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Anna Ray Apr 2013
My world is colliding
I feel like my life is ending
And no one cares.

And I sit here
For someone, anyone, to care enough
To glance my way
As I helplessly struggle
Until I'm gone

But no one even notices

I'm sorry that I was nothing but a source of annoyance
Don't worry-
I'm not going to stick around much longer
Just 23 days left

And I wish I could say that then you will be sorry

Because you won't.
You'll forget me
And I'll forget me too.
Anna Ray Apr 2013
And tomorrow
Everything changes

I don't want to go to sleep
Anna Ray Apr 2013
I am sorry
I wish I didn't have to leave
I wish I could just stay here
And laugh
And play
And dream my days away
But then I would have to wake up
Lying on a bed and realizing all of the good that I could have done
Realizing all the unchanged lives
And unsung songs
All for laughs

I need to go
I need to know I am doing something important
I need to feel alive
Not just entertained
You do make me fill alive
And fulfilled
And so so happy

But other people deserve that too
And I truly believe this is where I should be
So maybe this will **** for a while
But we will both be ok
Better than ok.
And it isn't goodbye
I'll come back
And when I do
Party rocking is all we will ever do
And it will be amazing
But until then

Please be happy for me
I already feel like I am on death row
And I shouldn't feel that way
But I do
And watching you being sad
Is killing me
It's worse than my own fears
Not even comparable.

This isn't goodbye
So don't be sad

This isn't the end

I know you think I am in denial
But this is important
And I believe we will be blessed
Anna Ray Apr 2013
The train jolts and lulls
Every physical element of me is uncomfortable
But my soul soars

I can feel the energy
All around
And I know I was meant to live
Someplace like this

And someday this dream will be real
Someday will be
So amazing
Anna Ray Mar 2013
I was so upset
I bit my nails
And that might not sound like a huge deal
But I was so set
On having pretty hands

But I guess I just felt like
If I couldn't be with all of you
Then why bother?
The world feels somewhat hopeless
As if anything could possibly make me feel happy
Once I am without you
So why bother having pretty hands?
And now I stare at the ugly stubs
Reminding me that I am worth nothing alone
Anna Ray Mar 2013
I scroll down
The same story flashes by
I see this simple outward gesture
You taunt me because I won't do the same
It isn't out of hate

I think the way to make a difference is to listen
Or to smile
To forget about labels and just breathe a sigh of letting go
Not by shouting words of hate
In caps lock letters
The way to stop any form of abuse
Isn't through harassing others
Because they don't share your opinion

Some people think it is an abomination to be gay
Others judge that it is a sin to judge
And there is too much hate in the world
On both sides

So stop changing your profile picture
And start kindness.

Take it from someone who works customer service
People aren't kind
Not usually
Instead of fighting against this fight
Just everyone... Take a deep breath
Count to 10
And stop fighting

That is the only way we will ever have peace.
Anna Ray Mar 2013
Sometimes I think that you think that I am head over heels for you

But you are wrong
If that is what you think
You are amazing.
But I think you should know I am not in love with you.

And maybe it is only my own insecurities
Maybe it is just a perfect friendship.
But if you think I am still that girl
Sighing to myself
I think you should know I am not.
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