used to look at me like that.
Used to, that's the big part.
Now you can't even look at me,
Red means go to me,
Just in my head for a minute.
The sweet relief of metal in my side and broken glass in my skull.
Just a minute of daydreaming of everything ending.
Maybe if it was on the couch and the scratching of nails
From my dog being locked in its crate,
Heavy breathing was heard.
I would have asked you and now, years later,
A different house and a different couch,
That grasshopper noise would stick with me
Why am I writing about this?
Why do I even think about it?
This year has been a record breaking year.
I'm no longer negative about anything,
Just my self and my sad existence.
I guess that's what happens when you've finally
Been hit with a train wreck and you're frozen,
Grounded to the spot with the hard hitting reality
That everything is my fault.
Nov 2017 · 343
Blue Too
bluevelvet Nov 2017
I want this.
To be the caregiver,
To be protected

I want a love.
The kind you see in movies,
Read in books,
Daydream of

The kind that shows you off,
That wouldn't leave you left out,
Isn't afraid of the looks

That loves me for me,
And maybe the way my
Mouth can move up and down
And the way my imperfect body
Can contort against his,
Hairy on hairy
Grunt on grunt

I'd call him daddy when I feel bad,
Softly admit I love him when I feel vulnerable
Give him what he wants

Cook and clean,
Work and take care of the kids
Just for him

And all I want in return?
All I ever really need?
Loyalty and to be loved.
Loved and cared for.

Is that too much to ask for?
Nov 2017 · 116
bluevelvet Nov 2017
I could be anyone I want
The craigslist killer,
The boy scout that helps you cross the street
I could be a hundred million things
Do you know who I am?
Have you heard of me?
The way I lie and contort myself to be
Exactly what you want?
Have you heard of the good that I do?
Or did you just hear the bad?
Does it shine brighter than my strive to be
Accepted and given a chance?
I want to paint galaxy's with my words
And touch souls with my feelings
Have you considered yourselves not actually better than me?
Have you tried?
Have you reached out?
To really know me, to bust open the skull
To learn me.
What have you done?
Oct 2017 · 88
bluevelvet Oct 2017
Can you see me?
Can you feel it?
Like waves crashing onto a shore,
Wind bending trees.
I am the feeling someone yearns for.
Is it you?
Is it myself?
I long to be longed for the kind that doesn't want me.
I am not beautiful like your last or
Like the ones on screen.
But I love beautiful like them,
Maybe even more so.
I want to run my fingers through your long hair,
I want to taste sunrises with you
Whoever you are.
Who are you,
*blue l
Oct 2017 · 114
bluevelvet Oct 2017
I am alone in this cold place
I am slightly drunk and
I am alone
I could easily go out,
Find a married guy and spend 15 minutes with him
In the back of his car
I could drink some more and feel braver,
Stare a hole into the guy I find appealing,
Make it uncomfortable for anyone
I could cry but I've done enough of that
I could continue to snap myself in half
Between the sweet person I am that occasionally makes not-so-great decisions
Or the two faced horrible person you presume I am
I could walk back into that store,
Snowflakes melting in my white hair
But does it matter?
No matter how much I wish and pray and try,
Sometimes you just aren't enough
Would you let me down gently?
Would you call the cops?
Laugh and tell all your friends?
Another mark on my belt,
But not ******.
Just the laughing stock of the town.
Would you give me a chance?
See me?
Past these layers of rumors and truth's,
Past my body and ****** up mind
Who are you?
Would you care?
Would you go past hearing my name or
Would you just turn around after hearing it?

Do you know how alone that feels?
Oct 2017 · 124
bluevelvet Oct 2017
I remember that picture so clearly.
So why does it matter?
Why does anything matter?
Wouldn't it be great if you could just...
Cut your flesh and dig around to see what you're made of?
To feel the muscles and blood and tendons between your finger tips?
Or to take a bottle of pills and see the light before tasting the depressing feel of a stomach pumped?
Or to lay halfway out of an upside down, burning car? Near death and wishing for a sweet relief.

When do I get that sweet relief?

Without being a coward.

When do I find the one to let me touch the slivering of scales against my skin without being afraid?
To let my body be enough?
When do I get to laugh and carry on without caring about anyone else in the world?
I want to taste the freedom.
To feel it pull me in and cradle me like a soft child.
To tell me that I haven't been enough for others until this moment.
Where I am more than enough and so much more to look forward to.
When is it my turn to be enough for someone
that is so much more than enough
For me?
Oct 2017 · 92
bluevelvet Oct 2017
Another tally under
Everything I Do Wrong
If numbers are truly limitless
I can keep this up
My body is even reacting the same way
As last time
And I want to laugh and cry
But mainly I just want to die
I want to die so bad that
I can taste it behind the alcohol
I don't want to cry anymore
I don't want to laugh and joke around
I don't want to feel the ache in my body
I want everything to be still,
I want to feel peace
I am drowning by no one but myself
Will there ever be a light?
Will there ever be another way,
Another person to come along and just...
Care without having to already,
Care and see that I am ******* rotted out,
Dying and barely holding on?
Will they tell me I deserve so much better?
Will they show me Im finally not alone?
Im so ready to drive straight through a curve,
To not hear the car coming
Im ready for something else
Something that isn't here
Oct 2017 · 209
Third Time's the Charm
bluevelvet Oct 2017
Who am I?
I am the abandoned building
along the vacant street
I am the whirlwind in a storm
of regret and intoxication
I am the calm of a hushed whisper,
The goose bumps and raised hair
I am a nurturing stigma,
The thing good enough to
Never really be enough
I am the bite of a plump lip,
The shared dreams on leather seats
I am the crying in the dead of night
because you want it to be over but
you just *know
when it's gone,
you will have nothing left
I am the drug of choice,
The brown liquid to wash it down
The shake of hands you blame on nerves
I am the elephant in the room,
Do you remember me?
Take a minute from rubbing the salt in,
Do you see me? Do you hear me?
Family,'s never been enough.
I strive to matter to someone that isn't obligated to care
I dream of bus rides and religion
While mourn the boy I made feel wasn't enough
But he was the one to say it back.
Third time's the charm,
And if it doesn't happen it wasn't meant to be
Take a minute from his busy life,
Does he remember the way I cared?
He doesn't want the best for me
No one could conceive the possibility
To ever believe that
If it wasn't meant to be,
Just know,
I will always love you
Sep 2017 · 103
bluevelvet Sep 2017
Give me a sign
Or I have to give up.
I can't do this anymore.
Please just let me die.
Beigh alive
Hurts too much."
Sep 2017 · 133
bluevelvet Sep 2017
Oldest of old friends,
You were supposed to stick around
Until the very end
Even if I wasn't the one
You were supposed to share
The happiness you won
The good times and
Remembering the things I used to be
Old friend,
How is everything treating you
Since I wasn't the one?
Ghost and regrets tug
At my heart strings but
You were always the one
Dearest friend,
Didn't I tell you?
I ruin everything
Sep 2017 · 106
bluevelvet Sep 2017
It's just a coincidence my father
Pointed out styrofoam,
And I have no one to trust
It's just a coincidence my father
Loses track of keys in the way
I find everything because I'm observant
It's not a coincidence that I
Wonder of people that give absolutely
Not one ounce of care for me
All these noises in my streets,
I overshadowed the possibility
The only thing I should ever fear
Is myself
Sep 2017 · 129
bluevelvet Sep 2017
You get what you give
Especially when it's one of their own
But look at me, mama
Defying the not possible
To the right, vacancy up and down
Behind there is nothing to be found
Forward is cloudy like vapor,
Nothing to hold onto
Look to the--oh my,
That snowball is growing
Unlike essential things
had to get that joke out of the way
Hows the sunny life turning out?
I never understood the way he looked at me,
The way he acted
You know, before I ****** up everything
I put so much thought in thinking he was a possibility,
Because he used to act nervous too
I forgot I wasn't that type of girl,
Skin and bones
But I stay headstrong,
Brush that dirt off when I stand
I keep going forward,
Defying the not possible
This time it wasn't storming or do we count the one in my mind?
Sep 2017 · 148
Am I Dead?
bluevelvet Sep 2017
A burst of energy and I'm alive,
My self esteem comes out of hiding
I'm floating on the surface
With the help of a form of aqua
No one hears me,
No one sees
I'm in the middle of a sea
I created myself
Am I dead?
I feel it in my bones,
I should be dead and gone
Life feels worthless when you're alone
I just want a sign,
A reassurance that there is a reason
I'm still alive
Aug 2017 · 152
Tomorrow Never Came
bluevelvet Aug 2017
I was supposed to get him a two liter
And his favorite candy cake
But all I can do is cry in rough filters
And seem to hallucinate
He didn't want me to smoke
But he condescendingly rolls fat ones to ****
And I was self conscious about my weight
But he told me to stop and planned our special date
I was childish and said no
But now I have to look back and never know
And when you learn your lessons a day too late,
That's when tomorrow never came with fate
Wrote something similar I do believe. But this one sticks.
Everything sticks when you ******* for once finally learn.
Aug 2017 · 130
bluevelvet Aug 2017
Murmuring gets you no where.

But I've been here before and not

just because I walk this way everyday.
Aug 2017 · 105
bluevelvet Aug 2017
Circle tap tap

The best thing my time never had

The past is where it's at

And I would love to go back,

Feel that electric lightning zap

But I'll save a space for his timeless laugh

Tap circle tap

I acted like a total brat

But he loved that I was fat

Gave my stomach many pats

I wish I never wasted his time

Tap tap circle

What I did was quite brutal

And my apologies would be futile

I wished he'd better himself

And now I see it wasn't too late for him

Just in time*

Tap tap tap circle

This world is ****** up

But I'll learn to be enough

Maybe if I had two holes in each ear

I would learn how to correctly hear

The st-st-stutter

And the way I was never good at being

The queen of Chevron

Innocence was lost when I couldn't breathe

In the hues of red hills

And I can't hide the way I can't deal

With never mending burnt bridges and heal

With the mistakes I breathe life into

The bigger picture isn't on any wall,

I spend my time looking back and stall

You can't change what you destroyed

So pick better people to surround yourself with

And the voices fill my head with filth

Just love myself and find that

Tap tap tap circle circle
Aug 2017 · 151
bluevelvet Aug 2017




Aug 2017 · 149
bluevelvet Aug 2017
He doesn't like preps

So you better watch where you step

If you don't have that type of skin

That isn't paper thin

And I'd roll up and say,

"Yo, *****"

But I'd prefer her any day
Aug 2017 · 150
for when you're 82
bluevelvet Aug 2017
I'll put this all aside,
Write like it's you reading it
Time has a funny way to abide
So I hope you don't just sit
And watch it pass by
My poetry ***** ultimately. Sometimes there's a decent one that comes out of me. It blows major but it's the only way to say it now. With candles and cake, I hope you receive everything you could want in life. I swear on my life with every blown candle I will always wish for you.
Aug 2017 · 132
bluevelvet Aug 2017
I'd come get my things,

Help ease your mind of my existence

But I don't have enough sunrises

To make it back to that foreign land again

And broken plastic,

      E l a s t i c hearts,

They may just be things to some

The kind of some's that have no business

        Touching those things

Makes my very own wolf want to

   Claw my way to revenge

But I have sunsets
that tame that in me,

My greatest sunset that tried it's best

             To exist for me with only

Friendship in return

But selfish was my downfall,

Selfless now,

            I exist to prove it was not

Wasted time and wasted secrets,

    It was not wasted laughs and hidden meaning

This sunset brings me out of the dark

     In a way I cannot explain except

          This owl is all the light I need,

   I no longer grind my teeth and

I try to do better for the home

          That had found a new home

While I was on my way back
Jul 2017 · 123
bluevelvet Jul 2017

         They just aren't on your face

And they connect more

      Than just random shapes on skin,

They connect people like

           Stars and galaxy's in the

Palms of the beholders.
Jul 2017 · 115
bluevelvet Jul 2017
I once did it,
Dived in deep
Though it was only four feet
And it was beautiful
The stars and summer heat

My back against the side,
Him between my
Unconventional thighs
And up until you,
Everything had felt right

But I'm not the kind
You could carry without the
Help of water makin it less heavy
And gentle kicks from the floor,
Sent water rippling off his arm
Around my unphotoshopped back
And my hair isn't long enough
To toss in a messy bun
To keep from the wet

And our noses danced while
We shared hushed laughs,
It was love until I remembered you
It was perfect until I remembered you

Now that it's gone and
So are you,
I can only look back and wish
Instead of brown,
They were blue

And my self esteem
Plummeted out of my ***,
But I knew it was a beautiful night and
I was a beautiful mess
But it would have felt so different
If it was with you,
But it wasn't
And it was something beautiful you never got to view
Jul 2017 · 218
bluevelvet Jul 2017








When you find it, let me know. See if it'd work for me.
Jul 2017 · 90
bluevelvet Jul 2017
Look at you,

Adding onto your mosaic wall of art

I will eventually too

But mine's just more permanent

And never hidden in the dark
bluevelvet Jul 2017
But this isn't a poem.
It's just the things I wish I could say to you.
A list that I add onto everyday now it seems.
You may not read these,
You may not even believe a single word if you did.
I'm not scared of things anymore.
I honestly don't know what's ahead, all the things the future holds.
I do have fear though.
I think it's only human to fear the unknown.
I hyperventilate when I think about you not being there for it.
I don't know where I'll be in another year or in another 10 years for that matter.
All I do know without a single doubt is that you will stay a part of me then and even after that.
It's a joke to some people that I can love something that I never had.
I just don't know what else to call the feeling of remembering your hands on my face
Or when you kissed my cheek.
I never felt this warm and buzzing sensation with anything else.
I fear the future but I am ready for it because you're in my heart and my head and my soul.
And I hope you know, I hope you feel it that no matter where you go or the person you hold,
Every single thing, every choice, every action, every life event will always come back to that youth camp.
I hope your life is beautiful and with every doubt and every hardship you face,
Just know that there will always be an extra person always, always rooting and cheering you on.
Jul 2017 · 90
bluevelvet Jul 2017
I tried to find it today,
Thought I tucked it away
To be found by someone in a land to help light their way
But I dug and I tore,
My mind was racing until sore
And I just couldn't do it anymore
Now I want to go back to my old ways,
Find something to take me back to those old days
Where laughter never dies
And you stay forever on my mind
I couldn't find it today but
I'm telling myself it's okay
I'm getting on an aeroplane,
Helping me find my way
Where you will always stay
And these memories don't fade
I don't know what you would even do if you seen me cry again.
Jul 2017 · 165
Black Hole
bluevelvet Jul 2017

Drug use

So much drugs

Pass the time while

Laying around high

Comatose to the couch

I'd watch my hand lag in front of my face

Skipped school too done to care

Katy Perry was a teenage dream

My brother said to stay away,

He said I didn't know who I was hanging out with

He also said my mouth would get me in trouble one day

You said it's my choice but I'm making the wrong one,

Dad yelled and said he loved me and knew I was so dumb

If ear exams were made of acknowledging clear signs

I'd be considered deaf
Where are you when I need you? ****.
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