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Alexis J Meighan Oct 2012
I figure this to be
The sanctuary
Build from the ash and debris
Of past storms and unhealthy tendencies
A folk lore
Just short of a mystery
The list is infinite
But the bottom of the page is clear to me
I focus my point
Trying to stay on target but I miss easily
Dreaming of clouds and celestial cuisines, heavenly
Close my eyes and jump from outer space
Screaming as if it will cushion the fall from grace
Tearing apart on impact, what's left?
My complacency, complexity, impurities, the real me?
They way down is way down
How long a fall? Just way down
I'll aim for that hay pile
Like a middle era hero with a pale cowl (Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad  reference)
Falling feels like sinking
The weight in my gut persist to expel itself
In my panic I'm thinking
"I wish gravity would give up
I'm 500 feet from the pavement
15 seconds till impact
If this is my dream the wings will be there
And I'll soar away just before I hit the floor
I close my eyes and begin to squeeze
Visualizing the emergence of these beautiful wings
I open my eyes
I can see the cracks on the side walk and lines on the street
10 feet from the ground ready to take off then like a dream I .............(Loud Thud!!!!!!)
Alexis J Meighan Oct 2012
Love. its pursuit
Its capture
Love and its intent
I'm thankful for its rapture

Its warmth from a friend
Its passion from a lover
Its protection from the family
For it I am thankful.

Happy thanksgiving
Alexis J Meighan Oct 2012
How does it move away?
Does it pack up what is racked up
Heading for the horizon and simply fade?

How does it walk away?
Does it stomp with every step as it squash whatever's left
Like footprints in the sand lost to the waves?

How does it stay away?
Does it rotate slowly with frustration, lamenting your suspicions
Frustrating you, festering and pestering,then it wanes
Till darkness blankets your brain?

How does it slip away?
Does it go unnoticed for days then weeks,
Wondering from the sunrise till the flickering of the lights in the streets
Insisting,persistent,yet resisted then dismissed,
Offering random handouts like a dog begging for scraps
Running and hiding, punished for trying then eventually dying
To an eventual parting of ways

What makes a Solid Bond struggle to maintain?
What makes it strong and easy to depend on?

Alexis J Meighan Oct 2012
A little
Just a hint of sadness in my solitude
A little Room
with reminders of the maddening pain
I'm mad
A little
Distraught by my charts and beep
That's pull my dreams apart
A little of my heart
chipped away with each wave and hello and goodbye
A little, of a lot of sad
Mad a little that what I have isn't announced as HAD.
When the sincere, salute, embraces, and retreats are said
Then it's time for bed
Then sad that tomorrow it happens again.
Alexis J Meighan Oct 2012
Unknown, conceived, and unaware
His first breath, his first words
His first steps, his first girl
He screams from hunger
Teary eyed and bawling for his mother
The world seems too big for his tiny hands
But in his lifetime, the world would be in his grasp
First day in class
Learning the basics
The path walked by legends, scholars, and warriors
Shapes colors and words
A long time in no time
First kiss the prom night
Life long friends then grad night
His first love, his first wife
His first child, his first highlight
First loan for his first home
Stock market on the rise
He takes full advantage
Market crashes
And they manage
Business man with business plan
Older brother, caring friend
Loving father, devoted husband
There for his child's first breath
His first words, his first steps
The day would come when he would pass
Now the chance
His first born from his first home
Raised to be the man he was and so much more
He followed in his fathers first footsteps.
Once follower now leading
Repeat these example for words are fleeting
From next to next
as is man

-Alexis J Meighan-
Alexis J Meighan Oct 2012
Peccato Sottile

                           Touch when you meet
               Lost emotions, gave that drought
      Rain down in anger, bring it out, show it about
Steal a kiss, sooth the beast, tease its flesh to peace
     Sweat away the dusk, lay awake brave the dawn
               Reflect on the night in your pond
                           Such is a sweet treat

before yalls start im well aware that its not the typicall gramatic structure of a diamonte but i'd like to think im not that boring or common so i spruced up the format to fit my own agenda which is a more exciting read. fine for the word junkys lets just consider it a hybrid Diamonte andRubaiyat blend.
Alexis J Meighan Oct 2012
Say the words play the game
Improvise, adapt, and they do the same
Change your stance and set the pace
They scoff, then cheer, then imitate

You build your walls, and obscure your view
They hunt and peck, gathering debris on you

You run, and withdraw, end it, and stay sane
They say you've changed and no longer say your name

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