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Alyssa Beddoe Aug 2012
Young and Fragile
Her skin is old and worn
Her skin is dry and cracking,
And torn.

She has burns and scars,
Telling stories of her life. Her hair
Has gone frail, and loss its color after
All those years of dyeing it.

She moves slowly, inching one foot
Forward at a time. Her muscles are tired
From all the dancing at a young age.

Slow puffs of breath
Between her hacking cough
From all the smoking she did.

Her eyes ware her soul lives,
Has been through it all tears,  and joy.  
Her eyes  never grew old and tired like her body has.
They are young and fragile like her heart still is.
Searching for her one true love, yet again.
Alyssa Beddoe Aug 2012

Comes to us all, when are time

Was spent, used up.  Death

Is misery, pain and darkness, before

The light comes on at the end of the hall.

Death can be peaceful and easy, go take a nap,

Close your eyes drift off into your dream land,

This is your home now. Death can be

Angry and painful, the only way to escape

This cruel world, he'll meet you by the

Golden gates later that night.  Death

Can be an accident, it wasn't your time,

To go, they were drunk, he wanted

Revenge. Death can be by fighting for

Your country, for your freedom, for

Your family and friends.

Death can be a scary experience

For your soul, not knowing ware

You might end up. Up to the heavenly

Gods with the golden gates, and the

Pearl clouds are. Or down to the core of

The earth ware the fire burns

As hot as the sun, an evil dark place

It is in hell. Or your soul could wander

The cold rotting earth and all you can

Do is watch as your friends and family

Wither in pain, and agony over your

own death.
Alyssa Beddoe Aug 2012
that's what I hear all night
Zooming over the waters edge
Thud thud thud
My heart pounding with excitement of the treasure I see in
The distance
Thud thud thud
When we stop and climb abored
All the feet's racing here and there looking for the crates
Thud thud thud
We take of on the vast bumpy ocean
The wind in my hair
Thud thud thud
My jorney is yet over tonight in till tomorrow's adventure
Thud thud thud
Of the machine gun bolts flying by
Thud thud thud
Of my partners hitting the ground
Thud thud thud
Of my heart a racing
Thud thud thud
I hit the ground
Thud thud thud
Is all I hear in my head
I think of what a fun time ive had on the bouncy water
I lay still listing to the last thuds of my heart beating
Thud thud thud
Thud thud
Alyssa Beddoe Aug 2012
Big Red Truck  
When I was young, a child still
My dad worked in the fields
Of our farm.  He toiled
Away with his workers all day
Harvesting sod. It all would load
Onto the big red truck.

On Wednesdays at church he would
Drive the big red church straight
From the fields.  I always begged
Him to let me ride home with him,
And he would smile and give in.

The big diesel engine would rev up
And I would bounce on my oversized
Seat. The smell of the diesel exhaust,
And the sound of the truck was
Haven to me.
Alyssa Beddoe Aug 2012
As my life goes on
Sorrow fills it.
As I look for loved
Ones sorrow greats me.
As I look for someone
To love. Someone to
Call my friend.
You say hello to me
From 6 hours away
Alyssa Beddoe Aug 2012
Mother's Day

A day of relief
No worries
Just pure relaxation.
No Mother don't move
I will do that for you
Just sit relax
Have a pleasant time.

I will do the chores today.
Just lie in the sun
Soak up that vitamin D
Enjoy the massage dad gives
The wet kisses from the dog
Let go of all the stress
And the worries.
I got this

Just take a break
I'll do the cleaning
I'll do the work
Just sit back and
Your day will be great.
We will treasure you with
Presents and gifts
We will do anything you ask
It's your day.

Its mother's day,
It should be that day every day
Not just once a year
That we do things for
The person we love the most
The thanks we have to give
Is too much for one day
But I will try my best
I will treat you like a

Just sit back
I am at your command
With no complaint
I will be there
For you.
Happy mother's day mom
Alyssa Beddoe Aug 2012
Senior Present
I walked in to the school this morning
To see all of the teachers
Munching and nibbling on food.
I turned down the hallway to be greeted
By a glorious sent that hit my nostrils

I watched as kids floated down the hall way
Towards the smell, they were just out of reach
Of the food, as the smell led them to a closed door
Of the teachers lounge.

Inside were all sorts of candies. There was a candy
Of every type, all shapes and sizes. No one was left
Out every teacher had there favorite kind some ware.

There were cakes and pies,
Fudge and brownies,
Ice cream and frozen yogurt.
There was healthy food
And nut free snacks.
There was lollipops
And twizlers.

It was Halloween all over again,
With a twist of fancy,
It was a dessert buffet
Just for the teachers.

It was a way to thank them for all the
Time they spent teaching us the same thing
To have patience for all the questions, to help us
In till we understood, staying extra hours to help us.

This food display is a thanks to not just the teachers
But to the janitors, the special education helpers
The nurses, librarians, office and consoler office ladies
The police officers and the principal her self.

I thought it would be nice to give you all a special treat
A present, instead a prank, since it is my senior year.
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