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Jan 2015 · 331
Not About The Failures
Ashley Haack Jan 2015
Life is so much more than this,
It's not about the failures,
It's not about the mistakes,
It's about the people and memories,
The time you spend with they,
Creating instances that'll last
Longer than a thousand mistakes,
I know I make mistakes,
Everyone makes them though,
So why should we dwell on them?
Why should we linger on our failures,
When we could, instead, focus on our successes?
I don't care if you've ******* up in the past,
I don't care if you've failed at things,
We all have, it's part of how people learn,
It makes us who we are, and as long as we,
Learn something from our failures,
Then I don't think we can really call them,
Failures at all... more like lessons.
Our 'failures' don't define us, they shape who we are.
Jan 2015 · 514
Ashley Haack Jan 2015
This human body of mine
Craves the strangest of things at times...
When I'm laying in bed at night, all I can think of
Is how delicious some fresh macaroni would taste,
Or how much I really want a corndog,
Or when I'm sitting in class waiting for lunch,
And I start thinking about fish fillets,
And sandwhiches...With layers and layers of meat and cheese,
Or when I've just finihed eating something,
And a friend mentions what they just ate,
And I begin to want it terribly badly...
Why do I get these cravings at the weirdest of times?
Why can't I stop craving spanish rice,
Or Olive Gardens' breadsticks?
Atleast I got over my extream cravings for fries...
Nope, nevermind.
Jan 2015 · 298
Ashley Haack Jan 2015
We all have our quirks,
Our own little weirdnesses,
But it still shocks me when
My Demon of Ice has warmer
Hands than me.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Stuborn Lovers
Ashley Haack Jan 2015
He wont admit it, atleast not out loud,
But he's so sweet, and smart, and funny,
He makes me blush when I feel like crying,
He makes me laugh when I feel sick as hell,
He holds me close and makes me feel safe,
He argues with me about the most stupid of things,
He refuses to let me call him attractive,
But he scolds me for saying I'm not pretty,
Sometimes it feels like he's more stuborn then me,
And deep down we have a connection,
Some strong, unbreakable bond,
We're both stuborn arses at times,
But we both know we love each other,
More and more, no matter what,
Even the stuborn bits.
Dec 2014 · 627
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
When they say alone do they mean alone-alone?
Completely and utterly lonely?
Or do they mean space?
And time away?
Do they mean to stop for now?
...or stop forever?
Because I don't know if I can stop
When I over think things...
How often am I really over thinking it?
Why do I always find the time to worry?
Dec 2014 · 311
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
Sometimes words have way different meanings
When they aren't said out loud...
I just wish I knew how they were meant
to be heard
Dec 2014 · 199
A Thought
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
For some reason the idea of freedom
Has never seemed so far away
Dec 2014 · 319
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
I'm a wild animal...
No matter how much I try
I just can't be tame.
Just when I think I've been broken
I lash out and attack
With violent words and razor fangs
And agony coursing through my veins.
This isn't what I wanted.
I'm trying to fit in and be good,
Why wont my old habbits die?
Why wont my wildness fade away?
Why does it linger inside me like scars?
Why can't I be the person I wish I was?
Dec 2014 · 255
Our Future
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
I was never one to count the stars,
I knew that I never could, so why try?
I didn't like to dream all day long,
Just to lay awake at night wanting and wishing.
I used to try so hard to focus on now,
But then I realized I'd rather look ahead,
Plan ahead, waste my time counting stars,
And whispering with you under the midnight sky,
Instead of being a boring old stick in the mud,
We'll paint ourselves a future with words and gestures.
Together we can create our masterpiece,
And we'll call it Our Future.
Dec 2014 · 270
Mr. Demon
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
Society thrives when we're catagorized
Under numbers and statistics, stripping us
Of our humanity so as not to grow attached...
We'll, I've got some news for you-
I don't care about the numbers,
Those statistics? Go ahead and shred them,
I don't care how the "system" runs,
You and I, our humanity, it's far to precious
To be stripped away, cling to it with those sharp
Claws of yours Mr. Demon, and I'll do the same,
Together we'll strip off those stupid numbers
And become one with each other.
Dec 2014 · 400
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
Sometimes I get the feeling I'm not wanted,
That people would be happier if I wasn't in their pressence,
That I should go away and sulk somewhere less public,
Hide my shame and become a wall-flower,
Dissappear into the background of a world
That couldn't care less if I die tonight,
But I don't want to.
I want to be wanted.
I want to be noticed, and present.
I don't care if I make you un-comfortable,
I have just as much right to be here as you do.
I won't sulk alone anymore, I've found true friends
That will be my strength in my moments of weakness.
I found that in this world of drab, dull greys,
I'm sick of blending in,
It's about time I let my true colors shine through
Dec 2014 · 2.6k
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
I've doodled and drawn till my skin's
Smudged grey from graphite,
I've erased and erased till shavings
Covered my floor like a rug,
I've drawn and re-drawn till I think
maybe... maybe it's good enough,
Then I change it some more,
Shade a part again,
Stain my skin some more,
Re-trace lines again...
And I think this time it's just about right,
Not quite, but it's alright,
So I pick up my pencil and
Sign it
Nov 2014 · 306
Ashley Haack Nov 2014
My heart's chords no
longer sound melodious.
Nov 2014 · 428
And if I crashed...
Ashley Haack Nov 2014
How long would it take for somebody
To notice if I drove off the road one night
And just flung myself, car and all,
Into the frosty cold of a snowy ditch?
Who would look for my body if
I never showed up at home?
Who would be the one to call police?
Who would care enough to look for the wreckage?
Who would miss me?
Who would cry?
Would anyone care enough
To even shed a tear
When they pull my corpse
From the ****** wreck?
It seems doubtful to me.
Hardly anyone cares about me
On any given day, what's
The difference if I'm dead in a ditch
Or crying alone in my car after driving
Somebody home? What's the point to
Continuing on when the only one that matters
To me can't even look me in the eyes when
I ***** up and cry...
The only one that never leaves me doesn't
Have much choice, they aren't born yet.
Nov 2014 · 217
he said he wanted to bleed
Ashley Haack Nov 2014
he said it
he uttered the words not aloud
but still they were heard
and the meaning was felt as
the cutting edge dug in
and the sound of steel rang
in my ears
while whispers of his agony
drowned inside my mind
Oct 2014 · 341
Thoughts of Rain
Ashley Haack Oct 2014
Sometimes, when it's raining,
I find myself watching raindrops
Collecting on a window,
Trying to merge together
And continue onwards,
Down, down, down,
Until the rain picks up,
And the droplets fall
In steady streams,
Like tears from above,
Pooling on the lip
Of the window before
Pushing themselves over,
Down to the puddles below them.
And then I wonder if anyone else
Ever thinks about the life
Of a single raindrop, or knows
Just how beautiful the rain is,
Or realizes the reasons I can
Never stay upset when it rains,
Because sometimes I feel like I'm
The only one who really notices
The raindrops collecting themselves
On windows...
Sep 2014 · 244
Ashley Haack Sep 2014
He’s so depressed he can barely
Hide it inside himself anymore
The look on his face pains
My heart more than the knowledge
That even I can’t help him
When he gets this way…

The crowed rooms of heartless
Fools add to the battle he wages
Inside the hidden parts of his
Mind where I can’t see him bleeding
Crying alone as I watch his face turn
Cold while his eyes plead for my help...

I’m no doctor, I can’t prescribe him
Pills to drown out his heartache
I’m not a dealer, I’ve got no drugs
To give him an escape from this
I’m not a magician, I lack the magic
Needed to cure him of himself…

I can’t make him like himself
Any more than I can make the
Moon turn into a shooting star
To wish upon. He lets me in
But only so far as the front
Yard to his prison of a mind…

Why won’t he let me see
The wounds he’s created in
His own self-esteem? I’d sew
Them up with delicate thread
And gentle loving hands if only
He’d let me get close enough…
Sep 2014 · 376
Song-based boredom
Ashley Haack Sep 2014
I’m so bored now,
You don’t even know,
I’m in the calc-room,
From 2 to 3:30.

We’re all bored,
Just look, we’re sleeping,
In the classroom,
While she keeps teaching
Sep 2014 · 255
No Title
Ashley Haack Sep 2014
Why do I still worry?
Why do I care where you are?
Why do I care if you still think of me?
Why do I worry at all?
Why do I bother thinking of you?
Why don't I move on already?
Why can't I let go completely?
Why do you frequent my thoughts?
Why do I care you spent several nights at a chick's place?
Why do I care you didn't talk to me for a week?
Why do I keep wondering so much about you?
Sep 2014 · 590
Ashley Haack Sep 2014
Yeah, it *****,
But open your ******* eyes!
It's not the end of the ******* world!
Build yourself a bridge and get over it already.
Aug 2014 · 278
10 word
Ashley Haack Aug 2014
I still hear your voice, faintly, in the crowded hallways.
Aug 2014 · 400
A Single Word
Ashley Haack Aug 2014
Have you ever noticed the difference,
That a single word can make?
How I'm fine, and I'm alright,
Just don't mean the same?
And how some words are coded,
Embeded with hidden meanings,
Used amongst close friends,
When blunt speech wont do.
How Alien can be one person,
Avenue another,
The Drug meant a sweater,
And Turtle Soup meant ****...
How growing up, life was filled,
With stupid little words,
That you could say innocently,
While meaning so many other things...
Back when school wasn't a worry,
And college wasn't looming over us.
When our weeknights consisted,
Of around-the-house,
And cops & robbers.
Words were so much more than words.
Words were powerful,
Words were strength.
Words held secrets,
A single word could mean anything.
Aug 2014 · 557
They Say
Ashley Haack Aug 2014
They say my head doesn't work,
They say my hearing is selective,
They say I'm unmotivated,
They call me lazy,
and stupid,
and fat...
They say I need to eat less,
They say I need to get out more,
They say I need to sleep less,
They say I need to work more,
They say my 3.9 gpa isn't good enough,
They say 29 isn't high enough on the ACT,
They say I'm not trying hard enough,
They say I need to do more with my family,
They say I complain too much,
And hide in my room,
And cry too much...
They say I need better taste in friends,
They say my life hinges on doing better,
They say I need to be better,
They say that they wish they'd had no children,
...They say they love me...

They claim to be my parents.
*I hate figures of authority
Aug 2014 · 292
No Words
Ashley Haack Aug 2014
I drove
The bridge.
Aug 2014 · 530
Ashley Haack Aug 2014
Tell me if I'm over-reacting,
But honestly, should a person cry-
Every single year on their birthday?
Isn't it supposed to be a special day?
With friends and gifts and fun?
Why is it mine always end in tears?
I try so hard to smile and laugh,
But it never fails that the mood falls flat,
And I shrink away, hide myself, disappear,
To try and disquise my choked back tears,
And pretend they're something more than
Sadness and hatred and all my fears.
I'm so done with today, in fact,
I think I'm just going to quit my birthday.
Aug 2014 · 352
Ashley Haack Aug 2014
Every year I hope it'll be different,
But still it never changes...
I ******* hate my birthday.
Aug 2014 · 521
Ashley Haack Aug 2014
Everything I do,
Everything they say,
It all leads back to you...
And your morbid humor,
And your contagious laughter,
And our messed up "family",
And our last days as 8th graders,
And our big summer plans,
And our silly problems,
And our last pictures,
And the forgotten good-byes,
And the 4th of july....
With THE phone call,
And the horrendous news,
And the crying,
And the fireworks...
And the funneral,
And the kleenex box,
And all the crying,
And hugging,
And missing...
All of it...
Because we love you
Theres nothing more to say... I miss you.
Jul 2014 · 302
Just Another Morbid Thought
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
Yet another realization,
With every passing birthday,
I'm nearing my own death...
Jul 2014 · 326
I Should Sleep More
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
I never realise how good a song really is
Until I listen to it at night, all alone,
In the dark... and it makes me want to cry.
There's nothing like a chilling lullaby
Or a broken hearted reminisent love song
To bring forth the tears held back for days,
Just waiting for a moment like this to be
Drained away.

I really should sleep more...
Jul 2014 · 288
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
That moment when you look at the sky,
Embracing the warmth of the humidity
Just before the storm breaks,
Breathing in the smell of rain,
Feeling the closeness of the thunder,
Seeing the flashes light up the clouds,
Smiling to yourself-
Dancing in the rain.
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
Fireworks *draft*
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
I was right.
Fireworks aren't the same without you.
They remind me of that day,
When I stood at the window crying,
Watching fireworks that you'd have loved to see,
Missing you so much it hurt to breath,
Wishing you would hug me one last time...
You had this thing for fireworks,
I'm not really even sure why,
But you used to joke about them
Being your weapon of choice.
And every time I'd see fireworks,
I was reminded of you.
Jul 2014 · 4.5k
A Pun
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
I'm so bored I could pass for a 2x4
Jul 2014 · 309
Such a Vampire...
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
The one thing I hate about
Minnesota almost as much as the snow?
All the ******* sunshine
I'm such a vampire
Jul 2014 · 567
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
Isn't it amazing how easily we can lose ourselves?
Transported into books, stranded in the woods,
Staring blankly as our minds drift away from us...
Honestly, it's so very easy to get lost now days.
With ideas and gadgets and so much knowledge,
One could even become lost in themself!
Yet here we are, reading poems, trying so hard
To lose ourselves in words. To be free of society,
For however briefly. So I emplore you all,
Stop stressing, relax, and lose yourself in
The beautiful art of Poetry.
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
Stupid Stairs
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
Jul 2014 · 377
If Only
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
I saw a girl walk in the door,
Up the isle, and to the counter.
She ordered food and smiled,
Then sat down with her father.
I brought them their rice and chicken,
Politely saying rehearsed lines,
But all I could think was-
God, she looks like Carrie would now...
Jun 2014 · 589
Dark Skies
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
Nothing brings more joy to me,
Than dark skies and thunder claps,
Heaven's sprinklers dousing the land,
Pounding on roof tops, surging down drains.
The dark skies casting down life's very sustanance,
Bring on the floods of torrential rains,
I'm dying to dance in the streets,
And feel the water soak into my clothes,
Drenching me to the very core of my being,
Because I just can't get enough of dark skies.
Jun 2014 · 237
I Wonder
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
When I stare off into the horizon,
and my mind wanders to and fro,
I begin to wonder.
Why is it that people dream?
Is there a reason for winter?
Why must things die?
What happens to you when
you pass on? Do you dissapear,
Or does your mind float into the sky,
Watching as other lives unfold below?
Why don't trees grow sideways?
Why are humans flightless?
Is there such things as dragons?
Do I have a twin, seprated at birth?
Why do I sneeze so oddly?
Does everyone think so deeply?
Am I alone in my wondering?
If people heard my thoughts...
Would they wonder about me?
Jun 2014 · 394
Before Rain
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
For some odd reason I am atuned to rain.
I might be sleeping, working,  in a windowless room,
But some how I just know when it's about to rain,
I can smell it in the air, the dampness,
The aroma of moisture building up in the clouds,
Mounting up to one big expenditure as rain,
I can sense it. The rain is tangeble, yes, but to me,
The smell just before is tangable as well.
I smell worms on the sidewalks, squirmy and slimy,
I smell the mossy trees and the wet ferns,
Just before the first drops splash down upon them.
I get a whiff of the preluding aroma and it's entrancing.
The smells bring images of rain and storms, and with it,
A sense of happiness and calmness.
Rain washes away the filth and the grime,
It allows the Earth to be reborn again.
That whiff is all it takes,
To bring a smile to my face.
Jun 2014 · 747
Not So Tan
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
You can always tell,
Who the introverts,
Are in the summer,
Months, we're just so pale...
Jun 2014 · 314
Just 'cause
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
When the rain pelts the earth with crystaline droplets,
It feels like fists beating away at the pain and the hurt.
The knives in the drawer near my terminally inhabited bed,
Make much better projectiles then the words I once flung hatefully.
Shadows that stretched towards me with creeping hands at dusk,
Never felt so much like an embrase as when I was with Him,
Squirreled away inside the arms of security, cloaked in darkness,
Bathed in starlight, listening to the lullaby of the cicadas.
He is my reason to smile in the rain, to throw instead of spit,
To feel the warth and love of the darkness without any hate.
He is my true love, he gave me the night to wear in my mind,
Like a crown for a king, or a gown for a queen. He made me free.
Jun 2014 · 395
Past Story
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
Lask week I cleaned my room for the first time in ages,
And wouldn't you know, I found something interesting...
I found a story I had started as a kid, tucked away in a folder-
Burried amidst a graveyard of clothes in my closet.
I stopped my cleaning and turned off the radio,
And read the words written in a childish scrawl.
It was something about dragons and magic
And adventures. It wasn't half bad, for a child's story.
But, as I neared the end of the last page I found, to my horror,
That the story from my past ended...

Jun 2014 · 719
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
Singing along to the music,
Dancing around in the crick,
Frolicking in the moonlight,
Acting stupid 'cause it's night
And nobody can hear us,
Because the trees wisper "hush,"

Circling the bonfire
Of twigs and sticks,
Fuel to the desire,
To test out some drinks,
Because nobody will hear,
The trees still wisper "hush,"

We'll fall to the ground,
In drunken mounds,
Not stiring till noon,
Even that's too soon,
We hear leaves swaying,
The trees are wispering "hush,"

We drink some more,
And then there are four
Of us still standing,
'Till we start puking,
And the world goes dark,
And the trees wisper "hush,"
May 2014 · 636
Ashley Haack May 2014
There was this kid once, who went on an adventure-
to Coborns...
(Let's get this straight, right now, this kid wasn't me,)
Following the gray cement pathway she walked,
But the kid had this thing about bugs...
She never did like them much, but she liked them
Even less squished on the sidewalk with guts-
Spewing all over.
So this odd little kid walked purposefully,
But stared at the ground, so as not to trample one
Of those nasty bugs with her relatively clean shoes.
Well, the one time she glanced at the glistening waters
With birds swimming atop, she heard the noise,
Felt the crunch, of a massive cricket.
She didn't have to see it to know what it was,
Every detail of the pancaked thing was etched
Into the bottom of her gorey tennis-shoed foot.
The rest of the way to Coborns, she felt the cricket's body.
It wasn't stuck to her shoe, she was quiet certain,
But the after-image in her mind wouldn't let
The feeling of the cricket out of her thoughts.

On the return trip home, this girl,
(who, just to re-iterate, isn't me), made sure
To stop looking down when she neared the place of
The squashing. And to this day, she still wont
Look down when walking to Coborns.
May 2014 · 470
Not Sleeping
Ashley Haack May 2014
Chilling in a plastic freezer bag,
Waiting for the ground to thaw,
Attempted words of comfort,
"It's like he's sleeping,"
No, he's not. He most definately is not.
Don't tell me he's ******* sleeping.
Three months in our freezer,
So we could bury him in the spring?
In a shovel-dug hole, among the worms,
Covered in those stupid floral flowers?
Frozen stiff from death, and from cold...
Don't even bother with your lies,
He's not ******* sleeping.
RIP Chile
May 2014 · 267
Little Rock
Ashley Haack May 2014
If Earth is like a pebble,
then isn't skipping rocks,
just like destroying planets?
And if it is,
then are we all monsters?
What if the little rock-people,
see what's coming,
and decide to attack us?
What if all these years,
we've been drowning aliens,
just to pass time?
Time spent waiting,
to meet an alien.
May 2014 · 744
Ode to Scars
Ashley Haack May 2014
Remarkable marks marring mankind
Cuts and scrapes, healed long ago
Reminders of a dangerous past
Proof that nothing wont last
Stories of our decisions
Preserved upon fleshy skin
Tattooed secrets of accidents and slips
New and shiny, fade to lines
Ridges and bumps
Beautiful imperfections, they’re signs
That we are growing
And our past is tagging along

So hold on to the memories
Embrace those discolored marks
Be thankful that you have…
Today I got a letter in the mail stating that this poem is going to be published!!!
May 2014 · 358
Creations' Chorus
Ashley Haack May 2014
The pounding bass of thunder from the sky,
Mixing with the whistling whip of wind.
The sizzle of sidewalks in midsummer heat,
Syncronized with the buzz of cicada swarms.
The ripple of water made after a splash,
Followed closely by the lapping of hungry waves.
The dance of daisies, and lillies, and weeds,
In the cooling wind of a spring breeze.
The babbling of a brook in the woods,
With the flips and flops of tumbling water.
This is Creation's Chorus
May 2014 · 574
Ashley Haack May 2014
We hate love, we hate hate,
So let's get together and *******
Oh Luna...
May 2014 · 677
Ashley Haack May 2014
Remember those days.
in that stuffy math classroom?
Shaking your 'poké-walker',
instead of paying attention?
We'd giggle and joke,
yet we still passed the class...
You told me I could have,
Your Lugias...
I cherished them then.
Remember when I'd braid my hair,
so it would be curly when I got to school,
and you called me Kitty?
Remember when you dubbed me Keichi?
Remember all those days in orchesta,
talking smack about Brady?
Remember all those plans we had,
to go off to college together...?
Remember that one secret,
that you never did tell me?
Those Lugias became tethers.
That cheap plastic bracelet,
more precious than gold.
Remember me?
*If you know the person, you know this story*
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