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505 · Jan 2015
You were not there
adele horn Jan 2015
Broad-shoulder'd I,
stride amongst the ruins,
of what I had bled.

Brush off the ashes,
of love letters burn'd,
and dreams torn apart.

I clasp unto my own hand,
guide myself through the thorns.

You were not there.

I washed away,
the devices you left,
upon my mirrors and walls.

I took the punches,
display'd as trophy,
of my victory over grief.

I conceal'd the tear as it fell,
and smil'd like it didn't hurt.

You were not there.

Each day I float away.
Amongst the stars of forgetting.
Through the universe we marvel'd at.
Dissolving away my love into the cold.

I was the star that burn'd for you.
You were not there.
500 · Feb 2011
14 hour flight
adele horn Feb 2011
the miles are wide
wider than my mind can imagine
different sands between your toes
same sky as your hat

when you sleep
i wake,
when you walk the streets
i warm my sheets

not too long
you will be away
not too long
will i be alone

but how does it seem
that this time
this distance
is drawing a line in the sand
of lover or friend
is to be cast in stone

how will you see me?
when you feet touch home?
how wil your heart feel?
when you inhale me?

a decider
a destroyer

you feel close
and i think that i know you
but i dont
480 · Jun 2011
you said it
adele horn Jun 2011
what do i do
with the embers you left in soul?
what do i do
knowing how you truly feel?
what do i do
seeing you smile
but knowing that i am not what you want
what do i do
after the terrible truths

you said
you would not miss me when i had gone
you said
you could not fall in love
you said
you are not happy

i know these things
they live in my heart now
broken shards of glass
cutting, cutting
every day
the words that made me cold

the place i have
in your world
is not precious
or treasured

what am i?
what purpose do i have in your life?

nothing, seemingly
then why do you keep me around?

— The End —