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I want our words to make love....
Let us wine and dine in pen...
Ill kiss you from the page...
We'll create no biblical sins...

So poetic
that my physical is pathetic
I mean I fumble words around you..
But when I create, I'm no fool

Subdue you...
underneath you..
I'll ***** you...
Make your feet move..

Give you shakespear cues...
Show you which way to play...
As I write out scenes of love
That last for hours into days...

I'm no genius Just a lover
That gets off to syllables
I passion write in purple
Cause the red is full of bulls...

Let our I's Collide
As we make human i Ts
Saving Graces for our diner
for in each other we both feed..

I'm sure to say I do
If you read a little deeper...
But don't read too fast
cuz I'm know to be a sleeper...

Silence is my killer
Verbal language is my gun
As I have no set targets
go on killing sprees for fun..

Im a ******
Leave women lifeless in bedrooms
Bathrooms, car seats, tee pees and Breakrooms...
Let us have a pow wow...

For I'll empty life into you...
Birth a new prince...
All in the way he touched you..
While leaving no finger prints..

Let Our words..
make Love....
Feel Death...
and Receive Life...

For I Created this to tell you
I want your soul tonight...
but every time you'll read this
You'll know that love is Write...
"When you scraped your
Paint brush across my canvas,
The acrylics left
Nothing but a beautiful disaster"
Obsidian hawks
hang from lamp posts,
lining the Gothic
architecture of our hearts,

the shadows,
turning me yellowish
gray, leak out
in the strangest way.
silhouettes sway
and moan, listening
to the wind whisper
through their
hair, the stories
of dreams
being embalmed.

These lanterns want
to keep me awake,
longing in the retro-
red, belonging
to the sweet,
the concrete dead.

Bright star,
you look
like garbage
to me.
And these sickle
souls bleed
on everything
in between,
blue moons,
left with traces
of where their halos
used to be,
a halogen lamp

Obsidian hawks
mark the page
where the ink
met the river
and decided to
run off,
saving room
for prayer,
or maybe another
layer of meaning,
at least
seemingly true;
I wouldn't know,
but, vultures they say.
She's dancing in her skin tight jeans
Little boots with little tassles
When in the bar another comes
And you just know they're gonna wrassle
Hair all up, and dressed the same
I mean, these two could be twins
You know that fur is gonna fly
There'll be someone slappin' skin

There's rules in bars
At times like this
The most important one I'll mention
Is get the bartenders eye just when
You can feel the building tension
The bartender's job is now
Not serving drinks to you
So when you know a fight is on
You'd better order two
That my friend is my advice
I give it to you free
But, when I am out and it is on
I make sure I get three

Bubba's had just one too many
And you know he's gonna blow
It doesn't matter what you say
He's right and you don't know
Just grab a seat and hold on tight
And bud, take my advice
Before the bartender leaves the bar
You'd better order twice

Dancing close is always good
It doesn't do no harm
Except when the one you're dancing with
Came on another's arm
You'd better get your order in
Because, the fists are gonna fly
And you'll be waiting for a while
Before another you can buy

There's rules in bars
At times like this
The most important one I'll mention
Is get the bartenders eye just when
You can feel the building tension
The bartender's job is now
Not serving drinks to you
So when you know a fight is on
You'd better order two
That my friend is my advice
I give it to you free
But, when I am out and it is on
I make sure I get three
How many times did I  not learn
From a lesson taught before

How many mistakes repeated
100 times or more

How many chances
Did I ignore  - to forgive ?
Then make amends

How many people
Have I  led to believe
To trust in me their friend ?

No value held in spoken words
Unless we act them out

Reassurance only found within
The heart that holds no doubt

A smile is just a gesture ?
A hug is just a squeeze.?

Manners don't mean nothing
Just words  - Thank you  and please ?

It's true these things are simple
But like a tender loving touch

Without them
Then we realise
They all meant.    ....... so very much........
For some, certain places
hold a rather mythic oeuvre
in our veins; they are seen as places of magic.

Maybe a cyclist couple
have spent most of their money
on traveling  the world for their blog,
their last stop is New York City
so that they may get pictures of themselves
at places like The Brooklyn Bridge, Lady Liberty
& that megalithic skyline reaching the clouds.
Or maybe a foodie from Wisconsin
just wants to try Famous Ben's Pizza on the West Side
because its New York ******' New York pizza.

Maybe a doe-eyed screenwriter skips
his flat square suburban town
to sell his words and soul to the sprawling sunny L.A
where dreams are made in pixels.

Maybe some New Age beaded wrist to ankle lady
spent her life savings to jump over the ocean
to visit the ancient pyramids built for a purpose
yet fully known.

Maybe a bearded dude
visits Easter Island to try and understand
the complexities of his ancestors while
soaking in the rich vastness of nature around.

Maybe I used to see places this way. Probably...

But in these places people live!
It's not mythology to them.

Maybe every night a homeless man prays
& begs for food on the late night A-train in NYC.

Maybe a middle-aged fading blonde couple
spend their time in L.A at a health food store
to recoup the savings they lost joining a cult way back when.

Maybe a Swedish teen  traverses the trash
and littered-burned streets of Giza everyday
on her way to work
hoping funny looks aren't shot her way
for the way she dresses
or shouted at by bearded Salafi men.

Maybe a rare species of bug is unknowingly stepped on
in Easter Island.

Today, i see magic in getting lost on the NYC subway.
I found magic mythology on the beaches of Dahab,
80 miles away from Cairo.
I see magic in the mythologies,
while others live it,
        the daily grind.

*It's all around if you know where to look.
Amble into the churning vortex the purple sky undulates.
The darkness devours the day; shall mankind grimace and falter?
The outcome is unambiguous, the sky is broken like an open scroll.
Three spheres cascade, black clouds shutter.
Wheels-within-wheels covered in eyes, the Ophanim descend,
surrounded by a golden altar, the wheels spin a radiant light.
Crushing bone, crumbling stone, a symbol of justice begets a reckoning from the might of the celestial throne.
Six wings the Seraphim are holy,
with two wings they cover their faces,
with two they cover their feet,
with two they begin to rise.
Four faces the Cherubim are glory,
eagle, ox, lion, and man.
Four conjoined wings covered with eyes,
guard the way to the tree of life.
© JDMaraccini 2013
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