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Blaine Genson Mar 2013
with every grain of sand that drops
one less word is devoted to you
i still talk like someone is listening
but i know your ears have long since tuned out
living in a place where everybody speaks truth
has good intentions
likes simple things
population unknown
because everyone expects the worst in people
i'd rather expect the best
and be let down
than live in fear
of the evil
behind every mask
at the pit of every heart
it might be imagined
or maybe everything is

the sand and the words won't run out
but i will
Blaine Genson Mar 2013
like smoke
you can fill a room
and be gone just as quickly
all you need is a way out
but you won't find your way back into this room
the guys upstairs got tired of the door slamming
so they locked it
i would let you back in
if i thought you might stay
just for a little while
but you never do
in and out
like the burger joint
fast food love
you must like it
knowing that someone
is hung up on you
a sorry excuse for a person
i feel like i'm wasting ink
because one day you'll use it all up
and words can't go as far as thoughts

i'll catch the next bus
i don't want to breathe you in
Blaine Genson Mar 2013
day to day
long stretches of boring
in between the good things

we live our lives waiting
on the next something

and it comes
and goes just as easily
again we wait
on the next anything

i do not know what i live for
but it is not
cold mornings
sad goodbyes
or lonely nights
maybe those things pick us

i don't mind hanging in the balance
as long as i can see you there
Blaine Genson Mar 2013
people are capable of giving so much
in care
or simply time

but what do you give
except for a cold space
in the hearts of those
unfortunate enough to meet you

i am no mans judge
however i know i have been used
and for that you are guilty

tread lightly old lover
there are less stable minds
in some fish
Blaine Genson Mar 2013
on a beautiful clear day i can feel it
with not a cloud in the sky i can hear it
even indoors i can taste it
the presence of the cool wet untamed atmosphere
the maelstrom that is the pouring storm in my depths
the drops that fall from my thoughts to my tongue
the life water of a single mind in the sea of the universe
a pitter pattering symphony that i write for myself
you would not understand if i could play it for you
never calm never kind never stopping *nevermind
Blaine Genson Mar 2013
A lie is powerful
A single false word
can bring minds
to the edge of insanity
But nobody thinks of the damage
their lie will do
until it has infected the world
It's so easy
to put a yes
in the place of a no
or vice versa
But the sun will rise
whether you ever speak the truth
or not
Blaine Genson Mar 2013
put the kettle on
light up another cigarette
drop the tea in
light up another
grab a second cup
light up
write a little
keep writing

it might be a long night
but they all are
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