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Oct 2013 · 419
Remember You Are Magic
You are magic,
A peculiar kind that lives here
In our barren, desolate world today,
A magic that conjures up smiles from sullen tears
Love from ill-used and broken hearts
Comforts my aching, hollow sadness
Embraces my everything
That, dear?

Must have cast
A peculiar kind of spell
Because when I look in the mirror
I don't see everything I hate and fear about myself
I see a thin, beautiful, worthwhile girl
With a flawless, soft, delicate form
Eyes a-glow with hope
Don't deny the
Oct 2013 · 437
Rest and Headaches
My head
A headache conceived yesterday trying it's hardest
To be born unto the world
Like Athena, kicking within the thin cavern
Of my skull

This feeling
Makes me long to return to my bed
Perhaps with another to follow me
I want to sleep, entangled
Limbs pressed together and betwixt my partners
Warm and safe and bare under the sheets
Seeking naught but comfort
Warmth, relief
And love
Oct 2013 · 372
i didn't ask
When i was afraid, i never asked
For help
i didn't want to be
A bother to Anyone
Even if i was afraid i might hurt myself again

i tried, for once
To cry out to Someone
To beg a moment of Their time
To just please comfort me
Because i never learned how to do it
For myself

i know He was tired
Enveloped by His own thoughts
And desires and memories that flicker into the consciousness
But i almost felt like He should know by now
He should know me

i feel like the slugs in the night
Around the chicken coop
Nobody knew i was there
Until i was
And then They did not know what to do.
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
Morning and Rain
So early, it is
That the sun has not stretched and risen over the mountainside
Only streetlamps cast yellowed light
Glinting off the slickwet pavement
After a night of soothing, chilling rain.

The rain lulls me
Like the song of a mother much unlike my own
Who croons to a child not because they fuss
But because she wishes to soothe them further
Into the sweetsoft pillow of sleep.

My fingers are chilled
And I long to lay naked in the warmth of
The electric coils buried in the soft blanket
That murmur words of sleep
And unending warmth.

But I rise, sadly
Don corduroy and a sweater older than I am
As well as slipping on the regret and the guilt
For actions done and undone
Of yesterday.

If I could choose
I would lay infinitely in the land of full warmth
And self-love and no regrets
Perhaps with someone by my side
On endless autumn mornings after rain.
Oct 2013 · 443
The Wrong Way
I made cookies
The wrong way, with anger
Permeating the dough
The order was wrong and I knew it
But I had to get it OUT
I burned my
Hand on the
Oven but that was nothing
Compared to how the match flames
Must have felt
On his skin
His skin
With freckles from hand to shoulder and
I can't
Handle this right now.

I scalded my hands to wash the mess I made
And it burned
But I knew
It was not nearly as hot
As fire licking flesh
Of a boy
Whom I love
Who disregards all promises
To ME that HE
Will not hurt himself anymore.

In a world where
Kids burn themselves for relief
And babies are abandoned
And pain abounds
What difference
Does one batch
Of wrong cookies make?
Edit: This is going to seem a nonsensical update, but the cookies were real, and, much to my dismay, turned out perfectly.
There are already things
I can't quite remember
Like what books I made him read
If he still has them
Or if he never took them at all.

I can't quite recall
The color of his eyes
On the day we celebrated
6 months
Or a year
I cannot remember, and it aches within me
Because I want to.

It may be over.
I may not ever embrace him again,
Like so many others
He may be lost to me but I
Want to remember
The color of those bluegraygreen eyes
The way they were every day
Of the best relationship
Of my life.
Oct 2013 · 2.6k
They leer from the edges,
Teeth brushes never touched,
And they all chant the same words.

"Come with me, I have what you want."
"Follow to my stall, I know what you need."
"It's here, what you desire, I promise,you can buy it cheap."

And I wonder.
What if they really do?
What if somehow they have what I need?

Is Love a trinket you can sell on a scarred table?
Is Acceptance a spice that drifts up in the air and makes you snuffle-sneeze?
Can one really purchase Bravery in piles on blankets like you would oranges?

If I could do that, buy those things
With a handful of American money and a little haggling
I don't think I'd want them anymore.
Oct 2013 · 832
The Dog
Down the Hill
        With leaps and bounds and thumpingly great
                  Enthusiasm for existence itself and the grandiose beauty of the world
                          He runs, knowing not to ever stop because that's when the people come and
                                   Snap on your leash.
So he gallops forth into
         The vast expanse of the neighborhood without
                  Caring that the people will be mad. He snorts and sniffs his
                          Hound-dog nose and howls at all the Love and Injustice in the universe
                                    All at once.
Logic is not the strong suit
        Of dogs, which is fortunate for him because
                 Knowing brings pain and responsibility and who would not
                          Rather be a dog in a fall afternoon chasing nothing save destiny and joy
                                    Until the end?
Oct 2013 · 2.0k
A Cup of Chai
I hold my favorite teacup
The one that not so long ago
Yet so long ago
He drank from.
I gave it to him because
I could trust him with my life
And that's how much trust
One needs
From me
To drink from it's gold-rimmed
Porcelain beauty.

"This is good."
Were his words
As he sipped
The sweetspicy chai
While I did the same from a mug
I did not hold quite so fondly.
He understood
At least
A bit
How important it was
That he held the cup.

I'd prefer that this
Could happen again
That I could make more
And we could sit at the
Blackwhite table and
Smile and laugh because
That would be good.
Better than to
Never see that smile again
And better than
Holding back from what I feel
Even if that doesn't last.

This morning I sip my coffee
From my favorite teacup
And I know that I
Will not deny
Any measure of love,
No matter how fleeting
I will not say no
Should he give me his cup.
Oct 2013 · 291
In a land of simple pleasures
And fulfilled dreams
A child sings like the world is perfect
Not knowing that someday
Pleasure will be harder to come by
Dreams harder to achieve

The song is not much
No rhyme or rhythm
But these things do not matter
To a child.
Does not matter
In a place where everyone loves you.
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
The goose is a curious animal.
It does not trust me, even now, after months of trying.
Months of holding a trembling gosling who nuzzled me.
It now has not trust for me, even though nobody,not one person, has ever harmed it.
It tilts it's silly head and stares at me and tries to figure if I'll try to catch it.
I thought, foolishly, there was love in this beast.
But a goose is not a boy.
It doesn't care if it upsets you.
Doesn't care if you just want someone or something warm near you for comfort.
Which makes it much better off, in the long run, than a boy.
I can force a boy to care.
Oct 2013 · 233
I hate to hate
The one I love
When that very love
Keeps others away.
It makes him
Hesitate to draw
Near and to make
me delight in the
Comfort of a tiny
Gesture and the
Warmth of a
Touch or a Kiss
And I wish I
Could change
My everything
To just feel like
Something at all
Was good.
Oct 2013 · 297
Coming Close
Was nearly perfect
Being close to another person and just breathing in who they are and smiling
I like days like this.
But Desperation
It's ugly
The piper must always be paid at the end
Of good
I wanted it to last forever.
Maybe feel
The curve I noticed
To those lips I saw and I
Liked the way he laughed
When he didn't hold back and I smiled
To see him smile
And I can't deny that smile a word or a thing and I don't know that it's
To feel
This way.
I want to know things will work out
But they

— The End —