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AG Nov 2017
My eager heart jumps from one thing
To another;

And everything remains
halfway done.

AG Nov 2017
I find myself to be a lot like Hamlet.

A tragic hero,  
Stitched together with all the right intentions;
But never the will to carry things out.

To be,
or not to be.
That is the question.

AG Nov 2017
A stranger asked me,
"If you could be anything,
what would you be?"

My mind flooded with images of the perfect girl --
a glowing girl,
surrounded by people who saw her light.
And the world was hers,
if only she asked it to be.

But, I didn't reply.
Not a single word.

AG Nov 2017
I’m really scared that I won’t become all I am capable of.

I feel that if you were to cut me open,
Potential and opportunity would flow out of me.
But, here I am –
Coming up short.

What if something goes wrong along the way?
What if I take the wrong job,
say yes to the wrong boy,
or move to the wrong town?
What if I miss out on an incredible life and settle for a mediocre one,
Because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time,
or I didn't think I deserved better.

I want to become something.
I pray I don’t miss it.
God, let me become all I am capable of.

AG Nov 2017
I hate how things fade.

You know those days and people you swear you’ll never forget?
Because they made you feel so full;
So complete.

They fade.
Like you’re driving past them in a car that never stops,
They grow smaller and smaller in the distance,
Until you can’t see them anymore –
You only remember when you were there
every once and a while.

I feel like I am fading.
Slowly getting farther away...
Please stop the car.
Don’t let me be a distant memory.

AG Nov 2017
My soul ignites on days like these.

Days spent singing (yelling) as loud we can
To our new favorite songs.

Laughter bubbling up inside us,
And we see the joy in each other’s eyes
As gratified tears escape them.

Days spent tumbling around in the bed of a truck,
As it trails down winding dirt roads.
Feeling the wind rush through you
As your eyes acquaint themselves with the sunset.

Nights where we tell scary stories,
look for ghosts,
and feel adrenaline seep through us --
seeking thrills.

Nights spent in long conversation --  
Bundled up in blankets next to the fire.

Nights spent looking at the stars
as all of our favorite songs hum in our ears –
wishing for everything to stay
just. like. this.

These are the days I’ll remember.
These are the days I thank God I’m alive.

AG Nov 2017
There was a time when all I was
depended on you.
I gave you all the power you could want.
My hopes and dreams were
right in the palm of your hand.
I wrapped everything I was around you --
tight --
So you could not escape me.

A sky full of shooting stars
and you were my only wish...

How sad is that?

Shooting stars are for me now.
I wish for myself.

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