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Today, I saw a reflection in the mirror.
It looked the same as always, but
somehow in a different light,
And I can't comprehend what's distinct,
But I'm enjoying what I see.
That's a first. An amazingly obscene first.
He grinned, he blushed, into a laughter he burst.

About time I enjoyed his company.
This should be a daily repertoire,
After all those days of nuit noire,
Pirouetting in my own storm with him.
He smiled again, with the
most sincere eyes, and before I went
he said:
"We should do this more often!"
I have been struggling to love myself for the longest time and I know many people have too. It's easy to hate yourself and say a lot of degrading things, but it takes a lot to hug the only person who's been there with you every step of the way: yourself! Here's to making peace with yourself and loving the reflection you see in the mirror every single day!
A sin is normally followed by two.
Two palms angled towards the sky,
Twice more times it's repeated in lieu,
Such are us, fledglings who cry and try.

He is all-forgiving, He is kind.
Many a time eyes bright but too blind,
To ask to plead to leave it all behind,
All the while saying 'This is where I draw the line'.

Why should faces shy away, be hidden?
Hesitance, to ask and be forgiven,
Often is done at the hour of eleven,
How i feel so far away from Heaven.
I don't normally write spititual pieces but I've been holding on to this for a long time. We're all battling our inner selves in a constant war between good & evil, and it's fair to feel like you're losing sometimes, such is the journey of self-discovery. What's important is to never give in, and find that fine balance that keeps you in check and sane, for the most part.
I remember she once told me
that I'm an open book,
All the minute details, intricate
pieces, dishevelled as may be,
Are free to be read and understood.

What a shame that I found
its pages of stories torn to pieces,
Like shattered glass but
worse, now all the words and tales
are jumbled all over the floor.

It's okay, luckily I've got enough tape
to fix and stick the pieces back,
To rearrange the sentences again.
Pray, the pages are in mint condition,
For the next lovely soul to see.
I'm eternally thankful i have good people around me, and i can safely say i'm doing a little bit better. Here's to moving forward, and only forwards.
The truth is
I never meant to walk into your life
And be an intrusion
I never meant for this
To be an illusion
Loving you
Was never part of my intention

Your distance
Puts me in a state of confusion
Your silence
Leaves me with no conclusion
All thats left now
Is a friendship built in delusion


But it's ok
I guess i've come to a decision
To make myself believe
That our encounter
Was just a lovely intermission
For SR.
Unexpected, as unexpected may be,
A breath of fresh air that soothes me,
This pulsing flesh had long yearned to see,
A fair maiden, no one fairer than she,
For her many expressions hold the sacred key.

Oh for you dear, I'd outwork the bees.
Shall I say "Je t'aime" or forever hold my peace?
Her lingering voice, soft to the touch as fleece.
You ought to know, at the very least,
The world I would give, for you my Miss.
The sky was dark, rain was pouring
I'm already here and it's so boring
Fresh faces are all around me
Please help me God, I am drowning!

A million pair of eyes were staring,
Followed by millions of voices screaming
As i walked down the dark hallways,
"I can't do this" i hear myself saying.

The clock goes 'tick-tock' as i walked the blocks,
Through days of laughter and also shock
The dark clouds lifted and there was light
I found a new home, that needs no lock.

The sky is blue and the sun is shining
I'm sad to go, wow that's surprising!
Thank you for all the bright colours,
My sunshine and flowers, keep on blooming.
Here's to my SMK Seksyen 9 students. The practicum was one of the best experience i've ever had in my life. I thank God for crossing our paths together. I'm so glad i met all of you and i hope that we will see each other again soon!
The heart's quite a peculiar business huh?
Flushing faces red at the closest convenience,
Beating like mad in that bony enclosure,
So sure that it'll cure yesterday's fissure?

When I say the heart's craft is unusual
Remember the times you rubbished romance?
Look at you now, all smitten and smug,
Forgotten that you once ran out of luck.

That pumping ticker is a cause for conundrum,
Never once thought it's calamitous cavity filled
Used to look at the gaps between my fingers,
Now it's where your slender digits linger.

It's mad how a lump of flesh acts so bizarre,
Where the red doors were once mauled mush,
Stands someone so special, she's salient,
The only medication needed for my ailment.
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