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May 2013 · 658
Bailey Kreutzer May 2013
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray I'm not in too deep.
I just always end invested.
The feelings never leave me rested.
I toss and turn every night,
Just hoping that you're alright.
Why do I have to be so nice.
I've made this mistake more than twice.
I'm afraid it's too late to change.
I've always been a bit strange.
It's probably my largest fall,
But I guess it's not bad at all.
It's because of you my mind's mayhem,
Thank you lord, amen
My mother always said I couldn't make everyone happy and I shouldn't try because I would just make myself unhappy well it's extremely difficult for me not to do that exact thing and I think I have a bit of a problem literally if someone is upset I personally blame myself even if I wasn't the cause at all and I will take it apon myself to not rest until that person is happy again..... Wow I really need a doctor or a therapist...
Bailey Kreutzer Apr 2013
With true meaning
                     simple words can
         become something
                                                       truly *beautiful
While reading others poems they could have five words but within the five words are so many emotions and its stunning I can only wish for some of the talent you can find here its truly remarkable!!!
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
Samantha on Strings
Bailey Kreutzer Apr 2013
Samantha was caring, Samantha was kind,
but sadly she fell for the wrong guy.
He said he loved her, and she was such a find.
You'd never guess he was amonster in disguise.
The bruises, and pain; she lived in fear.
Clinging on to the "hope" she lasted a year.
He the ventriloquist watched his puppet swing.
Samantha couldent escape her "masters" string.
Abuse is a serious matter and if you are getting abused please contact help immediately!!! The reason for writing this was inspiration from a recent drawing I did... It's pretty sad so sorry:|
Apr 2013 · 323
Bailey Kreutzer Apr 2013
So many times I've fallen,
only to gain another scar.
They say it just gets harder,
but thanks to yesterday,
i'm stronger today.
Even if its a tiny amount,
it's progress.
Apr 2013 · 449
Life (poem of Haikus)
Bailey Kreutzer Apr 2013
Do you give, or take?
Should I bend, or should I break?
When am I too much?

Do you grieve out loud?
Should I be modest, or proud?
Does it get easy?
ive been facing some questions lately, so I thought writing it out would make it easier, because usually it does, but this time I just created more questions so ill just let it be, and hope for the best....BRING IT ON LIFE IMMA READY FOR YA!!!!!
Apr 2013 · 434
I Love You.
Bailey Kreutzer Apr 2013
it should be simple...
I just cant spit out the words.
three words I cant say.
never said it to anyone but my mom, and not planning to anytime soon. probably because no one wants to date a girl who writes poetry with her cats... well at least my cats love me -forever alone poet TT.TT=
Apr 2013 · 533
Natures Deception
Bailey Kreutzer Apr 2013
                          tempting you to touch.
                                                                  though the petals be soft,
                                          the thorns cut,
not sure where I was going with the spacing but it looks cool:)
Mar 2013 · 360
Little Girl
Bailey Kreutzer Mar 2013
once apon a time
in a place called home
there was a little girl
stuck in a war zone
she cried out for help
screaming for days
but none could hear her
until it was too late

again in that time
in the same place
they finally realized
it was their mistake
no one helped her
mentally not around
now the little girl
is in the ground

in a sad time
in a shaded place
few people crowded
a lifeless face
blood red roses
laced near pale cheeks
a sweet soul in heaven
she was finally free
just venting god I love writing <3
Mar 2013 · 344
Troubled Nights
Bailey Kreutzer Mar 2013
The memory hits me, like a brutal hand
I remember the seething voice of demand
That night the sky brushed with perfect shade
Grateful to the crowd I began to fade
I sunk deeper and deeper keep my head held low
All of a sudden I was  face to face with my foe
Too shocked to speak too stubborn to show fear
A response to my distaste they wiped a blind tear
There was nowhere to run to not a place to hide
Trouble had me in its trap I was prisoner to its side
Some people see trouble as a little monster I for some odd reason picture it as a bad person at a masquerade ball if that didn't come across sorry because I wanted it to ........I
Hope this makes sense........ Ah who care it rhymes...right??
Mar 2013 · 314
Bailey Kreutzer Mar 2013
I've never felt it
They say when you do you'll know
But I'm impatient
The say your Prince Charming is out there honestly I think my guy was hit by a bus or something ;) haha
Bailey Kreutzer Mar 2013
The blue moon shimmers,
Light grazing my frosted soul,
Each snowflake smiles,
When the sun returns the day,
If only she could be mine


                        My heart burns brightly
                        The pain so very intense
                        For I am the flame
                        But my love belongs in frost
                        If only I could have him

The days grew longer,
As she quietly approached,
Her strides warmed the grounds,
But as soon as she reached me,
I was no longer myself

                        His hair wasn't shards
                        His face was no longer ice
                        But he was now mine
                        Ever so slow I touched him
                        But my smile like him melted
Created by Sydney Kakuk and myself Bailey Kreutzer hope you enjoy
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Deadly decisions
Bailey Kreutzer Feb 2013
Remember cool summer days, we spent in the shade. Laughing, running, squirting water grenades.

Together we played in the chilled air; leaves around us everywhere. The colors of fall was a sight to see, and no matter the caution you took, there was always a crunch under your foot.

The fun we had during springtime storms
We danced, and shoved; wound up soaked through and through dripping the floor

Forts, and wars when we spent the days in the ice. The warm drinks inside, the smell rang through our home, like that of a bell.

We passed with time, and now nothing's the same.
You are now different; you won't play in the snow, because your too busy,
with the deadly crystal angle.
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
Bailey Kreutzer Feb 2013
The waves splash on expecting shores,
The proud seabird called out to his brothers,
And the wind as still as a ravens eye.
The day falls ,and gets back up as night.
Silent and slow the boat rocks to and fro.
There fate was sealed, as they slept away.
The sweet murmur began softly at first,
The wonderful serenade grew louder ,grew closer,
But when the morning rang again.
The boat was gone.
Jan 2013 · 367
My Gaurdian
Bailey Kreutzer Jan 2013
She watches me, and smiles at my laughing face, but she is not stupid; she sees.
  She embraces me, and when I begin to cry, tears from her fall as well.
She notices, and worries when I am not in her line of sight, because she knows its not right.
  She understands, and when she does not, she doesn't hesitate to apologize; though she is innocent.
She protects me through a mask, because she is not what most see her as.
  She is my guardian, and over and over again has saved my life.

  How does one thank her?
                                                           ­                                           *I am at a loss......
Jan 2013 · 375
A Wintery World
Bailey Kreutzer Jan 2013
the warmth was so near; I could nearly see it.
oranges, reds, blues.  The thought burned in my memory.
the intense heat of the flickering flame, so wonderful.
I had traveled so far in the cold, and finally savior!
but in an instant as swift as the hope flooded through me,
it drained out, leaving me colder than before.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Bailey Kreutzer Jan 2013
im sick of people
everyone is "innocent"
everyone but me
Dec 2012 · 572
Bailey Kreutzer Dec 2012
cloaked in red
100 feet tall
1000 feet small
rough to the touch
but to tempt me
oh the sweet smell
just there to give me hell
sometimes a cube
sometimes a rock
but to me in my life
its writers block
I have
1. so many emotions
2. time to write
3. passion and dedication
ugh -_- im so mad
Dec 2012 · 1.5k
Bailey Kreutzer Dec 2012
A small slow creak and a shadow peeks,
Behind an unexpecting corner.
You close your eyes, but to your surprise when you open,
The shadow is gone,
But a presence you can sence around every turn,
The conditions right in the dead of night with a
fierce howling wind,
And soon you realize through sloppy tears the danger is swiftly drawing closer!
Creak.. Creak... Creak!
The lump in your gut, seemed to force you out of your frozen rut.
The edrenelin took over then!
Relying on touch for your eyes were usless from crying too much.
The beat of your heart stretched from your ears to your feet.
Your arms flailed and your feet flew,
But still you felt the hot breath on your neck it was
the end you just knew.
A nervous tremor in your leg threw you forward right onto your back.
Instantly your eyes traveled to the onyx bulbs of death that stared you down,
Cloaked completely in black.
As he reached a boney hand around your throat,
It didn't matter you couldn't breath either way,
Just when you could see the light of savior...
It spoke...
The most sinister slither slid out of his covered lips "I'll see you in hell." A small smile was then visible through his mask.
From sheer fright I gasped my last breath of air, and out of the strangest things to cross my mind all I could think is 'goodnight.'
This is sort of a kinda rhymey short story but ohh well This was sort of an edited dream I had I Troyes to make it as close as possible but I had to make some stuff up because I forgot so yeah goodnight haha!
Dec 2012 · 278
Bailey Kreutzer Dec 2012
one for my grandma
two for my heart
Four  for memories that make me wanna restart

Five for the heart ache
Six for the pain
Seven for nights I spend laying awake

Eight  for the effort
Nine for the tears
Ten for years I've spent hiding in fear
Eleven for those that say I have no reason...
Bailey Kreutzer Dec 2012
I remember when we
Would just walk
Would just talk
Just to pass the flimsy hours

Oh how the sun taunted us
Rosy cheeks
Moon meek
The best time of my life

Too soon I was alone where we
Would just walk
Would just talk
Those hours seemed precious now

No more pink cheeks
Pale and white
Oh a fright
I couldn't accept goodbye

They say the time will come
When I run
When I have fun
For me the clocks seemed to stop
Sorry I haven't been on for a while:/
Nov 2012 · 577
Faith pt1
Bailey Kreutzer Nov 2012
I back away from the battle at hand
I'm a coward I know it believe me
but what I say they will not understand
There battles relentless no winner determined
So I pray to the heavens ask god for a chance
When no reply comes I'm lost and scared
Because god I thought was the one friend I had
So I cowered more sunk into myself
But nobody saw I just needed some help
I'm emotionally scared physically dazed
In a mindless drone I slummed by day to day
Though every night I hung my head, and prayed
Nothing got better so bitter I became
Inside angry sad outside contempt glad
No longer did I care no longer did I pray
God I felt was up there laughing at me
Trees soon lost leaves and cool air settled in
My brush never stroked the blank canvas
My voice no longer sang out in a crowd
Still not knowing what to do to make things better
The memories of your smile fueled me foreword
Gave a spark of hope in my dreary existence
One memory urged me to make it
While all the others chained me back restricting me
Not expecting a reply I hung my head once more
Absolute silence and racing thoughts
Then it was clear as day as dawn
Nov 2012 · 434
Bailey Kreutzer Nov 2012
It boils and brews, but nothing can I do.
It fill me up to the top, and spills over.
I pace and wait trying to ease my restless state.
Your word won't help please don't try.
They just fuel the blaze, the tears.
Why try to explain when you won't hear.
A yonder I ponder will it ever get better.
If I cool the the hum of the song we sung.
And wish to the starry skies above.
I wish to be rid of the anger the pain the tears.
Go to a tier of simple simplicity.
A world just right for me.
Nov 2012 · 454
I'm still here
Bailey Kreutzer Nov 2012
If I could say what I think.
Maybe I wouldn't feel empty.
Because just maybe you would stay.
But now I feel my hour glass,
is running on nothing,
From the past laughter,
To the present silence,
Though thousands of faces that pass by,
I'm still here.
My shallow breaths, and small frame,
Still supporting life,
Just as much as the massive oak,
That bids me a good morrow as i pass,
Or the wind who calls me home,
You don't notice at all?
Can't you see!
I'm still here.
You're satisfied with what you see,
But you know don't you,
You know there's much more then that,
No matter how much you want to rid me,
No matter what you make your self believe,
I'm still here.
My life in a nutshell for a while now I'm so exhaustedX|
Oct 2012 · 517
The last dance
Bailey Kreutzer Oct 2012
If I could have one last dance,
To the time of the grass,
And the light of the moon,
The fog surrounding
And a cool frost forming on my skin.
I would wonder what love meant in terms of life.
How could one love something that hurts them?
Maybe that's only my experience with it.
I wonder, as my feet cross the floor in your lead
If I well someone like me could be loved.
Though I know never by you.
It would be nice if my last dance was with you.
But now I have no more time to wast apon you.
I must keep in time with the music of life.
To make sure I don't trip over my self in a blunder.
With everyone watching I keep my form.
They all believe I know what I'm doing,
And that's the true beauty in the act of deception,
The act of life in general,
So while you watch in awe at my pure happiness,
I'm secretly planning my last dance with life.
Oct 2012 · 644
Things that make it better
Bailey Kreutzer Oct 2012
Sing the worries away
Stay out of the past refrain
The clouds will depart
My heart will start
pounding it's same old tune

Dance away the night
Because by then
I won't remember our fight
My eyes will lighten
My smile brightens
My troubles melt away

Paint the world through your eyes
Each stroke a beautiful surprise
My soul becomes feathers
Now and forever
A giddy spirit in me

Write away your sorrows
For a better tomarrow
An optimistic person is me
From the pain filled chains
My heart Is set free

To me
Things like these
make it better...
I'm thankful for the amazing people and things in my life without them I would be here
Oct 2012 · 811
Glass Vaults
Bailey Kreutzer Oct 2012
Eyes are vaults,
they keeps things hidden,
hiding secrets, and pain,
Most don't see through eyes,
But if they look closely it's there,
The emotion that was carefully hidden,
Because eyes may be vaults but,
those vaults are made of glass,
If the glass shatters so does the person,
Happy is an illusion because of greed,
If one feels happiness it's ripped away,
Nearly as swift as it was given,
Life sets in the world continues to turn on,
Glass vaults lock away,
The pain and fear,
Eyes are **vaults.
Tired from the day
Oct 2012 · 487
I'm lost
Bailey Kreutzer Oct 2012
Why do I feel this way?
It's like my life's a play,
Smiling faces masquerading,
Verbatim to the script.
Why is my heart so sad?
You weren't mine to have.
You had me going,
I should've know but,
Your lies deceived me now,
I hope you can see what you've done to me,
As you watch me standing barely breathing.
I've made it through worse weather,
Without you I can get better,
But with you I my loose directions,
Spinning round my hearts reflecting,
I'm lost.
Do you remember me,
All what we use to be,
But now that's over,
You've grown colder,
Where did you go?
Remember when you loved me?
Now I think how could you leave,
You were my everything,
Now I,
I am lost.
I see these more as lyrics then a poem but I thought I should put this up because I've been working ******* it so i didn't have anytime to write anything lately so this ...this is it:/
Oct 2012 · 577
Bailey Kreutzer Oct 2012
If I can't love you I'll let you go,
Watch you drift peacefully, my tears slow,
Grandfather clocks tick the time bye,
I sooth the pain with our lullaby .
Once I was scared, frightened ,
But now I smile my soul lightened.
Path in my way like the tracks for a train,
I won't go back to the past return to the pain.
I'll speak to myself in a sweet soliloquy,
When I'm fished with a tear you vanish instantly.
Even before my eyes Ill never believe,
That you loved someone like me,
So I'll humm the lyrics of our time together,
Seems i must bare the frosty change of weather,
Dedicated to my grandmother I love and miss you it's hard without you I wish you were here
Oct 2012 · 1.0k
Bailey Kreutzer Oct 2012
In a hushed tone you tell me the truth,
And I sit there and wait for the silence.
Because the silence is loud enough to cover,
To blanket, the tears that threaten to flow.
The silence is a slow motion picture into life.
The lies the truths the pain of others,
That is why most can't handle the silence,
The fear silence is to be afraid of yourself.
To be stuck inside your memories,
you cannot remember throughout the noise,
The noise of life.
even a heartbeat is loud enough,
On its own in the silence.
the dark silence that secretly covers some,
It makes them become hallow,
Not who they once were, and some of them,
Never wake up to the light, the noise, the feel.
So I wait for the silence to prove to myself,
That I've won the war between it and me.
In that same hushed tone as before you repeat,
And again I wait, this time only for a moment,
Then I smile and tell you " it will be okay,
Because you will win."
Oct 2012 · 5.2k
Bailey Kreutzer Oct 2012
It's weird
how you that cares not about my feelings
knows exactly how I feel
It's weird
That you who calls me ugly but
We have the same face
It's weird
that we could be sisters but
Later on act like strangers
It's weird
That I still love you
Deapite what you've done
To me we
Are weird
To my sister
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
An everyday thing
Bailey Kreutzer Oct 2012
I slink through life with tired limbs,
Like a zombie that has no need to eat flesh,
just shuffle around with to much baggage to hold.
I seem lifeless but I can still feel,
I feel Anger, sadness,fear,betrayals, and pain,
And most the things I can't control I hide.
I feel so dead mearly a shell of what was; hallow.

I miss who I was strong, and confident,
Carefree;Skipping over the bad rejoiceing the good
My life was beautiful, as was my attitude.
My wonderful life was like a polished wood chair,
Strong and steady that chair stood along the others
Pain like sandpaper on my life taking the finish off,
After a little while I was left bare vulnerable.

I could call out for help, but what would that do?
It would make me susceptible to judgment,
So I curl up and cry like every night, soon
Passing out in a damp mess of mascara.
Day after day a routine I hate to fallowing,
But what choice do I have I don't want you to see.

I'll be alright alone I always am,
The nightmares I have no longer faze me,
The only things that pains me anymore are,
The memories that never fade.
So I let myself drift along the wave of expectations.
Mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewq this poem is no good I just needed to write it get it outta me
Sep 2012 · 762
Bailey Kreutzer Sep 2012
After the same target.
To push her down from her pedestal of lies.
Off with her head I hear you shout.
But a promise was made to leave her about.
I shake with anger when I hear what she's done,
Oh the pain she's brought down, to her it was fun.
It seems she feels she's on top of the game,
Like we're all pesents, and she is fame.
But here's a news flash you stupid little girl,
Your lies wont last, your so fake I want to hurl.
I'm sure you think you've won,
But were just getting stared,
And you're the target.
Plus I have something that insure my win,
There my friends my brethren my kin.
I'm flustered-.-
Sep 2012 · 598
Bailey Kreutzer Sep 2012
They say that one is the loneliest number but,
I disagree for I don't enjoy being around people
I find happiness mostly in being with me.
It's where I can cry, and not be weak
Where I can be me, without being weird.
I will never be stupid when I'm alone.
I can trust I will be there when you will never be.
I don't like being with people.
People are mean they judge, they compete.
They think they know you at the first glance.
I often dream I'm far away,
where no one can hurt me because no ones there.
I feel nobody understands my emotions,
They're mine, and I seldom trust.
So few people know what goes on in my head and,
I plan to keep it that way because,
I don't like people.
Thank you to the people I do trust you know who you are:)
Sep 2012 · 540
Bailey Kreutzer Sep 2012
My dreams to me are precious,
There the one thing I can count on,
Always there when I need them,
To get away from everyone and everything,
An escape.
A sense of freedom when I'm really caged,
it's something I can control when I'm inferior,
The one thing that keeps me going because,
It's gives me hopes it makes me believe.
Its like life and people aren't that terrible anymore.
Really the only bad things about dreams,
Is waking up.
....I hate being pulled into reality
Sep 2012 · 593
Taking a swim
Bailey Kreutzer Sep 2012
Life to me is like taking a swim,
No matter how calm or peaceful the water looks,
Dangers hide in the current.
Life will pull you under,
Sinking deeper into the waves that crash.
You kick hard fighting the water,
desperately you try and grap hold of anything.
You're running out of air and time.
So you latch on to the person that isn't submerged.
You grab hard, pull hard,
But instead of bringing yourself up,
You just pulled someone down.
And as you sink slowly to the bottom,
You regret what you did.
But you can't fix it now,
It's far to late.
Because life is like taking a swim.
I've had a pretty horrible day my head hurts and uggghhh I just feel like screaming
Sep 2012 · 621
At war with life
Bailey Kreutzer Sep 2012
Breaths become uneven,
Because of the pain in my chest.
My lips pressed together to force hold any noise.
Eyes shut tight for fear of stray tears.
I won't let you win!
No you won't get your sick pleasure from my pain you do you won't get what you want!
Not today.
Because you see I won't cry today life.
You may throw me obsticals,
but I will overcome any,
You may give me knifes for the cut,
But I won't fall for temptation,
You may remind me of what I've done,
But I will forgive and forget.
Life, you may have won battles,
But today I end the war.
Bailey Kreutzer Sep 2012
If I tell you something,
Will you listen?
Or will you bat your eyes,
Nod along,
Pretending to care,
About what I say,
What I do,
And who I am.

If I tell you something
Will you feel my pain?
Cry like I have?
Keep it locked away like me?
Will you care about me?

If I tell you something
Will you lie?
Will you tell everyone?
With your cold eyes,
Will you watch me unravel like thread,
Leaving my heart and me for dead.

If I tell you its a secret,
It's because I can't trust the outcome.
Im afraid to tell you anything
So I'll lock my secrets away for no eyes to see.
Because to get into a vault,
You need a key.
It takes me a while to trust...
Sep 2012 · 535
Bailey Kreutzer Sep 2012
Body aching,
Heart racing,
Edrenalin rushing,
Feet flying,
Rain storming,
Sweat pouing ,
Mind racing!

And for what?
What am I running from?
My past?
My past,
The one thing that haunts me.

It may be far away now,
But it's still here
Burning my very exsitance,
Hallowing me to the core.
My very core that has frozen over with time
I no longer feel

It doent matter if I'm dripping from the rain,
Or burnt from the sun
I have one mission
And that,
Is to run.
I dreamt this actually I was running in the rain and I felt very guilty I connected the guilt with my past and withthat I was overwhelmed and wrote this I feel better now yay!
Sep 2012 · 1.3k
Surrounded but alone
Bailey Kreutzer Sep 2012
Surrounded but alone
Strangers that I know
Lost in the white noise
Never ending crowds swarm
Besides them I dissapeer
Sinking into myself
My life wrapped up in a grey fog
My memory's soaked from the tears i've cried
Everyone I love says goodbye
It's made me tough
As though my hearts calloused
So I trudge on with the pool of faces
Never do I speed
never do I slow
But inside me I know
Theres no happy there's no sad in my world
You won't understand
So I'll continue to be the me you wanna see
But inside i will Always be
Surrounded, but alone
Feeling kinda dark today...
Sep 2012 · 1.4k
Locks and keys
Bailey Kreutzer Sep 2012
Broken locks 
 keys that won't turn
Are useless right?
There one purpose diminished 
Their life finished
So we throw them away
Not a seconded thought reviewed
So we go on in life just like before
But that lock 
That key 
Could have been so much more
If a chance had been given
That lock 
That key
Could have opened your heart
Set you free
Because in life people come in 
And we turn them away
For petty reasons we send them astray
But if time was gifted
And chances were given
Life might become a little peice of heaven
Locks will lock
Keys will turn
People will smile
Will become great even if for just a while
I thought I would add something that I struggle with personally into a poem so I hope ya like it also I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling problems....0.0

— The End —