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  Oct 2023 a
It has become one of the songs,
that we sing, yet we lost the meaning

We sing with no hope,
manifest with no believe,
neither understanding

But the question still stand,
are we really going to be okay?
a Oct 2023
I didn't fully stop.
I should've waited. Correct.
I realized though and even went slow.
No accident was done.
Both cars were at a standstill.
I just kept inching instead of a complete stop.
Two snails moving, one more of a caterpillar.
Indeed it was my fault. But...
You RODE up on me and threaten to hit me.
You could have. In your 6ft black jeep.
Drive right over me like a toy car in your monster truck.
I pulled to the side and let you go because you are in a hurry.
You screamed and I apologize politely.
You screamed. screamed and screamed. Face as red as my nails.
I didn't think this situation caused for that much anger.
This was nowhere near an accident.
I do realize I should have stopped longer.
Now I hear your screams in my head and threats to my life. You are angry at something greater than me.
That was rage at its finest.
I apologize. I pray. You are okay.
I pray. I am okay.
a Oct 2023
The drug that never stops.
All day feening.
Till the last second.
Every last drop.
I dream about it.
Wish for it.
Crave it.
a Oct 2023
Everything can change in one minute.
One night we're having dinner in the family home.
Next we move back in with abuela.
One second it's laughter joy gifts for the kids...
Next it's fear, tears, and time spent together.
They worked so hard to get here... to raise us.
I'm ashamed to say I am still confused. I don't want you to feel like I'm ungrateful.
I'm just confused. You raised me to think I can do anything if I take my time and figure it out.
I don't have time.
You just have to do.
Everything can change in one minute.
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